I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 732 Countdown to 729

Chapter 732 729. Countdown

Xu Xin actually didn't think much about whether Zhang Yuqi could be the protagonist.

To be honest, he has no right to criticize others.

They are all people who have wives. Which gentleman would not hold his wife in his hands for fear of melting away, for fear of being a little wronged.

When there is the most delicious thing, I want to give it to my wife and children first. After my wife and children eat the leftovers, it is my turn in the end.

It’s not that I can’t afford it, I just want the person I love most in the world to use chopsticks first.

What's more, if Wang Quanan is tailor-made for his fiancée, then as a director and lover, he must know how to use Zhang Yuqi.


be honest.

For a woman with a big frame like Zhang Yuqi, her role as Tian Xiao'e is pretty good.

In addition to the fact that it was a business bureau, Xu Xin did not begrudge his praise at all:

"Well, it's very suitable. Both appearance and temperament are suitable."

Don't care if it's true or not.

At least, after hearing his words, these two people showed a smile on their brows.

"Come on, Director Xu, let's meet one..."


Xu Xin raised his cup with a smile.

Naturally, the conversation in today’s round cannot be all about movies.

Some things require a gradual process. After this glass of wine was mentioned, the conversation naturally turned to other places.

Let’s talk about wind and flowers, let’s talk about snow and moon.

Then, one after another, veal steaks, seafood dinners, etc. were served.

Not to mention, Wang Quan'an found this place to be quite delicious.

According to him, the boss is his friend, the chef Yunyun specially invited from France.

As we chatted, we unconsciously talked about some living habits.

Wang Quanan sent an invitation to Xu Xin:

"Does Director Xu like to take a bath? Do we have a chance to take a bath together?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

I thought this invitation was really fresh.

Others have invited him to play golf and so on, but this is really the first time he has been invited to take a shower.

He smiled and asked:

"Does Director Wang like to take a bath?"


Wang Quanan nodded and said:

"It's better to call it a bath than a bath. When you soak in hot water, your thoughts will be emptied. Without complicated thoughts, inspiration will come more easily."

"So that's it... Then you have to go to a more private place, right?"

What Xu Xin said is actually one of the shortcomings of public figures.

Apart from anything else, he hadn't been to a bathhouse for a long time.

First of all, he doesn't have any bathing plot.

There is no such thing as "water in the morning and water in the afternoon".

In my memory, the last time he had his back rubbed was in the Northeast, and Shen Xiaoyang took him there.

I have to admit that the bathing culture in the Northeast is really enjoyable, especially in winter... Not only does he like it, but Yang Mi also likes it.

But if he were left to do it by himself, he would really not be able to remember it for a while.

Basically, I rub it casually at home.

Secondly...he really doesn't have any friends who own a bathhouse.

After hearing his words, Wang Quan'an nodded:

"Of course, if Director Xu is interested, I will send you two addresses. They are both resort-style, there are no messy people..."

It seemed that Xu Xin's words really aroused his interest, and unconsciously, the topic started to move on.

What are the differences between the Northeastern School and the Yanjing School, what are the cultural differences between the Yangzhou School and the Northern School, etc.

It can be seen that he really understands and speaks clearly and logically.

However, the more he talked, a... well, not a serious topic came up in Xu Xin's mind.

That is... This guy knows so much, why can't he go upstairs?

Of course, this idea is just a casual thought. He wasn't that gossipy and wanted to know about a middle-aged man's bathing life.

What's more, when the two of them are chatting, Zhang Yuqi will also join in and talk about some interesting things about her husband while taking a shower.

Even his wife doesn't object, so what else can I say...

In this way, the wine has passed three rounds and the food has passed the five flavors.

When half of the second bottle of 1982-year-old Lafite, whose brackets were not known to be authentic, fell out of the bottle, Wang Quanan handed Xu Xin a cigarette and finally got to the main topic:

"Director Xu, I am filming "White Deer Plain" this time. I wonder if the factory is under a lot of financial pressure?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin looked surprised:

"It shouldn't be big, the factory has done very well in the past two years... By the way, what's Director Wang's budget?"

Wang Quanan was also puzzled after hearing this.

He... really doesn't know anything?

Or is it that the factory really doesn’t pay much attention to my investment?

He began to murmur in his heart, but on the surface he said nothing unusual:

"My budget is 100 million."

"……How many?"

Xu Xin subconsciously opened his mouth.

That expression is really exaggerated.

It seemed as if Wang Quanan was talking about some astronomical figure.

"...one hundred million."

As a last resort, Wang Quanan could only repeat it again.

At this time, Xu Xin finally frowned:

"Director Wang...this is what we two brothers are saying from the bottom of their hearts."

"Yes, Director Xu, please speak."

"Is this budget too exaggerated? Frankly speaking, this kind of budget...combined with Director Wang's script, I really can't figure out how to spend the money."

Subtext: There is something wrong with your offer.

Wang Quanan seemed to have expected that Xu Xin would think so, and immediately began to tell him the reason for his 100 million offer.

What he said was not very detailed, but the regulations were very clear.

But it’s also verbose where it’s appropriate to be verbose.

But it’s not complicated to sum up.

It can even be done in four words.

"Real scenes, big names."

He wants to build a Bailuyuan.

And invite a group of big names to come over.

In the former, he said he had connections. But no one said what the relationship was. They just said that it can cooperate with cultural tourism, and the location has been selected, which is in Lantian.

According to his original words:

"I have already said hello to the leader over at Lantian. He welcomes the combination of literary classics with local history and culture to create a new tourism ecological chain and promote our traditional culture. In time, it will be combined with local villages. Develop the tourism industry. And in this tourism industry, our factory has shares, and we can get dividends when the time comes."


The smell is too strong.

Not only is it strong, but Xu Xin knows with his buttocks that the main investor in this industry chain will definitely not be Xiying Film Studio. To put it bluntly, the real-life villages may be just incidental. When a set of projects are completed, it will probably be two or three years before the movie "White Deer Plain" is released.

It doesn't matter whether there is heat or not when pouring.

The important thing is that the facilities are complete.

Resources are given.

Whether it can develop or not depends on the individual's ability.

The budget for the entire project is at least hundreds of millions.

As for the value of the project with a budget of hundreds of millions...


In short, according to Wang Quanan, "White Deer Plain" is not just a movie, but a tourism resource to be developed. The things we build are not just left there after filming, but there will be a steady stream of subsequent tourism output.

As for the second point, which is the so-called big names, it is even simpler.

Over the years, he has known many people in the industry.

Regardless of how they were hired, according to him, this "White Deer Plain" is definitely an all-star cast.

To put it bluntly, you would be embarrassed to come without a movie star.

Xu Xin doesn't know yet whether these two points are Wang Quanan's trump cards.


He could more or less figure out why Qi Lei would say that the plan this person took was for investors from outside private companies to see.

If it is a private investment company, it will definitely be excited when it hears these two plans.

In other words, when you hear the second point, which is the point of "big names", you will definitely be particularly excited.

The first point is more specifically made for people who need "achievement".

If the factory urgently needs this kind of "achievement", then I'm afraid there will be no hesitation about the first point.

For private companies, the second point, all-stars and big names, coupled with Wang Quanan's resume, is also an attraction and guarantee.

Not to mention that these two points are added together.

At first glance, this 100 million is too good value for money.

But actually...

Xiying Studio does not need grades.

In other words, if it were not for me, maybe the "White Deer Plain" factory would grit their teeth and throw it away.

After all, in addition to relying on cultural tourism, they no longer have the qualifications to be picky.

But that's different now.

The name "33 Days" is still floating around the theaters.

The historical issues left over from "White Deer Plain" must be solved at the minimum cost.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin asked:

"Director Wang, haven't you been contacted by investment companies outside your film?"

"Of course."

Wang Quanan nodded:

"However, let's talk about it in two ways. First, the good news should not go to outsiders. No matter how they look for me, they also want to get the copyright from the factory. Secondly..."

Having said this, he paused.

smiled and said:

"The factory will not release the copyright of this film easily. "White Deer Plain" is our own, and outsiders cannot interfere with it if they want to."

Hearing this, Xu Xin knew that the grandson was not telling the truth.

You are obviously trying to attract investment from outside, but no one is paying attention to you... huh?

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

According to the other party, just because he can find a group of big names to join him with his affirmative tone, investment companies will definitely be interested.

But why are you ignoring him?

Could it be...

Is he looking for someone from the Beijing circle?

People in the Beijing circle wanted to invest, but the copyright was not in Wang Quaan'an's hands.

The essence of this matter is "authorized by Xiying Film Studio and adapted and filmed by Wang Quan'an". If he wants to invest in a project, Wang Quan'an must obtain an authorization certificate from the factory.

Wait a moment, wait a moment...

Xu Xin vaguely felt that he had thought of something.

So, he looked thoughtful:

"Well, that's it... I want to think about the arrangements in the factory..."

He made an excuse at random, and then his heart began to spin crazily.

Copyright is with the factory.

If Wang Quanan wants to shoot, he has to ask the factory to get the copyright.

If the copyright is obtained, the factory will definitely invest in order to solve the "issues left over from history".

This is the most basic process.

But why can't he attract investment?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. He is not an unknown director, and he can be said to have made outstanding achievements.

There are also big names joining the cast. Even if the heroine Zhang Yuqi is open to question, the market prospects should be very good at first glance.

Now that the film market is so prosperous, would a director of this level really not be able to find that 100 million investment?

If nothing else, there are plenty of people who share risks.

One company gets two thousand, and another company gets three thousand. Let's just make it up. Isn't that enough?

Would Wang Quanan not understand this most basic investment method?


So...the only explanation is that the factory would not allow him to take the person he was looking for...or rather, the money he was looking for.

And the money that the factory doesn't want to take...it seems like there's no one else except Jingquan, right?


Xu Xin's eyes changed instantly.

He felt he had grasped the key point.

Wang Quanan is from the Northwest Circle, the Beijing Circle will not invest in him, and other people may not be interested in this subject... Or maybe people in the Northwest Circle now know that their own department is the anti-ding of the Northwest Circle People, people like him and Gu Changwei are marginal figures. Even if you vote, you may not be able to break into the core class of the northwest circle...

Therefore, Wang Quanan had to return to the factory to attract investment.

Because if he didn't do this, or...if he took the money from the Beijing Circle, then the "White Deer Plain" project would rather die than the factory would move on.

We are fighting for life and death here, but you are engaging in "collaboration" with the enemy over there?

Isn’t your butt crooked?

If it doesn't stick to your neck, who's neck is stuck?



A light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

He raised his head and said to Wang Quanan abruptly:

"Director Wang, the risk of 100 million is still a bit high. Why not find someone to share the risk?"


Wang Quanan was stunned.

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"Of course, I'm not doubting Director Wang's ability. I'm just saying... our factory's current attitude towards film and television investment is definitely open, but the risks of investment at this level are too high, and the process must be carefully considered. Yes. After all, an independent investment of over 100 million... has not been done in the factory yet..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly laughed:

"Haha, to be honest, if the factory suddenly gave me a 100 million investment to make a movie, I wouldn't know how to spend it..."

Subtext: I have never invested more than 100 million yuan. Even if the factory wants to invest, I will definitely be the first one.


At this time, Wang Quan'an really couldn't say anything.

All we can say is that the situation is stronger than the people.


The number 5977 is now hanging on the Internet.

At present, the cost of 8 million yuan can generate a net profit of at least 100 million yuan.

Even what is pulled out is gold water. Xu Xin, the golden rooster, has never tasted the taste of 100 million... In this market where everything is first come, first served, the best will get the most.

Not to mention anything else, even if Wang Quan'an himself is the director of Xiying Film Studio, he will definitely consider who to get the money first.

There is nothing wrong with what they said.

But it was also what Wang Quanan didn't want to hear.

But at this moment, Xu Xin suddenly asked:

"Director Wang, has this project been approved?"

"……not yet."

"Then why not submit the script first and start the project? How about that?"

Suddenly, Xu Xin seemed to have opened a hole for him.

Wang Quanan was stunned again, then a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he asked tentatively:

"But this budget doesn't pass..."

“My budget for ‘Heart of the Sun’ hasn’t been set up yet, but the casting is almost over, isn’t it?”

Xu Xin laughed, but his tone suddenly became a little unpredictable and said:

"I actually have a lot of confidence in Director Wang. Although the financial pressure of 100 million... is really high, it will be difficult for the factory to approve it. But I think..."

For no reason, Xu Xin's eyes suddenly became serious, and he looked at Wang Quanan and said:

"If we discuss it with the factory, it would be okay to start the project first... We can prepare it first. Then we can invest in multiple parties and reduce the risk, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Wang Quanan seemed to understand something, and subconsciously looked into Xu Xin's eyes.

Then, he and a pair of...

How to describe it.

Their eyes looked a bit like tigers, but also a bit like some kind of cold-blooded animal.

And these eyes told him: [What I said is very serious. 】


The atmosphere became quiet.

Then, after figuring out the meaning of the other party's words, Wang Quanan suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Xu Xin.

In contrast, there are still those eyes like cold-blooded animals.

[What I said was very serious. 】

You, think about it carefully.

Wang Quanan's head trembled, but unconsciously... following Xu Xin's thoughts, he fell completely into silence.

This silence lasted for a long time.

But Xu Xin didn’t rush him.

Let his eyes wander wildly, sometimes entangled and sometimes struggling.

Even when he looked at Xu Xin occasionally, a very vague "hate" flashed through him.

All kinds of emotions just floated in Wang Quan'an's eyes...

But Xu Xin knew that he would definitely give himself an answer.

Zhang Yuqi, on the other hand, was a little puzzled and looked at her fiancé from time to time.

I don't understand why he doesn't speak.

Just when he was hesitating whether to speak or not to let the atmosphere cool down, Wang Quanan suddenly looked at Xu Xin and said:

"That's right, I can start the project first... But I need Director Xu to put in a good word for me in this regard. After all, the factory hasn't given me authorization yet."

After he said this, he kept staring at Xu Xin.

It seems that they are also examining and asking something.

But Xu Xin asked back:

"Who are you planning to hire as the photographer for Director Wang's crew?"


This time, Wang Quanan remained silent again.

He seems to be struggling with something.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

After a moment, he shook his head:

"I originally wanted to find Lao Gu, but Lao Gu and Jiang Wenli should have other schedules. So, I plan to find an outsider. What do you think, Director Xu?"


Looking at the silent Xu Xin, even Zhang Yuqi figured it out.

The two... seemed to be exchanging something.

It's just...she couldn't hear what the two were exchanging.

Although this sounds like nonsense at first, it is her truest feeling.

My husband and Director Xu were definitely not talking about movies, but about other things.

But she couldn't understand what was being talked about.

After Xu Xin pondered for a while, he nodded:

"That's okay, Director Wang must know a lot of reliable crew members."


For no reason, Wang Quanan's expression suddenly showed a hint of loneliness.

But it quickly disappeared.

Instead, there was a smile, and he said something specious:

"You have to be more decent."

"Of course, it must be decent. This is true in every aspect..."

Xu Xin picked up the cup and said with a smile:

"Director Wang, come and wish "White Deer Plain" a great success!"

Wang Quanan first looked at the wine in Xu Xin's cup.

Then there was a hint of complexity on his face.

But it was immediately replaced by determination.

He also picked up the cup and said with a smile:

"Haha, thank you, Director Xu. Come on, cheers."


"Director Xu, then I won't send it away."

"No need to send it, Director Wang can just wait for my news. I will directly report back to the factory about "White Deer Plain" and reply to Director Wang as soon as possible."

"Haha, okay, I didn't treat you well today..."

"Hey, what are you talking about? Isn't this a home away from home? The wine tastes great, it's really beautiful, hahahahaha..."


"Director Wang, I'm leaving then."

"Well, goodbye, Director Xu."


After some pleasantries, Xu Xin waved his hand and left in Su Meng's car.

Wang Quanan, on the other hand, kept looking like he was seeing each other off until the car drove out of the winery... Suddenly he let out a long sigh:


"...Why are you sighing? Isn't it good? He promised to help us."

Zhang Yuqi was a little confused, wondering why her boyfriend looked so sad.

But after hearing this, Wang Quanan did not answer the question.

Just silently lit a cigarette.

"……What's wrong?"

Seeing that he was not in a good mood, Zhang Yuqi asked again.

But Wang Quanan did not answer.

Just like that, I smoked out a cigarette one after another.

It wasn't until he knocked him out with a kick that he said:

"Get ready."

"……what to prepare?"

Zhang Yuqi was even more puzzled.

Ever since we started talking about "White Deer Plain" during the meal, the atmosphere started to feel strange.

Now let yourself prepare again...

What are you preparing for?


Or what?

Looking at the confused look on his fiancee's face... Wang Quanan was speechless for a while.

But he calmed down immediately.


"The countdown to our days at Xiying Studio has begun."


Zhang Yuqi was stunned.

What's the meaning?

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