I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 787 784 Twenty-five

It doesn’t matter whether Xu Haofeng dares to enter the octagonal cage or not.

Whether he can beat his "junior sister from afar" who has received the true biography of Mr. Yu is another matter.

Anyway, he was treated as a punching bag and given a beating...

As a result, Yang Mi ate two extra steamed buns at noon.

The memory is quite profound.

As for the story of "Master"...if you want to change it, it is actually easy to change it.

You have to admit that a screenwriter who can write lines such as "Life without regrets would be so boring", "All encounters in the world are reunions after a long separation", "Some people become faces, and some people become lizi", are themselves There is no problem with his literary attainments.

What's more, this story came from his hands.

What Xu Xin has to do is also very simple.

He has already seen the world in Lao Xu's spirit.

The rest is to craft the story carefully.

So... it is said to be half a year, but the lowest standard in his heart is that in this half year, he can change "The Master" into a story blank.

The two of them did the rest of the polishing work together.

Xu Xin opened the story in his hand called "The Farewell Biography of Liu Baiyuan" and read it.

It tells the story of bows and arrows.

That's not right. It should be said that it is a story about a martial arts judge who uses bows and arrows.


But it didn't attract him as much as "The Master".

After briefly scanning the plot of the story and reading it in full, he asked:

"Do you plan to turn this story into a script?"


Xu Haofeng nodded:

"Some ideas actually came from a collision with Mr. Yu. To be honest..."

Having said this, he paused and lowered his voice:

"Yu Lao himself said that his body bones are getting worse year by year. Now when he gets up in the morning, just to make a fist to increase his strength, he has to knead all the body bones, so that the fist can be filled and clenched to death. He He was carrying a lot of stuff on his back, and we talked a lot. He just wanted to... leave an image of all this stuff for everyone to see. Maybe this martial arts world is different from the martial arts world in many people's minds, but At least it existed... We need to let everyone know what the real "thing" is."


Xu Xin was stunned.

He frowned:

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Yu's health?"

"That's not true. He just had a check-up before going abroad. Except for his lungs, which have some minor problems due to smoking, everything else is fine. But... in the words of our martial arts, it is called Qi and blood decline. You can understand this. What?"

Xu Haofeng threw out a vocabulary that Xu Xin could understand, but... I don't know what level it was considered in "Martial Arts".

It's like he didn't understand what Lao Xu said, that when you wake up in the morning, you have to... knead something before you can clench your fists.

Then listen to him continue:

"Yu Lao has practiced martial arts all his life. He knows best how much energy he used and how much energy he retained when punching out this punch. Although he is quite open-minded... But I listen to what he means, and he also knows his situation. So before I leave, I want to keep everything that can be left behind through the form of movies. Have you watched the Xingyiquan part in "Japanese Bandits"?"

"I see it."

Xu Xin nodded and said in a somewhat exclamatory tone:

"I'm very impressed. I saw that Yang Mi can also make that "hum, ha" feeling when she plays normally. But as soon as the old man got started, I knew that the two are completely different."

"That part... was added by himself. He said he showed it to the experts. From the steps, tricks, to how to exert force, it is a complete process. There are experts who practice this, if they feel that they are If you encounter something wrong, you can understand it at a glance. If you think about it yourself, as long as you have enough understanding, you will be able to understand it. He doesn't teach, but he teaches. In his words, if you understand, I will poke you again. . If you don’t understand, I won’t poke you. If you don’t understand in your life, I won’t poke you in my life. I won’t be able to poke a few window paper in my life.”


Although I haven’t seen the old man yet.

But...just from Lao Xu's words, he already understood what the old man "wanted" now.


You can use the things belonging to your ancestors, but you can't throw them away.

But he also understood that the so-called martial arts for all people was impossible. And many young people nowadays are practicing "castrated" versions of things.

The overall thing is right.

But in some places, it may be just like what he said. If an expert calls you once, you will get it. If an expert doesn't give you this hand, you will never understand it for the rest of your life.

And he couldn't stand up and make a big show of saying something like "I'll teach you real martial arts", "the kind that can kill people"...

That's not realistic.

It also slapped some juniors in the face.

Therefore, in this way, he personally demonstrated in the movie all the "intrinsic" things he knew except the moves.

I won’t teach you, so there is no master-disciple relationship.

You don't have to feel like you're in love with me.

I'll give it to you directly.

People with low understanding cannot understand it.

People with high understanding, after understanding it, absorb it, directly move it to themselves and continue to pass it on.

This craft is not perfect.


After understanding this, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Things like birth, aging, sickness and death...

It's not about you, it's not about you.

You can empathize, and you can also feel like a flat lake.

He is not a martial arts person.

Maybe this kind of thing will sound more complicated to my wife.

But here...he thought about it and found that the only thing he could do was...

"So when do you plan to make this movie?"

Xu Haofeng was stunned:



Xu Xin said casually.


Xu Haofeng was speechless for a moment.


"I'm not telling you this to seek investment from you..."

"I know, but I like this story very much. There's no reason not to vote~"

"You like it?"

"I definitely like it."

Xu Xin's expression was as usual.

"I don't like it. Why are you and I talking so much about this story? Although I don't practice martial arts, I was fucked by Yang Mi. When I see these stories, I feel itchy. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask you to buy "Master" Copyright... I, Wang Duoyu, voted for this piece!"

Xu Haofeng's first reaction: Who is Wang Duoyu?

The second reaction was to wave his hand directly:

"If you want to buy the copyright of "Master", then I won't sell it to you. It's not appropriate for you to say this, brother. I'll prepare the script for you, and you can just take it and shoot it. This is a reciprocal friendship. It would be pointless to say more. ~ But this "Liu Bai Yuan"... you still want to vote for it?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"Why not vote?"

Although it would be unlucky to tell my daughter-in-law's master...but it was probably my greatest wish during my lifetime, let alone a Liu Bai Yuan. Even if it's ten or twenty films, you still have to vote.

Although Yang Mi is not here now, as the husband of his apprentice, he can naturally fulfill his filial piety for his wife.

He helped Yang Mi take care of friendship, filial piety, face, and dignity.

For nothing else.

There are always things that someone has to do.

It's just that some people may have to go bankrupt, but for some people it's just a piece of cake.

It just so happens that he is the type who makes it easy.

There is nothing to hesitate about.


There was one thing he still didn't understand:

"If Mr. Yu really wants to leave something behind, why not make a documentary or something..."

"I have this plan. When Zhou Jingzhi and I started preparing the script for Director Wang's "The Grandmaster", we actually visited quite a few martial arts masters. I have been sorting out the stories of these people in the past few years...

After I finish working on "Japanese Pirates", I will revise a book of oral historical documentary literature. I have already thought of the name, and it will be called "The Great Success Is Missing". It mainly talks about Mr. Yu, and some... stories of the gentlemen who once taught me, as well as some of my experiences.

Mr. Yu has finished reading my book and thinks it is very good. He said he wanted to write a preface for me. I was quite touched ~ but he said he was not doing it for others, but for himself.

As for the documentary, the two of us also talked about it. According to him, to practice martial arts, you must first cultivate your mind. Once you have a clear mind and understand why you are learning this, you will not be confused when practicing.

After finishing "Japanese Pirates", the two of us will start working on "Liu Baiyuan". When "Liu Baiyuan" and my copy of "The Great Success" are finished, we will start filming the documentary.

My book is the general outline of the documentary. You must first understand that to practice martial arts, you must first cultivate your mind, and then follow this book and leave everything behind..."

"I understand, okay. Then let's make a movie first. After the movie is finished, we will make a documentary together. I just have a documentary to be released next year. I am familiar with the leaders of CCTV's documentary channel. You can make it, and I will I’ll put it on CCTV for you. Don’t worry.”

Xu Xin said this categorically without any ambiguity.

Xu Haofeng was stunned again.

"I haven't taken the photo yet..."

"I know, but my promise still stands."

Xu Xin smiled and shrugged, with a very relaxed tone:

"No matter what Mr. Yu is insisting on, or what he wants to do... I am an outsider, I don't ask, I don't understand. But, I will help with this. It's not just that Yang Mi is my wife, we have this level Relationship. But because I have the ability to help, as Mr. Yu said, don’t be moved, I am not doing it for others, but for myself. Now that I have said it, believe it or not, even if I am not here today, Yang Mi is here , and her attitude is absolutely the same as mine."


Xu Haofeng was speechless.


Liu Yifei didn't say anything either.

Instead, I searched for the keyword ""Master"-Xu Haofeng" on my mobile phone.

She was a little curious and wanted to see what the story was.

After chatting with Lao Xu in the room for a while, the three of them got up and walked to the coffee shop downstairs when the time was almost up.

While riding in the elevator, Xu Xin saw her looking down at her phone, so he casually asked:

"What are you looking at?"

"Read the novel "Master"."

Xu Haofeng was stunned.

Xu Xin was speechless:

"Hey, is it inappropriate for you to read pirated copies in front of the author?"

Now Liu Yifei was speechless:

"Who said it was pirated? I bought it on Taobao, is it good? The electronic version of the short story gold award-winning collection of "People's Literature" magazine costs six yuan~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at Xu Haofeng in surprise:

"Won a prize?"


Xu Haofeng smiled and nodded:

"The "People's Literature" award was last year's award. I have written a lot of short stories in the past few years, but they were all sent to literary magazines. Wait, after "The Great Success Is Missing" is finished, I plan to write all the short stories I have written over the years. The short stories I wrote will be collected into a short story collection for publication, including "The Farewell Biography of Liu Baiyuan". I have already thought of the title of the book."

"what is it call?"

""Hiding on the Back of the Knife""


Hearing this, Xu Xin tasted the name Pin and sighed:

"Old Xu."


"Should I say it or not...your naming skills are really top-notch."


Xu Haofeng chuckled:

"They said the same thing... I was laughing at myself with a few buddies a few days ago. I said I was a first-rate naming expert, a second-rate author, and a third-rate director..."

Xu Xinxin said you are humble enough.

But in the end, I positioned myself wrong.

It should be a first-class sandbag...

Of course, as Yang Mi said, every wrongdoer has his own debtor. If you are really unconvinced, go find her in the octagonal cage.

If three people are chatting in a room, they are all friends and nothing will happen.

However, since sitting in the coffee shop, Xu Haofeng has more or less intuitively felt one thing... that is, as a director, how big the gap is between himself and Xiao Xu.


Another foreigner came over.

Xu Haofeng didn't know him.

Look at Xu Xin...he doesn't seem to recognize him either.

However, the female translator named Ai Qing next to me explained that the other person was a representative of a distribution company in France who came to participate in the Venice Film Festival.

There is no other reason to come here. I saw Xu Xin and came over to say hello to him.

By the way, I also asked about Xu Xin’s movies.

After learning that he had no new works coming out "this year", the foreign friend's eyes were filled with regret, but he still left after politely greeting him.

Xu Haofeng asked:


"I don't know... I must have met him before. I don't know. I have no impression."

Xu Xin shook his head.

Xu Haofeng was filled with emotion.

When I was a screenwriter before, I actually didn’t have deep feelings about it.

But after he stepped into the directing industry, especially after his experience in Venice, he realized how obvious the gap between first-line directors and other unknown people was.

While he was sighing, several people walked into the coffee shop.

The leader of the group was Cheng Xiaodong.

"Director Cheng."

After seeing him, Xu Xin stood up and waved.

Cheng Xiaodong became happy after seeing him:

"Haha, Xiao Xu!"

He walked over quickly and gave Xu Xin a big hug with joy in his eyes:

"But I haven't seen you for a long time."


Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

Then he said hello to Wen Zhang behind him.

Wen Zhang smiled and shouted:

"Director Xu."

"Well, Teacher Wenzhang, long time no see."

Wen Zhang quickly shook his head modestly.

Xu Xin didn't ask any nonsense like "What are you busy with recently?", but after saying hello to him, he turned his body to one side:

"Director Cheng, let me introduce to you. Xu Haofeng, director of "Trace of the Japanese Pirates"."

"Director Cheng, we meet again..."

As soon as he heard Lao Xu's words, Xu Xin knew that the two people must have known each other before.

So here comes the sentence:

"Hey, look what I did. Isn't this unnecessary... Then I might as well not introduce this."

Following his words, Liu Yifei took the initiative to take a step forward:

"Hello, Director Cheng, long time no see."

Cheng Xiaodong nodded:

"No, we haven't met you since "Golden Armor" came to visit the class. But it's been a long time~"

After Xu Xin finished the introduction, Cheng Xiaodong also said with a smile:

"Huang Shengyi."

"Hello, Director Xu~"

"Hey, hello, hello."

Xu Xin said politely, and then looked to the side.

"Ah Sa."

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Uh...hello, nice to meet you."

Xu Xin was still very polite.

But Liu Yifei glanced at him.

There is no way, everyone is familiar with it.

So she could hear the ups and downs in his tone.

But he didn't say anything.

After everyone got to know each other, because the tables in the cafe were relatively small, Wu Qiqi and Su Meng were also there.

Xu Xin said directly:

"Director Cheng, let's go directly to dinner?"


So, the group of people left the coffee shop directly and headed for the place for dinner recommended by Ai Qing.

Although there are two crews and three groups of people.

But the atmosphere was not awkward at all. After all, the relationship between Xu Xin and Cheng Xiaodong is extremely familiar.

To use the most straightforward metaphor, those are really comrades who have been together day and night for several years.

If the two directors are familiar with each other, the actors must be familiar with each other.

Even if it is forced to be fake, the smile on the face must be kept.

The only pity is that Li Lianjie didn't follow him all the time.

Given his status, apart from attending the premiere on September 2, he did not stay here for the entire Venice Film Festival. When Xu Xin asked him where he had been, he was told that he had gone to the United States to recuperate. .

As I get older, although I am still superb in acting, my body and bones still can't stand it after one scene while swinging a Zen staff weighing dozens of kilograms.

Filming takes three months, but at least half a year of training is required.

When people grow old, they don’t rely on their muscles and bones for strength.

However... when he heard the news, Xu Xin unconsciously thought of Yu Lao, who would only be seen for a while.

To use Yang Mi’s words... In the first few years, the master had a pack of cigarettes a day, more than a kilogram of wine, and he and she chopped off two and a half tiger skin elbows during one meal...

Being able to eat, drink, and wield weapons is a no-brainer.

From this aspect...perhaps this is the difference between martial arts and internal martial arts?

Li Lianjie can fight, but not raise.

But Yu Lao started from the martial arts hall when he was a child, and he studied both internally and externally.

But from now on, it seems... the difference is quite big.

During the whole meal, Xu Xin and Cheng Xiaodong talked a lot.

There are things in the industry and some things in the past.

Had a great time chatting.

The only pity is that because the awards ceremony was held that night, no one drank.

Even female artists including Liu Yifei didn't eat much, they could only fill their stomachs.

After all, if you eat too much, your belly will bulge, and it won’t look good in a dress then.

Quite miserable.

After finishing the meal, everyone went their separate ways again.

"The Legend of White Snake" was not eligible to compete for awards this time, so in the end, Cheng Xiaodong gave his blessings to Xu Haofeng, hoping that he could win an award in the Horizon category.

This made Lao Xu look bitter.

After returning, Mr. Yu finally came back.

His face was rosy and he seemed to have drunk some wine.

Seeing Xu Xin, his "son-in-law", he smiled quite happily. After all, he often sees his apprentice, but not his "son-in-law".

And Xu Xin looked at his energetic and radiant appearance... and really couldn't understand what the "depletion of Qi and blood" in Lao Xu's words meant.

This old man smokes and drinks all the time, and the strong tone in his voice is as strong as his feet.

Who dares to believe that he is 73 this year?

And he was also familiar with Liu Yifei. After all, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei were both in the same crew.

Although we haven't seen each other in the past few years, the joy of meeting old friends still ripples around us.

As the old man gets older, he likes to care about the lives of the younger generation.

Xu Xin didn’t mention it.

He held a cigarette, crossed his legs, looked at Liu Yifei and asked with a smile:

"Have you found someone yet?"


Liu Yifei told the truth.

Seeing this, the old man said with a somewhat reproachful look:

"Why don't you look for her quickly? How old are you this year?"

"25, almost thirty."

Liu Yifei didn't even answer, so Xu Xin said this.


The fairy sister immediately became really angry, gritted her teeth and glanced at the hateful guy in front of her:

"Thank you! You even helped me grow a year older!"

"That's right. You're not from 1987... In August, I even sent you a happy birthday wish."

"That's the Gregorian calendar! Do you understand the Gregorian calendar!"

Obviously, age is a "forbidden zone" for any woman.

"Also, there is something wrong with my birthday. I am on the 25th of August in the lunar calendar of 1987..."

"That's called twenty-five..."


The fairy sister’s silver teeth were almost broken.

On the contrary, Mr. Yu watched the two of them bickering with a smile.

However... when he heard the date "Twenty-Five", he was stunned:

"Yo? That's not tomorrow?"

Xu Xin was also stunned.


"Yes, today is the twenty-fourth. Tomorrow is the twenty-fifth... My daughter, is it your birthday tomorrow?"


Liu Yifei nodded and said:

“When I was young, before my parents got divorced, I followed the lunar calendar. Later, after my mother and I went to the United States, they didn’t use the lunar calendar there and started to follow the solar calendar.

But actually I celebrate two birthdays every year. My mom celebrates my birthdays on the solar calendar, and my dad calls me on the lunar calendar to wish me a happy birthday. Later, after I returned to China and started working as an actor, I needed detailed information from fans and websites. The birth date above was August 25, which was actually my birth date on the lunar calendar.

After my mother gave birth to me, my grandfather asked the hospital to give me a baby according to the lunar calendar. So I still celebrate two birthdays every year. August 25 in the Gregorian calendar is the birthday that everyone sends blessings to. But here I celebrate lunar birthdays with my family. "


Hearing this, Xu Xin sighed with a sigh on his face.

"You have two birthdays in a year... You had a happy childhood. If you don't mention anything else, you can eat the birthday cake twice, and the children will cry with envy."

While talking, he asked Lao and Lao Xu:

"When will you two leave tomorrow?"

"We'll leave in the morning...it's a morning flight, right?"

Hearing Mr. Yu's question, Xu Haofeng nodded:

"Yes, it's 8:30 in the morning. We'll arrive in Yanjing around 8:00 the next morning."

"That's it..."

Xu Xin felt a little regretful:

"They also said that we should have a nice meal together on her birthday...Mengmeng, make a note and order a cake for your fat sister tomorrow. Let's celebrate her birthday."

"Okay, Brother Xu...huh?"

Su Meng, who was about to give up, suddenly felt something was wrong and subconsciously raised her head.

Who did Brother Xu just say...?

Just wondering...

"Creak! Crack!"

Liu Yifei's face turned blue:

"What did you just say!?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Suddenly I realized something was wrong... and quickly said:

"I didn't say anything."

"You said it! Who did you call Fatty?"

"...You heard it wrong. What I said was... Feifei. Feifei~ doesn't your family call you that?"

Xu Xin continued to use his intelligence and wisdom, remained calm in the face of changes and remained calm in the face of danger.


"My family calls me Sissi! Ah!! Xu! You are dead! I will kill you!!! Take my punch!!"

"Eh eh eh..."


Mr. Yu held a cigarette between his arms and watched the two children making noise there with a smile.


It’s good to be young…

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