I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 752 749 Appearances are in harmony with each other, but the gods are different from each oth

Chapter 752 749. Appearances are in harmony with each other but gods are separate from each other

When a couple participates in a game, one of them drinks too much, and the other must stay awake.

But fortunately, Xu Xin's biggest characteristic after drinking too much is that he is obedient.

As long as you have people you trust around you, you can do whatever you are told.

Even if it is broken into pieces.

It's not hard to get him.

Except for the two children covering their noses...

There's nothing I can do about it. Dad who drank too much stunk all over. It was so unpleasant.

It would be better to sleep with my sweet-smelling mother tonight.

A night of silence.

Early in the morning on the 16th, as the sound of rushing water stopped, Xu Xin, who had regained consciousness, walked out wrapped in a bath towel.

After changing his clothes, he walked downstairs and looked at his wife who was sitting at the dining table feeding their two children and asked:

"Will you come with me later?"

"No, someone will come to me for a magazine shoot later. I have to be busy."


Xu Xin nodded, sat at the dining table and picked up the chopsticks.

Smashed millet porridge, meat buns, and a tomato, egg, and cucumber cold dish.

This breakfast is so hangover-friendly.

After eating and drinking, he wiped his mouth and said:

"I'm leaving?"

"Well, the tea is ready for you. It's at the door."


The couple's tacit understanding goes without saying. Xu Xin nodded, came to the door, picked up the thermos cup, and went straight out with his slippers on.

He didn't wait for Su Meng.

Nothing happens these days.

Just give Mengmeng a holiday.

The 16th and 17th are Saturday and Sunday, two days, enough to watch 20 movies.

The films selected for the Silk Road Film Festival are not directly divided. On the one hand, the number of films is not enough. If the films are forcibly divided into the main unit and the idea unit, it will be somewhat unnecessary.

On the other hand, there are relatively few awards, and two days is enough for films with two awards.

But this is not the final review.

In fact, the 16th and 17th are once, the 23rd and 24th are once, and the 30th and 31st are once.

3 weekends, 3 reviews.

Make sure there are a few days between each review to calm down all the subjective emotions about the film in your mind, and treat each film with a more objective eye. This is what the jury needs to do.

For the first review, the judges on both sides were the same.

They are going to conduct an internal screening and stratification of films.

Films whose directing skills or film narrative are not high, but have good scalability and potential, will be placed in the Silk Road section.

The main competition unit is a selection of films with a high degree of completion.

He drove all the way to Xiying Studio and went directly to the small screening room.

He came earlier, everyone's appointment was at 9 o'clock, but it's only 8 o'clock now.

When we arrived at the screening room, there were staff from Xi Film Studio preparing tea, snacks, and evaluation forms for scoring and sorting.

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Hey, hello."

After saying hello, Xu Xin found a seat in the corner and sat down, holding his mobile phone and continuing to watch "A Hundred Birds Pay Attendance to the Phoenix" which he had not finished yesterday.

He quite liked the story.

After a while, Li Pingdong arrived.

Xu Xin keenly noticed Li Pingdong's swollen eyelids.

Apparently, the effects of the hangover hadn't worn off yet.

"Director Li, how do you feel?"

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Li Pingdong looked at the energetic young man and said with emotion:

"It's better to be young...if you drink too much, you'll be fine if you sleep."

"Haha~ I slept until dawn and then woke up."

Li Pingdong sat down next to him and shook his head slightly:

"I vomited once in the early morning and I felt much better. I couldn't sleep much in the first half of the night..."

As he spoke, he yawned very sleepily.

While the two were chatting, Gong Li also walked in.

He was stunned for a moment, then walked over with a smile:

"what's the topic?"

"Hey, Teacher Gong."

Xu Xin stood up and said hello.

Gong Li waved her hand to signal not to be so polite and sat next to Li Pingdong.

"How much did we drink last night?"

"On average, one person gets one pound."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Gong Li nodded slightly:

"I said I slept so soundly."

As he spoke, the conversation changed:

"Xiao Xu, how are the preparations for the new movie going?"

"It's almost done. We'll start shooting directly after the film festival opens."

"I probably read the story, and it seemed quite tragic in the end?"

"Not... not really. It's a very interesting story. Mainly because it has a lot of points about human nature that can be explored..."

Since we started talking about "Heart of the Burning Sun", Xu Xin also started chatting.

On the one hand, I talked with Li Pingdong about my shooting ideas, and on the other hand, I talked with Gong Li about the positioning of the character.

But when Gong Li listened to Xu Xin's chat, her heart was filled with emotion.

That kid who hadn't graduated yet...

He has also "grown up".

Time is really not forgiving.


The three of them chatted for five or six minutes before the door of the screening room was pushed open again.

The person coming this time is Jiang Wenli.

"Teacher Jiang."

Xu Xin said hello as usual:

"Good morning."

"Morning, Xiao Xu."

After Jiang Wenli said hello to Xu Xin, she nodded to Li Pingdong.

Then he and Gong Li looked at each other and smiled.

"Where's Lao Gu?"

After hearing Gong Li's words, Jiang Wenli pointed outside:

"I left the teacup in the car, go get it."

Then, she did not sit next to Gong Li, but looked at it somewhat... deliberately and said:

"Then I'll sit here."

There are 5 seats in each row of the screening hall, a total of 6 rows.

Xu Xin is in the fourth row from bottom to top.

Jiang Wenli sat in the middle of the fifth row.

He kept a certain distance from Gong Li.

Xu Xin took in these details but didn't say anything.

He heard what the old man said about these two people.

Not to mention not dealing with it.

But... everyone is a phoenix. As the saying goes, the king cannot see the king. If we really want to count them down, before Gong Li left, she must have been the first sister.

But after Gong Li left Xiying Studio, Jiang Wenli became the first sister.

There's no real hatred between the two of them, but they certainly can't have a close and heart-to-heart relationship.

The conversation was all about superficial things.

Until Gu Changwei walked in.

Regardless of this man's history, on the surface, he is actually a very gentle man.

He has an unattractive appearance but speaks slowly and slowly.

The voice is neither high nor low.

You won't leave any bad impression on others from the first meeting.

After Gu Changwei walked in, he raised his hand to say hello to everyone and sat next to his wife.

However, Jiang Wenli said he was holding a cup.

But what he was carrying was a thermos flask.

The stainless steel kind.

After sitting down, he casually placed the pot on the small square coffee table between Jiang Wenli and Jiang Wenli.

But Jiang Wenli unscrewed the thermos and said:

"Do you drink chrysanthemum tea? It's made with chrysanthemums and honeysuckle. Would you like a cup, Teacher Gong?"

"I don't need it, I brought it with me. I soaked it with gardenia~"

Gong Li raised her hand politely.

On the contrary, Li Pingdong, after hearing this, picked up the teacup from the table between him and Xu Xin.

"I'll have a drink~"

"Where are you, Xiao Xu?"

"I have it too."

Xu Xin said as he unscrewed the thermos cup and took a look...

"Mine is...uh...I don't know what it is."

Hearing this, Gong Li smiled and said:

"Mimi made it for you?"

"Yes, I'm the boss at home...hehe."

"I think so... When I first looked at Mimi, I knew that this girl has a caring personality. She is thoughtful and smart."

"Hey, don't you dare say this to her face later, otherwise she will get swollen."

While Xu Xin and Gong Li were chatting, Jiang Wenli had already poured a full cup for Li Pingdong, then used the lid as a teacup, poured a cup and handed it to her husband.

Then he picked up the cup on the table and poured himself a cup.

As for the cup she used, Gu Changwei had already boiled it with hot water.

But Xu Xin, who had these small details in his eyes, felt something else in his heart.

He could tell from some details of last night's meal.

In fact, Jiang Wenli is really good to Gu Changwei.

From these details of life, it can be said that there is nothing wrong with being a husband and raising children.


He always felt that the couple's state was a bit strange.

The two of them were a bit too polite in that state.

It's like making it for outsiders to see.

But unfortunately, there are no shortage of details that should be included.

For a moment, people couldn't tell what kind of state these two people were in.

He asked himself that his eyesight for seeing people and observing things was quite sharp.

But when it comes to these two people, it really doesn’t work.

Respect each other as guests?

Face and heart are at odds?

Or are we talking about a superficial couple?

I really can’t figure it out.

Soon, people arrived.

After all 20 judges were in place, the staff came over to ask which one to watch first.

Although the nominal chairman of the jury is Zhang Yimou, he gave the right to speak to Wu Tianxuan.

Wu Tianzhuan simply waved his hand and followed the order.

So, the curtains were drawn, and the dragon logo from the first movie quickly lit up in the dark room.

"Hello, Mr. Tree"

Start showing.

The entire screening was quiet.

After the one hour and 24 minutes of the film ended, the credits rolled as the black screen rolled, and the lights turned on in the room.

No one spoke.

It's just that everyone picked up their own notebooks.

Title: "HELLO, Mr. Tree"

【Award Recommendation】

[Best Picture Award], [Yes], [No]

[Best Director Award], [Yes], [No]

【Best Actor】……

Looking at these options, Xu Xin directly chose to ignore them.

Today is a triage film. This film is obviously a film in the main competition section and has nothing to do with the Silk Road section.

Therefore, he just put a √ at the bottom of the form, [Main Competition Unit], and then signed his name.

He believes that this is a film that belongs to the main competition unit.

And no one else discussed it.

It's just that everyone thinks in different places.

As judges of the main competition unit, Li Pingdong and Gong Li, the two people next to him, obviously had more things in mind.

Xu Xin didn't ask the two for their answers.

Wait until Wu Tianzhuan said:

"Has everyone finished filling it out?"

Seeing no one refuted, the old man waved his hand:

"Next one."


I watched three movies in one morning, and the progress was not very fast.

At noon, everyone had a working meal in the cafeteria.

Because the third movie ended relatively late, it was already after 1 o'clock after finishing the meal.

Wu Tianzhuang personally made the decision:

"How about we take a rest and let's work overtime tonight?"

When the old factory director spoke, others naturally had no objections.

And Xu Xin didn't go to Zhang Yimou.

As the old man got older, he also began to have the habit of taking a lunch break.

Anyway, it’s nothing, so there’s no rush.

At 2:30 p.m., everyone gathered again.

The review continues.

And at 8:30 in the evening, the movie "The Favorite" was finally scheduled.

"The next one...it will also be the last one today. Well, let me see, "The Favorite"...Aaron Kwok, Zhang Ziyi..."

Wu Tianzhuang put on his reading glasses, looked at the information in the book, and read out the names of the main actors and directors.

When they heard the words "Zhang Ziyi", Gu Changwei, Jiang Wenli, and even Wang Quanan, etc., although they all unanimously focused their attention on Xu Xin and Qi Lei in different ways.

Even Zhang Yimou is like this.

The two of them were not sitting close to each other.

To see, you need to shift your gaze to a different angle.

This also caused several people to look around.

But Xu Xin and Qi Lei looked down at the information in their hands as if they didn't hear anything.

It wasn't until the title sequence of "Favorite" appeared that a few people looked back.

From beginning to end, Xu Xin, who had watched the movie several times, was very calm.

Even though he felt others looking at him several times during the movie, he didn't respond.

Wait until the movie is over.

Today's mission is also over.

At 10 o'clock, the screening ended, and many people's faces inevitably showed a trace of exhaustion.

Pack your things and prepare to leave.

The same goes for Xu Xin.

After putting a √ on the main competition unit, he also got up and walked out.

Actually, to be honest, the atmosphere in the first nine movies today is quite normal.

Good is good, bad is bad.

But this movie alone... maybe it's because after the first day of work, everyone always has to chat with each other and say thank you for your hard work.

And the same is true for Xu Xin.

Everyone present is a senior. Regardless of personal relationships, it is natural for a young man like him to talk to others about their hardships.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone walked out one after another.

The walk from the screening room to the door was uneventful.

After coming out, some people walked directly to the guest house in the still hot night.

At this time, Xu Xin expressed something strange.

He stopped Zhang Yimou.

"Are you tired?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou looked at him who was taking out a cigarette and nodded:


Then the two of them had a tacit understanding not to leave.

Just standing next to the trash can.

That means very simply:

"We have something to talk about."

These people are also human beings. After taking everything in their eyes, they left tacitly.

Even Gu Changwei and Jiang Wenli were like this.

Both of them felt that they had predicted the ending.

In fact, as people directly related to the movie "The Favorite", the two of them also understand how troublesome this movie is. Otherwise, Jiang Wenli would not have gone out of her way to chat with Qi Lei for so long.

And now the people on stage are waiting for this movie.

People "under the stage" are also waiting.

The two of them were pushed by this force and felt uncomfortable.

As for Gong Li, she didn't want to leave at first.

But in the end, I thought about it and left.

Before leaving, she said hello to Zhang Yimou:

"Yimou, I'm leaving too."


Zhang Yimou waved his hand at her.

And when everyone around him was almost gone.

Zhang Yimou took off his baseball cap, rubbed his hair, looked at Xu Xin who was smoking and said:

"How did this movie come about?"

Before he came, he really didn't know there was such a movie.

Recently, he has been busy with the later stage of "Thirteen Hairpins" and knows very little about the outside news.

Today, if he hadn't been harped on by the old factory director and heard that Zhang Ziyi was there, he might not have been able to react.

Not to mention, after realizing that Zhang Ziyi acted in this drama, he specifically looked at the investors in the information.

It turned out to be a company in Beijing...

At this moment, I was full of questions.

Xu Xin’s answer is also very simple:

"What do you think of Zhang Ziyi's performance?"


Zhang Yimou frowned slightly.

After a while, he said:

"Judging from the current 10 films, her performance is impeccable."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xu Xin:

"But the better she behaves, the more trouble she gets. Don't you understand this?"


Xu Xin nodded.

But after hearing his attitude, Zhang Yimou breathed a sigh of relief.

Since this kid understands, then... with his personality of never fighting an unprepared battle, he must have a way to deal with it.

Just when I was about to ask...

"But I'm not afraid."


At a speed visible to the naked eye, the muscles in Zhang Yimou's cheek twitched several times under the streetlight.

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