I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 730 727 Fortune is mine

Chapter 730 727. Fortune is mine

When Xu Xin called Zhang Yimou, Qi Lei was not idle either.

He sent a message to Tian Shuanghe first, and after making sure that the leader was not resting, he made a phone call and told the matter.

After Tian Shuanghe heard the cause and effect, his first words were:

"It's normal for him to have such thoughts."

The second sentence is:

"No matter how mature a child is, he is only twenty years old after all. No matter how flexible their wrists are, their backbone is straight and cannot be bent."

And the third sentence is:

"Let him calm down first. I think he can think clearly about the pros and cons. I believe him."

Three sentences settled the matter.

And the facts proved that Xu Xin had indeed calmed down.

After learning from the old man...or filling in the other half of the reason for this matter, he already understood what it means to do something that cannot be done.

Therefore, he went to study honestly in the afternoon.

After studying, he didn't organize a game at night. Instead, he took Su Meng to the bookstore.

I bought a new copy of "White Deer Plain".

He wanted to do one thing, and that was to figure out a way to film "White Deer Plain".

Frankly speaking, this job is quite difficult.

Many of the plot advancements and even the main story of "White Deer Plain" revolve around "suffering". And these sufferings are like the "cannibalism" plot that left the deepest impression on Xu Xin. If the storytelling was stripped away directly, it would lose its flavor.

So I had to find a replacement.

But the effect after replacement will definitely be much weaker.

It requires very careful craftsmanship.

But he wanted to try.

Do it by yourself first. If you find that it doesn't work, then you can find a screenwriter to brainstorm ideas.

First, draw a line clearly so that it can be put on the screen in a reasonable way. Maintain a calm and objective perspective and try not to think about the "literary nature" of the script to sort out this line.

When this line is figured out, when will the script be ready for adaptation?

He asked himself that he has a relatively clear grasp of the scale of film and television dramas.

However, the reality is... When he picked up the book again and read the first chapter, he felt that he had been taught a lesson.

This is the feudal superstition of buying and selling girls, haunting and catching ghosts...

Holding a pen in his hand, Xu Xin twitched the corner of his mouth as he planned to circle the inappropriate parts of the first picture to provide himself with an idea.


There is a long way to go.

June 3rd is the end of the day.

At almost 1 o'clock in the evening, Qi Lei's WeChat message was sent to the mobile phones of people related to "33 Days".

The box office of "33 Days Later" on the second day: 37.62 million.

Obviously, the trend of "33 Days" is still fierce, and it has officially entered a box office explosion period.

Also, the 4th is Saturday and the 5th is Sunday.

If this trend continues, "33 Days Later" will obviously be on its way to achieving over 100 million in box office sales on the 4th.

Maybe even higher.

Because... its opponents are not very powerful.

Only 4 days have passed this month.

Counting "33 Days", there are a total of 5 movies released.

On Children's Day, June 1st, the child-oriented movie "Kiss Me" starring actor troupe leader Gao Shuan was released.

First day box office: 350,000.

"33 Days" will be released on June 2.

There are three movies on the 3rd, namely "Skyline", "B Area No. 32", and "Sui Sui Qingming".

As a Hollywood blockbuster, "Skyrim" was regarded as the main competitor of "33 Days" before its release. However, his first-day box office was only a pitiful 4.737 million.

Even counting the numbers after the decimal point, it was just a fraction of the first day of "33 Days".

Not to mention "Qingming Festival".

Only a measly 1.37 million.

It ranks last among these three films.

"B Area No. 32", which focuses on horror, received a box office of 2.11 million on the first day.

It can be said that these three movies together are not enough to beat "33 Days".

In the eyes of many people, "33 Days" currently dominates the list.

But that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that after they saw the film screenings throughout June, they all understood one thing...

"33 Days Out of Love" is about to start adding scenes.

Not to mention "Kiss Me", which is directed by children, the children's market itself is not very competitive.

And "Skyrim", which was originally considered to be qualified to become a strong rival to "33 Days", did not perform satisfactorily.

It’s not even a match for Hollywood blockbusters, how can it compete with other movies?

For theater chains, June itself is the off-season.

Domestic Film Protection Month is coming in the middle of the month, and there are very few people watching movies. Now that "33 Days" is a hit, the only answer to making more money is to reduce the number of other movies and increase the number of screenings of "33 Days" to make more profits!

In fact, this time there is no need for people from Xiying to promote it.

People in the theater chain have begun to put "33 Days" ads on their own big screens for free and began to promote it.

Moreover, this kind of promotion will continue at least until the beginning of the Domestic Film Protection Month, and even longer.

The reason is also very simple.

In the first half of June, apart from these five films, there are only "Sensitive Incidents" starring An Yixuan and Feng Yuanzhen on the 6th, and an anti-war drama "The Lost Village" on the 9th.

And neither of these movies are big productions. Although Wang Xuexin is included in "The Lost Village", he cannot be a guarantee at the box office.

Therefore, throughout the first 9 days of June, anyone with a discerning eye can see that "33 Days" has no rival.

Although there are also three movies coming out on the 10th, one is a Russian movie.

Russian movies really have no competitiveness in China. The significance of the second film "Going North to the Xiangjiang River" is quite special, and its box office can basically be ignored. The third film "Beichuan Rebirth" is a small production that cannot be smaller.

No matter how you watch these movies, they are not qualified to compete with "33 Days".

To put it more firmly, throughout June, except for "The Secret Fan" and "Animal Story", which were released on the 24th, no other movies were as good as "33 Days".

Now "33 Days" is so popular and the market feedback is so good.

As a theater chain, there is no other better choice except to vigorously help with spontaneous publicity and attract people to watch movies to increase box office and profits.

Therefore, the box office of "33 Days" is bound to enter a period of rapid growth.

On the second day, I can get more than 30 million yuan in box office. Then when theaters start to increase the number of films...

What's the point?

Many people are guessing and waiting.

I want to see what kind of tricks Xu Xin can do in June.

Soon, they had their answer.

June 5, Sunday, 1:04 am.

The data, which was delayed by a full ten or twenty minutes compared to the past, was finally sent.

The third day box office of "Love Is Not Blind": 59.77 million!


Seize less! ?

Many people even think they are dazzled when they see this number.

And when I really saw this number, my second reaction was:

"You're fucking kidding me!"

How could this number be so exaggerated?

How can it be! ?

What is the current record for the highest single-day box office in the Chinese-language film market?

Answer: "Let the Bullets Fly", 62 million.

The results of "Let the Bullets Fly" were achieved a few months ago. When the media got this number, all practitioners fell into the carnival of "Blowout in the Chinese Film Market"!

Not to mention that "Hawthorn Tree" and "Fei" were on a no-session basis during that period, and the box office of both films was also rising steadily. Everyone felt that the end of 2010 was the year when the Chinese film market officially took off.

But when these three movies were offline one after another, as other works came up, and when everyone found that the box office of each movie was still the same, the fire was extinguished again.

After calming down, everyone realized how rare the achievement of "Let the Bullets Fly" was.

Sixty-two million...

I don’t know how long it will take to break this record.


How long has it been?

Is there one movie that’s quickly approaching that number?

And the most important thing is... this movie was produced with a small budget, costing only 8 million!

Who is making an international joke?

No matter how amazing Xu Xin is, he's not that amazing, right?

In 3 days, the movie box office exceeded 100 million.

The net profit is at least 40 million.

How could he lay golden eggs?

Is this a thinning situation?

How can it be? !

"Are you sure this is true?"

Early in the morning, Xu Xin held up the phone with a look of shock on his face.

After he saw the news, his first reaction was that Qi Lei had made a mistake.

Dial the phone quickly.

How is that possible?

How could "33 Days of Love" be so exaggerated?

This box office surge... he didn't understand either.

How could it be so high?

Qi Lei also smiled bitterly:

"It's true... The reason why I got the news late yesterday is because after I got this number, I checked with them repeatedly for a long time before I was sure that this number was correct."

"Why so exaggerated!?"

Xu Xin was even more confused:

"It makes no sense... This is almost as good as Let the Bullets Fly."

"I guess there are only two reasons."


"On the one hand, it's a holiday. Before the college entrance examination tomorrow, many major schools will have a holiday to prepare examination rooms for senior high school students. So, after the holiday, many people chose to watch this movie. With your popularity ,This is normal."


In a daze, he remembered those sophomore students in high school when he was eating oil tea and twists that day.

"What about the second one?"

"The second one...the number of screenings on the first day of "33 Days" was around 7,000, but the number yesterday exceeded 9,500. An increase of 30%. This should be the main reason. I went out to watch it yesterday. We have visited several ticket booking websites, and they have begun to offer coupons to stimulate consumption.”

Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"They pay out of pocket?"

"Yes. If you look at the online ticket booking software now, you will know that "33 Days of Love" basically has discount coupons of 3 to 5 yuan."

"33 Days" does not have any promotional options such as coupons.

In other words, it is impossible for Xiying Studio to do such a thing.

Usually private distribution companies will cooperate with theater chains to provide such coupons to boost box office.

Small profits but quick turnover.

But now they can be forced to pay out of their own pockets?

Xu Xin's first reaction was to smile bitterly:

"Good guy...how bad should this June movie be?"

"I guess it's not that good. June is the off-season every year. There hasn't been a hit movie in years. All theaters are losing money in June. Suddenly they catch you and they can make them even if they don't." They have no reason to let go of a movie that makes money but at least doesn’t make a loss.”

"...In other words, we can be considered as having achieved this by accident?"

"Well. So far, it seems that it is indeed the case. Fortune has chosen to be on our side. What's more, although I don't want my daughter to fall in love prematurely, but think about it, how many young people today don't fall in love? In high school? After graduation, everyone went their separate ways... before leaving, we watched a movie together one last time to commemorate the "dead" love..."


Xu Xinxin said that you are also interested in literature and art.

But both of them knew it in their hearts.

Are these reasons absurd?

Quite absurd.

But...the box office of 5977 is here, but they can't tolerate disbelief.


Holding the phone, Xu Xin glanced at the still empty guest bedroom and said to Qi Lei:

"Do I need to cooperate and say something?"

"Don't do it for the time being. These two days are as big as the college entrance examination, so let's just pretend we don't know about it."

"Okay. Then I'll go to class."

"Well, after studying at noon, let's call the big guys and have a celebration banquet together."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin went downstairs and saw Su Meng holding the phone and typing away.

"Mengmeng, let's go and have dinner."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng responded, stood up and handed the phone to him:

"Brother Xu, can you see my reply like this?"

Xu Xin took it and took a look and found that it was a congratulatory text message from a person named "Bao Beier".

"Director Xu, congratulations on the box office success of the movie "33 Days of Love". I watched your movie three times in a row. Every scene is a classic and makes people linger after watching it. It is really beautiful..."

After finishing the long series of flattering words, Xu Xin's goosebumps were all over the floor.

Then the other party sent two photos.

One contains six or seven ticket stubs, all from "33 Days of Love" performances at different times.

The second photo is a movie ticket for "Love Is Not Blind" at Wanda Cinema at 11 noon on the 5th.

Just like Bao Beier himself said, he wanted to watch it again.

"The fourth time."

And at the bottom is Su Meng’s reply to him:

"Thank you for your support, and I hope your work will be a hit and the box office will be booming!"


Su Meng's reply seemed like a snake oil reply at first glance. It was just right to fend off those people who added her work WeChat account.

Just copy and paste, the distance is just right, no problem.


He flipped through Bao Beier's chat history.

He said this to Su Meng:

"Is he so attentive?"

During the holidays, no matter whether it is a domestic festival or a foreign festival, any holiday blessing that has something to say is not missing.

At the same time, there are also some messages such as "Director Xu, I saw that you started the film promotion of "33 Days After Love", thank you for your hard work."

Su Meng's replies were all very polite, such as "Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

"Yeah, he sends these text messages all the time."

"...How is he doing now? Have you heard any news about him?"

"No... I knew that he and his girlfriend were classmates of Sister Mi and you. This is what Sister Tingting told me... I have basically never seen other news in the industry."

"Hmm...who is his girlfriend?"

Xu Xin really couldn't remember it for a while.

"Bao Wenjing."

"Oh yes……"

Some vague pictures from the past appeared in my mind.

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Let's talk to your sister Mi later. After all, we are classmates. See if there is anything you need help with. Please help me."

This man almost fell to his knees.

Although I don't know if he treats others like this, but...the greeting text messages over the years are worth a piece of cake.


Su Meng nodded:

"Then let me tell Sister Tingting?"

"Well, don't be so deliberate. If you meet him, just help him. Even if you don't meet him, you won't go out to find out about him. There's no need~"


"Um...have you drank your coffee?"


Seeing the guilty look on the little assistant's face, Xu Xin chuckled:

"Ha, let's go eat."


Su Meng nodded and followed him out of the villa with her cell phone.

After finishing breakfast, Xu Xin walked to the auditorium as usual.

Take a leisurely stroll and treat it as a digestible meal.

As he walked, he always felt like someone was following him.

Subconsciously, he turned his head to look and was stunned.

At some point, a lot of people were following behind me, maybe ten or twenty of them.

Follow him ten or twenty steps away.

After seeing him turn around, a group of people greeted him slightly chaotically:

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Good morning, Director Xu..."

Obviously, this group of people should all go to class like me, but... I walk in front, and no one dares to surpass me.

It's not easy to come up and say hello, so I can only follow from a distance.

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved, and then continued walking forward.

Only this time he quickened his pace.

After walking all the way to the entrance of the auditorium, I suddenly saw two familiar faces.

After being stunned for a moment, he took the initiative to walk over.

And the other party also took the initiative to greet him:

"Haha, Director Xu, good morning."

While greeting, Wang Quanan took the initiative to extend his hand.

Xu Xin nodded politely:

"Director Wang, morning."

The two held hands together.

Zhang Yuqi, who was following next to her, covered her chest with her hands and bowed politely:

"Director Xu."

"Hey, hello."

This time, Xu Xin, who had just let go of Wang Quanan's hand, took the initiative to reach over.

Zhang Yuqi was stunned for a moment, and then her first reaction was to look at her boyfriend.

But he immediately felt that he couldn't let Xu Xin's hand be lifted in mid-air, so he quickly held it.

Only this time he bent down again.

The attitude was completely different from the last time we met.

After the two of them shook hands, Xu Xin took the initiative and asked:

"Why is Director Wang here?"

"Haha, isn't this just to wait for Director Xu?"

Hearing Wang Quanan's words, Xu Xin smiled and said politely:

"Oh, is this still the case? If Director Wang needs anything, just call me and tell me..."

"That's not possible..."

The two began to chat "very happily".

But Zhang Yuqi, who was standing aside with a smile, looked behind Xu Xin.

Just now, she saw Director Xu walking alone in front from a distance, followed by many people.

And now, the group of people had begun to walk into the auditorium.

As you walk, look in this direction.

And their eyes are complicated.

But in Zhang Yuqi's eyes, there is a unified characteristic.

That is……


Obviously, there are many people who want to get to know Director Xu.

more than one.

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