I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 630 628 Professional Courses and Quarrel (12)

Chapter 630 628. Professional classes and quarrels (12)

"We are actually very optimistic about you, and even without telling you, someone has said that you look like Dou Wei when you were young."

"But Dou Daxian makes music by himself, but now I can only say that he has just started."

"But... don't be afraid of being late if you have a good meal, and don't bully young people into poverty. I think this is quite right."

"But... we are afraid. We are afraid that after you leave this environment, you will be coerced by others and completely lost in the feasting and entertainment after you became famous overnight."

"Original intention is a very strange thing... To be honest with you, I don't understand it very well. But I feel that at this moment, what I am saying to you from the bottom of my heart is my original intention."

"I also hope you will not forget your original intention. I hope you make money, but I hope you can keep making money. You should understand the difference between the two."

"Finally, Lao Xu asked me to tell you something. Those who are trapped by fate are all living beings. All living beings are not worthy of heroes."

"Okay, enjoy this night of winning the championship. Congratulations, keep working hard in the future!"

"Let's go, let's go have dinner... Huh? Hello, Lao Xue."

After walking out of Liang Bo's waiting room and looking at Xue Zhixuan chatting with Di Wei, Wang Sicong smiled and said hello.

Xue Zhixuan held his hand with a slightly cautious hand:

"Hello, Mr. Wang. Nice to meet you. My name is Xue Zhixuan."

"Yeah, don't be so polite. We're going to have a late-night snack, shall we?"

Although Wang Sicong understood the meaning when he saw Xue Zhixuan standing here, he still formally sent out the invitation.

This will make the other party look better.

As a man, face is the most important thing when you go out.

"Hey, okay."

Xue Zhixuan was flattered.

"Then let's go."

Wang Sicong took the lead and walked out of the backstage passage.

Just after walking a few steps, I saw the door at the end of the passage opened, and several staff pushing two huge wooden boxes were coming this way.

Although the passage was already very wide, the size of these two wooden boxes was so large that everyone had to stand aside and wait for the workers to walk by.

There was nothing at first, but when the two boxes arrived in front of everyone, Xue Zhixuan glanced at the LOGO on the side of the boxes and was suddenly stunned:


He was surprised and shouted out the brand with the logo on the wooden box.

Wang Sicong, who heard this, responded:

"Well, Steinway, Langlang series pianos."


Xue Zhixuan was a little confused.

A confused look on his face.

The show is over, why are two Steinways shipped over?

Shouldn’t the equipment be shipped out?

And Di Wei also asked in confusion:

"Are there any other programs to record?"

"Well, that's not the case."

Wang Sicong shook his head:

"Tomorrow is Lao Lang's professional class. He chose this. He is going to perform in Austria the day after tomorrow. He will go directly from here. He doesn't want to bother anymore. Studio No. 1 happens to be very suitable for teaching, both in terms of lighting and on-site environment. Not bad, so I put the professional courses here.”


This time, both Di Wei and Tang Yan had surprise on their faces.

After thinking about it, Tang Yan asked:

"Which university is Mr. Lang Lang teaching at now?"

"It's not a college class, it's a private lesson."

Wang Sicong said as he led them out the door.

"Private trainer?...Oh my God, how much does it cost to hire him as a personal trainer?"

"Well, the price is a little lower this time, 1.5 million for two lessons."




The corners of the three people's mouths twitched together.

Looking at Wang Sicong, even Si Wei and Xue Zhixuan, who are in the music industry, were confused:



Wang Sicong nodded, and then after seeing the speechless gazes of the two people, he asked in confusion:

"You don't know?"

"Uh... I didn't know it was so expensive."

"It's pretty cheap."

Hearing Di Wei's words, Wang Sicong shook his head and gave an explanation:

"There will be seven children coming tomorrow. This year he conducted an auction. These seven children were all the people who participated in the auction in the first half of the year. They made an appointment directly during the first class. Lao Lang was too busy this year and was too lazy. It’s a program, so I’ve made an opening. The fee will still be based on the fee for the first half of the year. Otherwise, if you take the second shot, this class will have to be in the 80s to 90s.”


His words made everyone even more dizzy.

Tang Yan couldn't help but ask:

"Brother Cong, what do you mean by auction...?"

"Lao Lang's piano lessons."

"...Lang Lang's piano lessons are auctioned?"

Tang Yan's eyes widened.

Wang Sicong nodded:

"Yeah, you don't know?"

"I... don't know. Is it that kind of auction? Just like an auction house?"

"Yes, he usually cooperates with Sotheby's. He depends on the schedule a year, once or twice a year when he is busy, and three or five times a year when he is free. Anyone who wants their children to learn from him goes to bid, usually The starting price is 500,000. Whoever takes the photo can bring their friends’ children with them. Of course, the money is calculated on a per-head basis.”

"Just wait a moment."

Si Wei couldn't help but interrupt Wang Sicong and asked in surprise:

"On a per capita basis? Then... According to what you just said, Brother Cong, 7 children, two classes, 1.5 million. It's not that everyone pools 1.5 million together, but... 1.5 million for each person !? A total of 10.5 million!?"

"What else? Seven people pooling together 1.5 million? How can it be so cheap? They thought, I'm not happy yet. If we have some free time, why don't we go have a drink."


Si Wei and Tang Yan were fine, but Xue Zhixuan, who had been poor before, couldn't help but wonder... Did you, the old man, have some misunderstanding about the number 1.5 million?

At this moment, Tang Yan asked a very crucial question:

"Then... isn't Lang Lang afraid that someone will lower the price? For example, several parents of children participating in the auction have agreed that no one will bid, and the transaction will be completed at the lowest price..."


Wang Sicong was immediately shocked.

He looked at Tang Yan with a strange look:

"Sister Tang, what are you thinking about? Who would do such a thing?"

"But...it's not cheap."

"It's not cheap, but have you ever thought about what kind of families can afford Laolang courses?

Salary? Well-off?

If nothing else, even middle-class families can’t afford it, right?

The auction is for a single session, half a day. Lao Lang's class starts with two periods. In... the so-called wealthy class, his lessons are a rare opportunity for children to have close contact with the top three artists in the world and to sublimate their piano skills and artistic understanding.

Similarly, for parents, it is an opportunity for communication and communication.

If you take a photo of the course, you can send invitations in your own circle. With 1.5 million, you can expand your social circle and connections. Do you know what a good thing it is for people of this class?

Children can find their own playmates in this class to make progress, learn and communicate together. Two families or even multiple families can use children as a bridge to communicate, cooperate, and broaden their channels in various aspects...

You have to know that families who can afford to take courses are pursuing the goal of making further progress. Who would do such a thing that others may think is stingy? Wouldn't that be embarrassing to yourself? There are also people in the rich circle who despise chains. People who want to take advantage of even 500,000 yuan have the nerve to say that they are rich? "




Wang Sicong's words made the three of them feel dumbfounded.

At this time, the three people truly discovered...

Ah, it turns out that this is how the world of rich people works.

The rules of other people's games, from the very beginning... are fundamentally different from the perspective of "being rich and settling down".

Is Brother Cong right?

As long as you stand from the perspective he said, it is 100% correct.

Children can learn and communicate with the best piano artists in the world.

As parents, they can also use their children as a bond, just like in-laws in ancient times, to broaden their circle through their children as a bridge.

This is Qin Shihuang touching the electric door and being shocked to the point of cramping his legs. Really, a win-win situation, numb.

But when I heard that these two courses cost 1.5 million, my first reaction was to think about how to save money...

And when the idea of ​​"saving money" comes into mind...

It has proven that he is not a real rich man.


Although things are fixed, if you look at them from different angles, you will see different things.

But Wang Sicong's words still gave the three of them unspeakable shock.

As a result...this late-night snack was tasteless.

Wang Sicong looked at a bottle of beer, licked the skewers, and his mouth was full of oil... The three of them thought with rare empathy:

"For Brother Cong, what is the world of the so-called "rich people" like?"

"Hello? Why are you so late... It's been a long time since The Voice ended. What were you doing? Going out with someone else? Where are you?"


After drinking two bottles of beer, Di Wei, who was a little distracted, listened to her girlfriend's words on the phone and replied:

"Went to have dinner with the crew."

She is indeed in no condition at the moment...

Or rather angry.

Everyone has a period of expansion.

Even if she doesn't admit it, in her heart, Di Wei has been quite "satisfied" in the past few months.

His fame is rising like an index. Although he is not surrounded by stars wherever he goes, the media's attention is always on him.

The famous "Xin Girl" made her career in the entertainment industry seem to suddenly expand.

Even if the movie hasn’t been released yet, I don’t know whether it’s good or bad.

But the name of director Xu Xin alone has given him one halo after another.

As people in the entertainment industry, most actors cannot refuse the pleasure brought by this kind of exposure and fame.

The same goes for Si Wei.

Although she had tried her best to stay awake, the ever-present "Sister Si Wei, you are so popular, so popular" mood of the people around her still made her feel a little impetuous.

But the sense of accomplishment brought about by this expansion period has disappeared without a trace today after a small episode.

She suddenly realized that... she seemed to be still very poor.

I’m so poor that I can’t even afford piano lessons worth 1.5 million…

But unfortunately, there are many people who want to get in there.

In the past, she only knew that she could not be called "rich", but what happened today gave her a sense of "I am so poor" that she had never experienced before.

Therefore, when faced with her girlfriend's question, the answer she gave was indeed perfunctory.

But this perfunctoryness was fatal to Lin Zijun.

Because... the reason why she called now was because she had communicated with Xu Dafa before.

I found out that my girlfriend and Wang Sicong went out for barbecue together.

Although there are still Tang Yan, Xue Zhixuan, and those assistants.

But... can those people compare with Wang Sicong?

She saw it with her own eyes on TV, the two of them were "making love"!

But she was still very sensible and endured it until Xu Dafa sent her a message, saying that the call was made after Brother Qi returned to the room.

But now her girlfriend's attitude made her heart sink directly to the bottom.

While her mood sank to the bottom, a fear of losing Di Wei immediately brewed a storm of words in her mouth.

"are you……"

Halfway through the sentence, the rest of the sentence has not yet come out.

Suddenly, Lin Zijun felt a little reckless again.

Quickly change your words temporarily:

"Did you eat with Wang Sicong?"


Di Wei responded.

"He... didn't do anything to you, right? That guy is very good at playing, I'm a little worried..."

"...What are you talking about?"

Si Wei was speechless.

On the one hand, there is the issue of the speechless girlfriend.

On the other hand, there is the person to whom the question of Silent Girlfriend is directed.

Brother Conghua?

After that incident, people on the Internet almost associated him with the word "innocent".

An innocent rich second generation who was deceived by a scumbag and dares to love and hate. This label alone is enough to make many girls eager to try it.

He spent a lot of money.

not to mention……

He is really worthless, and... ever since the two became friends, from Di Wei's point of view, Brother Cong is simply... the top 3 existence among the boys she knows.

Regardless of whether he has money or not, his cultivation and erudition are enough to make him stand out from all the boys.

Such an outstanding person, even passers-by cannot bear to criticize him too harshly.

What's more, we are friends, why are we slandering others like this?

So she continued:

"He is a very good man and also my friend. Don't say that about him, I will be unhappy."


She means it sincerely.

But on Lin Zijun's side, these words were like being struck by lightning.

That fear turned into anger:

"He's so good! A brainless person who is treated like a fool by a bastard is called excellent?"

"are you crazy?"

Si Wei was annoyed.

"He provoked you, and you said that to him? You and he are not familiar with each other. Regardless of whether he is excellent or not, how could you have such great malice? What did he do wrong? What? The second generation of rich people should Are you going to harm an innocent little girl and do something that is harmful to nature? Or do you think rich people like them deserve to be teased? How do you say that?"

"How can I talk?! He doesn't have any good intentions towards you either, you know! Do you think I'm not watching TV? He talks to you in your ear and takes advantage of you..."


Si Wei was stunned.

He leaned close to my ear?

Following her girlfriend's words, she recalled everything in The Voice.

I thought to myself, wasn’t it just me who was chatting with him?

While talking, we only talked a few words in total, while Liang Bo was singing that song.

I took the initiative to talk to him...

He leaned close to my ear?

My ears are a sensitive area, so I let him come close to my ears when I have nothing to do?


"Who are you talking to here about confusing right and wrong?"

"Okay, you still defended yourself? What? Do you like him? Are you in bed?"


Her girlfriend's words made Di Wei's expression change.

Holding the phone, her eyes with artificial double eyelids suddenly turned cold:

"Lin Zijun, I gave you face, didn't I?"

(There is another chapter at 00:02, double update)

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