I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 669 666 English Continuous Tense

Chapter 669 666.English continuous tense...

Xu Xin didn't know what happened, but she could tell from the host's words that she seemed to know this middle-aged man wearing glasses.

He also shouted "Sang".

Just when he was wondering, he saw the man bowing politely and saying a lot of words.

Then, with deep surprise on Shangyuan Ai's face, he turned to Xu Xin and translated:

"Director Xu, this gentleman's name is Xin Haicheng. Have you heard of him?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Liu Yifei's reaction was very quick:

""Second speed of five centimeters"?"

Xu Xin, who was already very familiar with this name, suddenly had a line pop up in his mind:

"The falling speed of cherry blossoms is five centimeters per second. If there was a sound when the cherry blossoms fell, would you hear my thoughts about you..."

He and Yang Mi watched this animation together.

Although it was an animation, it still left a deep impression on him.

Yang Mi even posted this line on Weibo.

When he heard Liu Yifei's words at this moment, he was also surprised and asked Shangyuan Ai's explanation:

"is it him?"

Shangyuan Ai nodded.



This time, Xu Xin was even more surprised.

How could this transnational colleague find himself here?

Just when he was wondering, Xin Haicheng spoke again.

Soon, Shangyuan Ai gave a translation:

"Director Xu, he said that he is a big fan of "The Untold Secret". He has always liked your directing style. And he also likes your answer to the girl's question just now. I wonder if you have any ideas for filming animation."


Although this question has nothing to do with "Hawthorn Tree", Xu Xin still smiled after thinking about it:

"Not at the moment. I'm not proficient in the study of painting, and I don't know the details that really make it different from the work shot by live-action movies. So... I don't have any ideas for animation at the moment."

Then, following Ai Kamigen's translation, Xin Haicheng smiled, nodded, and shouted something.

After hearing this, Shangyuan Ai said:

"He said "Hawthorn Love" come on."

"...Ha, thank you."

Xu Xin responded politely.

Then he put on the mask again and sat down.

He looked no different from the other attendees at the meeting.

The 2-hour interview session ended.

The three people bowed to thank the audience for coming today, and then returned to the backstage.

Along the way, Lin Xingxin also said:

"Is "5 Centimeters per Second" good? I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it."

"It's great! Although it's not a perfect ending... but the plot is really attractive to girls."

These are Liu Yifei's words.

Xu Xin also nodded tacitly.

Indeed, the look and feel of that cartoon is really good.

As the three of them were walking towards the waiting room, a staff member from behind came trotting over and called out to Shangyuan Ai.

After a while of whispering, Shangyuan Ai nodded and asked Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, Director Xin Haicheng would like to visit you backstage, is that okay?"


Xu Xin was stunned again.

Then he nodded quickly:

"To say you're visiting is too polite. I welcome you."

Liu Yifei and Lin Xingxin were also surprised after hearing this.

But they both also saw that... they came here just for Xu Xin.

So, the three people returned to the waiting room all the way.

This is the only activity today, so I have plenty of time left.

No one was in a hurry to leave.

Back in the waiting room, Su Meng quickly handed over the tea cup.

Xu Xin ordered:

"Make another cup of tea. Guests will be here soon."


Su Meng nodded and quickly took out a tea bag from the bag she was carrying.

Influenced by Yang Mi, Xu Xin actually chooses jasmine when drinking tea when going out.

This thing is resistant to brewing. Although it will have an astringent taste after being brewed for a long time, the overall taste is better than other teas.

After all, it’s not good to carry a tea set with you every day when you go out.

The jasmine he drank was also selected by Yang Mi, and came from Wu Yutai’s Royal Jasmine Tea King.

If sold in bulk, it costs more than 9,000 per catty. Packages are more expensive.

He usually drinks it as rations and tea, but it is definitely not excessive for entertaining guests.

While waiting for Xin Haicheng, Xu Xin was quite surprised and asked Yuan Ai:

"I remember that when we chatted last time, we also talked about the differences between China and Japan. You told me that the Japanese have a strong sense of community, but their individual behavior is actually very reserved. But this director Makoto Shinkai made me feel that he is a bit It’s already cooked.”

Shangyuan Ai smiled and shook his head:

"Director Makoto Shinkai has always been fond of Chinese culture, and his favorite movies have been mentioned by fans on Twitter. He has also recommended Director Xu's "The Untold Secret" many times."


Looking at Xu Xin's surprised look, Shangyuan Ai said:

"Director Xu, you must not underestimate the status of "The Secret That Cannot Be Told" in everyone's hearts."


While talking and laughing, there was a knock on the door.

After Su Meng quickly went to open it, Xin Haicheng, who had already taken off his mask, stood at the door and greeted politely.

Xu Xin knew that he was saying hello without Shangyuan Ai translating. He stood up with a smile to greet him, and took the initiative to extend his hand:

"Director Xin Haicheng, hello, my name is Xu Xin."

This old man looks older than me.

It's always nice to be polite.

And when he stretched out his hand, Xin Haicheng bowed.

Seeing Xin Haicheng bow, Xu Xin also bent down.

Anyway, they were polite. The two shook hands, and then Liu Yifei and Lin Xinxin followed them one after another. The final result was that Xin Haicheng politely took the tea handed by Su Meng and stood next to Xu Xin. Sat down.

Frankly speaking, this guy's tone of voice is very soft.

And the attitude is really very polite.

"Director Xu, Director Makoto Shinkai said that he took the liberty of disturbing you today. When he was at the Tokyo Film Festival before, he was in the late stages of film production and was unable to meet you. This time I heard that you were coming, so I came here with the mentality of a fan."

"Uh...thank you. That's very welcome."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded to Xin Haicheng.

""Five Centimeters per Second" is also great. Yang Mi and I have watched it, and I even remember the lines."

After Shangyuan Ai translated Xu Xin's words, Xin Haicheng smiled happily.

In this way, through Shangyuan Ai as the intermediary, the two of them chatted for a while.

It took about ten minutes to finish a cup of tea, and Xin Haicheng saw that it was almost done before he stood up and left.

But before leaving, he and Xu Xin exchanged contact information and email addresses.

Xu Xin gave him two numbers, one was a domestic number, and the other was a number that was automatically converted after arriving abroad.

Then he also stored his contact information in his mobile phone.

But he understood that even if the two of them had any communication in the future, the main means of contact would definitely be email.

It’s not that you can’t make international phone calls.

But the language barrier.

After leaving his contact information, Xin Haicheng sent his blessing "I hope "Hawthorn Tree" will sell well" and left politely.

This is quite consistent with the reserved character of Japanese people described by Ai Kamigen.

Know how to advance and retreat, and won't stay too long to cause trouble to the other party.

After he left, just as the three of them were packing up their things and leaving, Xu Xin received an email from Xin Haicheng.

This time the email is not in Japanese, but in English.

have to.

Shangyuan Ai was useless, so Liu Yifei came.

However, Xu Xin could more or less understand the general meaning of the other party through the words.

So after handing the phone to Liu Yifei, she said:

"Did he mean: Nice to meet you, the tea is delicious... Hawthorn Tree is a hawthorn tree, right? I believe Hawthorn Tree is a good movie? The last line... is he asking me what I need? Or... …”

"Almost, the translation of his original words is...nice to meet you, thank you for treating him to tea, it is delicious. I believe Hawthorn Tree must be a good movie, and he will support it. If there is anything needed here, If so, you can contact him.”

"Hey, buddy, can you speak English now?"

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows with a bit of pride on his face.

Although he still couldn't express himself as proficiently as the other party, at least... he could roughly understand it.

And Liu Yifei was actually quite surprised.

After all, the last time we went abroad together, Xu Xin's English proficiency was obvious to all.

At this time, Xu Xin took the phone back.

As he walked, he spelled words slowly to reply to the other party.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yifei asked:

"Would you like me to reply to you?"

"No, let's just treat it as practice... Haha, if you think about it this way, we can be considered pen pals, right? Hahahaha..."

Seeing his smiling eyes, Liu Yifei couldn't tell for a moment whether he was happy because he had met a new friend, or whether he was happy because someone was helping him practice English.

But she muttered in her heart:

"If you want to practice English, wouldn't it be the same if you came to me..."

As soon as this idea was born, Lin Xingxin said to himself:

"Isn't it the same for you and Dami to practice English?"

Xu Xin ignored him.

Speaking English by heart is something that a couple cannot practice.

Yang Mi couldn't stand his "stupidity".

And he also has a bad temper.

As soon as his wife laughed at him, the two of them probably started to F @CK each other.

In every sense of the word...

After trying it several times, I really can’t stand the European and American style.

In the end it was settled.

This new friend is just right.

This time, the hotel arranged by Toho Pictures was at the Hyatt.

After returning to the room, Xu Xin opened the laptop.

Along the way, he and Xin Haicheng sent several emails.

The other party has mastered many uncommon words that are currently unfamiliar to him. He didn't know what it meant, so he could only rely on Baidu.

But...this can also be regarded as English practice.

So I didn't ask Liu Yifei. I stayed in my room and looked up how to spell the word I wanted to express, while replying.

The topic between the two of them has changed from the polite exchanges between you and me, to the one initiated by Makoto Shinkai: "The director of the time-travel plot in "The Untold Secret" is very clever. Where did you get the inspiration?" At the beginning, it moved to "Secrets That Cannot Be Told".

This is also the main reason why Xu Xin wants to look up words.

This sentence...he didn't understand it, but Liu Yifei helped translate it.

Xu Xin also gradually tasted the pleasure of replying to each other's emails.

Finally, he could more or less understand the feeling of the old man and Takakura Ken communicating through letters.

Xu Xin replied very slowly.

It feels like writing a short composition.

Linking the inspiration for the script originally designed by Jay Chou to the piano soundtrack melody of "SECRET", to the first version of the movie script, and the differences after he adapted it...

Xu Xin, who has never scored more than 10 points on any English essay question for all his life, looked at the hundreds of words he had written eloquently...

Although he didn't know whether the grammar was the donkey's lips meeting the horse's mouth, he still clicked send.

This email alone took him nearly two hours...

Never go back to hungry again.

But after I finished replying, I felt a... strange feeling of relief.

It's like a novelist who wants to see what readers think of what he or she has written.

Xin Haicheng... you can't say that you're stupid, right?


After sending it, he waited for a cigarette, but the other party didn't reply.

Xu Xin guessed that this guy might not understand... or he might have gone to Baidu himself.

have to.

You old man is also a second-hand swordsman, right?

With some out-of-the-box thoughts, he sent a message to Liu Yifei and Lin Xinxin respectively:

"Here? Going to eat?"

"Let's go and watch us eat."

Lin Gou’s reply was very heartfelt:

"Let's go have a drink."

Liu Yifei’s reply is very thought-provoking:


Not a word.

You guess the rest.

Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant in an alley near the Hyatt.

As a round-the-clock translator hired by Xiying Film Studio, Shangyuan Ai's schedule is the same as that of Xu Xin and others.

According to her, this place is like a home-cooked meal in China.

I can drink and eat well.

The four of us ordered several dishes such as fried chicken, ginger roast, and sashimi.

Xu Xin proudly drank the Qilin here.

I always feel that it tastes more delicious than drinking it in China.

He and Lin Gou each had a beer mug.

Shangyuan Ai resisted in every possible way, but finally couldn't bear Xu Xin's hospitality and asked for a small cup.

As for Liu Yifei...

Holding a piece of Chinese seaweed, I started staring.

Finally, the meal was full of wine and food.

Although they were not tipsy, everyone returned to the hotel feeling very comfortable.

The hotel suites at Hyatt have better infrastructure than the one in Roppongi where I stayed last time. At least their bathtub is not big, but it is equipped with a gadget that is very strange in Xu Xin's opinion.

It's about the size of a hotel soap, with the words "hot spring soup" written on the box. As soon as you throw it into the water, the color of the water starts to turn green.

It has a very peculiar aroma.

It's very light, but smells good.

Compared with the stuff that Yang Mi bought at home, when you drop a pill and it has so much foam that it looks like you have excessive protein in your urine, this thing is obviously more to his taste.

After taking a bath, he comfortably took a photo with his wife in a bathrobe and sent it.

After dialing the phone, Yang Mi's first words were:

"It's a bit like staying for two days. I think the environment of your hotel looks a bit like "Lost in Translation". Hey, will the people from Toho Pictures arrange a 140-50-pound gym for you later? Big bitches, wearing stockings, telling you "eat my stockings"?"


In an instant, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

He was so short of words that he didn't know what to say other than "Are you sick?"

The two of them watched the movie together on the sofa.

He is very proud of Scarlett Johansson.

Black Widow YYDS…

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he said:

"You buy a Black Widow COS."

"A widow?"

"The Widow is a piece of shit! Scarlett Johansson's style in "Iron Man 2"."


Yang Mi was speechless.

She didn't expect to dig a hole to bury herself.

So he said haha ​​in a perfunctory manner:

"What's for dinner tonight?"

"Don't change the subject."

Xu Xin sneered:

"Hurry up and buy it using my Taobao account. I will check the order record later!"


Yang Mi was speechless again, and finally tried to act coquettishly:


"It's no use calling me daddy! Hurry up..."


As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xin's phone vibrated.

He took the phone away from his ear, took a look at it, and found out that it was a notification for new emails. He got up from the bed and went to the computer.

"Let me tell you something."

While refreshing his inbox, he said:

"I met Xin Haicheng today."


Seeing her brother take the initiative to let her go, Yang Mi felt so beautiful in her heart.

As for who Xin Haicheng is...

He loves so and so.

Scarlett Johansson's tights in "Iron Man 2"...look like leather pants, right?

Don't wear leather pants.

Farts will make the bulge bulge!

As for Xu Xin, looking at the densely packed content sent by the other party, he felt a little numb at the moment.

You... why did you post so much?

I can only post one essay at most, why did you post four or five?

And there are so many rare words...

Can not Understand it!

He was a little speechless, but his interest soon came.

Just think of it as a puzzle.

Anyway, just stay.

But when Yang Mi saw that he didn't answer, she couldn't help but ask:

"Hello? What are you doing?"

"Look at the email... Xin Haicheng sent it to me."

"What do you mean? Do you understand Japanese?"

"If I can understand Japanese, I don't have to go out of my way to find Chinese subtitles for the movies I download. That's like this..."

After briefly talking about what happened today, Yang Mi asked curiously:

"You two communicate in English now?"

"Yeah, it's quite interesting. But his English is better than mine, so I can only look it up in the dictionary a little bit."

"How about you send it to me and I can translate it for you?"

"Stop, that's so boring. I'll just take my time..."

"Oh, why don't you send it to me? Let me see what you two are talking about. The main thing is... I can't imagine that you can talk to people in English. It's like fantasy stories."

Seeing that she was very curious, Xu Xin simply forwarded all their emails to her:

"Sent to you."

"Okay, I'm hanging up. Chat on QQ."

Xu Xin didn't care either. The phone call between the two of them was equivalent to saying they were safe.

We are now an old couple, and the passion we had for an hour or two on the phone has long since disappeared.

Half an hour at most.

Too much is a waste of words!

There is indeed a lot of content in Xin Haicheng's reply.

Xu Xingang translated the first paragraph:

"I think the most attractive thing about the movie "Secret" is that at the end of the movie, Director Xu, Ye Xianglunjun noticed the specialness of Lu Xiaoyu in the "now" time and space through flashback memories. At that time, When watching the movie, I thought it would be a little abrupt when Ye Xianglunjun suddenly realized that Lu Xiaoyu was a "non-existent person". But after watching it over and over again, I discovered many details that I missed the first time. Understand what’s really great about this segment.”

This is the first paragraph of Xin Haicheng's reply.

Xu Xingang just finished translating.

QQ rang.

"Xin Haicheng is twelve years older than you. But from your emails, I feel that he is just like your little fan, especially for "Secret", with all kinds of admiration."

"Especially in this latest letter, he gives me the feeling...as if he understands "The Secret" better than you do."

Two messages were sent in a row. After Xu Xin read them, he thought to himself that you were just farting.

No one knows "The Secret" better than me!

But he didn't show off, he just replied doubtfully:

"Have you finished reading it all?"

"...That's right. I've finished reading it all, and you haven't finished it yet?"

"I just finished reading the first paragraph."

"Would you like me to translate for you?"

"No, I'll do it myself."

"Haha, take your time and watch, it's really slow. I'm playing DOTA."

"? Aren't you going to promote "Wulin Gaiden" tomorrow? Why don't you go to bed early?"

"...I'm going to bed now and take a shower. Good night, 88."

In an instant, Yang Mi's profile picture turned gray.

Xu Xin didn't even try to find out whether she used "Bath Escape" to play DOTA.

No need.

He knows maids too well.

If she went to bed right now, she would be willing to twist her head off and play it as a ball.

But he doesn't care.

let's play.

Just don't delay your work.

So, he continued to translate the email conscientiously.

Gradually gradually...

Late at night.

Let me tell you, this is not water.

Stack an armor first.

Xin Haicheng's plot is related to Chen Rui, and it is all intended to lead to some subsequent industrial layouts about the second dimension.

After all, Chinese comics are also going to rise.

Therefore, we need to pave the way, otherwise, if there is no such level progression, it will be like the previous plot of Yang Mi and Wang Shuo. Even though it's just a reflection of their mental journey, there are still people who are more serious and ask, "Have you laid the groundwork before?"

The reason why "The Untold Secret" has such a high status in Japan is because of this and the plot of another subsequent movie. But I’m still thinking about whether to write that movie.

I didn’t want to explain it at first, but I was afraid that others would think these two chapters were useless, so I’ll explain it in advance.

This plot includes plots related to Station B, Chinese comics, and industrial layout.

Just the beginning.

The overall Japanese propaganda chapter is almost over. Return to China tomorrow.

Then there were several major projects in 2011, one was "The Tip of the Tongue", the other was another career direction, and the third was movies.

However, the previously foreshadowed plot of "Bite of the Tongue" about gaining grades, and the plot of "that path" qualification improvement brought about by the "Starlight Award" will be greatly weakened.

After all, I have already revised the article once before... It's not easy to write randomly, I might just brush it off.

Please understand.

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