I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 666 663 Tacit understanding

Chapter 666 663.Tacit understanding

10 o'clock in the evening.

Peace returned to the small courtyard.

Xu Xin walked out of the bathroom, put the broom and garbage bucket in the corner, looked at the two little guys' arms that were as white as lotus joints and complained helplessly:

"Now I can finally understand that when I was a kid, every time I went to climb Coal Mountain, my dad would beat me up with a hammer when I came home. It was too dirty... It felt like the coals had been swept away and dried. It can even boil a pot of water.”

Hearing this, Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, you said that the child was playing casually. What's wrong? Do you regret it?"

"Just make sarcastic remarks."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes, turned to look at the clock on the wall, and found that it was already 10 o'clock, and asked:

"Has our dad come back?"


Yang Mi shook her head slightly, and then said in a very cryptic manner:

"If it were me, I wouldn't come back. "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has just finished filming. It's like I've been filming for a few months. When you see me...are you willing to come back?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't help but gnash his teeth.

I always feel a little ashamed.

I was busy all morning today and slept all afternoon.

He really didn't meet Sister Bingbing very often.

And now listening to his wife's words...thinking of the images in his mind...he started to get goosebumps.

He simply stopped saying anything and came to the bedside. After tucking the two children into bed, he said to his wife:

"Shall we have a wedding tonight?"

"The bridal chamber."

Yang Mi said something casually while chatting on her phone.

"Then I have a request."

"Okay, the child is mine."


Xu Xin was speechless:

"are you crazy?"

"It's you who is sick, and your illness is not serious...Xu Sanjin, can we restrain ourselves from our not-so-serious habits? You said you're fine, just watch the next movie in the Flower Marriage series...I only have one thing Clothes are still my best memories! You destroy my beautiful memories just for the sake of excitement...Are you still a human being?"

"If I weren't a human being... I would go to other brides to find excitement."


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, then completely speechless:

"What do you mean? The wedding must be followed by the affix of the husband's current crime?"

"You know a lot!"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

But I still try to fight for it...

"I'll be careful...pay attention...make sure it doesn't get dirty..."


The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched, looking at her lover who had been stained all day because of this incident.

After thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly rolled:

"It's not impossible..."

"I'm going to get the clothes! Where did you put them!?"

Xu Xin suddenly stood up and rushed towards the closet.


Yang Mi suddenly stopped him:

"I haven't finished speaking yet. Then you must agree to my request~"

"...You say it! I will agree to any of your hundred requests!"


She smiled half-heartedly.

Although Xu Xin felt a little numb and had ominous premonitions one after another, he still nodded vigorously:


"Okay. Then I will let you rush this time. Next time you will go to Hunan Tailu Base Camp."


For a moment, Xu Xin was speechless.

Then he cursed very unhappily:

"Has your conscience been eaten by dogs? You made such an excessive request!"

"This is the price. Baby~"

The bride lying on the bed seemed to be smiling but not smiling:

"The box office of "Hawthorn Tree" has almost exceeded 400 million. Everyone knows that you still have "33 Days of Love" in your hand... Even if Qian Pengcheng doesn't come to you, others will come to me. Please You won't go after two or three years... It's really inappropriate. It won't be easy for me to explain after you do this, right? Yang Ying's drama is still going to be released, and I plan to leave Baozi and Jiaojiao there... Don't forget Yeah, I also want to put Shishi’s drama on a good TV station... We can only become friends if we come and go."

What she said makes sense though.

But Xu Xin was still very resistant.

There is no other reason, just like some people are afraid of heights, some people can't see dense things, and some people are kind-hearted and can't see the poor.

One of the most important reasons why he didn't join "Happy Camp" was that he couldn't stand the host named Xie Na.

In his heart, Li Xiang was the Bai Yueguang of his childhood.

One of my favorite parts was the part at the base camp where she and He Jiong were hosting, and they used the cheers from the crowd to compete to see who would win. Every time he saw the arched lamppost above the studio, he would be particularly happy.

When he was a child, every time there was a competition, he would cheer along in front of the TV and cheer for the people he supported.

But since Li Xiang left and Xie Na was replaced...Xu Xin watched a few episodes and felt that that person's hosting style was like a lunatic. And the most important thing is...

She is so ugly.

It feels very long.

Rarely had he disliked a person so much.

But... thank that person. Maybe it was because of Li Xiang, or maybe he was born to be aggressive, but he really didn't like it.

Therefore, Hunan TV station sent invitations countless times, but Xu Xin refused every time, and even resisted his wife's participation in the show.


"It's just a piece of clothing, does it have to be so vicious!"

He tried to make a last ditch effort.

The top and bottom are in a crazy line.

The war between reason and impulse is about to break out.

Where is Yang Mi...

Nor spoke.

First, she gently held the two children aside, then walked around her husband and took out a box from the closet.

The box is opened...

The pearl white fishtail skirt caught Xu Xin's eyes.

She untied her hair and fiddled with it twice.

After taking out the fishtail skirt and putting it on the bed, she looked at her husband:

"How's it going? Have you thought about it?"


Xu Xin kept wandering between the wedding dress and his wife's body.

Full of struggle.

And also tried to fight back:

"Can...can you change the conditions?"

Seeing this, Yang Mi smiled slightly.

He stood up and walked to the closet again.

Just when Xu Xin was wondering what else she was going to do...

She took out a ball of "cloth" in her hand.

There is black and there is white.

Then carefully lay it flat next to the fishtail skirt.

A single piece of white silk.

A single Balenciaga.

And a single big red edge.

Just like displaying goods, she gestured with her hands and looked at her husband with a half-smile:

"Choose one. One leg, mix and match, or... you want them all?"

She started upping the ante.


Xu Xin broke through the defense immediately.

But at the same time, I had some doubts:

"You only have two legs...Why do I want all three stockings?"

Yang Mi shrugged casually:

"One of them is on the head."


Xu Xin opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Do you think she is outrageous?

It is simply outrageous for my mother to open the door for me. It is outrageous to be a Taoist.

But... what he thought of was a combination arrangement formula.

Flower marriage + fugitive = pure land of bliss?


Which cadre can withstand this test?

So, I decided to hit the road with a full meal...

He spoke the final verdict:

"The left leg is red and the right leg is white, Balenciaga...I've been a little tired recently..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi picked up the big red edge and white silk carefully and held it in her hand like a leather whip.

There was no pride in the look in her husband's eyes.

On the contrary, I feel some sympathy.



So easy to do.


Xu Xin spent the most perfect wedding night in her life.

How perfect is it?

Hmm...it's the kind of person who smashes it in the mouth the next morning and still has a fragrant taste on his lips and teeth.

I feel extremely comfortable.

And early in the morning on the 16th, according to logic, the daughter-in-law had to serve tea to her parents-in-law to say hello.

Yang Mi deliberately got up early.

After discovering that her father-in-law didn't come home at night, she started doing morning exercises in the yard as usual.

While doing the standing exercises in the morning, the sound of a car engine sounded.

Xu Daqiang drove back by himself.

Yang Mi, who had seen everything, did not say a word, but shouted with a smile:


Xu Daqiang was stunned for a moment...

Then he smiled happily:

"Hey~ Are you hungry? Are you going to cook? Sanjin is up?"

"No, don't worry about it. I'll go and cook for you after I take the work."

"All right!"

Seeing that his daughter was so distressed, he nodded with a smile, said "be careful of catching a cold", and then entered the house.

After Yang Mi finished practicing for a while, she forcibly pulled her husband up.

After the two of them served tea to Xu Daqiang personally, the ceremony was completely completed.

Where is Xu Xin...

Don’t ask too many questions and don’t talk too much.

Before 9 o'clock, four dishes and one soup were put on the table.

Counting the dishes left for the host's family from the wedding banquet, the family sat around the table and started their own breakfast.

It was also the first day of married life.

At noon, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling packed their luggage and planned to say goodbye.

They want to return to Yanjing.

My daughter got married, but she still had to go home on the third day.

You have to go back early and wait.

When the two left, Xu Xin and Yang Mi finally saw Liang Binning, who had arrived late.

Everyone said hello as usual.

Including Xu Daqiang.

He looked extremely polite.

But in Xu Xin's eyes, the old man's expression revealed a hint of desire.

And Liang Binning... didn't know why. Although the fair-faced and rosy Sister Bingbing is full of youth, her eyes are a little evasive.

Not very natural.

They didn't even dare to say hello to the old man.

But the couple pretended not to see it.

I watched my parents and Sister Bingbing get into the business car driven by Li Hao.

"Dad, Mom, Sister Bingbing, have a nice journey."

"Have a nice trip, in-laws."

The three of them stood at the door of their house smiling and waving goodbye.

Liang Binning smiled and hugged Yang Mi:

"Goodbye, the most beautiful bride."

"Hehe~ Sister, I'll treat you to dinner when we return to Yanjing."

"Yeah!...Mr. Xu, goodbye."

Hearing this, Xu Daqiang nodded with a smile:

"Okay, okay, goodbye."

Finally, the car drove away.

After Xu Xin waved goodbye, he glanced at the old man.

Then he turned around and said to his wife in a very artificial way:

"Sister Bingbing looks really good today."

"Yeah, very good."

He praised, and so did Yang Mi.

Maybe Daqiang...

He had already turned around and walked towards the yard.

The grandson and granddaughter were digging at the coal pile again.

I'm calling him together.

After the father-in-law and mother-in-law left, the house became completely quiet.

The family began to have family happiness.

Except for Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang who were covered in soot and were prohibited from touching Xu Dabao...

In the afternoon, Xu Yang and the others came to find Xu Xin.

They also have to go back to the Magic City.

There are a lot of things going on over there.

Since being led by Xu Xin to take shares against the wind, after two years of training, these former second-generation coal workers have also been struggling in the modern city where finance and entertainment are intertwined, and they have matured rapidly. .

Career is on the up.

The child also took the right path.

Therefore, this time, the gifts given by Xu Xin's elders and uncles were particularly heavy.

On the one hand, it is congratulations, and on the other hand, it is thanks.

The children at home are not lazy, but are busy with their careers in Shanghai.

There's business.

No matter his words, deeds, or temperament, they all noticed it.

More and more pleased.

After bidding farewell to these people, the time came at night.

Yang Mi fully developed the spirit of a good wife and mother.

Zhang Luo's meal in the evening almost made Zhang Qian go crazy after eating the confinement meal until she vomited.

So fragrant.

So greedy.

Unfortunately, she hasn't eaten yet.

Xu Miao was the one who suffered in the end.

Although Xu Miao was innocent, she could only smile with her face and coax her daughter-in-law not to be angry...

Confinement period.

The feud between confinement is irreconcilable.

And after dinner in the evening, today happens to be Sunday.

Xu Daqiang originally thought he was looking for a variety show to watch, but when he changed the channel, he saw the Six Princess movie channel.

"Heroes" was playing inside.

Seeing this, he simply stopped changing the channel.

I let my grandson and granddaughter crawl around on me, go up mountains and down rivers, sit on the climbing mat and watch TV.

During this period, Xu Daqiang also answered several phone calls.

Compared to Apple, he still prefers Samsung’s W series flip covers. Take it out to save face.

Although my son was assigned an Apple, almost no one called that number.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's a brick.

The caller was from the mine, and he mainly wanted to report to him the coal production situation that day, how many trucks were produced, how many tickets were issued, and so on.

Report at a fixed time.

After the report, people who know the boss's habits well, unless they have something particularly important, will only have tomorrow if they want to find Xu Daqiang again.

Everyone knows that the boss doesn’t like to answer the phone at night.

So, within about ten minutes, one call after another came in. The ringtone "Let's go to the dock together" on the Samsung mobile phone is endless.

Xu Xin and Xu Miao were both used to it and didn't think it was anything.

Yang Mi took Zhang Qian to do maternal yoga.

It was originally peaceful.

During this period, Xu Miao also asked Xu Xin when he could make a costume film like "Hero".

This movie is so beautiful.

Then Xu Xin began to educate his brother about the strengths and weaknesses of this film, or why the old man shot a certain scene the way he did, how he found the shooting angle, etc...

His language is easy to understand, and even a layman Xu Miao can understand it clearly.

Even Xu Daqiang pricked up his ears.

Apparently, he also enjoyed listening to his second son talk about these things.

That not only represents the professional level of Sanjin as a director...

To the old father, it represents the excellence of his own children.

And after watching it for a while, the King of Qin played by Chen Daohuan on the TV had already shouted out the sentence "You are lying.", causing the candlelight to tremble in front of Wuming played by Jet Li...


"Can I hold you, baby~let me cry on your shoulder~"

"If we were to separate today ~ let me cry happily..."

The sudden ringing of the phone made Xu Xin subconsciously turn around and look at his old man.


Old man listens to Zhang Huimei?

Then he saw his father take his son and daughter off his lap:

"Okay, grandpa is going to take a call."

Yangyang is okay.

Compared with his sister's noisy behavior, this child actually has a temper similar to Xu Xin's more often.

If you have someone to play with you, you can play for a long time with a toy or a drawing board if you don’t have anyone with you.

But Nuan Nuan can't do it.

She was unhappy when her grandfather took her down.

Holding Xu Daqiang’s legs:

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

Xu Daqiang, whose bones immediately softened when the little girl shouted, said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, let's go, grandpa will hold me~"

Then, amid the ringtone of "Can I hold you, love?", he hugged his granddaughter and went straight upstairs.

"Hello?...Oh, you've eaten..."

The sound disappeared at the stairs.


Xu Xin thought for a while, withdrew his gaze, and continued to watch "Hero" with Xu Miao.

Just started to murmur in my heart.

During the entire wedding period, the phone of my biological father, who was the backbone of the marriage, would ring many times every day.

He was already immune to it when he heard the ringtone of "Crossing the Pier" that said "It's not that my brother doesn't love you~".

And in so many days, this was the first time he heard a ringtone other than "Into the Pier".

Still a love song...

Apparently the caller number is a special treat.

And this treatment...don't talk about yourself.

Even Xu Miao, the top loyal minister of the old Xu family, was not treated like this.


He glanced at the time on the wall.



Yang Mi walked into the room without blushing or out of breath.

"Brother Sanshui, the child is sleepy, and my sister-in-law wants to take a medicinal bath."


Xu Miao nodded and stood up.

"Go to bed early."

After admonishing his younger brother and sister-in-law, he walked out.

As soon as he left, Yang Mi locked the door.

"Where's Nuannuan?"

"I'm playing with my dad upstairs."

"Well, stop playing. The medicated bath powder I bought for strengthening the spleen and digesting food has also arrived. The children have eaten a lot of mutton in the past two days. I am afraid that they will get angry, so I will take them to take a bath."


Xu Xin nodded and picked up his son who was drawing something unknown on the small magnetic drawing board:

"Let's go, mom will take you to take a bath..."

Yang Mi had already walked upstairs ahead of the two of them.

Although the elderly room on the first floor has been vacated as a wedding room for the two of them.

But neither she nor Xu Xin was used to living there.

I still like the "hut" between the two of them.

But yesterday was the bridal chamber, so I definitely couldn’t leave. It's okay today, I'll go back to sleep wherever I need to go.

She made her way to the master bedroom and vaguely heard voices inside.

So he knocked on the door:



"I'll take Nuannuan to take a bath."

"Oh okay. Come in."

Yang Mi pushed the door open and walked in, and then she saw her father-in-law walking towards him with the phone under his neck and Nuannuan in his arms.

She took it.

Turned around and walked out.

When he returned to his house, the sound of gurgling water could be heard in the bathroom.

Xu Xin was looking at the efficacy of the medicated bath powder he had just arrived today.

After seeing her come in, he suddenly asked:

"What is our dad doing?"

"I don't know who to call."

Yang Mi didn’t think much about it.



Xu Xin didn't say anything, nor did he explain the "details" he discovered.

Just turned around and looked at the time.


8:30, 9:15...a total of 45 minutes.

Good guy.

It’s almost time to catch up with who I was back then.

This sticky...

Seeing that he was a little distracted, Yang Mi also asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

"It's alright."

Xu Xin shook his head, rummaged through the pile of packaging bags in his hand, and found medicated bath powder with the effect of "strengthening the spleen."

"How to use this powder?"

"Tear it open and put it in the basin. Test the water temperature, don't make it too hot... Then go downstairs and get those little duck toys..."

"Oh, okay."

The couple began to help the two little ancestors take a bath in an orderly manner.

As for my father...

This night, Xu Xin didn't even mention it.

never mind.

Just pretend you don’t know anything.


Xu Dafa drove the car uneasily.

Compared to the monotony of Shenmu County, Yanjing is much more prosperous.

It's already past 9 o'clock, and there's still a traffic jam.

But it doesn't matter if you're stuck in traffic... drive slowly and you'll always reach your destination.

What made her even more uncomfortable was Brother Qi in the back seat...

"I've told you a thousand times, I'm here to be the bridesmaid! I was invited to be the bridesmaid, Director Xu was kind to me, Sister Mi thought highly of me, so I went! The best man and the groomsmen themselves had a group photo! Have you had enough trouble!?"

"...Are you done yet? I've been busy and tired all day at the company, and you're telling me this?"

"I said, if you don't believe me, you can come with me this time. You didn't come on your own!"

"...Okay, okay. Okay. You can think whatever you want, I'm too lazy to explain."

"Attitude? Are you telling me your attitude? I told you, if you don't believe me, you can ask Dafa."

"...Then do you want you to put a camera on me and monitor me 24 hours a day?"

"Okay, stop talking, I don't want to hear you talk anymore."


Hearing this breath, Xu Dafa glanced vaguely through the rearview mirror.

I found that Brother Seven had stopped calling.

I just sat in the back row and stared out the window.

But now, Xu Dafa, who had been stuck on this road section for several minutes, finally waited until the traffic light turned green, accelerated quickly, and was the first to rush out of the traffic light.

But it was this acceleration that brought Di Wei back to her senses.

She glanced in the direction ahead and suddenly said:

"Fafa, let's go, we won't look for her anymore."


Xu Dafa was stunned and said tentatively:

"But...it'll be here soon."

"Turn right. Come back to me."

Si Wei said, leaning on the seat and closing her eyes:

"go home."


Obviously there were still two intersections to reach Brother Lin, but after hearing this, Xu Dafa still turned right and merged the car into the right turn lane.

At this moment, she heard Brother Seventh murmur from behind:

"I'm really...enough."


Xu Dafa vaguely raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror again.

But I saw that Brother Qi's face was hidden in his messy short hair, and his expression could not be seen.

After thinking for a while, she said:

"Brother, do you want to listen to music? Apple sent me a CD today."

Di Wei was upset at the moment and barely heard the rest of the words.

Said casually:

"...Okay, let it go."

Xu Dafa casually opened the CD.

Soon, a rhythm full of electronic flavor sounded.

Then, someone sang very vaguely:

"The sunset over Manhattan casts a dignified yellow tone..."

The melody is very good, but... I really can't hear what is being sung.

But Si Wei was stunned...

His eyes turned away from the night view:

"Eh? What's this song?"

""New York Subway", didn't Brother Cong say last time that he had listened to a lot of songs that Brother Jay Lun had not released? Brother, aren't you curious? Brother Cong sent this to me."

Si Wei was stunned:

"When did I say that?"

"You mentioned it when we were drinking last time."

"Why don't I remember?"

"Because you drank too much. You, Brother Cong, and Teacher Liang Qiaobo drank a lot that day."


Di Wei was speechless.

On the one hand, I don’t remember saying this.

On the other hand, there is... some emotion.

Brother Cong’s memory...

very nice.

But immediately she asked:

"Brother Cong came to see you today? When? Why didn't you call me?"

"No, Apple sent it to me."

Xu Dafa repeated it again.


Di Wei blinked and responded:

"oh oh."

At this time, the song sang:

"Standing on the subway in New York, my loneliness is even deeper. In this world, if you want to live, you must not have feelings..."


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