I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 785 782 The most painful life

Chapter 785 782. Life is the hardest

Xu Xin did not discuss with Ai Qing what the real "kung fu" was.

No need, how tiring.

Wouldn't it be nice to make foreign friends think that all people in China are martial arts masters?

A person from the Celestial Dynasty can fist and kick, know how to use weapons, and can fly over walls and walls. I have full magic and physical resistance, and when I see someone, I go ahhhhhh...


Quite romantic.

As for this movie…

Xu Xin's score is 40 points.

It is not considered a qualified work. Even as a new director...this is actually not true.

It is precisely because I am a "newcomer" that I have to understand more clearly that the essence of a movie is to tell a story well.

Instead of blindly expressing your ambitions, ideals, or worldview.

In a movie, the director has his own ideas, which is fine. But the scale must be mastered... Because if you express few ideas, it is called intention, but if it is extremely full, it becomes private goods.

Lao Xu did this very poorly.

Therefore, this movie seems like an unsuccessful preaching.

Because it was too obscure, he even failed to preach.

Rubbing his chin, he thought that the 4 million was wasted.


Spend thousands of dollars on horse bones.

With this knowledge, he shook his body slightly.

Not bad, bladder strength is acceptable.

Go ahead and watch.

Look at "Flowers".

"Flower", directed by Lou Ye.

When it comes to Lou Ye, the public's impression is like the name given to him on the Internet: the King of Resistance to Trial.

This person...how to say it.

If the film industry is compared to a big family.

Among the generations of inheritors in this family, he may be the most special one among the sixth generation inheritors.

As a new generation director, Xu Xin's definition of him is more personal than the "King of Resistance to Trial" as netizens say.

This man is a traitor.

A true traitor.

It is not rebellion that is treacherous and unethical, but rebellion that rebels against the world.

In his movies, you can always see the ultimate counter-intuitive feast of "I will run to death".

Or to be more crude, it is "seeking death".

It's not that he wants to die, but even fools know that there are pitfalls on this road, but the protagonist still jumps into them.

No matter which movie it is, whether it is "Suzhou River", "Summer Palace", or "Spring Breeze Night".

You can always see a character seeking death.

Moreover, if this kind of seeking death were given to others, the character would inevitably be called "brainless" or "sick". But unfortunately, in his hands, every character is "cheating", the kind of humiliation that ruins oneself. And every person who commits a crime can give the audience a psychedelic feeling of "this person is crazy, but in the movie he is a normal person."

At least that's what Xu Xin thinks.

Oh yes, one more thing.

That is, his movies can be viewed as pornographic films, and the technical level is much better than Korean Category III films.

Of course, this is his point of view.

Only for individuals.

He also has no intention of speaking out about his controversy with a certain director or taking it online to confront netizens.

It doesn't make any sense.

The reason why he chose to watch another movie of the other party today is because this movie is the opening film of this Venice Film Festival.

Xu Xin had to admit that Lou Ye was quite courageous.

The country ordered him not to make movies for five years, so he moved abroad. One is "Spring Breeze Night" and the other is "Flower" in collaboration with Cannes.

He takes pictures right away.

The so-called "Summer Palace" was exhibited at a foreign film festival because it failed to pass the review, and he was banned from making movies for 5 years due to violation of regulations. This seems to have never happened to him.

When Xu Xin watched this film, he was still thinking about whether he should return to China after giving the film bureau eye drops that are set to expire this year.

Many people on the Internet said that Lou Ye was a person who "resisted the shackles".

But this statement seemed stupid to Xu Xin.

It's just like the kind of person who picks up the bowl to eat and puts down the chopsticks to curse.

Those who follow the crowd are following the same sentiments. They may have never seen "Suzhou River", but when Zhou Xun mentioned it, Lou Ye kept giving a thumbs up: Ah, it's awesome.

On the other hand, there is a rebellious maverick. If you say that Lou Ye's movie is not very good, he will tell you that this person is used to being a slave and cannot see others being sober...

Xu Xin is a film director who firmly believes that lust is useless.

Therefore, he was indifferent to the plot in Lou Ye's movies that looked like pornographic films and used "lust" to express certain things.

It can't be said that it is indifferent.

It just feels very fragmented.

It's okay to watch a Category III movie... Although he can also see that every erotic description of the Chinese heroine and the foreign male protagonist in the movie is exploring the bottom line of inner morality... or the two of them. Relationships are transformed through sex again and again...


Brother, do we want so many?

Your shooting technique is almost the same as a pornographic film with a plot...

In the darkness, he scratched his chin.

Looked to the right.

Ai Qing watched intently.

Then I looked to the left out of habit...

have to.

Su Meng didn't know when she woke up.

The two bosses with wide-eyed eyes looked straight at the screen amidst the gasps coming from the speakers...

The corner of his mouth twitched... After thinking about it, he stood up directly.

"...Brother Xu?"

"Well, I'm going to a WC."

After holding it in for more than two hours, Xu Xin, whose bladder was a bit full, walked out of his row at a waist.

When he came to the passage and walked out, he probably glanced at the cinema.

have to.

The attendance rate is much better than that of "Trail of the Japanese Pirates".


At the entrance of the Sala Giardino screening hall, in front of a trash can with a cigarette sign, Xu Xin lit a cigarette.

Not dissatisfied with the stolen property, he sat directly on the curb next to the trash can.

He can only say that the movie "Flower" is okay.

Lou Ye's directorial level is there.

What's more, if it can be selected as the opening film, its quality itself cannot be said.

But he really couldn't appreciate the style.

I can only say that the movie was pretty good, but it didn't impress him.

Even if he didn't finish it.

Moreover, he did not intend to go back and watch.

After finishing a cigarette, I planned to go shopping around, and when the time was almost up, at six or seven o'clock, I would go back to the hotel to sleep.

I'll meet Lao Xu tomorrow and attend the award ceremony and that's it.

And just after taking a few puffs of this cigarette, his phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it started with +39.

Italian local number.

He got through directly:

"Hello? Who is this?"


Liu Yifei's voice came from the phone.

Xu Xin was stunned and asked with a smile:

"you arrived?"

"Yeah, where are you?"


"It's as if no one is in Venice. I told you the detailed address. It's almost 6 o'clock. I'm so hungry. Can Ai Qing take us to dinner?"

"You didn't eat on the plane?"

"No, I'm just waiting for this meal in Venice. Hehe, there's no need to lose weight this time, hurry up! Let's get going!"


Recalling how miserable she was in Tokyo, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

Then he said:

"I'll send you the location and you can come directly. The three of us are watching a movie here, not far from the hotel."


After hanging up the phone and sending her a location information on WeChat, Xu Xin continued smoking next to the trash can.

While smoking, I was thinking about the movie "Flower".

Brackets: Exclude pornographic versions.

I have to admit that compared to Lao Xu's rawness, Lou Ye is much better than the other party in terms of expression, discussion, or clarification of the central theme in the movie.

Except for Zhang Songwen, who is a bit cuckold...

After calming down now, he discarded some unnecessary things, carefully recalled the movie, and gave his own evaluation.

But because I haven’t finished watching it, I don’t know what happened in the second half...

The idea of ​​going back and taking a look just came to his mind, but he cut it off again.

never mind.

After putting out the cigarette, he looked around and found that there were some shops opposite the screening room.

I had nothing to do, so I headed over there.

The film festival is also a revenue generator for Venice, so these stores more or less have some peripherals for sale. For example, Golden Lion Award keychains, Venice Film Festival cultural shirts, etc.

Xu Xin was wearing a baseball cap with the brim of the hat held down low. In addition, foreigners were generally blind to Asian faces, so no one recognized him.

He walked around two or three of these stores before the phone rang again.

"I'm at the entrance of the cinema. Where are you?"

"Across the street...I see you."

He waved to the figure who glanced at Liu Yifei, and walked across the road with a Golden Lion keychain in his hand.

"Brother Xu."

Wu Qiqi was the first to say hello.


Xu Xin nodded, looked at her and Liu Yifei, and asked in confusion:

"Didn't you bring a translator?"

"No, what kind of translator does Ai Qing bring?"

As Liu Yifei spoke, she looked at the small object in his hand and asked:

"Did you buy it for me?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin handed over the golden lion keychain:

"Merry Chrismas."

"Bah, just deal with me~"

The fluttering moth that re-emerged from Liu Feifei's cocoon into Liu Butterfly spat, but still took it happily:

"Don't tell me, the Golden Lion is quite cute after shrinking... Where is Ai Qing?"

Xu Xin pursed his lips toward the screening room:

"I'm watching porn inside."


Liu Yifei was stunned:

"What the hell?...Pornographic film?"


Xu Xin nodded:

""Flower" filmed by Lou Ye, the opening film in Venice...all kinds of..."


He slapped his hands twice and continued:

"There are so many shots that I feel tired."

"Lou Ye... isn't he banned? He can't make movies for five years."

Apparently, she knew this too.

"The sword of this dynasty cannot kill foreign officials. This is a French movie~"


Liu Yifei was speechless for a while, then nodded subconsciously:

"Okay. What about Mengmeng?"

I saw a sneer on Xu Xin's face:

"Let her watch it for a while. When the movie is finished, Qiqi, you can book a ticket for Mengmeng and tell her that Brother Xu said he would find a nunnery for her in Pingdingshan, Henan. She will not be allowed to become a Buddha unless she cultivates. Exit!"

Wu Qiqi looked puzzled:

"Why Pingdingshan?"


She didn't understand, but Liu Yifei immediately understood the point of the joke.

Pingdingshan...isn't that hairless?

She smiled, and so did Xu Xin.

Only Wu Qiqi, who didn't understand what was so funny about Brother Xu's words, tilted her head.

What does it mean?

After Liu Yifei laughed for a while, he glanced at the sunset skyline and suddenly said:

"Then let's go find a place to have a drink?...You don't want to go see me, right?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Where to go?"

"Over there."

Liu Yifei pointed to the way:

"When I came by car just now, I saw a CHIOSCO MOJITO, which should be a beach bar. The sun is setting now~"

As she spoke, she pointed to the sun in the sky.

Then he pointed to the beach again:

"The sea."

Finally, he pointed at himself and Wu Qiqi with his finger:

"Beauty. Handsome guy, why don't you buy us a drink?"

"Ha~ ok, let's go."

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Let's go have a drink...but what do we do about ordering?"

"I can probably speak a few words...at worst, I can just say whatever I want. If it doesn't work, just use my fingers!"


Liu Yifei was side by side with him, Wu Qiqi was a step behind, and the three of them walked towards Paradise Beach together.

After walking for about an intersection, I saw the bar Liu Yifei mentioned.

It is indeed a beach style bar.

There are quite a lot of people.

After all, the sunset at Paradise Beach is pretty good.

When the three of them walked over, Liu Yifei discovered that the menus and signs here were bilingual in Italian and English.

There is no more pressure now.

Amidst a burst of cheerful music, the three of them asked for a small round platform that was not too big.

They each ordered the cocktails they were interested in and sat down.

Liu Yifei seemed to be in a good mood. When the waiter brought the mojito she ordered, she took a sip and then hunched her shoulders and raised her arms, sitting like driving a train, swaying to the brisk music.

At the same time, he glanced at Xu Xin and found that he was staring at the sunset in the distance. After that, he stopped dancing slightly and asked:

"What are you thinking about?"


Xu Xin came back to his senses and said with a smile:

"Two days ago, when I was chatting with Yang Mi, she told me that on the beach in Los Angeles, there was that kind of handsome muscular guy who did outdoor fitness. She said she had been staring at it all afternoon... I said you wait. , there are romantic and open-minded Italian ladies here in Venice, I’m here to keep an eye on them!”


The moth was speechless and asked:

"Then what?"

He turned his head as he spoke.

There are no Italian ladies in bikinis, but there are quite a few sights of old ladies with saggy skin basking in the sunset.

So, before Xu Xin could answer, she subconsciously said:

"So...Mimi wins."

Hearing this, Xu Xin's face was full of bitterness:

"Well, she won."

"Rub your eyes quickly, it will save you from getting needle holes... If it really doesn't work, you can just look at me. Wash your eyes~"

"Pull it down quickly. Ever since I saw you weighing about 140 pounds, I can't bear to look at you anymore."

"You surnamed Xu, go to hell!!!"

Liu Yifei gritted her teeth:

"I was one hundred and two, more than one hundred and twenty!!!"


Xu Xin smiled happily.

Chatting with friends is a very happy thing in itself, not to mention it is a beautiful time at this moment.

The beach with the same color as the sea and the sky, the beauty of the sunset, combined with the fairy sister's fresh and refined face without makeup, would be deceptive to say it's not pleasing to the eye.

While laughing, he raised his cup:



Three glasses of wine met together.

Liu Yifei stood up from the high stool.

He also twisted his waist twice.

Seeing this, Xu Xin asked:

"How many hours have you been sitting there?"

"19. It's so uncomfortable... If I had known, I would have gone to Xiamen to find you and left with you."

She sighed:

"I've been on the set recently, and I've been sitting on that wooden wheelchair every day... Hey, you know, my role is really easy. The director set me up to be a ruthless person with strong inner strength. I don't even have to move when I see people. , whenever someone comes close to me, I will tilt my head like Hawking... my powerful energy will automatically push them away..."


Xu Xin didn't know how she connected herself with Hawking.

But I have to admit, this is very vivid.

Even though I haven't seen her stills, I already have a picture in my mind now.

He said something unconsciously:

"How happy you are, sitting there every day and getting paid. Others have to be beaten to death..."

"But my back hurts."

As she spoke, she twisted her waist again.

"So, can you please show me mercy this time, director? Old driver, please take me with you? I really can't stand the first-class chair. Especially when sleeping, my neck is extremely uncomfortable..."

"My film festival is over and I have to stay here for two more days. Can you wait?"


"I'm going to Rome to participate in a China-Italy friendship show."


Hearing this, Liu Yifei thought for a moment and turned to look at Wu Qiqi.

The tacit understanding between the two made it unnecessary for her to say anything, so Wu Qiqi nodded:

"I'll ask."

"Just ask here."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Xu Xin quickly stopped her.

While talking, he also waved in another direction.

Liu Yifei followed his movements and turned her head, only to realize that... it was a table of Asian faces, taking pictures with their mobile phones.

She now understood what Xu Xin meant, so she smiled generously and waved, then turned back and said:

"What date is this show?"

"On the 13th, tonight...are you going?"

After hearing Xu Xin's invitation, Liu Yifei's eyes moved and then she said:

"Can I go?"

"Let me ask?"

"Let Qiqi finish asking first."

After seeing that Wu Qiqi had taken two steps back and started to make a phone call, Liu Yifei said with a somewhat troubled expression:

"Then I brought an award-winning dress this time, but what should I do?"

"If I can go, the ceremony will end tomorrow and I can go to Rome to buy it the day after tomorrow."

As he spoke, he found the WeChat account of the consular staff in the embassy who was responsible for receiving the guests for this performance, and explained the situation to the other party.

Soon, Wu Qiqi's communication was completed.

"Sister, your play won't be available until around the 20th. The director said there will be no problem."

After receiving the confirmation, Liu Yifei looked at Xu Xin with bright eyes.

Unfortunately, Xu Xin has not replied yet.

But the two of them were not in a hurry.

After Liu Yifei stood for a while, her waist seemed to feel more comfortable, and then she sat down again.

At this time, Su Meng called Xu Xin.

Obviously, after not coming back for so long, the assistant, who was so absorbed in watching pornographic films, realized that something was wrong.

Xu Xin sent her a location, which meant that he and Liu Yifei had met up, so Ai Qing and her didn't have to worry and could watch it as long as they wanted.

And it was at this juncture that suddenly bursts of cheers erupted from the bar near the beach.

The three of them followed the movement and looked over, and found a group of guests applauding and cheering, while a foreign guy was kneeling on one knee at the edge of the beach and bar, holding a diamond ring box in his hand...

He's actually proposing!

Good guy, this foreign guy is so romantic.

Xu Xinxin said that if she wanted to propose in public, she would have to throw her head on the ground.

The woman opposite had a very standard instinctive reaction.

Cover your mouth.


When the ring was brought to her hand, she and her fiancé hugged each other amidst the applause of a group of people.


"Crash la la la..."


Applause, whistles, and cheers resounded throughout the bar.

Xu Xin watched with great interest, and waited until the two of them politely thanked the people around them before looking away.

At this time, I found that Liu Yifei's eyes had narrowed, and his face was filled with an extremely envious smile.

Seeing this, Xu Xin asked with a smile:

"Very envious?"


Liu Yifei withdrew her gaze, and when she turned to look at Xu Xin, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

It's still very obvious.

Xu Xin was stunned.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"


The fairy sister's eyes moved, and her sorrow turned into complaint:

"What do you think? You're already married, so you naturally have no feelings for this kind of thing. If you weren't married... wouldn't you envy me?"

"I'm not envious. If Yang Mi dares to let me propose to her in public, I'll have to press her head into the sandpit!"

This sounds fine to Liu Yifei.

Wu Qiqi looked weird.

My heart said to Brother Xu, just brag.

Seriously, you two can't tell who is going to press whom.

Faced with his words, the fairy sister just sighed:


This sigh contains sadness and regret, but it is all hidden in the envy.

She couldn't help but follow the departing couple again, with a hint of yearning in her eyes:

"so good……"

Xu Xin also turned his head and glanced, shrugging indifferently:

"So envious?...Then you should find someone. Over the years, I have really heard that you and Lao Lang had a false scandal, but no one else has heard of it at all. You are also very emotional, maybe you are a man. The concubine has an intentional ending."


The corner of Liu Yifei's mouth twitched...

Her teeth clenched so hard that her temples bulged.

Looking at the guy in front of me who is drinking with his head raised...

very angry.

But... I dare not post it.

You have to hide it carefully so that no one can see it.

But seeing the unconscious look on his face after he put down the drink, she couldn't help but say:

"Do you know what the most painful thing in the world is?"

"I know."

Xu Xin nodded and raised his head with a very poor acting skill, as if someone was putting a knife on his neck:

"Once upon a time, there was a true love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. When..."


Liu Yifei was completely speechless.

Watching him use his poor acting skills to silently recite the full text of the classic lines in "Westward Journey" like a script.

His lines are emotionless.

He even deliberately lowered his voice in order to imitate Shi Banyu's tone.

Not to mention the pretentious crying without tears.

Seeing him trying hard to imitate Master Xing, she couldn't help laughing:

"Pfft...your performance is really ugly..."

"Nonsense, if I act well, I should be called Master Xu~"

Xu Xin joked and joked with her.

The tone was extremely relaxed.

But Liu Yifei could only shake her head helplessly.

A sentence passed silently in my heart:

"Master Xu~ The most painful thing in the world is obviously..."

Instinctively, she glanced at Xu Xin again.

I sighed in my heart:

"You can't love it."

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