I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 708 705 seems to be popular again

Chapter 708 705. It seems... popular again

The evening of May 1st.

Xu Xin took the lead and led Luo Shun and others representing Xiying Studio, as well as Lao Wang and Qi Ge to walk to the movie palace.

In fact, it is quite dangerous to go abroad at night.

If you can take a car, it's best not to walk. It's best if you can walk and don't walk alone.

However, during the Cannes Film Festival, the French police rarely showed force. From time to time, you can see policemen patrolling on motorcycles on Corosset Avenue.

Obviously, they have tried their best to ensure that the Cannes Film Festival can be held.

And this group of people are also wearing very casual clothes.

Originally, Si Wei and Tang Yan planned to wear evening dresses. After all, today was the "premiere" of the movie.

But after the two of them packed up and went downstairs, they saw that Xu Xin was not wearing formal clothes, and after hearing that everyone was going to stroll over, Ge Wei took Tang Yan back to the house to change clothes.

The Cannes Film Festival has some dress codes when certain films are screened for the first time.

But that's relative.

In some movies, the director team will take the lead in wearing formal attire to express grandeur, and such movies usually have instructions on the official website, such as requiring suits for men and evening gowns for women.

As long as there are regulations, then the audience must also abide by them.

On this occasion, it is more like a social gathering than watching a movie.

Before "33 Days" was released, people at Cannes also discussed with Luo Shunjun whether there was such a rule.

Xu Xinxin said that this is not a serious historical subject. Why should we give the audience a dress code when watching a movie?

No need.

Therefore, he takes the lead and everyone can do whatever is comfortable for them.

Walking on Corosette Avenue at night, you can see the rustling of the waves on the left, and the light under the street lights on the right.

Not to mention...

It's quite charming.

If only the roar of sports cars on the road could be quieter...

"Damn, a bunch of French rich people."

Wang Sicong curled his lips disdainfully.

Drive a Ferrari and hit the streets?

I really don’t know what my last name is?

But there is nothing we can do.

The annual Cannes Film Festival is a great time to boost Cannes’ GDP.

Come to Cannes and you can see stars from all over the world.

Even though the French are clamoring that France is number one in the art world, many of them cannot resist the big stars in Hollywood.

Moreover, it is really close to Monaco.

50 kilometers.

Some so-called rich people can spend all their time gambling in Monaco in the morning, then have nothing to do in the afternoon and drive to Cannes to watch movies.

Life is simply not too carefree.

So, the nights here in Cannes are really noisy these days.


Just as Wang Sicong finished curling his lips, at the traffic light, a Ferrari and an AMG began to roar in unison.

Both cars were first at the traffic light.

Ferrari stepped on the accelerator first.

The roar of an idle kick was quickly responded to by AMG.

This is an unwritten rule of road racing.

If someone wants to compete with you, just hit the accelerator.

If you agree, just hit the accelerator as well, and that'll count as a living thing.

But if you don’t want to rush, just ignore it or just turn on the turn signal and keep to the right.

After the two cars reached a tacit understanding, the roar of the engine began to resound at the T-intersection.

It attracted the attention of many pedestrians on the road.

Xu Xin also turned his head and glanced, then withdrew his gaze boredly.

Soon, the traffic light turned green.

The sharp screeching sound of tires rushed out together with the rear taillights of the car, causing some people on the roadside to scream.

Xu Xin yawned lazily.

Tang Yan, on the other hand, watched the two cars rush out and said:

"Ferrari seems to have won."

No one responded to her...

"Director Chen, welcome."

"Ms. Tang Wei, hello."

"Haha, second brother..."

At the entrance of the Film Palace, Xu Xin was still chatting with Chen Kexin.

But this time their identities have been swapped.

He is the host and the other party becomes the guest.

It was his turn to invite everyone to watch a movie.


Compared with the crowd-pleased appearance of Chen Kexin's "Martial Arts", reality seemed to be playing a small joke on Xu Xin.

Although he is already the youngest best director in Venice.


Hall 15 of the Cinema Palace, this medium-sized cinema hall that can accommodate 550 people, was not even full.

Xu Xin glanced at it.

I can probably sit half of it, at most.

When others saw this attendance rate, they were also stunned.


Director Xu's movie... the attendance rate was not even full?

A very strange feeling suddenly rose in their hearts.

Although they can find many excuses, such as "That's what midnight shows are like", "Emotional genre films have a small audience" and so on...

But...as the winner of the Golden Camera in Cannes and the best director in Venice...

It seems a little unreasonable that the seats are not full.

Not to mention... there are many Asian faces among these people.

I don’t know if it was the audience or the reporters.

However, Xu Xin was surprised to see two familiar faces.

A middle-aged man and a young man.

Those two reporters in Venice.

What are these two people's names?

He couldn't remember. But he still said hello politely.

And if these domestic audiences and reporters are excluded, there will be even fewer foreigners.


Subconsciously, everyone looked at Xu Xin.

But Xu Xin's face was calm and looked quite natural.

Although he was a little unexpected.

But...Cannes is not just for one day.

No hurries?

He took the lead and walked to the first row.

Calm and calm, the military spirit is still there.

But to be honest, judging from the way Wang Sicong, Di Wei, Tang Yan, and even Wen Zhang, this group of people looked back at the number of people in attendance from time to time...

Everyone's heart was obviously ups and downs.

Although they still respond to the greetings of fans who are chasing after them.

But judging from the number of people, "33 Days" seems to have been unable to beat "Martial Arts".

Before "Martial Arts" was released, more than 1,000 people had reserved tickets.

After the score of 6.8 came out, although the average score of media publications was only 1.9, the number of people increased by 200.

Came to 1200.

But the number of reservations for "33 Days" is only a little over 500.

However, because Cannes has a tradition of queuing offline, the number of people who have reserved tickets cannot be used as a reference value.

But now it seems...


In the theater that was almost half full, the lights dimmed.

The dragon mark appears.

The movie starts.

This time, Jiang Kui did not sit next to Xu Xin.

Instead, he stayed with Chen Kexin and the others.

Once the movie started, he concentrated.

Then I heard a burst of... very bright piano melody...

Then, a bustling city from a high-altitude perspective came into view.

The first perspective is of a bustling city.

But the next second, the screen quickly switched and zoomed in.

In the picture, you can already see a man in a suit and a woman in a black and red dress among the bustling pedestrians at the intersection.

For some reason, the black and red dress on her body is quite eye-catching and makes people unable to take their eyes away.

And then……

The screen instantly zoomed in again.

Lang Lang and Liu Zhishi appeared in the camera.

Because of the focus, the crowds of people moving around the two people were completely blurred.

And here, Xu Xin used a frame extraction technique.

Around the two people who were standing still, the hurried pedestrians were moving like a slide.

From the three consecutive cuts of shots in the opening to the current frame-smooth editing technique.

The silky smoothness was shown to the audience in Hall 15.


actually not.

But surprisingly, it feels very natural and smooth.

At this time, the silky piano in the background music quietly changed to the keynote of "Wedding March".

But just like there are many versions of Canon.

Here, Lang Lang followed Xu Xin's request and played the piano in a symphonic way to create a grand feeling.

And just when this magnificent melody is about to reach its climax.

"let's break up."

Lang Lang suddenly spoke.

The music stopped.

The picture showed Liu Zhishi’s full face.

The blind sister was calm.

"Okay, let's break up."

Her tone was light and devoid of any emotion.

All peace.

But it is this sentence, combined with the disappearing piano, that shows the psychology of the couple.

These two people have long been out of love.


The audience, who was clearly in a blur, suddenly blocked the camera lens.

But this process is short.

Almost instantly.

And when the audience member disappeared from the camera, Lang Lang and Liu Zhishi were like ninjas... and their figures also disappeared from the camera.

And when the only bright color in Liu Zhishi's shot disappeared.

Without the embellishment of color, the whole picture suddenly became pale.

It's a filter.

He added filters.

Only then did Chen Kexin notice... It turned out that the color tone of the entire shot was actually shot with a gray-white filter.

What Liu Zhishi is wearing is not necessarily red, but under the gray and white filter, it looks bright red.

Bright red blooming in black.

After her figure disappeared, the paleness of the picture came over.


He frowned.

But next to him, whether it was Jiang Kui, Tang Wei, or Jin Chengwu, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

To say surprised is not accurate.

It should be said that at this moment, they were similar to these viewers, and they felt an amazing feeling in their hearts.

Obviously, it took only 30 seconds from the distant view to the two people disappearing.

But in these 30 seconds, Director Xu passed the transition between "stillness" and "motion" and played a fancy trick.

Quite an impressive chore.

Two people who are obviously out of tune with the crowds passing around them, standing still... They are supposed to represent stillness, but they are "alive".

After they disappeared, the "living people" around them who were still moving and shuttled "died".

This quiet transition between movement and stillness, in less than 30 seconds, gave everyone a sense of... nervous anticipation.

Pictures and lenses are the common language of movies all over the world.

No lines or acting required.

It is the most intuitive thing.

Very superficial.

But it’s also profound.

For domestic audiences, these 30 seconds are enough of a surprise, but they are also accustomed to it.

Director Xu is very good at using images to express something.

This is a basic skill for people.

Can the disciples taught by Lao Mouzi be sent away?

But for these foreigners... "The Secret" has passed a long, long time.

They may not have seen "The Hawthorn Tree".

But the short 30 seconds in front of them left a very deep impression on them.

This movie...

It seems that it was not in vain.

Although they don’t know what the story is yet, just the amazing picture that gave them a sense of excitement is worth cheering up.

As for Chen Kexin.

There was only one thought in his mind.

"Amazing camera expression."

He frowned, thinking.

"Hey, Brother Sun! He really made this movie scene look fancy."


"...Brother Sun?"

"Shut up and watch it honestly. The editor-in-chief is very optimistic about this movie and must write a good report this time."

Brother Sun took his notebook and scolded the young man.

Then while looking at the movie screen, I muttered in my heart.

"Indeed, I was fooled."

"I am Huang Xiaoxian."


"Today is the thirty-third day since I fell in love."

The scene with the narration slowly fell into darkness with Huang Xiaoxian looking back at the window with a sunny smile.

Immediately, a line appeared in the movie:

"Director: Xu Xin"

It represents the end of the entire film.

109 minutes of video.


Then, the piano sound of the ending song sounded.

The lights are on.

Xu Xin sat on the chair and yawned lazily.

He was a little sleepy.

He was about to stand up with his hands on the armrests.

Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

I don’t know who was the first to applaud.

But immediately, the reacting audience followed Cannes tradition and applauded the film.

"Hua la la la la..."

Xu Xin was stunned, subconsciously stood up and turned his head.

Then I saw that some spectators had reached the steps at the edge.

But at this moment, he did not leave, but stood in the passage and applauded.

To be honest, the applause from two to three hundred people was not really enthusiastic.


Very sincere.

It is different from the cheering applause in China.

These people may not know Di Wei, Wen Zhang... let alone fans of Tang Yan or Wang Sicong.

Of course, no one called him "Xu Gou".

They were just clapping.

There was no cheering.

Just applauded, but the applause lasted quite a long time.

Finally, amid applause, those on the steps of the passage took the lead towards the exit.

The applause gradually died down.

But those people from China came this way.

"Swei Wei, can you sign your name?"

Si Wei was stunned...

Then he nodded and took the notebook and pen from the hands of the man and woman who were walking the fastest.

After signing her name, she subconsciously asked:

"Does it look good?"


The girl nodded:

"It's beautiful! You acted really well!"


Di Wei showed a smile.

Soon, after she signed, the girl took the boy to find Wen Zhang.

The audience surrounded the actors one after another.

Not even Wang Sicong was spared.

The eldest young man looked like a movie star when he was being asked for autographs and photos.

Others surrounded Xu Xin.

"Director Xu, can you accept an interview?"

"It's too late today. Isn't there a press conference tomorrow? Let's ask tomorrow."

Xu Xin, who is now more and more comfortable in handling these matters, refused directly.

Then he started signing autographs to the fans who gathered around him.

At this time, he felt someone approaching him.

"Director Xu, in this report, I want to summarize "33 Days of Love" as a fresh and fresh movie with Xu's aesthetics. Can you watch it?"

Xu's aesthetics are fresh and refreshing...

After hearing this definition, Xu Xin turned around and looked...

I found that I couldn't name those two people.

He was stunned for a moment, then readily agreed and said with a smile:

"No problem. Thank you for your kind words. We will see you at the press conference tomorrow."


Brother Sun smiled and nodded.

Then he pulled the young man and retreated politely.

After finally being able to escape, Xu Xin discovered that Chen Kexin and the others had already left first.

"Director Xu, Chen Kexin said there are many people, so they will leave first. See you tomorrow."

Hearing Luo Shunjun's words, Xu Xin nodded.

"Let's go too."

After he finished speaking, he took the lead towards the exit.

At this time, Wang Sicong said:

"Are we successful?"

He didn't go to see "Martial Arts". After all, he and Seventh Brother drank too much yesterday and were in a daze in the afternoon.

But I heard from Lao Xu that "Martial Arts" was full of people.

And there are quite a few investors who want to buy the film.


Today, no investor wants to buy his film.

Plus it wasn't full.

Although judging from everyone’s applause in the end, everyone seemed to agree with it.

But he didn't know whether the movie would be a success or not.

Xu Xin turned to look at him and nodded:

"So far it can be said to be a success."

Seeing this, Wang Sicong quickened his pace, walked next to him and asked:

"But... there aren't many people. And I didn't see anyone wanting to buy your film."

Xu Xin was speechless.

My heart says that I am not in a hurry, but you are more anxious than me?

Shaking his head slightly:

"Don't worry, this is only the first show, and the Cannes ratings haven't been released yet. If you sell it now, if the movie gets a high reputation, won't you lose money?"

As he spoke, he gave Wang Sicong a calm look.

Lao Wang definitely didn't ask this because of money.

He understood the other party's urgency.

So he said:

"Wait until the ratings are unlocked, see where the final ratings are, and then look at the attendance rate. Only then will it be easy to estimate the price. Besides, really capable film producers will not block the director into the cinema to buy the film..."

Having said this, he paused.

Fortunately, Chen Kexin is not here at this moment.

Patting Lao Wang on the shoulder:

"Okay, the movie has been well received, so just relax."

His words not only gave Wang Sicong reassurance, but also reflected his confidence in himself.

Even though there are not many ingredients for this meal.

Even though "33 Days" is just a little sparrow.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a burst of sparse applause from the screening room next door.

The applause was small at first, but it soon became a roaring tsunami, spreading through the door.

Everyone who heard the movement was stunned.

Luo Shunjun subconsciously glanced at the number of the screening room.


There is also a movie poster next to the door.

Two Asian faces.

But the slogan above is written in Korean.

Seeing this, he said to Xu Xin:

"It's "Yellow Sea"."

Xu Xin hadn't responded yet, but Di Wei was stunned for a moment:

"Huh? Are they here too?"

"Brother Qi, have you seen it?"

"I've seen it. This movie... is pretty good."

This is the evaluation given by Di Wei.

Xu Xin knew as soon as he heard it that the movie had been released. So he asked:

"Are there any resources online?"

"Yes. I just watched it online, starring Ha Zhengyu..."

"Oh, okay."

After remembering the name of this film, Xu Xin nodded:

"Let's go."

One night passed, and early the next morning, along with the news about Luo Shunjun, everyone discovered that Xu Xin's words were indeed like a prophecy and came true.

"33 Days" scored 7.6 points on the Cannes official website, ranking 27th in the "Audience Love Rating" list.

Let's not mention foreign movies. Just this term, although the two sides are not direct competitors, "33 Days" is indeed 8 positions higher than "Martial Arts".

"Martial Arts" ranked 35th.

Strictly speaking, the judges at Cannes are quite vicious.

These two films really have no capital to compete with the main competition.

As for the ranking of 27th, as a movie in the midnight screening section, it can be said to be a very qualified answer.

But what’s even more surprising is the fact that the media is evenly divided.

Out of 5 points, "Martial Arts" is only 1.9.

Currently, the highest-ranking film in Cannes is "The Tree of Life" starring Brad Pitt. This film is also hailed as the most favorable contender for the best film in Cannes this year.

The rating is as high as 9.4.

Media score: 3.1, 0.2 points ahead of the second-placed "Boy on a Bicycle".

"Martial Arts" ranked 41st with a score of 1.9.

Obviously, both harsh film critics and audiences are not very accepting of the completion of this film.

Just like Xu Xin said.

Kexin Chan plays suspense in the first half, but becomes fatalistic in the second half.

The split was particularly severe.

The plot collapse is also very powerful.

But for "33 Days After Love", the media published a score that even Xu Xin didn't expect.


Twelve film critics specially invited by Cannes gave Xu Xin a total of 30 stars.

Film critic Brady Shaw from the UK even gave the film a 4-star rating.

May 2nd.

After all the films in the first round of Cannes Film Festival were screened, "33 Days" successfully entered the TOP10 with a publication score of 2.6 on the Cannes professional media magazine placed at the entrance of the Cinema Palace and other cinemas, beating yesterday's applause. "Yellow Sea" continued, reaching the tenth place.

Moreover, in the recommendation of the movie viewing manual, the film critic's recommendation named "TIM ROBEY" gives the only reason why this film has such a high rating.

"Director XUXIN's film is very complete. Don't be deceived by its name. Underneath the seemingly simple framework of male and female relationships, he hides a very precise proposition: you are nothing to the world. , but you still have to learn to make peace with yourself. Because that’s life.”

When Xu Xin learned the news after waking up the next morning, before he could share the joy with others, Luo Shunjun's phone was already buzzing with calls.

Moreover, the recommendation points in the viewing manual also bring a more intuitive impact.

At noon on the 2nd, the number of people who had reserved tickets for the movie "33 Days" exceeded 1,500.

And when Xu Xin and the leading actors rushed to the small rented hotel conference room to hold a promotional press conference, everyone saw that there were nearly a hundred reporters sitting in the room, and even about one-third of them were foreigners. Kong Shi...

Xu Xin didn't know what other people thought.

But he knows...

"33 Days" in Cannes... seems to be popular again.

Look, just say it.

No hurries?

Let the bullets fly for a while.

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