I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 653 650 No answer

Chapter 653 650. No answer

Headwind has never let go of its overseas film investment business.

Even now, whether it is selling the copyright of "The Voice" or investing in domestic movies, the company... I can't say that it is full of money, but at least the healthy operation is flourishing.

But he still has no intention of giving up investing in movies.

In other words, whether it is Xu Xin or Xu Zhi, everyone maintains a high degree of tacit respect for Sister Mo's overseas business.

To be more realistic, Sister Guangmo's relationship is worth gold.

If she wants to vote in a movie, she can.

Of course, this is a profit-oriented approach, but in fact, in the past two years, Liu Momo has continued to invest in one to two movies a year on average, with no investment, ranging from one to two million US dollars to three to five million US dollars.

It doesn’t matter whether the money is a burden to Nifeng. The most important thing is that she doesn’t lose much money.

Although they don’t earn much, most of them are around the annual expenses of maintaining capital and maintaining overseas branches.

Even if a few lose money, it is normal.

Movies definitely make money and lose money.

Everyone is mentally prepared.

After casting several movies in Europe in the past two years, Liu Momo plans to expand to North America.

Ultimately, the European film environment is too exclusive.

The investment market in North America is relatively open.

But the risks are equally high.

Hollywood, as the loyalist of world movies, has long had a very mature system for commercial movies, except for those independent movies. As for this system, for a foreign company, the first thing that needs to be treated with caution is actually investment.

After all, a movie worth 10 to 20 million US dollars here can only be considered a small production, and the cost can easily reach hundreds of millions... Except for those internationally renowned large companies with countless resources, other small companies can sometimes only stay away.

But Liu Momo still wanted to try.

Let's use the box office capital accumulated in Europe in the past few years to see if we can have a good time without diverting the company's domestic market resources.

She doesn't really care about money.

If she values ​​money and likes money, there is no need to stay abroad for at least 270 days out of 365 days a year. As long as she stays in the country, she will have a steady stream of money.

What she values ​​​​is her own career, or "independent" planning.

In her opinion, European movies, although there are frequent masterpieces. But the atmosphere was lifeless, and she was a little tired of it.

What should I do if I get tired of it?

Change the map.

New beginning.

As a result, the Headwind Division in North America started the film and television investment business.

The reason why she didn't return to China this Christmas was actually because she was busy attending dinner parties for various directors, screenwriters, and actors' unions.

Hollywood holds various cocktail parties at the end of every year. To put it bluntly, they bring people from several parties together so that everyone can get to know each other, thus creating more opportunities for cooperation.

The bald man in front of her was the screenwriter she met at a screenwriter reception.

Derek Kostad.

When everyone met at the cocktail party, for Liu Momo, this person belonged to the lowest level of screenwriters in Hollywood.

He has no masterpiece, and spends most of his time helping other screenwriters polish various scripts.

However, Liu Momo readily agreed to the other party's proposal to keep his contact information.

People say America is free.

But in fact, there is also a strict hierarchy here.

The hierarchy is so strict that unless those at the lower level do something out of the ordinary with their imaginations, they can only wait for the higher-ups to come to them.

In Hollywood, Liu Momo is the same as Derek Kostad.

She belongs to the bottom of the film and television investment and production company.

Derek is at the bottom of the screenwriters bracket.

She knows the rules of the game here.

And that night, there were many people on her phone.

But...perhaps because Christmas was approaching, the other party contacted her after Christmas, and made an appointment at this coffee shop to show her the script he wrote.

Moreover, it seems that in order to increase his favorability, he also brought his cousin...the "Cousin from Tianchaotong" whom the two discussed on the day of the dinner to promote the atmosphere of the negotiation and bring everyone closer.

Liu Momo didn't care about this proposal.

Until, after the two of them sat down, she heard the girl whose Chinese name was Ai Qing ask:

"Nifeng Entertainment, is it the company where Director Xu and Yang Mi work?"

Liu Momo nodded:


Since he is a member of Tianchaotong, it is normal for him to know Xu Xin.

But Ai Qing's second sentence confused Liu Momo:

"Ah?...I am Director Xu's English tutor."

So, after the two of them confirmed with each other that "Director Xu" was Xu Xin, they made the call she just made.

And lament the wonder of fate.

This world... is really too small.

As for Derek Kostad forgetting the script in the car, it doesn't matter at all.


She opened the script and saw the first line:

"The powerful, ruthless Tommy Vick is a retired veteran..."

In the cafe, she began to read the rough story of the script, while Derek Kostad looked like a... high school student waiting for the teacher to review his homework, with a little uneasiness in his eyes.

As for Ai Qing...

She is much simpler.

The people in Director Xu's company are not liars.

that's it.

Therefore, her expression is more relaxed.

Liu Momo read the script very carefully, although she also tried her best to ignore some character dialogues and just focused on the scenes and story.

But it still took her three times for the waiter to pour coffee before she could barely finish reading.

When she put down the script, Derek Kostad sat up slightly.

Liu Momo said nothing.

Instead, he stared at the cold coffee in front of him and put the whole story together.

To be honest, this script... the story is just okay.

It's just that the features are a bit old.

A lone hero received a mysterious package, which triggered a lot of gang chases and other things. In the end, everyone is happy to "save the world".

The story is okay, but... nothing interesting.

After roughly knowing the story, she didn't remember much of the exciting content in the script.

This is the gap in the screenwriter's skill when writing the script.

If the other party could really come up with the kind of script he requested, then everyone wouldn't be sitting here today.

Also being at the "lower level", she naturally doesn't have too high demands on the other party.

Although the story was not outstanding, it could even be said to be mediocre...but she learned one thing from Xu Xin.

The essence of film is to tell a story through pictures.

There are definitely good and bad stories.

But it must be complete.

And this story is a very complete story.

The details are boring, but it’s better to have a beginning and an end.

From the moment the protagonist receives the express package, everything revolves around this package, and the ending is quite neat.

She knew this was the kind of story she needed to establish herself in North America.

Don’t do anything that’s very artistic or too profound.

The story can be shallow, straightforward, or even brainless. Using the most traditional Hollywood model, a qualified script, a qualified director + the most popular actors within the budget, this is the business bible for small-cost movies.

Open the market first, and then slowly look for the needle in the haystack.

Having made up her mind, she finally looked at Derek Kostad:

"Mr. Kostad..."

"Derek, just call me Derek."

"Okay, Derek, what are your thoughts on this story? For example, the director, actors, or even what kind of story do you want to describe..."

Liu Momo asked in Derek Kostad's somewhat surprised eyes.

This started the conversation between the two.

A night of silence.

Xu Xin went straight to Lao Zhu early the next morning with swollen eyelids caused by a hangover.

The green cloth production of "33 Days" was almost completed. After watching it again, he mainly checked the actors' dubbing status.

Surprisingly, Wang Sicong's recording was quite smooth.

Whether it's his emotions or his pronunciation, he's very good at handling them.

Some others had minor flaws. After reading it twice in the morning, he listed the flaws of 17 lines separately and handed them to Xue Yong.

These people all have to come back to work.

However, the rework will be postponed until after New Year’s Day.

When the time comes, he will complete it with everyone.

The work on "33 Days" took him a whole morning to finish. At noon, he had a casual meal in the cafeteria before heading to the airport.

Finally, at 4:30 pm, we arrived downstairs.

Sun Ting is waiting for him.

Or rather waiting for Su Meng.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and the couple are not vampires, so they must give them the holidays they deserve.

After her husband comes back, the assistant is of little use to the young woman.

Leave quickly and don't disturb our two-person world.

"I'm going up."

Xu Xin carried his luggage, waved to Sun Ting and Su Meng, and went directly upstairs.

"Goodbye, Brother Xu, happy New Year~"

After Su Meng finished speaking, Xu Xin had already walked into the unit door waving his hand.

Then, Sun Ting said:

"Let's go, take my car. The New Year's Day gifts from the company are in my car. You can take them with you later."

"Oh, alright."

Su Meng carried her suitcase and followed Sun Ting, all the way to a Mercedes-Benz GLK.

This car costs over 500,000 yuan.

Su Meng didn't ask whether Sister Tingting bought the car herself or if it was a gift from Sister Mi...

Anyway, Brother Xu gave her a Beetle.

Super cute! φ(\u003eω\u003c*)

After Sun Ting helped her open the trunk, she also saw the benefits that Sister Mi had prepared for company employees on New Year's Day.

A box of cordyceps and a box of ginseng.

And a Lancôme cosmetics gift box. Just put it next to the DIOR perfume box.

Su Meng was not surprised.

Sister Mi is famous for her generosity.

According to what Sister Mi said at last year’s annual meeting:

"We are all young people here with Cordyceps Sinensis and Sea Cucumber. We don't need them for the time being. They are given to your parents. You have been working away from home for a year. What your parents are most concerned about is not your performance or how much money you make, but I'm afraid that you will suffer hardship and be tired, and I feel sorry for you. Take these two boxes of gifts home, and you can tell your parents openly that this is your filial piety as a child. Let them not worry, you are fine."

She listened to Sister Mi and returned home with the gift.

Mom and dad are really happy.

But he still complained about her spending money randomly.

And when she said that it was given to her by the company, her parents may have thought... that it was given to her alone. She felt that she was valued by Sister Mi and Brother Xu, and she felt better.

The smile stayed on my face for many days, until on the second day of the new year, my mother kicked me off the quilt because I was sleeping in, and kicked me out of bed...

And this year Sister Mi has prepared so many good things, and dad can make cordyceps soaked in water again and drink it.

She happily put the box in the trunk, and Sun Ting was already waiting for her in the car.

As soon as she got in the car, she saw Sister Tingting handing over a red kraft paper bag.

"Here. This is the holiday red envelope prepared by Brother Xu for you."

Regarding brown paper bags... Su Meng is very familiar with them.

Sometimes she even wondered...if Brother Xu did it on purpose.

My classmates, friends, and other employers pay holiday benefits, usually on their salary cards...

But why does Brother Xu like to use brown paper bags so much?

Or an envelope.

The envelope is ten thousand.

And look at this brown paper bag...it contains at least 30,000 yuan.

No, why can’t the festival fee be credited to the card? It always feels awkward to give someone a brown paper bag.

While she was thinking about it, she opened the bag and took a look inside.

"……fifty thousand!?"

This...it's not the New Year yet!

Brother Xu, what are you doing?

Seeing her surprised look, Sun Ting nodded while driving and pointed to the storage compartment:

"There is a pack of wedding candies in it, and they are yours too. This time, the company's employees' holiday expenses include 10,000 yuan, including the janitor's aunt. Brother Sanshui has a new baby, and everyone is happy together. It was Uncle Xu who gave it to us. So are the wedding candies."


Su Meng smiled happily:

"Hey...Sister Tingting, have you seen the baby?"

"I've seen it. Well... she looks more like a sister-in-law. She has a loud voice and likes to cry, but it's true that she's not as easy to coax as Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang."

"Then... isn't the full moon wine and Brother Xu's wedding together? What should we give as a gift? Sister Tingting, do you want to follow the gift?"

"Not polite, I was just about to tell you this."

Sun Ting's tone became serious:

"Don't mention it here, that's what I think...the gift money must be unified across the company, and Sister Mi won't let you take it too much, but I will give you a quilt myself, a Baina quilt. My mother has already asked for it for me. I bought a lot of cloth and started to make it. You also have some snacks here, whether it is Baijiayi or Baina quilt, you have to show some sincerity, understand? Brother Xu and Sister Mi are so good to us, and Brother Sanshui is Xu My dear brother, don’t fool me by buying some handicrafts or something like that.”

"Yeah, I understand!"

Su Meng nodded vigorously:

"Then I'll tell my mother when I get home. I have a lot of relatives, and the children's clothes are all worn by relatives, so there's nothing wrong with Baijiayi!"

"That's fine."

Hearing this, Sun Ting also relaxed.


That's actually it.

Compare your heart to your heart.

Although at first glance, the wedding of Brother Xu and Sister Mi seems to be "held in the countryside" or "big pot cooking" and does not cost much, but the relatives of Sister Mi's family got shopping cards and travel expenses. The treatment, as well as the scale of the tobacco and alcohol gathering, can be said to be astronomical.

They don't lack money, what they lack is a sincere heart.

Compared with gifts, intentions are obviously more important.

This wedding was a double happiness. For Brother Xu and Sister Mi, she really couldn't think of a way to express her best wishes for their marriage... No need to wish.

The couple is so sticky that anyone with poor ability to accept it can be treated as a small movie banned by the 18-year-old.

Therefore, let’s work on another one, Brother Xu’s little nephew.

The family did not eat at home for dinner.

Xu Xin drove the Volvo and rushed to Hehe with his family and twelve lunch boxes in the trunk.

The confinement center they stayed in was based on hotel standards, and Zhang Qian's standard was obviously presidential suite level.

The dining table is large and sufficient.

It’s natural for the family to get together during New Year’s Eve.

Even though my sister-in-law can only drool over the food on the table and then eat her own nutritious meal honestly, she is still happy in her heart.

But the happiest person is actually Xu Daqiang.

Tonight, the two sons, the two daughters-in-law, the grandchildren are all gathered together, and the in-laws on both sides are also here. This is a happy time for the whole family, even if he can only sit alone at the long table representing the head of the family, but Still very happy.

However, in order to take care of the mother and child, the family drank red wine today.

This is most regrettable...

But isn't that what life is like?

No matter how perfect life is, there will always be some flaws.

But Xu Xin felt a little distressed after seeing his father's smiling face reflected in his pupils.

When he came home this afternoon, his wife told him something.

Just yesterday, for this New Year's Eve, she specially took Xu Daqiang to dye his hair.

In the past, both Xu Xin and she had ignored this detail.

When she went to get her hair dyed yesterday, she watched the barber doing it. After taking a closer look, she suddenly discovered... It turned out that Uncle Xu's black hair was actually "disguise."

He has quite a lot of white hair at the roots.



He was holding the red wine and felt a little uncomfortable.

This family dinner actually didn't last long. Even if the house was well-soundproofed, it was not easy for the family to eat and drink as if no one else was around and just like at home.

Not quite right.

So, when each person drank a full glass of red wine, it was over.

After it was over, Xu Xin proposed, Xu Miao followed, and Xu Daqiang finally made the decision:

"Let's go smoke."

Three men who were no strangers to this hospital visited the pavilion in the small garden again at night.

It was the twelfth lunar month of winter and I lit up a cigarette.

"Is it cold?"

"not cold."

"It's warm."

Hearing the brothers' responses, Xu Daqiang nodded and felt relieved:

"Tuck everything in, I'm catching a cold!"

They are obviously adults, but his tone is still the same as before.

Then he watched the brothers lift up their down jackets almost instinctively and tuck their clothes into their trousers. Then he raised his head with satisfaction and looked at the gray sky...


The face of the northern Shaanxi man was full of dissatisfaction:

"The pollution in Yanjing is serious! This year, not to mention the stars, the moon is all misty..."

Hearing this, Xu Miao said:

"PM2.5 has been so high these days that it's scary! Wear a mask when you go out~"

"Really? I don't feel anything."

Xu Xin looked like he had an itchy head.

His role at home has always been that of a mischief-maker.

This statement is very consistent with the character.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Xu Miao rolled her eyes.

Xu Daqiang spoke directly:

"I told you, why don't you just watch the news! Then don't all major national affairs depend on the news? ... Or the director! It's not embarrassing!"


Xu Xin laughed twice.


"Dad, how about you find an aunt to take care of you?"


Xu Miao was stunned.

Xu Daqiang was speechless.

Why are you talking about this?

"Drink too much?"

He couldn't help but ask.


Xu Xin shook his head:

"It's just that... I feel like you're too lonely, Dad... Are you there now?"


Xu Daqiang was stunned again.

The silence this time was about three or four seconds.

After three or four seconds, he shook his head:


Xu Xinxin said, why don’t you tell the truth?

So I asked again:


He said to himself, "Can't you just make it clear?"

As long as you point it out, I will immediately change my name to aunt.

But who would have thought that Xu Daqiang still shook his head and became a little impatient:

"What do you care about? Just take care of yourself. How old are you? You don't even read the news... Sanjin, you are already a father, it's time to grow up..."

The old father’s nagging mode is on.

But Xu Xin didn't accept this trick at all.

He has grown up, but his body has not been taken away.

If the father had something to do with him, he wouldn't have let him live as a little ancestor.

"Ah! Dad! Tell the truth to me! You and Sanshui both agree, yousa... right, Sanshui."


The corners of Xu Miao's mouth twitched...

Take another puff of cigarette...

In the decision between the strict father and the "treasonous son", it was rare that he took the side of the treasonous son:

"That's right, dad, you and Sanjin both want someone to take care of you..."


This time, Xu Daqiang stopped talking.

After looking at the two of them blankly for a while, he suddenly stood up and came to the two brothers.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he rubbed the brothers' heads with his two strong hands.

While rubbing it, he said:

"What nonsense. Dad's life is very good. I see you two are getting married and have children... Even if I go down to see your mother, I have an explanation... The babies have grown up..."

The emotion in his words burned with the cigarette held in the corner of his mouth.

Then it disappeared as the soot drifted away.

The man from northern Shaanxi looked at his two outstanding sons with kind eyes.

As for the topic just now...

In the end, he didn't give an answer.

By the way, my wife also has a problem with her teeth. Her... bone related to the teeth (I don't know where it is, she didn't explain clearly) was born with a piece of bone missing. As a result, when the teeth were used, they kept squeezing the boneless area, causing the entire tooth to collapse. It is deformed, causing the roots of the teeth to be extremely shallow and may fall out at any time.

And her four wisdom teeth all grow sideways... I can't tell for sure, but the doctor said her condition is very serious.

She went for a checkup this Wednesday, and the doctor asked her to come in next Tuesday to decide on the final treatment plan.

One thing is certain, that is, she needs to have all four wisdom teeth extracted, because if they are not extracted, the wisdom teeth that grow sideways will continue to push against the teeth without bones.

If the plan is confirmed on Tuesday...then I will definitely have to follow on the day of tooth extraction, so I may not be able to update for one day starting from next Tuesday. And depending on the severity of my wife’s condition, I may not be able to update very much in the next one or two days. Stablize.

Let me tell you first, I'm sorry.

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