I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 706 703 Large intestine wrapped in small intestine

Chapter 706 703. Large intestine wrapped in small intestine


Looking at the French text on the door of the store, Wang Sicong raised his eyebrows:

"Shall we come here to eat?"

Di Wei also looked up and asked:

"Does this store have a statement?"

"Yes. It's Lyonnais cuisine. Well..."

After speaking, he pondered for a moment and used a relatively clear conversion concept:

"If you compare France to Sichuan and Chongqing, the so-called French food is like the kind of Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine... non-spicy, delicate, and as delicate as boiled cabbage. Lyon cuisine is like Jianghu cuisine. Lyon is a working class person. It’s a city that stands out for its large portions and great taste.”

"That can."

Di Wei nodded, pushed the door open and walked in. She turned around and joked to Wang Sicong:

"I just don't know if he has chili oil."

"I can't eat it even if there is chili oil."

Raising his chin slightly to indicate his white-pointed boil, Wang Sicong shrugged and followed her in, joking and talking:

"How about I put some chili oil on it to cheer up Brother Seven?"

"Hey hey hey~"

After the three of them entered, the waiter came over quickly.

The three of them were invited to a table by the window.

As long as you turn your head, you can see the blue coastline. Combined with the rich old European decoration style in the house, it feels quite good.

Don't worry about ordering food.

She couldn't understand either.

Wang Sicong just made sure that she had no taboos about offal, and then started to order the dishes in his own way.

Small tripe sausage, veal head meat, lamb trotters, fried tripe.

In order to meet the needs of the working class at that time, Lyon cuisine emphasized the importance of large portions and filling, and also featured various offal and scraps.

After Wang Sicong ordered a few dishes, he asked Si Wei:


"Stop drinking."

Glancing at the fire boil on his chin that had begun to darken in color, Di Wei said.

Wang Sicong was stunned...

Then he nodded:


Just as she was about to hand the menu to the waiter, Di Wei added:

"I'd like a glass of red wine."


"Hehe~ You're not suitable, but I'm fine."

Si Wei said, looking at his speechless expression, it seemed that he "couldn't bear it":

"Forget it, why don't you just have a beer."

"Then I might as well drink red wine."

He ended up ordering three glasses of red wine without even asking the brand.

It’s the wine that goes with the food in the store.

After the waiter left, Di Wei looked at the people on the street outside, finally took off her hat, gathered her hair back with her hands, grabbed it with her left hand, and bit her wrist with her right hand.

There was a rubber band around her wrist.

Biting it, he stretched it out and tied it to his hair.

Wang Sicong watched the whole process...but said nothing.

But after she tied her hair, she turned to look out the window again.

"Brother Cong, tell me what "Midnight in Paris" is specifically about? Just... Who is the woman who kissed the male protagonist? Those people he has met..."


Wang Sicong turned around. After hearing her words, he thought about it and said:

"Frankly speaking, the threshold for viewing Woody Allen's movie is quite high. Because it requires viewers... to at least be familiar with the lives of the great artists who were active in European art history in the early 1920s, or at least You know who these people are. For example, the Hemingway I mentioned just now is the person with a rough voice in the movie. He should be motivated by..."

Speaking of this, Wang Sicong looked thoughtful.

After a moment, he explained:

"After the First World War. When the First World War began, Hemingway quit his job as a reporter and participated in the First World War. He stayed in Paris at that time and witnessed many of the tragic scenes after the war. He created the "Farewell to Arms"..."

"Brother Cong, have you seen it?"


"...It's amazing. To be honest, I haven't even read "The Old Man and the Sea". I've only heard of the name of this book..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly showed a...very playful expression:

"Hey, you're not laughing at me in your heart."

"Why am I laughing at you? If you are interested, why don't you go back and buy a set of his complete works to read?"

After hearing this, Di Wei laughed:

"Hehe, that's what I planned too. Because today the movie gave me a good feeling... even though I can't understand it. When I was a singer, I had to audition, run events, and make money... I was very tired every day .I had not yet become an actor at that time, so I was under a lot of pressure. I was basically a regular in nightclubs.

Later, when I became an actor, I had to cram in my acting knowledge, so even if I knew about these immortal masterpieces of literature, I had never read them. Although it sounds like an excuse, I really don’t have time. When I have free time, I just want to lie down..."

Listening to her words, Wang Sicong nodded and gave his own opinion.

"The book is right there, you can read it anytime you want. Life always has to go through several different busy stages. Besides, it doesn't matter whether it's reading a book, understanding art, or learning something. In fact, it's all about improving personal accomplishment, not with anyone. Go and compare, don’t feel this way in your heart, it’s not necessary.

Just like Picasso's mistress Adrienne, who the hero fell in love with in that movie. Adrienne believed that Paris in the past was the golden age of art, but the male protagonist, as a person from the future, told her that Paris in the 1920s was the best.

But Adrienne feels that the 1920s she is living in is only "now", not the "heaven" in her heart... In fact, this may be what Woody Allen wants to express. The past of every era has its own realities that are “boring” in the eyes of the people of that era.

Ordinary people who really lived in that era may not be able to feel the beauty of their era in the eyes of future generations...so you shouldn't have this idea. After all, you are also an actor, and you are also creating the beauty of this era in the eyes of future generations.

This is the interesting part of Woody Allen's movie. He first fixed the "time and space" in Paris, and used the understanding of the times by people from two eras to let the male protagonist use an outsider's perspective to view the outside world. Interpreting and participating in it, thinking in an inner human way. and……"

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped talking.

Di Wei, who had been listening in high spirits and with shining eyes, tilted her head in confusion:

"What's the matter?"


Wang Sicong hesitated and said:

"Do you still remember that in the movie, which took place in modern times, the male protagonist and his fiancée met by chance in Paris, and then walked together. In the camera, the male partner always talked about his opinions over some artworks, paintings, red wine, etc. No?"

Si Wei thought for a while and asked:

"The guy in the suit with the beard?"


"Remember...what happened to him?"

"He...actually looks very knowledgeable at first glance in the movie. He is very knowledgeable about any art, and he fascinated the actor's fiancée. But...when they visited the museum, they encountered a sculpture carved by Rodin, and then replaced the museum. The tour guide told the story of Rodin, do you remember it?"

Si Wei thought about it again and vaguely remembered this fragment:

"They're in the garden, that statue?"

"Yes. Do you know that later in the story, the male protagonist found this tour guide to learn about the artists in Paris at that time, and what did the tour guide say about the bearded male supporting actor?"

After saying that, he knew that Di Wei definitely didn't know, so he said:

"The tour guide's definition of a bearded man is a person who shows off his knowledge...I wonder if what I just said is also showing off."


Di Wei was stunned for a moment. After staring at him for a while with her artificially carved double-eyelid eyes, she smiled and said:

"Brother Cong..."


"I have always, always, always thought you were a very powerful person."

She spoke from the bottom of her heart:

"My definition of the rich second generation was actually very poor in the past. Back then... a producer called me because of a movie and told me that the investor was a rich second generation who liked me. Let me Accompany him to travel for three days and give me 3 million, plus the heroine of the drama. I said I won’t go. Then the producer asked me: Are you sure you don’t want to go? If you don’t come, you’ll be in charge of my drama in the future. None of them came. I said I wouldn’t come...then I put down the phone and started cursing."


"I came from a talent show, so it can be said that... I am at the bottom of the contempt chain in our industry. Singers with a formal background look down on me, producers look down on me, and even after I became an actor, even those professional film and television actors who did side jobs looked down on me. "


Wang Sicong wanted to say something, but Di Wei's words really touched his blind spot.

Never experienced it.

"I have been in this business for a long time, and I have really encountered a lot of magical things. Most of the people I met are like that... I have a little money myself, and I want everyone to see them that way... "

She performed a very classic "Boyah Hancock" gesture of disdain.

After returning to normal, he smiled and said to Wang Sicong:

"But you are different. Or... the people around Director Xu are different. Whether it's you, Sister Mi, or others... I can't see the shortcomings that I think you should have from you. Especially You, Brother Cong, sometimes I feel that if others can look at you without looking at you as the so-called "rich second generation", then they will definitely find that you are a very knowledgeable, well-educated, and have a very handsome side of your own. That kind of boy..."


Wang Sicong's face immediately turned red.

Purely praised.

He looked embarrassed directly.

At this time, the waiter also brought over three glasses of red wine.

Under Xu Dafa's stunned look, "Can I drink too?" Wang Sicong quickly took a sip from the cup, trying to calm down his shock.

"Hey, why are you drinking it by yourself?"

Di Wei quickly stopped him.

"Come on, Brother Cong, let's make a toast... cheers~"

The glasses touched each other. Wang Sicong temporarily suppressed the "shyness" in his heart with the help of red wine and said:

"You put this hat on me, and I don't even want to take it off."

"No, I'm serious."

Si Wei shook her head:

"So sometimes I feel that the way people look at you is actually quite unfair..."


Wang Sicong quickly took another sip of wine.

Seeing this, Di Wei also accompanied one, not forgetting to call Xu Dafa together.

"So, Brother Cong, I like to listen to what you say, and I don't think you are showing off. On the contrary, I feel... I have gained a lot of knowledge. Moreover, I think you are really good at interpreting movies..."

"I actually learned this from Lao Xu."

At this moment, I just felt that I was being praised... Wang Sicong, who was about to soar into the sky, quickly hung a shot put on himself.

"I used to watch movies in a hurry. But Lao Xu's house...well, you probably haven't been there. His house in Shijia Hutong has a special room that was turned into a video room. We were there Before the house was renovated, my favorite thing to do was to have a glass of wine and watch a movie.

At first he told us about it, but over time, everyone was led by him to... well, let's just say it improved their aesthetics. Just start discussing. Discuss together, and then everyone discovers that everyone has their own interpretation...

So now I am used to watching movies from my own perspective to interpret what the movie shows..."

After Wang Sicong finished speaking, Di Wei's eyes changed from surprise to sparkling:

“It’s so handsome!!!”


He was stunned.

I heard Si Wei ask:

"How many of you are there? You, Director Xu, Sister Mi..."

"Da Mi usually doesn't mix in. She doesn't like to smoke our second-hand smoke. So she's usually the one feeding the pigs."

"Pfft...what do you mean by feeding pigs?"

Looking at Brother Qi who burst into laughter, Wang Sicong was also happy:

"Why not feed the pigs? There is a process for us to watch movies. The brothers first get together to eat and drink some wine. She is basically responsible for the meal. After eating and drinking, the old wolf starts to hand out cigars... He is in Europe He has a high status here, and these people all know that he likes cigars, so when he goes to some places, people give him cigars as gifts."

"I know this. I've seen interviews. He performed in the UK a while ago. It is said that the British royal family gave him a box of very expensive cigars..."

"Yes, we will just have an eggplant and a glass of wine each, and wait in the video room. Da Mi will give us a fruit plate, and various snacks... According to her, isn't that just feeding pigs? "

"Hahahaha...hey, this metaphor is too vivid."

"That's right."

Wang Sicong also chuckled and shrugged.

"It's... quite interesting."

"So, this bureau was organized by Director Xu?"

"Yes. We are all used to it. As long as everyone is around, we go to his house to play. There are many people and it is lively~"

"It seems that Director Xu really extended a hobby to you..."

"It's actually more than that."

He shook his head, looked out the window, and sighed:

"Lao Xu is not so much helping us extend our hobbies, but rather becoming a role model in our hearts."


Si Wei seemed to have remembered something and said:

"Oh, yes, I remember that I saw an interview, and Director Xu said the same thing about you. But it was the other way around. He said that Lang Lang was the greatest pianist of this era, and that Jay Chou was the ceiling of the Chinese music scene..."

"The only thing I can offer is money."

Wang Sicong simply rolled his eyes.

He complained:

"He really can't spit out ivory."


Amidst Si Wei's laughter, Wang Sicong picked up the wine glass, instead of suddenly becoming a little yearning...

"But... Brother Qi, why don't we want to live like him?"


At this time, even Xu Dafa next to him showed curious eyes.

How do you say this...?

As if he had guessed their doubts, Wang Sicong smiled and asked:

"Seventh Brother, Confucius said: When three people walk together, there must be my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. You may not think that he said in the interview that he envied us, but in fact, he is really admired by us. The person I envy is...among the few of us, he is the one. What do you think of him? What is the thing you envy most about him?"

"It's good in all aspects, but if you want me to make a single summary... maybe I would say that as a director, I have achieved such achievements at this age. I am really envious of him."

"Look, you are also yearning for him... so are we. In terms of career, we envy him for having experience in the Olympics and being the designer of the torch. This is something that will leave a mark in history. Maybe a hundred years later, two century……

No one will know who Wang Sicong is, no one will know the names of Chinese music star Jay Chou and piano master Lang Lang... But believe me, in the children's history books, among the knowledge points about the first Olympic Games held by our country, he Like Director Zhang, they must be two names that cannot be avoided. "

These words won the approval of Di Wei and Xu Dafa.

Looking at the two people nodding, Wang Sicong continued:

"As for love... I'll be honest with you, I've never seen any couple live the same life as he and Dami. Let me put it this way, any words you can find that can describe the advantages between a couple can be used. Apply it to him and Dami.

Raise the case with eyebrows raised.

Treat each other with respect.

Wings and branches.

Like glue and paint.

Pulling a deer cart together.

Like each other...

Everything, all the longing for love, can be seen in the two of them. "

Speaking of this, Wang Sicong suddenly paused.

There was a trace of yearning and obsession on his face... that was clearly visible to the two people opposite him:

"If we talk about career, it is time and destiny that make heroes, but in terms of love... these two people are like the sun in the hearts of a few of us. In fact, the three of us have also talked in private... In front of this sun, any shadows and little thoughts about love and marriage do not exist. With these two people in front, you can't think of anything else except yearning and unconscious following. .because……"

His tone was full of a distant sigh, but he couldn't help but feel like he was flying into the flames.

"It's so dazzling..."

Under the light, there is no place for shadow.

Perhaps it was because of his tone of voice, or because of the contact during this period of time, whether it was from the outside or from the side, it confirmed Brother Cong's conclusion.

Si Wei couldn't help but ask:

"So, Brother Cong, your view of love... is also being changed by Director Xu and Sister Mi?"

"It should be assimilation."

Wang Sicong took a sip of the wine glass and sighed silently.

"Especially after what happened to Wang Ying, I became a little more determined...I also want to find a love of my own...even if it only exists in theory, a perfect love. For one person, it will last forever."

Si Wei asked subconsciously:

"Then if you can't find it..."

"It's better to lack than to indulge."

Wang Sicong smiled and shrugged:

"Just kidding, it's just like how I usually tease Little Baozi in the group. Brother Cong, I... I want to stay safe for my future wife... Haha~"

He was smiling though.

He even said it was a "joke".

But at this moment, the unwavering sense of belief on his face made Xu Dafa unable to help but look away.


This light is so dazzling.

Can't stand it.

But Di Wei didn't turn her head, but looked at his smiling face...

"Sir, ma'am, little sausages. bon appetit~"

The waiter came over with three plates.

Compared with ordinary French food, the three portions are really not considered exquisite dishes, and they were served in front of the three of them.

After leaving his blessings, Hepan left.

And the dazzling light disappeared, replaced by a wave of greetings:

"Come on, Seventh Brother, let's have a try. The bratwurst is the representative of Lyonnais cuisine... How about trying it?"


Di Wei nodded, picked up the knife and fork, and looked at what was on her plate... At first glance, it looked like fried sausage, about the thickness of a baby's arm, cut open with a knife.

I was stunned when I saw the stuffing inside.

"This is……"

"Old Xu has a saying that I find particularly interesting. It's called..."

The tip of the knife in his hand pointed at the outer layer of the sausage:

"Life is unpredictable, the big intestine wraps around the small intestine."

Following the words, the tip of the knife moved from the large intestine casing on the outside to the stuffing inside.

Just like the words say.

The so-called Xiao'an Duchang is pig large intestine wrapped in pig small intestine.


Leng Buding was infected by his sense of humor. Looking at such vivid dishes, Di Wei couldn't help laughing.

Then, she forked the "small intestine wrapped in large intestine", dipped it in some soup and put it in her mouth.

Feel the taste...

Not to mention, it’s quite delicious.

Tastes similar to...

I can't seem to find anything similar, but it's really delicious.

I feel like this dish is particularly honest.

As an appetizer, it's too much to "smash people".

But the taste is really nothing to say.


There wasn't even much of an organ smell.

Quite, really great.

She couldn't help but nodded and looked at Wang Sicong with a bit of surprise:

"Hey, it's really delicious. Although the way it's processed is different from ours... but it's really good."

Wang Sicong smiled and nodded while chewing.

After he swallowed this mouthful of large intestine and small intestine, he picked up the wine glass and said:

"So, in life, beautiful people and good wine cannot be lived up to."

Si Wei put down her knife and fork and pouted outside:

"That's one less thing to say, and there's also a beautiful view."


Turning his head to glance at the blue coastline, Wang Sicong nodded:

"That's right, only the beautiful scenery..."

He pointed out the window.

"gourmet food."

Look into the wheel.


Finally, he watched Di Wei pass the wine glass to the table.

"Can't live up to it."


Di Wei chuckled and also picked up the wine glass.

Only this time, she forgot to call Xu Dafa.


Two French cameo glass wine glasses, which were different from elegant goblets, made a crisp sound when they collided.

"bon appetit~"

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, although she didn't understand what they meant, she also said:

"Bangah Bati~"

After saying that, he drank the little wine left in the cup with a smile in his eyes.

Bon appetit.


Feeling the wonderful taste of the fat from the large intestine wrapped in the small intestine and the red wine, she put down the cup and said to Wang Sicong:

"Continued Cup?"

Wang Sicong was stunned...

Gladly agreed.

"Okay, come on."

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