I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 661 658 This world, let’s make an appointment to go shopping together

Chapter 661 658. Let’s make an appointment to go shopping in this world together

In fact, Xu Xin never thought that her wedding would receive so many blessings.

To put it mildly, I get yelled at every day by people saying “dog, dog, dog”. Now the word “dog” has become a joke on the Internet. Although they are all well-intentioned, the situation of people shouting and beating is more real than Enoki mushrooms.

So many people are shouting every day to kill the dog and snatch the honey. As soon as the wedding ceremony of the two was held, netizens not only sent blessings such as happy wedding, but also said "/cry" and it made him burn incense.

To be honest, celebrity marriage is not rare news after all. Whether it is marrying into a wealthy family or getting married in the industry... this kind of thing is not without precedent.

It's just to see how lively it is.

Why do people all over the country send you blessings when you get married?

Is it your fault?

Not realistic.

Even to put it bluntly, there is a question mark as to whether the people who call for weddings are sincerely inviting people, or whether they are asking people to pay back the bride price.

Therefore, he never thought or expected that his wedding would cause such a big fuss.




When he felt the blessing in the roaring tsunami of more than 10,000 people, he felt his brain buzzing, and a stream of hot blood rushed straight into Tianling Gai.

Inexplicably, I have the urge to "let me run around naked to cheer everyone up".

Although unrealistic, it feels unparalleled sincerity.

Apart from this bow and the clasping of hands to say thank you as he walked along the road, he really didn't know how to repay these lovely... fans or viewers.

It's not like he has never experienced a tsunami with more than 10,000 people.

But that's the Olympics.

This is really the first time I have ever thanked him personally.

So much so that he was floating all the way.

Floating, he came to a separate area under the middle of the stage.

Similar to the "convex" shape, it is not far from other spectators, but there is a channel about one meter wide in the middle, which isolates the two sides.

This is Wang Sicong's design.

On the one hand, he thought that since everyone was an insider and there were women, it would be more appropriate to keep some distance.

Secondly... I held a concert specifically for my friend, so he must be a little special.

He is the groom's official.

And the most "vulgar" thing is that when Xu Xin came to the seat, he found his own seat without having to distinguish.

Damn it, Wang Sicong, you really deserve to die!

I finally know why you laughed so hard just now.

Others are individual folding chairs.

No different from other viewers.

But only Xu Xin and Yang Mi... they share a row of seats!

It looks like it was stolen from somewhere, and it still has a very European style!

This is nothing.

The most important thing is that there is... I don't know if it was glued on it or painted on it, the wedding photos of the two of them!

In the wedding photo, there was a photo of two people covering their mouths with maple leaves and kissing. This bastard got it from somewhere and printed it on it.


All of a sudden, he woke up.

His eyes suddenly became fierce:

"Holy crap! This bastard!"


Yang Mi burst out laughing.

In full view of everyone, she smiled, took Xu Xin's hand and sat down, then quickly took out her mobile phone. She dodged to the left, pushed Xu Xin to the right, and exposed the back of the chair where the two were kissing. .

Hold the phone up at a 45-degree angle and make a V-shaped gesture for world peace:

"Honey, look at the camera!"

"What a bullshit. I don't even have the nerve to look at it!"

Xu Xin settled the matter angrily, but still honestly made a dent with his wife, leaving behind an extremely miserable photo.

Then, he stepped on the artificial turf on the ground.

The foot feeling is quite normal. I don’t know how the family treated this area after the LED screen was removed.

Thinking of this, he let out a sigh of relief:


He turned to Yang Mi and said:

"I remember back then."


"No, I have been here for more than half a year in 0708. I have tried again and again, including screen strength, wire life, voltage load, etc. A group of people have been here for so long...things and people have changed."

He sighed and stepped on the ground with his foot again.

The tactile feedback of artificial turf seems a bit weak.

He couldn't help but think about the feeling of his feet when he stepped on the LED screen...

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, the lights of the concert went out with a "pop" sound.

The entire stadium fell into darkness.

The audience fell silent...

Then, irrepressible cheers sounded again:


Amidst the cheers, the entire screen lit up.

First, a big, bright golden number appeared: 10.

Immediately afterwards...

Xu Xin and Yang Mi were in Canada. The wedding photos of him wearing knight armor and Yang Mi wearing a princess dress caught everyone's attention.



Against the red maple background, the cheers rose again.

But Xu Xin looked at his wife speechlessly. Yang Mi didn't need to interpret the meaning of his words, so she just said:

"He asked me to pass, but I didn't expect him to play like this..."

But before Xu Xin could speak, the photo disappeared and the numbers reappeared.


He finished speaking...

He was publicly executed...

Then he began to stare viciously at the prodigal woman next to him.

He didn't believe that Lao Wang would post photos of the two of them without the permission of this prodigal bitch!

This bitch...has a bad conscience! ! !

At this moment, Xu Xin, whose ears started to turn red, suddenly regretted it.

Why the hell should I marry you...

Why should I get a contract marriage certificate with you?

Ahhhhh! I want to divorce you! ! ! !

Are you still making it impossible for your husband to live?

Where is Yang Mi...

She also felt guilty.

But fortunately, after the number 9 appears, it is 8.

After 8, it’s 7.

Then, with the whole audience counting down together, and with the last word "1", a storm blew up like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. In the last picture, the two of them were in the photo studio, wearing white shirts, with a red background as the background. , a photo post that is more in line with a wedding in China, dyeing the entire night sky of the sacred tree into a happy red.



The prelude of "Qili Xiang" started.


"Hua la la la la la..."


Cheers come as expected!

When the lights in the entire venue came on, Jay Chou's happy-sounding prelude exploded instantly!

Wearing suits representing BESTMAN, he and Lang Lang took the stage with backup dancers, one on the left and one on the right.

One person stands and sings, and the other person sits and plays.

"The sparrows outside the window! Talking too much on the telephone pole~"

"Say~this sentence. It feels very summer~"


"Jay Chou!!!"

"Jay Chou!!!!!"

"The pencil in my hand goes back and forth on the paper..."

After a brief moment of cheers and noise, a chorus broke out from the audience.

He doesn't even need to sing.

He just needs to continue playing the accompaniment, and the rest... we will do it ourselves!

Not only inside and outside the venue, on the roadside and in the square, everyone's ears are filled with the songs that belong to themselves and their idols.

Everyone cheered.

Everyone is singing along.

Including Xu Xin and Yang Mi, who thought they were dead just now.


I'm interested.

He had obviously planned to divorce Yang Mi just now, but when the melody gradually moved towards the chorus, Xu Xin had already quietly held his wife's hand.

At this moment...the two of them were either Liu Zhishi or Liu Yifei.

It is no longer visible.

With affection in his eyes, he hummed this song that he almost knew by heart, holding his wife's hand and raising it high... Although it was a little hasty this time and he didn't prepare a light stick, but it didn't matter.

Countless hands with the same thoughts as Xu Xin were raised.

In the cold wind.

On a cold night, sway to this song as sweet as summer.

Humming a song called "Happiness".


"At this moment, I just want to kiss your stubborn mouth!!...Yu..."

When the second chorus started, Xu Xin's voice suddenly got stuck in his throat like a duck.

No in, no out, no increase, no decrease.

And the music in the whole place was instantly quiet.

There was complete silence, and the audience's singing stopped abruptly when they realized something was wrong.



After half a second of silence, cheers and laughter suddenly started.

Because, at this moment, the screen broadcasting the concert suddenly split into two, and one half showed Jay Chou and Lang Lang leaning in front of the piano, one singing and the other playing.

As for the other half...a camera with a red light on focused on the couple whose hands were frozen in the air...or Xu Xin himself.

If it were just facing him, he wouldn't have such a reaction.

Here comes the point.

On the half of the screen pointed at him, there was a "" symbol.

The lines are full of that...

At once……

Very inferior feeling.

The pink picture frame with blooming flowers is like the "good morning" emoticon sent by the elderly in the group at around six o'clock in the morning.

The more inferior the quality, the more inferior it will be.

However, this one framed both Xu Xin and Yang Mi inside.

And above , there are four English letters:


think about it.

As a sociophobic patient, you are in a concert specially held for you with tens of thousands of people watching. Suddenly, there is no music in the whole place, and the camera is fixed in front of you, asking you to kiss your wife...

How come others don’t know.

At this moment, Xu Xin wished he could have a cerebral thrombosis and just "ga" it over...

No need to ask. Besides a hot man, who else could this full of bad taste be?

Wang Sicong......

Sun thief.

There must be no other person besides him!


"Kiss me!!!"


Amid the booing, Jay Chou and Lang Lang both had evil smiles on their faces, but they remained motionless. One of them was sitting on a chair, raising one hand towards the band.

One of them had the microphone right next to his mouth, but he didn't say a word.

Both of their heads were staring at the big screen at the same time.

Just waiting.

Waiting for you little mushroom! ! ! !

Why do you bully a sociophobic patient like this!

Xu Xin wanted to die at this moment.

However, he forgot... some things don't necessarily require a man to take the initiative.

Next to him, there was a Sheniu sitting.

After understanding what her friend meant, Yang Mi smiled.

Is your husband shy?

It doesn't matter.

I come!

Facing the camera, she casually put her hands in front of her face and raised three fingers.


She turned to face her red-faced husband.


She held her husband's chin with one hand.


When her gesture appeared, Lang Lang's hand fell instantly.

Jay Chou's voice blended with the band's perfect timing, just like the kiss on the screen:

"It rained all night, and my love overflowed like rain!"

“The fallen leaves in the yard are filled with my thoughts!!”

"A few words of right and wrong can't cool down my enthusiasm!!"...

Perfect timing, paired with a perfect kiss.

The perfect piano and singer, coupled with the perfect audience cheers.

From the very beginning, the tone was set.

Super sweet warning for everyone!

No sweets, no money!

So, amid the cheers and applause, the photo frame disappeared, and Yang Mi finally let go of her husband.

She smiled and asked quietly amidst the cheers:

"Is it sweet?"

Xu Xin didn't respond, just smiled loudly at her, sang, and told her:

"You appear on every page of my poems~~"

And Yang Mi was smiling.

She smiled and swayed along with the song. Faced with her lover's affectionate confession, her response was to continue singing along with the song.

"All night~"

She put her hand on her heart and told Xu Xin:

"My love overflows like rain."

"Butterflies on the window sill are like beautiful chapters flying in a poem."

"I'll keep writing!"

"Write loving you forever at the end of the poem~"

The hand left his heart and placed it on the heart of his lover.

She smiled and sang together with Jay Chou on the stage:

"You are the only one I want to know~~~~~~~~"

Although it is just singing, although this song is well known and familiar to everyone.


At this moment, only two people know that every lyric here is like a promise from him/her to her/him.

My love for you is as endless as the overflowing rain.

Write my love for you into the poem that belongs to my soul.

A song ends.

Amid the cheers, Xu Xin held his wife's hand tightly again.

Never let go again.

Logically speaking, after singing this song, Jay Chou and Lang Lang can talk, such as saying hello to the audience.

But neither of them did.

Almost immediately after the last note of "Qili Xiang" came to an end, the sound of the piano in the hands of the world's greatest piano artist quietly changed.

The piano takes the lead and other music follows.

The incomparable classic melody resounded in the night sky again:

"The amber dusk is like sugar in the beautiful distance~"

“You have no makeup on your face but I’m crazy in love~”

"My thoughts and shadows are stretched together in the evening~"

"The admission ticket in my hand will accompany me in counting sheep~"

The uninterrupted "Garden Party" is given to Axin and Mimi, and also to everyone.

Since it’s sweet, then make it sweet to the end.

But this time, the annoying heart-shaped frame did not appear again.

In the entire song, there is only one shot of the couple.

Yang Mi leaned on his shoulder.

The two of them were swaying and singing to the rhythm of the music.

Like an eternal garden party.

Never leave.

Let’s make an appointment to visit this world together.

I just came back from Yanjing in the afternoon, and the doctor approved our plan, because my wife’s tooth is indeed a serious one...but it’s not a waste of time. There are some small changes, but I won’t talk about them here. . It’s only 8,000 today, and the wedding plot should be over tomorrow.

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