I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 736 733 Buddhist Liu Zhishi

Chapter 736 733.Buddhist Liu Zhishi

Early in the morning on June 11th.

The entertainment industry instantly became lively.

After "33 Days of Love" passed its first week, no one paid attention to the box office jump of 10 to 20 million.

Nowadays, everyone is taking advantage of Liu Zhishi.

It can only be said that the entertainment industry needs popularity no matter what era it is in.

As long as there is popularity, this magical circle can set off a carnival anytime and anywhere.

Just like the case of Liu Zhishi.

Obviously yesterday morning, everyone only treated her as a side dish.

But starting from the afternoon, there was already energy that "sensed" the entire circle.

In fact, every public figure should be prepared for this.

This is the job you do, and this is the money you get.

If you can enjoy the cheers of fans in front of others, you must also be prepared to be criticized by thousands of people.

You can't just take all the benefits by yourself, you really have to pick them all off when things get serious, right?

That doesn't make sense.

Therefore, as a public figure, you must be mentally prepared to be restrained by the audience with higher morals.

And Liu Zhishi did a very good job on this point.

After winning the lawsuit yesterday, whether it was Tang Ren's plan to continue the appeal, or whether she was suddenly flooded with voices from the entertainment industry targeting her... she had no response.

Just like the Weibo post posted by Liu Yifei.

Those who are clean will be clean by themselves.

It seemed like she really didn't want to respond.

But that's okay.

Early in the morning on the 11th, someone responded for her.

First, Wang Minmin, the entertainment section editor of Southern Weekly, posted a sentiment on her Weibo:

"Although he speaks softly, I still want to say that Liu Zhishi has always given me the feeling of being indifferent to the world. From the time I entered the industry to the present, I have seen no more than three artists with this trait.

I remember it very clearly. When I was interviewing "Iljimae" last year, I made an appointment with her at 3 o'clock. After she arrived at 1 o'clock, I stayed at the interview place - the first floor of a coffee shop for more than an hour. , I got stuck on time and went to the second floor on time. In her speech, you can feel her humility and calmness. Therefore, I don’t believe the news on the Internet. "

Then there is Li Muzi, the editor-in-chief of "Beauty" magazine.

She didn't send much text, just a picture.

The picture is a makeup photo of Liu Zhishi when she was interviewed by Beauty magazine in 2009.

The text next to the makeup photo is the topic of that interview: Is it a big hit? I choose to be quiet.

Then there are Ruili’s deputy editors, well-known photographers in the industry, and so on.

From their own personal perspectives, these people expressed a point of view to the fans who follow them:

"The comments on the Internet are not true. Liu Zhishi is not such a person."

But if they were just to stand up, it would not be able to completely prove the untrueness of these rumors on the Internet.

But soon, something more important came.

"The whole story of Liu Zhishi's feud with the people of the Tang Dynasty, the cause was actually an advertisement"

This article was first published in several entertainment media with millions of Weibo fans, and the content of the text is also unified.

Even the format is the same as yesterday's article about Liu Zhishi making a big name.

And also marked the author: Li Minian.

The first reaction of people who read this article was "Who is Li Minian?"

But this idea was quickly attracted by the content of the article.

The opening content is:

"This article was provided by Li Minnian and has been revised by the media. You are welcome to forward it."

The content is also divided into four sections: cause, process, breakup, and result.

It's exactly the same.

The article is very long, even longer than yesterday’s article.

But it is precisely because of the large amount of content that all aspects of the details are described very clearly.

The reason for it is simple:

"The whole thing started because after "Fairy Sword III" became popular, the game "Fantasy Zhu Xian" developed by "Perfect World" wanted to find the "Fairy Sword III" team to endorse. As the two most popular characters in this game, Yang Mi Xuejian and the stubble-bearded Jingtian are the most important parts of the "Perfect" project.

Perfect gave Yang Mi and Hu Shi a 3 million+ endorsement contract respectively. At the same time, they paired up with Tang Yan, Liu Zhishi and others to play several main roles in "Fantasy Zhu Xian" based on the "Fairy Sword" lineup. Promote it.

However, Yang Mi rejected the offer. It’s not because the price is bad, she is optimizing her own endorsement and building her own brand value. In online games, she had already endorsed another e-sports game platform and had no plans to accept any more game ads.

Perfect was looking for Tang Ren, after all, the copyright of "Sword and Sword III" was with Tang Ren. After the offer sent by Tang Ren was rejected by Yang Mi, the reason given by Yang Mi was also very straightforward. But when Tang Ren came to this reason, Tang Ren gave a perfect reply: Yang Mi was not interested in this game and thought the price was too low. The offer was rejected.

Then, Tang Ren, who attached great importance to the IP "Zhu Xian" and wanted to bet on the "Sword and Fairy" series, vigorously developed resources for adapting film and television dramas from game novels, kicked out non-house artists after Yang Mi refused. Huo Jianhua. He also took the initiative to lower the quotation and persuaded his own artists, led by Hu Shi, to get the endorsement of "Dream Zhu Xian" at a low price.

The role of "Seven Kills" should be Huo Jianhua's, but it was changed to Yuan Hong.

The role of Mo Li was originally supposed to be the absolute leading female role, but in the promotional film, the one who had an emotional connection with Chen Yufeng, played by Hu Stubble, became Tang Yan's Hua Nongying due to the absence of Yang Mi.

The reason why Mo Li did not appear in the promotional video is that the character itself should belong to Liu Zhishi.

But Liu Zhishi also refused.

The reason for Liu Zhishi's rejection was simple: she didn't want to act. As for why she didn’t want to act, the reason was that she had a good personal relationship with Yang Mi. After learning the real reason why Yang Mi rejected the advertisement for "Zhu Xian" and the reason why Tang Ren gave perfect feedback, she felt very angry.

After Yang Mi learned about this incident, she learned that Huo Jianhua had also been kicked out of the endorsement of "Dream Zhu Xian". She felt guilty and even mentioned to Tangren that she could go back, but she had to take Huo Jianhua with her.

Her righteousness is well-known in the circle.

But the result was that Tang Ren ignored this news, the original heroine Mo Li did not appear in the promotional video, and the entire promotional advertisement was swallowed up by Tang Ren itself.

Because Liu Zhishi refused to appear in this advertisement, she received a penalty: at that time, except for Jay Chou's "Pandaman", which had already signed a contract, all her activities were stopped.

This was the cause of her feud with the Tang people. "

go through:

"Yang Mi recommended Liu Zhishi to play the leading role in "Pandaren". Jay Chou agreed without even mentioning the audition.

After the contract was signed, "Zhu Xian" happened, and all Liu Zhishi's resources were cut off.

But her character is just like others have said, she is indifferent to the world. If you want to give it, give it to me. If you don’t want to give it to me, I don’t want it.

After the filming of "Pandaman" is completed in the first half of 2010, "Iljimae" will start filming.

At first, "The Strange Man" was going to be played by Liu Zhishi. But after Liu Zhishi was punished, Tangren planned to give the role to Tang Yan. Because for so many years, they have been very optimistic about Tang Yan and hope that Tang Yan can join the Tangren after the contract ends.

But Tang Yan had heart discomfort due to too much work at the time and had been resting.

And while she was recuperating, another drama found her.

That's right, it's "The Xia Family's Three Daughters of Gold".

Tang Yan prefers the script of "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family" to "The Strange Man". In addition, "The Stranger" was about to start filming in June, so Tang Yan cut off all contact with the outside world during the few days he was hospitalized and concentrated on recovering from his illness. Therefore, Tang people have been unable to contact Tang Yan.

Finally, we finally got in touch. When Tang Yan heard that it was a costume drama, he immediately refused.

Her physical condition did not allow her to do too many intense actions. Even if Tang Ren said that she could use a body double, Tang Yan's family declined.

But "The Stranger" had already started filming at that time, and Li Guoli and the others were in Hengdian. Without the heroine, the entire crew couldn't move.

The crew's daily expenses include venue rent, personnel, and even the actors' salaries are in the hundreds of thousands. Tang people simply couldn't afford to wait.

Then I remembered Liu Zhishi, who was still in the punishment period.

In other words, Liu Zhishi's role in "The Strange Man" is the fire captain.

It’s not that she’s trying to make the crew wait for her. It was because the Tang Dynasty had no other heroines, so they asked Liu Zhishi to put out the fire.

As for the authenticity of this news, you can refer to the news evidence that Tang Yan was hospitalized for treatment for a heart problem in 2010, as well as the launch date of "The Stranger".

Liu Zhishi had no dissatisfaction with "The Stranger" and joined the cast directly the same day after receiving the news. After Tang Yan recovered, he went directly to film "The Xia Family's Three Daughters of Gold".

This is the real situation of so-called "showing big names". "

As for the “break”…

"After filming "The Stranger", Tsai Yinong did not withdraw the punishment against Liu Zhishi.

And something very strange happened during this period.

After "The Strange Man" was completed, Liu Zhishi received an order from the Tang Dynasty to return to the devil's capital.

When she returned to Shanghai, the company did not arrange a vehicle to pick her up. It was her agent who rented a car to pick her up.

Moreover, Tangren not only failed to arrange a vehicle, but her name was not even included in the hotel they cooperated with. She and her agent stayed in a hotel opposite the company at their own expense.

On that day, Liu Zhishi decided to buy a car and use it to stay in Shanghai. But she didn't know much about cars, so she called Xu Xin and asked.

Xu Xin heard that she didn't have a car in Shanghai, so he sent a Rolls-Royce over.

Liu Zhishi thought it was too high-profile, so Xu Xin gave her another Alfa.

It was the car she was photographed getting into a few days ago.

Liu Zhishi's temperament is just as everyone knows her, she is very Buddhist. The most annoying thing is fighting with others for something. After the filming of "The Stranger" ended, she still had little work to do. So she went to Yunnan Repertory Theater.

She went to the Yunnan Repertory Theater for one person. This person’s name is Wang Yanhui. Introduced by Yang Mi.

Wang Yanhui's acting skills are great. At that time, Yang Mi was rehearsing a drama in Renyi, and he gave Yang Mi a lot of help. Liu Zhishi's idea at the time was that since I didn't have a job, I would improve my acting skills. So, Yang Mi introduced her to Wang Yanhui.

At that time, Xu Xin's "Hawthorn Tree" won the Best Director Award in Venice, and Liu Yifei won the Best Newcomer Award.

In fact, what many people don't know is that Liu Zhishi and Liu Yifei have a very good personal relationship. In the beginning, the gimmick of "Liu Yifei's cousin" was developed by the Tang Dynasty, and Liu Zhishi didn't like it.

But like I said, she always does what the company says.

After getting to know Yang Mi, after several matches, she and Liu Yifei established a personal relationship.

She and Liu Yifei are essentially the same person. They all belong to the type who don't like to fight for anything. But at the same time, she did not admit defeat. After Liu Yifei won the Best Newcomer Award in Venice, she also wanted to go further, so she followed Yang Mi's suggestion and went to Wang Yanhui.

In 2010, she and Wang Yanhui both starred in the Yunnan Repertory Theater's drama "Working Shed". Usually in the audience, people from the drama troupe nickname Liu Zhishi "little follower" because she always follows Wang Yanhui.

The two are both teachers and friends.

During this period, Yang Mi bought the copyright of a novel called "Bu Bu Jing Xin". I originally planned to film it myself, but it happened that Tang Dynasty also valued the copyright of this book.

Yang Mi is famous in the circle for being rich.

The book "Bu Bu Jing Xin" has achieved very good results, and the price is also very high. Tang Dynasty and several other competitors have been arguing over the millions in copyright fees. Who knew that after Yang Mi fell in love with this book, she bought it directly without paying back the price.

When Lin Yufen, who served as co-director during the period of "Sword and Sword III", learned about this, she went to talk to Yang Mi, hoping to get the copyright to film this TV series.

Yang Mi's personal relationship with Lin Yufen...or rather, her personal relationship with everyone she has worked with has been very good.

This man's righteousness is well-known in the circle.

If you are friends with her, you don't have to worry about her cheating you or stabbing you in the back. The character of that couple is so strong.

Yang Mi has a hobby of collecting novels. As long as she reads the right book, she will get it just like going shopping for groceries.

For now, the novel copyrights she holds cover basically all the popular books. In recent years, the cost of purchasing the copyrights of these books has been in the tens of millions.

She just loves collecting novels. As for whether it will be successful or not, or its commercial value, it doesn’t matter.

If Lin Yufen wanted to take a photo, everyone was friends, so she would give it to her.

Directly authorized to Lin Yufen to start preparing the script.

And Liu Zhishi is not a character who likes to complain. She neither fights nor grabs, and likes to take things as they come when she encounters them.

So Yang Mi didn't know much about what happened to her friend inside Tangren.

Liu Zhishi and Yang Mi share many common interests.

For example, they both like camping. Before Yang Mi was pregnant, they would often drive a car out to camp and stay up all night.

Likewise, both of them like reading novels. Several of the books Liu Zhishi read were recommended to her by Yang Mi.

"Bu Bu Jing Xin" is not surprising either.

Before buying the copyright, the two often communicated about the plot and content of the book.

It can be said that Liu Zhishi has a profound understanding of "Martai Ruoxi".

Plus the relationship between the two.

When Lin Yufen and Yang Mi were discussing the script and investment, Yang Mi didn't care at all about the starting investment of "more than 50 million" given by Lin Yufen. When Lin Yufen talked about the role of "Martai Ruoxi", Yang Mi recommended Liu Zhishi.

Lin Yufen initially wanted to use Jiang Yiyan's, but she wanted to study abroad at the time and refused.

In addition, Liu Zhishi himself was from the Tang Dynasty.

Lin Yufen agreed.

After talking to Liu Zhishi, Liu Zhishi also agreed. But the matter was not reported to the company. Liu Zhishi only verbally agreed to Lin Yufen. After all, the script had not been released yet. In addition, Liu Zhishi was busy working on the drama "The Working Shed" at the time, so everyone never sat down and had a good chat together.

And when "Working Shed" ended, Yu Zheng happened to find Tang Ren with "Gong Lock Heart Jade". And the time point was also just a few days after the filming of "The Stranger" was completed.

Liu Zhishi received an order from the company to go to the Magic City because of the "Gong Lock Heart Jade" incident.

He originally wanted to cooperate with Tang Ren because he felt that Liu Zhishi was very suitable for the role of "Luo Qingchuan". But Liu Zhishi had already agreed to Lin Yufen's role in "Bu Bu Jing Xin", so he refused. What's more, Yu Zheng's version of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is actually more like a time-travel Mary Sue, and "Step by Step Jingxin" is a book she loves very much.

For the sake of the schedule of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", she directly rejected Yu Zheng.

But this is unacceptable to Cai Yinong.

The company failed to obtain the copyright for "Bu Bu Jing Xin" and was intercepted by Yang Mi. But after buying the copyright, Tang Ren also tried to get the copyright from Yang Mi to film "Bu Bu Jing Xin".

Yang Mi is not short of money at all. She is a person who values ​​friendship more than profit. He didn't agree.

Later, if Lin Yufen hadn't found Yang Mi, the drama still wouldn't have fallen to Tang Ren.

Because the Tang Dynasty began to hide Liu Zhishi, any of Liu Zhishi's work could not be reported to the company... She also had no job. The total salary for a "Working Shed" is less than 20,000 yuan.

Therefore, the essence of these information gaps is the "cause" of Liu Zhishi being stopped from working after she refused the commercial shoot.

Everything comes back to Cai Yinong's decision. "

The result...that is, in the end:

"Finally, Tsai Yinong's original intention was to give Liu Zhishi a chance. If you accept the role of "Gong Lock Heart Jade", the company will continue to praise you.

But something like this happened in the meantime.

In September 2010, the little flower currently signed by Tangren, that is, Gulinazha, who caused a huge response at the time and was known as the most beautiful entrance photo. After being discovered and signed by Tangren, Tsai Yinong made it clear at an internal meeting that Liu Zhishi’s resources will now begin. It's all Gulinaza's.

This matter had nothing to do with Gulinaza, she had just signed the contract at that time. She had just been admitted to school and didn't know about it.

Liu Zhishi had a non-competitive nature, and she had never seen this Gu Linaza before, so there was no hostility at all.

However, she has already agreed to Lin Yufen to play "Bu Bu Jing Xin" and she needs time to prepare for this role. The schedule coincided with "Gong Lock Heart Jade", and her definition of her career was to pursue a breakthrough in acting. The script "Gong Lock Heart Jade" was clearly defined as an idol drama at the time.

It doesn't fit with her philosophy.

So she still rejected the script. It means that she has an appointment with Lin Yufen.

In her concept, since "Bu Bu Jing Xin" and "Gong Lock Heart Jade" are both from the company, there is no difference in what they perform. What's more, in essence "Gong Lock Heart Jade" is more like a replacement for "Bu Bu Jing Xin".

At that time, the reason why Tsai Yinong was so excited about "Gong Lock Heart Jade" was that the copyright of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" belonged to Yang Min and she could not get it.

But this kind of behavior is unacceptable to Cai Yinong. Liu Zhishi repeatedly disobeyed her management, which made her feel very unhappy.

She got very angry in front of Liu Zhishi. Although Liu Zhishi did not fight or grab, he was not a submissive person.

If you get angry, I will just ignore you.

Therefore, after Liu Zhishi left, the whole company once again received the punishment order that Liu Zhishi was hidden.

But this time, Liu Zhishi still didn't respond.

That's how she is.

If you don't let me work, then I'll just rest and recharge myself.

Later, as Lin Yufen completed the adaptation of the script of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", it was Lin Yufen who found the company and asked Liu Zhishi to be the protagonist.

But Cai Yinong's first reaction was still rejection.

To put it bluntly, the reason for Liu Zhishi's disobedience didn't matter to her at all.

But because she disobeyed him, Cai Yinong wanted to hide her.

But Lin Yufen is Li Guoli's person.

Is a member of the directing team.

He is also the successor appointed by Li Guoli.

Tsai Yinong didn't want to offend Lin Yufen, so she could only keep playing tricks and delaying "Step by Step" again and again.

In the end, Lin Yufen went to find Li Guoli. She didn't understand why she got the rights to the TV series that the company wanted, but couldn't even get an internal heroine.

Liu Zhishi is not an outsider.

Later, Li Guoli went to talk to Cai Yinong in person. Under Li Guoli's pressure, Cai Yinong agreed to let Liu Zhishi star in "Jingxin".

But the price is that Liu Zhishi has almost no support from anyone in the company.

Most of Lin Yufen's crew were members of the Tang Dynasty, and they almost isolated Liu Zhishi.

Because they knew that Cai Yinong didn't like Liu Zhishi.

But, like I said, Liu Zhishi’s temperament means that she doesn’t pay much attention to the outside world’s opinions.

But not caring doesn't mean you have no temper.

After several unfair treatments, Liu Zhishi also understood what Cai Yinong meant.

Maybe after this drama ends, there will still be countless snows waiting for her.

Even in the later stages, her assistants were assigned to others.

Apart from her manager accompanying her every day, there is nothing else around her.

Therefore, after filming "Step by Step", she fulfilled the ten film commitments in the contract and directly asked Tang Ren to terminate the contract.

On the day when the contract was terminated, Cai Yinong's roar could be heard throughout the company.

The most ridiculous thing was that on the day she went to Tangren Company, she was stopped at the company's front desk for nearly an hour.

You know, Cai Yinong is her first agent.

Artists have to queue up and make appointments to see their managers. They can't even get in the company without permission. This is the first time in history.

In the end, Cai Yinong rejected Liu Zhishi's peaceful termination of the contract and chose to go to court.

On the day he lost the lawsuit, the Internet was suddenly flooded with dirty information about Liu Zhishi.

But this time, she still wouldn't respond.

That's the kind of character she has.

But just because she doesn't respond doesn't mean I won't respond.

I am the author of this article, and I am also Li Minnian, Shishi’s second manager who has just resigned from Tangren Company.

From the beginning of Shishi's debut to now, I have been by her side every step of the way.

So, I know these things better than anyone else.

And willing to take responsibility for my own words.

This article was written without Shishi’s consent. Because I know that even if I say we need to clarify, the most she will say with her character is: What’s the point of clarifying it? It will be fine if those who purify themselves purify themselves.




In this matter, my choice is to tell everyone the truth clearly.

One is to refute the untruths in the Internet storm.

Two, explain all this clearly to my artist.

Finally, I believe that justice lies in the heart of the people. "

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