I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 704 701 Gua Sha

Chapter 704 701. Gua Sha

To be honest, it was quite enjoyable to have a heart-to-heart talk with Chen Kexin.

What's more, he found a director for "Partners" who seems to be quite reliable so far.

Of course, this is still the beginning, Cannes has just begun, and many things cannot be accomplished overnight.

But as the night progressed, he yawned more often.

At this time, according to the time in China, it was already past 12 o'clock in the morning.

"Brother, let's have some supper."

Sitting on a beach chair in the evening, enjoying the sea breeze, he looked at the photo of beer-battered crayfish sent by his wife and couldn't help laughing.

This sister is really crazy.

After filming, I have to eat quickly.


It's a blessing to be able to eat.

"Then you can't breastfeed today."

"Nuannuan and Yangyang haven't eaten for two days. At noon today, Yangyang pestered me and kept stretching his hands into his clothes, but I slapped him away. Oh, that little look is so wronged... That No, it’s time to stop breastfeeding.”

"Then... take medicine?"

"No need, I asked the doctor. Since children are more receptive, they should stop breastfeeding naturally, so that their emotions will become very stable during the process of stopping breastfeeding. So take your time... What are you doing? "

Xu Xin took a photo of the coastline and sent it.

I have to admit, WeChat is really easy to use.

You can share your updates anytime and anywhere.

It's really convenient.

After Yang Mi saw this photo, she said:

"? Didn't you say there is a nudist beach over there? Didn't you go check it out?"

Xu Xin's face darkened and he replied:


Who knew that Yang Mi also followed:


After the two questioned each other, Xu Xin finally took the initiative to cut off the spiritual link with her.

Others are afraid that their husbands will cheat on them.

She's fine.

She was afraid that her husband would not take advantage of him when he cheated on her.

Really excellent.

Although Cannes has a Mediterranean climate in April, the temperature cannot be said to be particularly high.

Night temperatures are usually between 15 and 20 degrees.

It will be warmer during the day, with the highest temperature reaching 25 degrees.

As the sunset slowly lowered, the temperature gradually dropped a lot.

Seeing that Xu Xin had no intention of leaving, Su Meng returned to the hotel and brought a coat to Brother Xu.

Where is Xu Xin...

There was nothing in my mind.

At this moment, his spirit was a bit sleepy and blank.

Extraordinarily comfortable.

As a child who grew up in northern Shaanxi, the word "sea" is actually unfamiliar to him.

Even though he has traveled to many places over the years.

But every time the words "sea" and "beach" are mentioned, this child who grew up in the inland always feels a thrill in his heart.

That's fine for now.

Looking at the sunset, thinking about nothing, my mind is relaxed.

The busy spirit of many days slowly relaxes in this tranquility.

At this time, Su Meng said:

"Brother Xu, Brother Cong is here."


Xu Xin came back to his senses and turned his head to take a look.

Then I saw Wang Sicong holding his chin with something unknown in his hand and walking this way.

When he walked in, Xu Xin saw clearly... what he was holding seemed to be an ice pack.

"Go get a glass of juice."


Su Meng nodded and walked quickly towards the bar. As he walked, he said hello to Wang Sicong.

And after Wang Sicong came over:

"What's wrong?"

he asked.

A trace of pain appeared on Wang Sicong's face, and he shrugged and said:

"Forget it, when I went shopping, I tried on clothes. I tried on a dress with metal pieces around the collar, but it didn't fit. When I took it off, the metal piece... clicked! It scratched here..."


Looking at the increasingly red fire boil, Xu Xin's eyes twitched.

Even if it was just a description, he could understand the pain.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

"It's not broken, is it?"

"I hope it breaks quickly and the blood is squeezed out. But it doesn't even have a white tip, but it hurts more and more. No, I asked Apple and Camille to find a Chinese medicine clinic for me. , let’s see how we can... do it. It’s burning and hurting now.”

As he spoke, he leaned on the lounge chair next to him.

He looked at the sea in front of him, then at Xu Xin, and asked:

"Where is the great director meditating here?"

"That's right, but I don't think about anything at the moment."

“Have you checked the WeChat group?”

"No, what's wrong?"

"Lao Lang is coming to Paris to perform on the evening of the 6th and asked us if we would like to go and see it."


Xu Xin was stunned and glanced at the chat in the WeChat group.

After discovering that Lang Lang asked in the group who would come to Paris to watch the show on the 6th, Tang Yan and Di Wei both responded enthusiastically.

After he finished reading, Su Meng came back with a glass of juice:

"Brother Cong, here it is."

"Mengmeng, will I have anything to do on the 6th?"

Su Meng quickly took out the small notebook in her pocket, glanced at it, and shook her head slightly:

"There will be an interview on the afternoon of the 6th, and in the evening the Gaumont Film Production and Distribution Company will invite you to a dinner."

Hearing Su Meng's words, Xu Xin shrugged at Wang Sicong, meaning he couldn't go.

Then he asked:

"Are you going?"

"Go ahead, I haven't seen him since the New Year. And he only has one performance in Paris, and has to go to Vienna on the 7th. Can you go? This dinner is very important? For a publishing company as big as Gaumont, it is bound to treat guests to dinner. You're not alone... How about we do it?"

"What a fool. I'm here to represent the factory, and we're partners on both sides. Where can I go?"

With some regret, he said into the microphone:

"I can't go to Paris on the 6th. There is a dinner party held in Gaumont. Can you come to Cannes on the 7th?"

Lang Lang replied quickly.

"I can't go. I have to leave on the morning of the 7th to go to Vienna."

"Forget it, let Lao Wang and the others accompany you. I'm busy with the movie here."

"That's okay. Let's see you at home. I can return to China in June, and I can rest for at least two or three months."


While chatting with Lang Lang, he stood up:

"Let's go? Let's eat? It's time to go to bed after dinner."


Wang Sicong covered his chin with an ice pack and walked with him into the hotel.

Everyone still had dinner in the restaurant.

Because I was jet-lagged, I had this "early morning" late-night snack, so I just had to go back to bed quickly.

When eating, everyone gathered at the same table again.

Tomorrow is the opening of the film festival. The opening film of the 64th Cannes Film Festival is "Midnight in Paris" directed by the famous Woody Allen.

At the same time, stars from all walks of life who came to participate in the film festival also arrived one after another.

The whole restaurant was quite lively.

While eating, Camille and Apple came back.

Brought back a message.

The task is not completed.

Although everyone says that wherever there are people, there are Chinese people.

But for the small seaside town of Cannes, it is still a bit difficult to find a traditional Chinese medicine clinic that can do scraping, massage, and acupuncture.

The two of them searched around but couldn't find it.

After hearing this, Di Wei was stunned and looked at Wang Sicong:

"I have a scraping board with me, brother Cong, have you forgotten? Do you still need to look for it? I know it~ I am from Chengdu. I am from the Seventy-Two line of Xiaoyao sect. I take a break to drink tea in my busy schedule. You still don't believe me? "


Hearing this, Wang Sicong felt embarrassed.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Seventh Brother.

Mainly...it's a man and a woman alone, and scraping doesn't look like that.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, looked shocked when he heard that she had brought a scraper:

"Have Chengdu people evolved to the point where they can scrape themselves?"

He guessed that Di Wei's arms weren't that long, so how could she use the scraper to scrape herself?

Di Wei was stunned and nodded subconsciously:

"Yes. I brought a scraper with me, just because I'm afraid it won't be acclimatized."

"Then...you can't scratch your own back, right?"

“Who said you have to shave your own back for gua sha?”

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Di Wei looked strange:

"It's also OK to scrape the Pishu and Weishu on the back. You can scrape the Zusanli, and the Spleen Meridian of the Foot-Taiyin. Gua Sha is not just scraping the back, but scraping at different locations depending on the symptoms."


After hearing these words, Xu Xin had a feeling.

Chengdu people...


Immediately afterwards, he said to Wang Sicong:

"Then let Brother Qi help you. Your boil is getting bigger and bigger."

"That's right, I'm bringing the essential oil with me. You're getting angry. Just shave it off once or twice and you'll be fine."


Wang Sicong looked at Si Wei and then at Xu Xin.

"Then you coming with me?"

Xu Xin's first reaction was that I don't shave, so what am I going to do?

But looking at his friend's eyes, he was stunned again.

Then, it suddenly became clear.

He seemed to understand why Wang Sicong didn't look for Seventh Brother.

So he nodded:

"Okay. Let's do it after dinner, and get some rest early."

After saying that, he also brought his glass of wine in front of him:

"Don't drink the wine either."


Hearing this, Su Meng, who was hesitant to speak, looked at Di Wei, then at Brother Cong, and shut her mouth honestly.

Gua Sha...

She can too.

Wouldn't it be better if you said no earlier?

I was able to choose Brother Xu's assistant in the first place because of my excellent massage skills.

It's just that Brother Xu rarely lets himself press...

Although she wanted to speak, but...

Forget it.


This lobster is awesome! (`)

Then, the scene changed.

When Xu Xin came to Wang Sicong's room, he found that Lao Wang had already finished taking a shower.

Her hair was still wet and she was wearing short sleeves and shorts.

Because he probably understood that Lao Wang wanted to avoid suspicion, Xu Xin, who felt that he handled the matter very well and thoughtfully, did not say anything.

I sat down on the sofa and turned on my phone to scroll through Weibo.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

It's not Siwei, but Apple.

"Brother, the clothes have been sent over. They will be washed and sent back tomorrow."


Wang Sicong nodded.

With almost the effort of both feet, Apple had just made tea for Xu Xin when the door was knocked again.

After she opened the door, Xu Xin and Wang Sicong both looked in the direction of the door.


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

The person who came was Di Wei.

She should have come, it was nothing to begin with...but...

Di Wei came, carrying a small box in her hand.

This box is... palm-sized and square, with some bottles and cans inside.

Just like that, she carried it in her hand and walked in.

A sense of imagery rushed towards Xu Xin instantly.

He subconsciously avoided his gaze.

What a coincidence.

At this time, Wang Sicong looked at Xu Xin unconsciously.

Their eyes met.



The two eyes met in mid-air.

You said it was a coincidence, but Xu Xin understood what he was thinking.

He also understood what Xu Xin was thinking.


Their eyes turned into the same disgust.

Look at each other with disgust.

Bah, vile!

Fortunately, Di Wei was wearing slippers and her clothes were a loose-fitting T-shirt and trousers.

If she really wore high heels, Xu Xin might be embarrassed to stay in this room any longer.

But what needs to be said still needs to be said:

"Brother Qi, what's going on with your box...?"

"It puts essential oil in it."

Upon hearing this, Di Wei directly placed the box next to the TV, opened the lid and said:

"There are some for allergy repair, soothing, invigorating, and anti-inflammatory. It's my first time going abroad, and I don't know what the conditions are like here, so I just brought everything with me."

"Uh... have you studied Chinese medicine?"

"No. But I am very interested in this kind of essential oils, perfumes and the like. It can be regarded as a hobby. This time I went to Paris, I just planned to buy a bottle of antique perfume. I went to DIOR in the afternoon and asked about it. I wanted to buy it The perfume was DIOR ISSIMO launched in 1955, and the shop assistant asked me to make sure it could be purchased in Paris...hehe."

She also suddenly laughed out loud.

Apparently, she loved the good news.

But her words clearly touched Xu Xin's knowledge blind spot.

He was confused when he heard it.

Subconsciously asked:

"Perfumes launched in 1955... Do you want to buy the perfume produced in 1955? Or that series?"

"Perfume produced in 1955."

"...Is this perfume still usable? Will it not go bad?"

"Yes. That thing is actually the same as alcohol. It can definitely be used. But...generally I don't want to use it. I also have several bottles at home, all of which are 20 or 30 years old. The more I use, the less I use. I usually put it in the refrigerator and watch it...hehehehe..."

She laughed again.

This time, Xu Xin finally understood.

It seems that this is Ji Wei's hobby, just like some people like antiques and some people like collecting wine.

It's just that perfume can also be used as a collectible. He is really knowledgeable.

At this time, Wang Sicong said:

"If you like to collect perfume... I can help you get a few bottles?"


Si Wei quickly shook her head:

"Good perfumes are too expensive. I'll just buy ISSIMO this time. The rest... I'll save up slowly in the future."

As she spoke, she had selected several essential oils from the box.

He turned to Wang Sicong and said:

"Brother Cong, just take off your shirt and lie on the bed... Well, Apple, give him a bathrobe to cushion him, so as not to stain the sheets."


Guo Ping quickly arranged it.

Di Wei took out a small glass bowl.

"Bergamot...three drops...basil...five drops...lavender...Well, Brother Cong, I'll add two more drops of lavender for you. You can just go to bed after shaving in a while."


Wang Sicong had already taken off his shirt and was lying on top of his bathrobe.

Soon, several different essential oils and carrier oils were mixed together.

It's about one-third of the size of the glass bowl.

Di Wei directly mixed the bowl with her fingers, then picked up the scraping board and stood beside the bed.

Then, she poured all the essential oil down Wang Sicong's spine.

He put the bowl down and then said:

"It might be a little cold at first, but it will warm up soon."

As she spoke, she began to rub her hands together.

There was a "rustling" friction sound in the room.

After her hands were completely warmed up, she placed them directly on the bladder meridian on both sides of Wang Sicong's back.

Instantly, Wang Sicong was trembling.

And Xu Xin also showed a... very strange expression.

There is no other reason.

This oil pushing technique... looks so professional.

If she could sit on Wang Sicong's butt, it would be more professional...

Subconsciously, he looked at Wang Sicong's face.

Wang Sicong, who rested his chin on the back of his hand, seemed a little embarrassed at this moment and had closed his eyes.

But Xu Xin saw...his face turned red...

Oh yo!

Lao Wang blushed?

He thought for a moment and picked up the phone again.

Forget it, let’s not watch it.

The provincial brother is embarrassed.

However, at this moment, his nose already smelled a vague mixed aroma.

Not to mention...it smells pretty good.

After browsing Weibo for a while, I heard Di Wei say:

"Is your back feeling hot now?"


"Then I'll start shaving. I'm heavy-handed, so please bear with it a little. You're a little angry, and I feel like Sha will appear quickly."


After Wang Sicong responded, Di Wei took the scraper and began to scrape down from the back of his neck.

As for him, he glanced at Xu Xin vaguely first.

After discovering that the other party was playing with his mobile phone...

Maybe he felt that the room was too quiet and uncomfortable, so he asked:

"Brother Qi, did you learn Gua Sha from a teahouse?"


Si Wei helped him shave and said:

"After my father and my mother divorced, my mother had to change from a full-time woman to a working class. It was difficult to find a job at the beginning, so she found a job in a teahouse, filling people with water and tea... I was just My dad ran away when I was born, and my grandma and grandpa took care of me at that time.

He often took me to the teahouse to see my mother. It can be said that I grew up in a teahouse. At that time, there were many masseurs in teahouses, and I often watched them do it, and I gradually learned how to do it. Then I started massaging my mother... That's why I told you that I am professional in Gua Sha massage. "

Actually... Xu Xin could also hear this.

But precisely because I could hear it, it felt a little... strange.

From Si Wei's words, I couldn't actually hear any resentment towards the father who had no memory.

There is just a very optimistic spirit.

"Then...Auntie is retired now, right?"

"No, I opened a supermarket at the entrance of the community. Now I can make money. If she wants to do it, I will do it. If she doesn't, I will pull her down. As long as she is happy~... Director Xu, look, he has a lot of sha. quick."

Hearing this, Xu Xin took a look.

The area scratched by the scraper was already bright red.

Very bright red spots.

Even if Xu Xin is a layman, he knows that this kind of red spots is actually not normal.

Nodding subconsciously:

"Yeah, it's all red."

"Yes, he is just angry. Just let the anger out... I have chrysanthemum tea with me, can you drink it?"

"Okay, get me some later."

"Now... Apple, call Dafa and ask her to bring the chrysanthemum. Make a big cup, drink it all in one go, have a good sleep, get up and go to the toilet, and that's probably about it."

Guo Ping nodded and went to call Xu Dafa.

Xu Xin continued to look down at his phone.

On the contrary, Wang Sicong seemed to be relaxed now.

The original posture of resting his chin on the back of his hands changed to lying with his head tilted, and asked Di Wei in a voice similar to babble:

"Brother Qi, do you like collecting antique perfumes? Do you have any other hobbies?"

"This is my only hobby, but this hobby is too expensive. A bottle of better perfume costs tens of thousands... This time the ISSIMO cost more than 80,000, which is too expensive. If I hadn't picked up a few I’m not even willing to buy an advertisement.”

"The price you pay for one advertisement now is enough to buy a dozen bottles, so what are you afraid of?"

"That's not how money is spent. It has to be saved. I've met a good time. What if one day I don't become popular in the future, right? This is called financial management~"

Wang Sicong couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this.

"Haha... I will introduce you to several professional financial management teams when I return to China..."

"I don't have to. Can people like my three melons and two dates?"

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Xu Xin’s fingers paused while scrolling through Weibo.

But it soon returned to normal.

While doing the scraping, Di Wei said:

"That's not necessary. I think the safest way to keep money is in the bank. So all the money I earn goes to my mother, and she keeps it."

"You can go to a bank to find a financial manager. They can also give you an annual rate of 4 to 5 percent, which is still the lowest risk. For high-risk ones, you can get 7 to 8 percent, or even Even 10% of people do it.”

"I don't want it... You said it, it's low risk... Low risk is also a risk. I think it's quite appropriate to deposit on a regular basis. 3%, one million a year is 30,000 in interest. Earn enough Ten thousand, the interest can reach 5. My goal is to first earn enough 10 million in cash and put it in the bank. In this way, even if it fails in the future, at least there will be 500,000 in interest a year, which is enough..."


Si Wei's words left Wang Sicong at a loss for words.

Not to mention him, Xu Xin is almost the same.

Let’s not talk about what ten million means to the two of them...

Just from a "vision" point of view, both of them have the ability to turn ten million into several ten million.

Even whether this ability can be achieved depends on the mood of the two people.

But at this moment, listening to Di Wei’s words...

Xu Xin didn't know what Wang Sicong thought. But here, he suddenly realized something.

"Brother Seven."

he shouted.


Di Wei, who was slightly sweaty on the tip of her nose, turned her head:

"What's wrong? Director Xu."

"Keep this mood. Remember the life of ordinary people. Even if you become famous in the future, don't forget it. When you can see the reality of life clearly, then life will become your victory. Magic weapon. Don’t forget it, even if you will earn a lot of ten million in the future, don’t forget it.”


Di Wei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed:

"Pfft...haha. I remember...if you borrow Dao Xu's good words, let me earn a few more ten million in the future."

At this time, Wang Sicong smiled and said:

"I'm afraid you won't be able to spend the money you earned. If you don't mention anything else, just this antique perfume, it will be difficult for you to spend all 10 million."

"That's not scary."

Si Weixiao was in high spirits, as if she had already seen the future she was most looking forward to:

"When I earn enough 100 million, I will retire. Take this money, find someone I love and love me, marry, and be a down-to-earth husband and raise children. It doesn't matter if I can't spend all the money, I can give it to my husband and children Flowers. This is called having food in your hands and no panic in your heart. Haha~"


Hearing her words, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

It’s really a simple and unpretentious dream…

But great.

Really good.

He glanced at Wang Sicong.

Unfortunately, Wang Sicong, whose back was already covered in scars, still kept lying down with the back of his head facing him.

He saw nothing.

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