I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 690 687 Noisy Wind

Chapter 690 687. Noisy wind


same day.

Early in the morning, when Xu Xin got up and saw Wang Sicong sitting on his sofa, he subconsciously said:

"Holy shit, what are you doing here!"


Wang Sicong was stunned.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the green notebook and Audi car keys on the table, and then at Xu Xin...

Without saying a word, he turned around and left.


Xu Xin, who also noticed a big green book on the table, reacted and quickly stopped:

"Master, sir, what are you doing here?"

"Get out of here! I heard what you just said!"

Wang Sicong said angrily:

"I don't want to leave you here, I have my own place to stay! Goodbye~"

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I accidentally told the truth. I miss you, sir!"

"Go away, you. Do you think I'm happy to see you?...Why do you think I'm here? I'm here to see you off!"


Xu Xinxiao came to the table with a sinister look on his face and picked up the green book in his hand.

"Full payment?"


Wang Sicong rolled his eyes:

"It's full payment, and it's in Nifeng's name, and you can get some tax credit. The label has also been changed for you, from A8 to A6. Apple came back and told me that the people at the 4S store looked at her as if she was a psycho."

"That's because they don't understand."

Xu Xin put away the Audi car keys happily.

I will drive this one from now on.

Today, the two of them are going to the "Xinxin Entrepreneurship Talent" competition to be guests and judges at the opening ceremony.

Attend a day of activities.

Xu Xin represents Shuangwei and Wang Sicong represents Tianlai.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that these two companies are from the same parent, but their reputations are here.

Fortunately for Xu Xin, after all, his fame in career territory is not as high as in honor.

When his name is mentioned, as time passes by the Olympic Games, the first thing that more and more people think of is "director". Or "Xu Gou (Yang Mi's husband)" instead of the title "Boss".

But Wang Sicong is different.

Since he was scummed last year and became public knowledge, more and more people have focused their attention on him, who is not a "public figure".

At the beginning, everyone just knew that the foursome had a good relationship, and their friendship was based on eating steamed buns and barbecue together.

After being scummed, he was given the image of an "innocent rich second generation".

But within this character, as "The Voice" became popular all the way, more and more people began to notice his talent in business.

The so-called tiger father has no dog sons.

This sentence seems particularly appropriate for Wang Sicong.

Especially when Lao Laowang was asked about Wang Sicong by some people in an interview, although his words were still like "I gave him 500 million, and the agreement was when he would lose all his money and when he would return to the company to work, I hope he would hurry up." "Spend all the money" is modest, but no matter from his expression or tone, everyone can hear that he is satisfied with his son.

But no.

Can you be dissatisfied?

In a sense, Wang Sicong can be regarded as starting from scratch and has occupied a place in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, for today's event, the organizer's demand for Xu Xin is more reputation than strength.

But what Wang Sicong needs is that his fame equals his strength.

Teana was one of the most profitable companies related to television entertainment last year.

Its net profit is frighteningly high.

Appearing at the event as an investor and judge can be said to be a well-deserved honor.

"Around May Day, "The King of Masked Singer" was launched. This time there is no live broadcast, it is all recorded."

After breakfast, the two brothers were still talking about this matter when they went out.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, there is no need to broadcast live. "The Masked Singer" is an interesting variety show, which is different from "The Voice"."

"The auditions for "The Voice" will start next month. This time there will be auditions in every provincial capital. I have an idea. Have you followed it? A Tencent video has been launched recently."

"No, what's wrong?"

"They found Tianlai two days ago and wanted to buy the rights to the third season of "The Voice". The price was very high. They gave this amount."

Wang Sicong stretched out a finger.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"One hundred million?"

"Yeah. It's exactly double the 50 million that iQiyi renewed. It seems that they are also interested in the future of the online platform and are determined to come and get a piece of the pie."

Speaking of this, Wang Sicong felt a little emotional and took out the cigarette case.

Naturally, not smoking in the elevator, but preparing.

I'll smoke in the car later.

After handing one to Xu Xin, he continued:

"However, it is normal for the copyright fee to be high this year. So far, the number of applicants for this season's "The Voice" auditions we have received has exceeded 700,000. I estimate that by the end of March, this number of applicants may exceed One million. And this time, I’m going to play big.”

"For example?"

Although Xu Xin himself is the initiator of the creative idea of ​​"The Voice", starting from the second season, neither he nor Yang Mi has to worry about the operation anymore. Lao Wang is doing it himself.

Since the second season, the show has added some more detailed processes. Such as changes in the review mechanism, such as the entry of a team of lawyers, etc.

Even if Xu Xin wanted to understand these things, he would have to study hard for several days.

On the contrary, it is not as clear as Wang Sicong.

"Live broadcast! Exclusive live broadcast on the online platform! This time it is a live audition at the Wanda Center in all provinces across the country. Last year, many people posted the video of Liang Bo and the others at the audition.

However, there are some people who are very good at the auditions. After being eliminated before entering the blind audition stage, they have already seen some signs of success on Weibo.

Everyone said there was something shady about our show...so I wanted to do something big this time. Put it directly on a video platform in the form of live broadcast, and let everyone watch it for themselves during the audition stage. Everything is open and transparent... What do you think? "

"Okay, is there any technical problem?"

"No, that's why I told you about Tencent Video. Their technology is beyond words. And the program can help them attract traffic from the audition stage. So, frankly speaking, this price I’m not very satisfied.”


For no reason, Xu Xin felt that Lao Wang had a dark heart.

However, he is just a layman now.

Lao Wang is the boss.

He would just watch the boss show off and be done with it.

So, after walking out of the elevator and arriving at the parking lot, he lowered his head and lit a cigarette.

"Hiss...huh. Then what is your psychological price?"

"Audition + main competition, a total of 150 million. The price for the fourth quarter must not be lower than this amount~ I think they will agree, after all, they are competing for the market with Youku, Tudou, and iQiyi."

Although Xu Xin himself is a shareholder of Youku, his share can be said to be dispensable.

Don't care at all.

In fact, Youku's profits are not high.

The net profit for the entire year last year was less than 150 million.

But you must know that since its launch in 2007, it has continuously raised more than 120 million US dollars.

The money and shares invested by the old man have been reduced a lot.

What was allocated to him last year, after leaving the funds for website operations, was less than 30 million.

It’s really not much money.

Therefore, he has planned to sell this share.

As an original stock, although it is constantly being diluted, it will indeed become more and more valuable.

He is now waiting to see if any major financial companies will enter the market.

If there were, I would have simply sold all the shares in my hand that were less than 20%.

But there's no rush.

After all, it was worth some money. If someone tried to buy it for three to five hundred million, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to it.

Therefore, when it comes to "The Voice", his position is to help people who are interested but not relatives.

From the very beginning when Youku wanted to get the copyright, he had already recommended it to Wang Sicong. Picked myself out alone.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived in front of the "A6".

As soon as he got in the car, Xu Xin touched the interior.

It's okay, real leather + solid wood, the texture looks really good.

Coupled with the controls that are similar to those of the A6, it is effortless to drive.

Wang Sicong, who was sitting in the boss's seat at the back, raised his footrest and leaned back on the seat leisurely:

"Driver, drive."


Xu Xin responded in a very doggy manner.

After feeling the surging power of V8W12, he smiled and said:

"Oh! There's something different about a good car! It drives much more energetically than my old A6."


Wang Sicong rolled his eyes speechlessly.

After knowing each other for so many years, he was too lazy to complain about his friend's cautiousness.

After chatting about "The Voice" all the way, we arrived at the competition venue for new entrepreneurs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

As the host of the Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Foundation, Jiaotong University obviously attaches great importance to this competition. As soon as Xu Xing drove the car to the door, he saw a "judge passageway" divided by a triangular cone.

An "A6" and a commercial vehicle followed directly.

When he arrived at the door, the security guard stopped him to check his pass. Xu Xin pointed to the commercial vehicle behind him.

Su Meng had already jumped out of the car and handed over the passes for the two cars.

After verifying their identity, the two cars entered the campus directly.

After quickly parking the car, as soon as I opened the door and got out, someone got out of the Mercedes-Benz I was facing.

Seeing this person, Xu Xin was happy:

"Haha, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Rui turned his head subconsciously, and after seeing Xu Xin, he also smiled.

"Director Xu!"

He walked over quickly, shook hands with Xu Xin, and Xu Xin introduced Wang Sicong to him.

Wang Sicong also greeted him politely.

When we meet for the first time, we can’t tell what kind of person the other person is.


Chen Rui asked something that surprised Wang Sicong:

"How's it going, Director Xu, does it look good?"

Xu Xin nodded vigorously:

"It looks good. I feel that as long as the quality can be reduced, it will at least stand on the same level as "EVA" and "Steel" after the book is completed.


What are these two talking about?

Wang Sicong didn't understand.

But Chen Rui's eyes lit up:

"Really!? I think so too! That's why I recommended it to Director Xu!"

"Well, it does look good. It's just too short... By the way, is there any news about it being animated?"

"There is currently no... at least I haven't found any relevant information on site B. So I plan to go there again at the Akihabara Comic Con this year to see if I can see this author at the comic show and ask then."

"When are you going?"

"Next month, the Akihabara Spring Comic Exhibition will be held! Director Xu, do you want to come with us? I heard that "Saint Seiya" will release a brand new single book this time..."

"Mr. Chen, I am not a "Saint Seiya" controller. I am "One Piece" Tie Zhongchen..."

"It seems that Oda will also participate in the event this year."

"Oh?...No, I have to prepare a new movie..."

"This...that's really a pity..."

The two of them were chatting and walking towards the venue according to the signs.

But Wang Sicong was so dumbfounded.

Wait...wait a moment.

He observed the man named Chen Rui carefully.

Not very tall.

Quite fat.

The somewhat bald hairstyle is obviously a standard hairstyle for strong programmers...

Is this person still a two-dimensional person?

? ? ? ?

At this time, Chen Rui seemed to remember something, turned to Wang Sicong and said:

"Mr. Wang, can we add WeChat?"


Wang Sicong, who came back to his senses, nodded subconsciously:


Then, when he scanned Chen Rui's QR code and saw the WeChat avatar...

People are stupid.

Tell me... you are a vice president of Jinshan after all.

He is also considered a prominent figure on the Internet.

Your avatar should not only be a photo, but also a photo that is a little inspiring, right?

Oh, no.

He actually...

"My sister?"

he asked subconsciously.

Then I saw Chen Rui's eyes light up:

"Does Mr. Wang like this animation?"


Can not be done.

This man is a pervert.

Gotta stay away from him.

Don't come over here!

I'm going to call the police! ! !

Looking at Lao Wang's expression, Xu Xin secretly rubbed his cheek.

He could guess what Lao Wang was thinking.

Because when I first added Chen Rui on WeChat, his expression was even more exciting than the other person’s.

Yang Mi even made a joke because of Chen Rui's profile picture.

During those few days in Shenmu, Yang Mi found that her husband was always chatting with a "girl" with an animated avatar.

So with the mentality of "catch him cheating" and planning to catch some evidence, she would beat her husband so hard that he would never be able to stand up on his third leg again. She rarely wanted to look through Xu Xin's cell phone.

Xu Xin doesn't care.

You can turn it over.

But in exchange, I want to see what you girls are talking about in your group.

The young woman who changed the name of the "bridesmaids" to the "widow's harem" is also willing to risk her life.

The most we can discuss in our group is one size!

You've cheated on me!

I definitely won’t suffer!

So, the two exchanged mobile phones.

And when Yang Mi checked the cartoon avatar and commented on the first sentence of the chat record that seemed to be "Mr. Chen", which was a voice message, she found something was wrong.

"Director Xu, hello, can you hear me?"

This is Chen Rui's first voice message after the two became friends.

When she heard that the voice was that of a man, Yang Mi was a little numb.

I subconsciously asked my husband:

"Who is this person?"

Xu Xin was also a little numb.

Because he saw his wife posting a picture in the "Ignorant's Big Harem" around 5 p.m.

That's Michelangelo's David.

"My beloved concubines, I have come to favor you."


Introducing...introducing bitches who have changed their minds...

He glanced at the mobile phone in his wife's hand in shock and said:

"First tell me what this picture is about..."

"Oh, what about the emoticon...tell me first, who is this person?"

"Your facial expressions are so revealing!!! This is a pornographic picture!! There is also a pornographic girl in this group!"

Seeing Xu Xin's scolding look, Yang Mi still asked persistently:

"Tell me first who this person is."

"Chen Rui, the vice president of Jinshan whom we met and met in Japan last time we had dinner."

Following these words, Yang Mi was stunned...

I took another look at the cartoon girl’s profile picture…

Suddenly the chat history was no longer good.

As if he had seen something particularly scary, he threw the phone out, then snatched his own phone away and ran out of the house.

While running, he shouted:

"Ah!! I'm not clean anymore!!!"

But Xu Xin could only maintain his grasping posture, with only one thought left in his mind:

"I haven't finished reading yet..."

Since then, "Chen Rui" has become a taboo topic for Yang Mi.

And when he fiddled with his wife all night and finally looked at her phone again, he found that the bridesmaids had already deleted the chat history.

Xu Xin hated this.

To say he was gnashing his teeth is an understatement.

In short, when he saw Lao Wang's expression, he was not surprised at all.

Normal people can't keep calm when they see Chen Rui's WeChat profile picture.

not to mention……

If you continue to get to know this person in depth, you will find that he is an authentic second-dimensional person born in the 1970s, and he is also the type with an explosive concentration of second-dimensional characters.

Even those born in the 1980s and 1990s may not be able to catch up with the occasional jokes when chatting with him.

Because those are all professional terms of the second dimension.

Lao Wang is so powerful that he even recognized the origin of this avatar...


Your kid’s two-dimensional concentration is not low either.

The three of them entered the venue with "each having their own agenda".

Met with the organizer.

The next process is very simple.

Chat with a group of big guys from various industries. Most of these people are heads of various companies.

Everyone exchanged greetings and chatted together.

Wait for the game to start.

On this occasion, Wang Sicong is actually more popular than Xu Xin.

Although these well-informed people also know that these two people are not self-made people.

But the problem is...professionalism requires a counterpart.

If we and Wanda have the opportunity, we can carry out a lot of cooperation.

But with Xu Xin... the entertainment industry is not necessarily the case.

In their view, people in the entertainment industry can make a small fortune, but not a big one.

Perhaps to ordinary people, it is an astronomical figure for a star to earn 30 to 50 million yuan a year.

But for these people, 30 to 50 million can only be said to be a small amount of money that is not yet popular.

Of course, they wouldn't think that Xu Xin only earns so much a year... and the main reason that really makes him lose his "attractiveness" is his background.

Everyone knows that he is the son of a coal boss.

Authentic second generation coal.

His life experience is actually quite transparent.

It is precisely because of this that the two sides are not the same people.

Most of these people do investments and the Internet. Xu Xin's family, on the other hand, relies on land resources for a living. Both parties are not short of money, and cooperation channels are also very limited.

It's normal for him not to be popular.

Xu Xin didn't care.

Sitting on a chair with Chen Rui, they had a casual chat.

As we chatted, we started talking about the website he talked about last time:

"I don't know if he's coming or not."

After hearing his words, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

"Director Xu, do you still remember the BILIBILI I mentioned to you last time?"

"Yeah, remember. A two-dimensional website."

"Well, I'm not a member. After receiving the invitation from the judges, I sent a special letter to the webmaster, saying that he could come and try. He didn't reply to me... I don't know if he came this time. Everyone in our group is talking about grandpa... It seems that the webmaster of station B is still in graduate school, so he should meet this qualification. It would be great if he could come..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked with some interest:

"Mr. Chen wants to invest?"


Chen Rui nodded:

"I quite like that website, and I think... Although the two-dimensional culture is a subculture, for those of us who really love the two-dimensional culture, the look and feel of these websites that require membership to cancel ads are actually Very average. On the one hand, I think this is an untapped and underappreciated market with great potential. On the other hand... I like it. So if grandpa can come, then I might invest!"

He said it very seriously.

Xu Xin looked quite surprised.

He was not surprised by Chen Rui's enthusiasm for the second dimension.

But thinking about his words.

Is there an untapped and underappreciated two-dimensional market?

Somehow, he thought of the current domestic animation market.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Mr. Chen, are you talking about domestic animation...can't they draw the style of Japanese animation? Or is it that we don't pay enough attention to this market?"

"Of course, we don't pay enough attention to the market. The status of animation in Japan is no different from that of live-action movies, but what about us? Master He Crab is not making trouble with you... Even "Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit" can be harmonized... ...You said this is what happened...sigh."

Xu Xin was noncommittal about his words.

Everything has its pros and cons.

He was just thinking...

The future of China’s own animation market.

Although at first glance this topic had nothing to do with Chen Rui's chat just now, it didn't stop him from thinking about the two things together.

However, he wanted to think quietly, but time did not allow it.

The first Shanghai University Student Entrepreneurship Fund "New Entrepreneurship Talent" selection competition, jointly organized by Youku, Tencent and other portal websites, is about to begin.

After all the guests were notified, they jumped out and entered the judges' seat in the venue.

Today's ribbon-cutting guest has nothing to do with Xu Xin.

It’s all done by the foundation, SJTU and some leaders.

It started at 9:30 and ended at 10:00.

On the stage after the event, the first college student entrepreneur soon appeared on stage.

The entire "Entrepreneurship Talent" competition on-site rules are a 6-minute project presentation + 9-minute judges' comments process.

Within six minutes, these entrepreneurs have to come up with an attractive enough business plan, and then accept questions from the judges for about 9 minutes, and then based on the two aspects, the contestants will be considered for promotion.

The first college student, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, looked unattractive. He took the microphone and walked onto the stage:

"Good morning to all judges and teachers, entrepreneurial partners and seniors present. I am Liu Wei from the entrepreneurship team of Mihayou in Modujiaoda. Our team's entrepreneurial project is the virtual idol project..."


The moment they heard this, Xu Xin and Chen Rui, who were next to each other, raised their heads at the same time.

Oh yo?

Today’s second dimension wind in this magical city of Jiaotong University...

So noisy?

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