I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 680 677 Recording Site

Chapter 680 677. Recording scene

"Oops, you pressed my hair!"

"...Can you not say this every time?"

Xu Xin, who was lying on his back and thinking about it, complained.

"I've asked you to tie your hair up a long time ago, and that's what I say every time. What's the matter? If you use people, you should face forward, and if you don't use people, you should face backward?"

"It's you who likes my hair with my hair down! You said that when you look at it from the bottom up, it feels special! That's why I'm like this!"

"Then I don't like it now."

"Huh! I don't like you anymore either!"

She pushed her lover in disgust, who had just been rude to her older brother, and seemed to be upset, and even kicked her husband.

"You will freeze to death!"

As she spoke, she swept away all the quilts.


Xu Xin had a question mark on his forehead.

But one cannot sleep without a quilt.

So, regardless of who was right or wrong, he shamelessly pulled out a corner of the porcelain quilt that his wife was pressed under:

"Give me some quilt, I'm cold..."

Originally, he was ready to compete with Yang Mi.

As a result, this time the quilt was pulled out easily.

Overjoyed, he quickly got into bed and hugged his wife from behind:


The tenderness in my heart just wanted to turn into the tenderness after the aftertaste.

The next second...


Without saying a word, Xu Xin lifted the quilt and slapped him.




The wife's screams and the child's cries suddenly made the whole bedroom lively.


The young woman holding the child gritted her teeth:

"Just wait! It would be unkind to not avenge this!"

"You messed with me first!"

Xu Xin, who was also holding another baby, sneered:

"If you don't do bad things, you won't get beaten!"

"I don't even care if you fart under the covers while sleeping! My butt is so tender and you exert so much force! I don't care! I'm at a disadvantage!!!"

"Disadvantage is a blessing."

"Then just wait, I'll let you enjoy it later!"

"Tch, come now if you have the ability, don't wait until the expiry date!"


"Oh oh oh, baby, mom is here, mom is here..."

Just as she was about to put her son down, Yang Mi slapped him back and quickly hugged her again.

Then he continued to stare at her husband who was laughing triumphantly and gritted his teeth.


Couples fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

Soon, after both children were carried on the small bed, the two of them hugged each other sweetly.

Shrinking in her husband's arms, Yang Mi yawned.

He closed his eyes and arched his head back again. After pressing himself more firmly, he said:

"Is it time for you to take graduation photos this year?"


Xu Xin, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened them.

After being stunned for a moment, he arched towards his wife's fragrant neck and said:

"If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten. I am a senior this year."

He resumed his sophomore status in September 2008.

I just graduated in June this year.

And if he follows the normal steps, he may not enter the first year of graduate school next year.

But after February next year, he will study in the second year.

"The day you take your graduation photos, I'm going to go too!"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to take pictures with you!"

"Sister, can we stop making trouble? You've graduated a few years ago, why are you joining in the fun?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi chuckled:

"Hehe, I won't take a group photo with you. I'm not happy if you want me to take it~ But... I will also wear a bachelor's uniform that day, and then I will buy a small set for my eldest daughter and my second son. We are a family of four Let’s take some photos, it’s so sweet~ It will also be a wonderful memory when the children grow up. They have accompanied us in our “school time”.”

"You have graduated."

"Oh! I don't care... I hope that Dabao and Erbao will be the cool kids in the class in the future! Just... when the teacher asked: Xu Wanqing, how did your parents know each other? Nuan Nuan answered her: Dad We met my mother in school! My brother and I were born before my father graduated! ... Ouch, it’s so hot in Thai pants!”


Xu Xin's face turned green.

So this is what you think of as the "cool kid"?

Something's wrong with you!

"And, brother, have you thought about something?"


"I had my first and second children at the age of 23. When they are 18 years old, I will be 40..."

"Kankan? You...Pfft...cough cough cough cough..."

Xu Xin, who was suddenly hit by an elbow, lost his breath and coughed violently.

"Xu, let's have fun and make trouble, don't make fun of my sister's age..."


Everyone in Xu Xin was dumbfounded.

Why don't you, a woman like you, be more unreasonable?

Didn't you say that yourself?


Yang Mi never looked back, so she didn't see the ridiculous expression on her husband's face.

She reached behind her and asked her husband to hug her tightly again, then she continued:

"Now that I am working out, taking care of my skin, and exercising, it is no longer for you."

"...What do you mean? Then who are you doing it for?"

"For Nuannuan and Yangyang! Think about it, as long as I take good care of myself, at the age of 40, I will look like 30 at most, right? My son was already 18 years old at that time. He was a talented person, and then I would go out with him He was holding hands. When people saw it...oh, the relationship between Xu Xin and Yang Mi is in crisis. Oh my God! Yang Mi is keeping the pretty boy!"


Although he knew that his wife's brain was starting to cramp again, he had gotten used to it over the years and continued to ask:

"Then what if we go out with Nuannuan?"

"Oh my God! How come this girl is so beautiful and looks so much like Yang Mi?! Shocked! Yang Mi's father is suspected of having an illegitimate daughter..."


Everyone in Xu Xin was dumbfounded.



Just forget it if you cheat me.

18 years later, the old man will be over sixty, and you don’t even plan to let go of your biological father? Do you have to let the old man get "no guarantee for late holidays"?

It’s a great filial piety, my family.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to answer his wife's thoughts that were getting more and more exaggerated.

So I could only remain silent.

But Yang Mi obviously started talking, and after holding it in for a long time, she let out another fart that was not very good:

"I will be more beautiful in the future!"

Xu Xin knew that she hadn't finished speaking yet, so he continued to remain silent.

as expected.

"From now on, Yangyang is looking for a girlfriend! Anyone who is not as beautiful as me will be beaten out of our house with sticks!"


Now, Xu Xin didn't want to say anything anymore.

But sometimes it is also the original sin to remain silent.

The ladies who were originally in their arms suddenly turned around, stretched their heads and looked up at him:

"Who is in favor! Who is against!"


Xu Xin was immediately speechless:

"If I want to object, did you slap me out of the tea table?"

"Hey hey hey..."

"What about Nuannuan?"

He rolled his eyes and continued asking.

"Then it depends on you as a father. I think a man is most attractive when he is between 30 and 40 years old. Mature, elegant, funny, charming... If Nuannuan is looking for a boyfriend..."

When mentioning this, Xu Xin quickly shook his head:

"She won't find a boyfriend. Don't worry, my daughter won't find a boyfriend. She is a saint!"

"Hahahaha...you are more extreme than me."

The couple's night talk slowly died down amid laughter.

Sleeping in each other's arms.

Xu Xin stayed at home for two days, then left Yanjing again and rushed to Xi'an.

In fact, in the past few years, he has finally understood why directors always have trouble finding their way around.

It's really busy.

But luckily I have a private plane, so I can go wherever I want and be there in no time. There is no need to catch a flight or time, which is more convenient.

But this time he did not take a private plane, but gave the plane to Yang Mi.

The theater at Happy Twist was almost fully renovated. Yang Mi was going to attend an opening ceremony and happened to be going to the Magic City to start an audition.

The magic city is not Yanjing.

Although for Yang Mi, it is the same everywhere in the country.

The shadow of a person's famous tree, where fame lies.

But for Happy Mahua, Magic City is a new and unexplored land. They really need the boss to show up to open up channels and erect a signboard.

Therefore, in the past few days, after Yang Mi attended the opening ceremony of the "Happy Twist" theater in Shanghai, she would appear with Shen Teng and the others to recruit actors.

After Yang Ying left Shuangwei, he helped Shuangwei to recruit more artists and dig out some good talents.

But she also involved Xu Xin in this matter.

Xu Xin will join her then.

Xu Xin went to Xi'an this time for two things.

First, as the director of the last applied project submitted his plan, the selection for the first of the three scripts, "Youth", was about to begin.

There are still a few people left between "Partner" and "Gold", and it will take some time.

The second thing is the bidding for "The King of Masked Singer".

Wang Sicong and he will also show up.

He got off the plane at 12:30 noon.

All the way to the West Film Studio.

It was less than 1:30 when we arrived at the factory.

He didn't rush to call someone, but asked Su Meng to send him to the door of the cafeteria, and then arranged for her to go back to the villa to sort out her things.

The chefs in the cafeteria were all off work, but when they saw Director Xu coming, they ordered another bowl of noodles.

I also cut the amount of beef that made Lanzhou Ramen so angry.

After he finished eating, he walked slowly to the studio.

Xi Film Studio has a total of five studios, but plans to build two more this year and has entered the planning period. The recording location of "The King of Masked Singer" is in Studio No. 4.

Currently, unless Xu Xin personally asks that he wants to use Studio No. 1, it will definitely be reserved for "The Voice".

The size of Studio No. 4 is smaller than that of Studio No. 1, but it is enough.

There was a security guard guarding the door of Studio No. 4, but after seeing Xu Xin, he quickly opened the door himself and respectfully called Director Xu.


Xu Xin glanced at the big brother, smiled and handed over a cigarette.

Then he walked in.

The place you entered was backstage, and in the passage there happened to be a man with a... fan-like mask on his head coming out of the waiting room.

The masked man was stunned when he saw Xu Xin, and quickly shouted:

"Director Xu."


Xu Xin was also stunned for a moment.

The voice seemed vaguely familiar.

"you are……"

"I, Di Wei."

Si Wei said that she was about to take off her mask.

But after Xu Xin reacted, he quickly waved his hand:

"No, no, just wear it, it looks good."

After saying that, he looked at Di Wei up and down again and asked:

"It's time to go on stage? What's your character's name?"

"I named him Ultraman Iron Fan."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

He looked into her eyes for the first time.

Some people wonder if there is light around the eyes.

At this time, the director next to him reminded:

"Director Xu, the singer will be on stage soon."


Xu Xin smiled and nodded to Di Wei:

"come on!"

"Mmm Good!"

After watching Di Wei, whose identity would have been impossible to guess unless she spoke, left, he sent a message to Wang Sicong:

"Where are you?"

"Are you here? I'm backstage."

"I'm also backstage, over here at the entrance."

"Then you come to the edge of the stage."


He followed Di Wei's footsteps and when he was approaching the actor's entrance, he saw Wang Sicong walking out of the door.

"You're here? Find a place to take a look?"


Xu Xin nodded and followed him into the actor's aisle.

Just then I heard a sound processed with special effects:

"It's been a long time since I debuted. Probably longer than a few people who guessed the judging panel."

"Oh? It seems like he is an old man..."

Xu Xin and Wang Sicong did not disturb Di Wei, who was already waiting, but stood on the other side of the passage.

Hearing this voice, he stretched his head and glanced in the direction of the auditorium.

I saw three guests from the judging panel.

This time "The Masked Singer" features all talented singers, so there is no "judge teacher".

This avoids embarrassment for both parties.

What if the guests take off their masks and the judges and teachers find that they are more popular than when they were at their peak, it will be very lively.

Therefore, the only role of the guessing team this time is to guide the audience, give clues, and divide an interval for the audience to guess along with them.

If you guessed it right, it means the judging panel is awesome.

Guess it’s the audience’s cup of tea.

That's probably what it means.

Therefore, the guessing team found three guests, and based on the principle of being cheap and easy to use, they selected Wu Qixian, Yi Jing, and Dai Jun recommended by Yang Mi.

The reason why I chose Dai Jun is that according to her, Shen Teng sent her some CDs of the variety show "Laughter Conference Room" on HLJ.

I think Dai Jun is quite good, and the song "Alian" was also very popular back then.

The most important thing is that it is cheap.

The most expensive person in the first season of "The Masked Singer" is Yi Jing, with 600,000.

Wu Qixian and Dai Jun could get it done with only 500,000.

Very cost effective.

The most expensive ones are the guests.

As long as these guests can hide, then the price is 200,000 per game.

Tibetan five issues is one million.

After taking in everything, he asked Wang Sicong:

"Who's that person up there?"

He was referring to the man in the white suit and white mask.

Wang Sicong whispered:

"Li Keqin."

"Oh~ what's his name?"

"White Prism. Singing "Under Mount Fuji"."

"...I told you earlier, I quite like that song."

Xu Xin felt a little regretful.

And the guessing team also started taking guesses.

In the end, no one could figure out the reason, and White Prism advanced smoothly.

Next it’s Si Wei’s turn.

Brought a song "Princess".

"Ye Taimei~ Even though it's dangerous..."

Xu Xin listened to half of the song, turned to Wang Sicong and said:

"I finally understand why Brother Seven changed his career to become an actor."


"The voice is too unrecognizable. Although there are a few particularly popular songs, didn't the wheel say that a mediocre singer equals elimination. Her voice... To be honest, I feel like I have heard it from many singers. It's very strange. Like Si Wei, you can also be like anyone..."

His comments were neutral.

Indeed... it is really difficult for ordinary people to connect the somewhat hoarse voice of Di Wei in real life with the somewhat sweet tone of singing now.

But at the same time... there are too many sweet elements in the music industry.

In terms of program effects, it’s hard to guess.

Judging from Wu Qixian and the others' frowning expressions and listening intently, one could tell that they would definitely not be able to guess it.

But musically speaking...

If you have no characteristics, you will not be able to go far.

He felt that his assessment hit the nail on the head.

But after Wang Sicong was stunned for a moment, he leaned into Xu Xin's ear and said:

"I think it sounds pretty good. She often sings this song when we are at KTV."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"You guys are still going to KTV? Why don't you call me?... Damn it, are you eating alone?"

"No, it's just singing. Do I need to eat alone? It's you who ate spicy cabbage in Korea. Do you blame me?"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes, and then swayed his head slightly to follow Si Wei's song:

"The night is so beautiful~~~"

Xu Xin, who had asked for trouble, was a little embarrassed.

When Si Wei finished singing, he patted Wang Sicong on the shoulder:

"I'm going to read the script."

"Go ahead. I'll call you after recording."


He turned around and left the studio, rushing all the way to his office.

After opening the door, the desk was already piled with more than 20 plans.

This is just after elimination.

If you don't count the previous scripts that were eliminated, "To Youth" has nearly 40 copies.

From the side, it also shows that the Art and Creation Center of Xiying Studio has been booming for more than half a year.

The proposals on the table for those who were promoted were assigned to Qi Lei, Xu Xin, and other personnel from the final review office of the Art Creation Center.

Everyone has the right to screen two scripts, allowing overlap, and then everyone enters the final discussion stage.

Discuss the budget, the strengths of the script, the flaws that need to be addressed, etc.

Therefore, it can be said that Xu Xin deserves the title of producer.

Putting his computer bag aside, he took out the thermos cup and glanced at the water dispenser.

I found a document sheet beside the water dispenser.

Just hang on the wall.

He walked in and took a look and found a time card.

[Time: March 1st] [Hygienic condition: Cleaning] [Signature: Ma Shuangming] [Remarks: The mineral water has been replaced]

[Time: March 3rd...]

Starting from March 1, my office will be cleaned every other day by this young man named Ma Shuangming, and every time he will write the words "mineral water has been replaced" on the note.

The most recent cleaning time was March 12th.

This morning.

Just changed the mineral water this morning.

Seeing this, he looked down at the indicator light of the mineral water again.


The water is on.


Xu Xin chuckled.

Ma Shuangming...is the young man who gave me the script for the first time, right?

The door to his office is unlocked.

Firstly, there are no important documents here, and secondly, he doesn't come back often, but if he comes one day and the office is covered with dust... Xu Xin doesn't know whether this is allowed in private companies.

But it is obviously impossible to appear in the factory.

I just don’t know if this young man did it spontaneously or if someone assigned him a task.

The latter is fine.

The former...

Well, the guy is not bad.

I just don’t know what my academic qualifications and abilities are.

When you think about it, take a look at your academic qualifications. If there are no problems, you can just join the crew and train.

Immediately, he put the matter aside for the time being.

A glass of water and a pack of cigarettes.

These more than twenty scripts are enough for me to read for a day.

He picked up a book and opened it, and he saw the name:

""To Our Perishable Youth" Proposal - Guo Fan."

Guo Fan was shortlisted.

He nodded slightly and turned to the first page.

"Seventh brother, you performed well!"

In the "King of Masked Singer" recording studio, Wang Sicong gave a thumbs up to Di Wei who was leaving the stage.

Originally he was praising her, but after hearing this, Di Wei quickly raised a finger:

"Shh! Keep your voice down!"

"Oh, right...I forgot."

Wang Sicong quickly lowered his voice:

"Ultraman Iron Fan, not bad, come on!"

"OK... where is Director Xu?"

"I'm going to read the script. I'll go find him after recording the show. We're going to have dinner together tonight, will you go?"


Di Wei nodded.

Put aside the status of friends.

Any actor in the entertainment industry would find it difficult to refuse a meal with Director Xu.

After all, from the perspective of actors, great directors are the actors' "food and clothing parents".

What's more, she is still a Xin girl.

"OK, then you go and rest. There will be a second game in a while, come on, Ultraman Iron Fan!"

"haha ok!"

Seeing Brother Cong cheering her on, Ultraman Iron Fan happily walked back to the waiting room.

Soon, the next actor, the "alpaca", an animal that has been particularly popular in the past two years, appeared on the stage.

Singing "He Doesn't Love Me".

Wang Sicong, who was still listening to the song next to the stage, thought about it and sent a message to Xu Xin:

"What's for dinner tonight?"

"I don't know, what do you want to eat?"


"That's fine. You just find a place. I'll read the script first, so we won't talk anymore."


After taking back his cell phone, Wang Sicong pondered while listening to the song.

There are many delicious barbecue restaurants in Xi’an.

The old Pei family and the Marwen family are also good...

What should I eat...

Time flew by and it was almost 6 o'clock in the evening.

Wang Sicong drove his car and called Xu Xin at the door of the office building:

"Hey, come down. It's time to eat."


After hanging up the phone, Di Wei, who was still wearing a mask on her face, sat in the passenger seat and asked Wang Sicong:

"What shall we eat?"

"Barbecue, how about it?... Do you have pimples on your face?"

Wang Sicong was stunned when he saw a pimple on Di Wei's mandible.

Si Wei nodded:

"When it first appeared, the weather was dry in the spring, so I was prone to acne."


Wang Sicong stopped talking, and there was a hint of thinking in his eyes.

Soon, Xu Xin walked out with Su Meng with a script in his hand.

Su Meng naturally got into the Mercedes-Benz driven by Apple behind her, while Xu Xin opened the back door seat and got in after taking a look at the masked woman sitting in the passenger seat who was greeting him.


After he finished speaking, he continued to read the script.

"What are you looking at?"

"The project book for "To Youth"... don't talk to me yet, I'm almost finished reading it."

Hearing this, Di Wei, who originally wanted to inquire, remained silent.

In this way, Xu Xin used Bentley's reading lamp to read the planning book in his hand along the way.

Until Wang Sicong drove the car to the place.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Xu Xin subconsciously raised his head and looked around.

Suddenly he was stunned...

After opening the car door and getting out of the car, he asked Wang Sicong in confusion:

"Isn't it barbecue? Why are you eating Cantonese food?"

He was standing in front of a restaurant called "Guangdong Zhenxuan".

And Di Wei, who also just got off the car, didn't react.

Until I heard Wang Sicong’s words:

"The weather is dry in spring. Drink some soup to moisten your skin. Don't you think Brother Qi is getting acne?"

"Oh fine."

Xu Xin, who didn't care what he ate, nodded and walked forward with Wang Sicong.

But Si Wei was really stunned this time...

She also wanted to ask at first.

Not having a barbecue?

But after hearing what Brother Cong said...

She subconsciously pressed her face.

The slight sting of the acne reminded her...the authenticity of Brother Cong's words.


Brother Cong...

It's too warm...


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