I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 738 735 Dog Mouth

Chapter 738 735. Dog Mouth

“Please don’t take pictures, don’t tweet.”

Looking at the sign on the door of this holiday estate in Yanjiao and the happy words posted on the door, Xue Yong compared the house number with the information on his mobile phone.

After confirming that this was Duan Yihong's wedding venue, he checked the time again.

11 o'clock.

Normally, the wedding should be in progress.

Duan Yihong is getting married today, and Director Xu asked him to come over and give him a gift.

In fact, there is a saying about normal weddings and funerals, which is that red events come without invitation and white events come without invitation.

Did Duan Yihong call Director Xu?

not at all.

But he called himself.

But that's not to say that Duan Yihong doesn't understand interpersonal communication. You know, today is the second round of auditions for "Heart of the Sun", which happens to conflict with the wedding.

Xu Xin would not be able to come.

So when Xue Yong told Duan Yihong, Duan Yihong specially invited Xue Yong to come and have a meal, and prepared two packs of wedding candies.

I hope Xue Yong can be brought back to Xu Xin.

But for Xue Yong, he was really busy in the morning.

First, he arranged the audition site in the office, and then after Director Xu's audition started, he said hello, left the office, and rushed here.

It's already 11 o'clock here.

A little late.

So, he didn't dare to delay and went directly inside.

There were two security personnel at the door who had been staring at Xue Yong. Seeing that he was about to go in, they quickly stopped him politely and asked him what was going on.

After Xue Yong showed the invitation text message on his mobile phone, the security guard let him go.

After entering, he discovered that the resort was actually not that big.

It's not the luxury high-end type.

I don’t know where Duan Yihong found the wedding venue.

Privacy is pretty good.

He followed the signs and walked in. After turning around a tree-lined road, he saw the wedding scene not far away.

And Duan Yihong, who was wearing a white suit and the bride who was also wearing a white wedding dress, was presiding over the wedding ceremony.

Sure enough, the wedding has already begun.

Seeing this, he quickened his pace.

Walk all the way to the table where guests sign in and receive gifts.

When he was almost there, he saw a very familiar face.

Wu Jing.

He was standing next to the concierge table, looking at Xue Yong sideways at the wedding ceremony.

Xue Yong and Wu Jing have no social relations, but they know that the other party has been involved in Hong Kong circles in the past few years.

He didn't take it seriously.

He went directly to the table and took out a red envelope from his pocket.

Seeing this, the person sitting at the table opened the gift list directly.

Xue Yong said directly:

"Director Xu Xin, a gift of 10,000 yuan."

Hearing this, the person at the table who recorded the gift list didn't react at all, but just wrote down this message in a hurry.

The writing is quite chic.

But when Wu Jing heard this movement, he turned his head in surprise.

He looked Xue Yong up and down.

When Xue Yong noticed that someone was looking at him and raised his head, the two looked at each other, and Wu Jing nodded politely.

Xue Yong smiled slightly as a greeting, and then waited for the other party to record Director Xu's name before saying:

"Please just tell the groom. Director Xu is still auditioning and can't come to the scene today. I asked you to send my blessings to the two newlyweds and wish them a long life together."

Hearing this, another middle-aged man who was responsible for collecting money stood up and picked up Zhonghua from the table to give Xue Yong some cigarettes.

Xue Yong smiled and waved his hand, picked up the two packs of wedding candies next to him and said:

"Then I'll go back."

"Huh? Don't you want to eat here?"

"No, no, there is still work over there, congratulations."

After saying another auspicious words, Xue Yong put two packs of wedding candies in his pocket and left as the two of them saw each other off.

Wu Jing, who was standing next to him, saw a trace of doubt in his eyes after seeing Xue Yong leave.

But he didn't ask any more questions and continued to watch the wedding ceremony over there.

At this moment, the whole world is not as big as the groom and the bride.

Xue Yong went slowly, but came back much faster.

Mainly because I’m not familiar with the road.

It will be much faster if you know how to get back.

But it was still past 12 o'clock when I returned to the office.

By chance, Xu Xin was eating in the cafeteria.

He walked over quickly:

"Director Xu, the gift has been sent."

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Brother Yong. But..."

After taking a look at the time on his watch, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"You ended it too quickly, didn't you? Didn't you eat?"


"Huh? ...You can't give yourself a good meal with a pricey meal of 10,000 yuan? That would be a pity."

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

Xue Yong smiled and took out two packs of wedding candies from his pocket:

"Haha, I have to eat this kind of expensive meal many times every year, so I'm used to it. Director Xu, here is the wedding candy."


He didn't tell Xue Yong.

Two packs of wedding candies, good things come in pairs, but it would be bad if they were separated.

Feeling very happy, he put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth:

"Brother Yong, you can rest for a while after dinner. We will continue the audition at two o'clock. I'm going to take a rest."



Xu Xin waved his hand and left directly with the small thermos cup in his hand.

All the way to the rest room, he unscrewed the thermos cup that was still warm, drank the bitter soothing tea in one gulp, then lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

This time, he slept much more soundly than last night.


Sensing someone tapping his shoulder, Duan Yihong turned around and found that it was Wu Jing with a red face.

Obviously, the other party drank a lot.

"Well, are you done eating? How was it?"


Wu Jing smiled and nodded:

"Officer Groom, I'm leaving."


Hearing this, Duan Yihong stood up directly.

There were only sixteen tables in his wedding.

It can't be any smaller.

In addition to relatives, including students and friends, there are actually only four people at the table.

And the people at these four tables are all the ones with the best relationship, so whoever leaves must get up and see each other off.

But generally speaking, people who come to say hello do not need him to send them.

But after Wu Jing saw him standing up, he smiled and said:

"Send me off? Let's go~"

Duan Yihong was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"Let's go, I'm afraid you can't find the way."

As he spoke, he waved to his wife, indicating that they should eat first, and then walked out with Wu Jing.

After leaving the restaurant, Wu Jing looked around and saw that no one was around, then he said:

"Just now, during the ceremony, I saw a man come over and give a gift and then leave."


Duan Yihong nodded in confusion:

"Well, what then?"

"He said he sent it for Xu Xin. Do you know Xu Xin?"

After hearing this, Duan Yihong didn't hide anything from him and said directly:

"Well, I participated in the audition for his new movie. Originally, today was the second round of auditions. I couldn't go, so I told him that I was getting married here. Did he send someone here?"

"Yes, I came to give you a gift, took two packs of wedding candies, and left."

After Wu Jing finished speaking, he thought about it and asked again:

"What...what do you think?"

Although he didn't mean anything specifically, Duan Yihong understood what he meant.


"I have always liked the book "Sunspot", so I went to audition. I don't have any other ideas..."

"Have you told your agent?"

"Said, Mr. Xue, I don't have any objections. But the risks were also mentioned to me... I actually don't care. Actors are actors, and the circle is the circle."

Hearing this, Wu Jing did not say a word. On the contrary, Duan Yihong seemed to have thought of something and said:

"Are you interested in the Northwest Circle?"

Wu Jing showed a funny look:

"I'm interested in people, and they have to want me."


Duan Yihong was speechless now.

Wu Jing also knew that it was inappropriate to talk about this at this time, so he smiled and said:

"Okay, there's nothing else to do. I'm leaving. You go and eat quickly. I'll come back to you for a drink after I finish filming."


Duan Yihong nodded and watched his friend leave.

But looking at his back, Duan Yihong felt a little worried for a moment.

For today's young audiences, they may have long been accustomed to their friends playing villains in movies.

He knows kung fu, can fight, and plays a good villain, but unfortunately he is not popular.

This is the impression many people have on Wu Jing.

But in fact, many of them have even forgotten...this friend of his made his debut with the movie "The Karate Kid".

As Li Lianjie's younger brother and successor, he has been well known to the audience since his debut.

The following "Tai Chi Master", "Xiao Li's Flying Knife", etc. pushed his popularity to a peak.

It's a pity...that's how life goes sometimes.

My friend's debut was too smooth, which is also the curse that prevents him from getting ahead now.

At that time, too many media praised him and touted him as the next Jet Li.

Therefore, he resolutely followed Li Lianjie's famous history and plunged into the Hong Kong circle.

He himself is also famous in the works released in the Hong Kong circle. Logically speaking, he should achieve greater glory in the Hong Kong circle.

It's a pity... After leaving the mainland and going to Xiangjiang, he, who was born in the mainland, became the bottom of the contempt chain.

Know Kung Fu?

Then go and be a human punchbag.

Play supporting roles for those big shots and play villains.

It must be admitted that there are many crazy people everywhere.

Just like the decline of the Hong Kong film industry, some people attribute it to the rise of mainland films, and feel that mainland China has taken away their jobs.

Facts have proved that not everyone who is a martial arts actor without a background can become Jet Li.

After his frustrated friend who had been tortured for many years in Xiangjiang has now returned to the mainland, the Kung Fu boy who was a household name in his early years does not even have a decent backer at this moment.

Everything for him is in Hong Kong.

After leaving Hong Kong, he had nothing on the mainland.

I could only rely on hard work and accepted a military-themed TV series. When I was in my thirties, I carried this body full of injuries and went to the special forces camp for special training. I endured hardships and barely squeezed into the tough guy circle...


Thinking of this, Duan Yihong sighed.

But an idea still popped up in my mind.

Or doubt.

The northwest circle...is it suitable?

Thinking of this, his mind moved and he suddenly shouted:



Wu Jing, who hadn't gone far yet, subconsciously turned his head.

Duan Yihong waved to him.

"...What's wrong?"

Wu Jing came back in confusion.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, I won't go back to Jiangsu until next week."

"...Then will you come with me tomorrow? I'm going to audition for "Heart of the Sun" tomorrow, will you come with me?"

"It's not appropriate."

Wu Jing's first reaction was to shake his head.

"You have a good relationship with Xu Xin?"

"... To be honest, there is no friendship."

After Duan Yihong finished speaking, the topic changed:

"But in the past few years, Xiying Film Studio has been recruiting people, and Zhang Yi and the others have also gone there... give it a try, it won't be a loss anyway. Besides... you can see that they are actually more pure than those in Beijing."

"...Okay. What time will it be tomorrow?"

"You come to me at home early. We will go there together."


Wu Jing nodded, smiled and slapped his arm:

"Happy wedding! Work harder tonight!"


"This guy named Jia Bing is good. He has good camera skills. Let's give him one of the drug dealers."

"Okay, Director Xu."

"Of the actors Iguka, Liu Zhishi is my favorite. Teacher Wang, I will contact Liu Zhishi tomorrow and start styling her short hair."

"Ok, no problem."

"All of these actors are available. One of the two lists is for those who play police officers, and the other is for those who play other people. Brother Yong, here you go, contact me when the costumes come out."

"Okay, Director Xu."


At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Xin glanced at his watch and found that it was almost five o'clock, so he asked:

"How many more are out there?"

"There are seven or eight more people."

"...Let them come tomorrow. Together with Duan Yihong, we will have a meeting in the morning after the audition tomorrow. That's it for today. Thank you for your hard work."

Xu Xin gave the order and the casting crew was disbanded on the spot.

Rubbing his temples, as soon as he went out, he saw Su Meng sitting in the corridor with a paper bag next to her.

"Mengmeng, let's go...what did you buy?"

Hearing this, Su Meng stood up quickly:

"Lemon tea, Brother Xu, it's so sour~"

"Ha~ OK."

Xu Xin nodded with a smile, took a cup of lemon tea, and took a big sip.

I was instantly shocked.

Sour and sweet, much more comfortable.

"Jingle Bell……"


Xu Xin, who was leaning on his seat with his eyes closed to relax, answered the call.

"What are you doing?"

Listening to Wang Sicong's movements, Xu Xin didn't even bother to blink and said:

"What does it have to do with you? Why are you calling me if you can't stay at home with your seventh brother?"

"Ouch yoyo, are you jealous?"

"Go away. If you have something to say, leave the court if you have nothing to do. I just auditioned for a day and I feel dizzy now."

"Okay... two things. The first thing is, please give me a copy of your ID card."

"Is the scanned copy okay? I can send you the scanned copy now, but you have to come and get the copy... By the way, where are you?"

"Magic City."

"Seventh brother went to Magic City?"

"Shit, she went to the audition. I'm here to participate in the college student entrepreneurship finals."

"Entrepreneurship Finals...Oh~~~"

Xu Xin suddenly realized:

"Today is Sunday?"

"...Nonsense, are you too confused?"

"No, they invited me here and said it was Sunday, but it turned out that I had to audition today, so they turned me down. Then I remembered... Why do you want my ID card?"

"Set up an investment company. You are the shareholder. Remember to bring five million over after it is established. In the future, my brothers will also be angel investors."


Hearing this, Xu Xin looked very uninterested.

Money is this thing...

What's the use?

A few million more or a few million less makes no difference.

Very boring.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"It's still Price Capital, I directly changed my shares."

"...Okay. What's the second thing?"

"Do you remember the college student last time? The one named Liu Wei, the one who wanted to make a Chinese version of Hatsune Miku's virtual idol."

"It seems... I have some impression. I remember their slogan is quite interesting. What is it called?"

"Technology nerds save the world."

"Yes, what happened to him?"

"He won a championship. I think his ideas are quite interesting. I chatted with him in the afternoon, but I didn't go into too much detail. I plan to make an appointment tomorrow to cast an angel round."

"Oh, okay. Is there anything else?"


"Then hang up. I'll send you the scanned copy now."


After hanging up the phone and sending the scanned copy left in the mailbox, he yawned again.

No, I still didn’t get enough sleep in the afternoon.

Now that I'm done with my work, I'm completely exhausted.

He slept all the way home, and when he woke up and saw his wife, he lay directly on her lap.

Yang Mi naturally took her cold fingers and started to press her husband's temples.

Even when they saw the two children trying to get close to their father, they sternly stopped them with their eyes.

While rubbing, she asked softly:

"Have you finished the audition?"

"No, there are still seven or eight people who will join Duan Yihong tomorrow. ...Oh yes, Lao Wang has set up an investment company..."

"I know. I saw him chatting with Wheels in the group this afternoon. They said they were going to create some kind of Chinese version of Hatsune Miku, relying on artificial intelligence technology to defeat Asia's King Jay Chou, but the sound source would have to be Wheels' own. Give Wheels I was so angry that I started shouting curse words."


Xu Xin chuckled lightly.

But he immediately remembered something, quickly opened his eyes and stood up, taking out two packs of wedding candies from his handbag.

"Duan Yihong's wedding candy."

Yang Mi nodded, and after taking a pack, the two of them unsealed the wedding candies.

Xu Xin used his hands and she used her mouth.

One person pinched out two watermelon seeds and peeled them open. Yang Mi shouted:

"Dabao and Erbao, come here and eat the fruit~ feel happy~"

The two children looked confused and had no idea what their mother was talking about.

But I can still understand the word "eat".

The siblings came to their parents and opened their mouths waiting to be fed.

The couple carefully crushed the watermelon kernels and put them in the mouths of the two children.

After the child's joy has been taken care of, it's their turn.

Lying on his wife's lap again, he casually picked up a candy wrapped in a yellow candy wrapper, tore it open, and threw it into his mouth.

But the next second, he suddenly realized something was wrong, his face changed, he quickly stood up, pinched his wife's chin with one hand, and pried her mouth open:



Yang Mi's eyebrows immediately stood up and she thought to herself, you are a piece of shit and you are going to die!

But the next second he rolled his tongue and felt the durian flavor emanating from the candy, and he was speechless.

She glanced at her husband angrily and spat:

"Why are you so silent?"

But Xu Xin ignored her at all and started gargling with sour plum juice.

It's over, it's over.

Eat shit.

Seeing her husband's disgusting behavior, Yang Mi had no choice but to pick an Alpine and stuffed it into his mouth.


Xu Xin felt the sweet taste in his mouth and nodded speechlessly:

“The difference between chocolate-flavored shit and shit-flavored chocolate.”


Yang Mi slapped her lover hard.

She knew that the words in her grandson's mouth were referring to the durian candy in her mouth.

What a bitch!

Where is Xu Xin?

He grimaced in pain.

After all, no ivory came out.

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