I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 789 786 Gulu Gulu

"XU, RYU~ Hi, it's your turn. This time you have two red carpet close-ups, and you say hello to the camera and take photos respectively. This is your seat number..."

The director in the waiting area came over and interrupted their discussion...

It can't be said to be a discussion. It should be said that Liu Yifei fell silent after Xu Xin finished speaking.

But the silence only lasted for two or three seconds, and the director came over.

So Xu Xin didn't notice that her mood was wrong at all.

And Liu Yifei didn't let him notice. When the director happened to come over, she had already turned around and looked at him.

Hearing this, Liu Yifei nodded:


After taking the number card, she handed it to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin put it directly in his pocket.

"Let's go."

Soon, the two of them arrived at the exit of the waiting area.

Xu Xin looked around habitually, and suddenly met a pair of eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, then nodded politely and respectfully to the other party and said hello.

But he didn't speak, and there was still a distance between the two sides.

Liu Dehua also smiled slightly and nodded in return.

Xu Xin turned his head and muttered to the fairy sister who was looking in front of him in a daze:

"Hey, Liu Dehua."


Liu Yifei glanced at him and then followed his gaze.

After nodding politely, he turned around and said to Xu Xin:


Emotions don't seem to be high.

However, she hid it well.

Soon, after the director indicated that the two of them could go out, Xu Xin bent his arm directly:

"Let's go."


Liu Yifei's eyes moved up from his arms to his face, and nodded slightly:


Putting his hand on Xu Xin's arm, the two stepped onto the red carpet.

"XU! XU!!!"

Just before the end of the red carpet.

Xu Xin heard a bunch of people calling him.

But the flashes were a little dense at the moment, and he couldn't distinguish them clearly.

It wasn't until the red carpet photos of him and Liu Yifei were taken, and it was time to take their respective close-ups, that Xu Xin saw a circle of foreigners surrounding him holding various plates and waving at him.

Xu Xin was instantly happy.

First, he waved to wait for him, and after he casually waited for Liu Yifei to finish posing, he straightened his suit and stood in front of the camera in a dignified manner.

After the red carpet photographer gave him an "OK" gesture, he walked towards those people with a smile.

He still didn't understand Italian.

But looking at the plates, porcelain basins and other things that were handed over, wrapped in tinfoil, he smiled and picked out a rectangular glass vessel wrapped in tinfoil, and a small glass vessel that was about the length of an adult's forearm. Pretty much the same basket.

He opened the handkerchief with Italian characteristics on the basket and looked at it. He smiled and gave the lady in front of him, who was about thirty years old, a hug.

Inside were waffles he had never seen before.

Sweet and fragrant.

As for the glassware, there was lasagna, which he really liked to eat.

After expressing his gratitude in only Italian, he handed the basket to Liu Yifei, who came to help. He also took the mobile phone from a buddy and raised it high.

A group of people began to gather behind him.

Xu Xin shouted a three-two-one countdown in English, and these people shouted together:


After taking a group photo, Xu Xin said goodbye to these "breeders" who were particularly fond of him, and walked forward with Liu Yifei.

"Hahaha, XU, we meet again."

The person hosting the red carpet this time was still the host whose name Xu Xin couldn't pronounce last time.

But this time, Xu Xin’s English finally didn’t need to be translated by Liu Yifei.

Smiled and said hello to him:

"Hey, CIAO."

"CIAO, CIAO, wow, it seems you came home with a full load again."

The host said while putting his hand on the inside of his suit:

"My friend, I also prepared a gift for you this time."

Under Xu Xin's curious gaze, he saw this guy take out two spoons from his breast pocket.

The kind that is also very particular about being wrapped in a napkin.

"Would you like to share the delicious food with me?"

"...Haha, of course."

Xu Xin couldn't help laughing.

Holding the rectangular vessel in his hand, he opened the tin foil.

The two of them each had a spoon and took a big bite in front of the camera.

The host nodded exaggeratedly:

"Perfetto! Perfetto! XU, how does it taste?"

Xu Xin chewed the gourd and nodded:

"Well, Pafifei steal~"

Then amid cheers and spotlights, the host smiled and patted him on the shoulder:

"Thank you all for your enthusiasm and have a great night."

"Thank you, you too. Thank you for your gift~"

Xu Xin raised the spoon, took another big mouthful and put it in his mouth in a cooperative manner, and waved to the audience who were feeding him.

Walking towards the summer palace amid cheers.

Then I found a deserted corner in the foyer of the summer palace and started eating this box of lasagna.

To be honest, it tastes really good.

The muffins in his basket became tributes for the fairy sister to enjoy.

"If you eat like this, will your lipstick fall off?"

Seeing her gobbling up food, Xu Xin was speechless:

"Didn't you eat something just now?... It's like he was reincarnated as a starving ghost."


Liu Yifei said nothing.

Just took another big mouthful of muffin.

I felt a little bitter.

So some sweetness is needed.

Glory to Rome, sweetness to Italy.

As award-giving guests, the two of them were seated at the edge of the room.

At first, there were only a few people in the summer palace.

Xu Xin sat next to her, watching her touch up her makeup in the small mirror in her handbag, and said:

"How are you feeling?"

"that's great."

The fairy sister continued to look in the mirror and trace her lip line.

He agreed casually.

Soon, those red lips became delicate and beautiful.

She pursed her lips, and after making sure that the color and lines were all right, she closed the small mirror and turned to look at Xu Xin.

But he found that Xu Xin had already taken out his mobile phone and was typing and chatting with others.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Yang Mi."

Xu Xin said casually, and then showed her his chat history.

"I'm a little nervous, what should I do?"

"Why are you nervous? It's not the first time."

"Are you sure you have no problem with me writing those few sentences?"

"It's no problem, don't worry."

After Yang Mi sent this message, there was another string of English words.

[I am honored to be the award presenter and come to this award ceremony in Venice. I am also very happy that in this envelope, another director's name will be included in the Hall of Honor of the Silver Lion Award. Like everyone, I am curious about who will ultimately own this honor. Please witness it with me. 】

"If you feel that yours is not good enough, just use this part. I have known for a long time that you are going to stretch your crotch, and I have prepared it for you."

"...Father! What you wrote is much better than what I wrote!"

"Oh, you are such a troublesome rebellious son."


"Okay, good boy, I'm taking the kids for a picnic. Come on, be sure to read the names and movies on the list clearly, and don't make any mistakes."

Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment after seeing the conversation between the two clearly.

Asked Xu Xin:

"What was your original award speech?"

"It means the same thing as her, but in a dry way...I would like to thank the jury for giving me this opportunity to award this award. Seeing so many outstanding film workers in the audience makes me full of confidence in the future of the film industry..."


Dry and dry.

Damn it.

The corners of Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

Then he said:

"Then you'd better use Mimi."

"Yeah, I think so. Hey..."

"What are you laughing at?"

"My adoptive father never loses control at critical moments. He is truly a reliable teammate."

Listening to his unique name for his wife, Liu Yifei couldn't help but complain:

"Don't tell me, sometimes you make me feel like a waste. You don't wash clothes, cook, or clean the house at home. I heard from Mimi that you can't even find your socks anywhere. …”

"Nonsense! This is slander! It makes me look like I have no ability to take care of myself!"

"...Then tell me, where do you usually put your socks?"


Xu Laoer, who has long been used to "Sister, find me a pair of socks", opened his mouth...

He said with a sigh:


Liu Yifei rolled her eyes:

"Nonsense. Look, I'm not wrong. You, in other words, found Mimi..."

Suddenly, she stopped talking.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, looked very proud:

"No, I just found her. Hey, let me tell you, I actually took good care of myself in the past. But since we got together, she has been like a pig, and I wasn't used to it at first. But then I thought about it, it’s quite nice to be a pig, happily eating and waiting to die… Why did you start wearing lipstick again?”

"I accidentally licked my lips just now."

The fairy sister looked at her smeared lip line, said something casually, wiped the red on the edge of her lips with a tissue, and started painting again.

But after finishing the painting, she remained silent.

Sitting on the chair, leaning on the armrest of the chair with one hand, looking at the empty stage in front of me, I didn't know what I was thinking.

"The winners are: Shota Sometani and Fumi Nikaido for "Mediocrity". Congratulations."

On the stage, as Liu Yifei's list was announced, applause broke out.

In the camera, two new actors from Japan looked surprised.

Xu Xin was also clapping along with the camera, but soon someone found him:

"XU, please come with me."


Xu Xin nodded, stood up and followed the staff backstage.

Backstage, he had seen several familiar people.

They are all winners from the previous year.

Best Actor winner Vincent Gallo, actress Ariane Labed, bracket: the talented actor who beat Natalie Portman.

Xu Xin was the last one to arrive, but everyone had no intention of being divided. Instead, they held their own envelopes and guessed the winner inside.

He took the envelope and felt the thickness, thinking that he didn't know who's name was inside.

But this time there are movies from China... It's best if you're from China.

When the time comes for people from China to give awards to people from China, it will be perfect.

Just as he was thinking about it, Liu Yifei walked from the stage to the backstage. After seeing Xu Xin, she nodded and said:

"I'm going back first."


Xu Xin responded, moved away, and watched her leave.

Then I waited for myself to go on stage backstage.

As a result, he didn't wait long before he looked surprised.

The Best Actress award was won by Dexian Ip in the Hong Kong movie "Sister Tao".

During the applause, Xu Xin looked at the other party crying with joy in the background, and also gave him applause.

As for the actor, Michael Fassbender was given to... even Xu Xin had to admit that he was slightly more handsome than him.

Just when Michael Fassbender was delivering his acceptance speech, Xu Xin opened his phone, glanced at the acceptance speech from his wife, thought about it in his heart, and took a deep breath...

It's your turn.

"Hello everyone, I am Goethe Hsu. I am honored to be the award guest at this award ceremony in Venice..."

He silently recited the acceptance speech prepared by his wife "without emotion". After he finished memorizing it and when the shortlist appeared on the electronic screen, he didn't look back. He took out the envelope from his arms and unfolded it.

When he saw the name above, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

A smile spread unconsciously.



As the movie clips on the shortlist finished playing and the lights came back on, Xu Xin stood under the spotlight and spoke word by word into the microphone:

"The winner is... "People Mountain People Sea", there are huge crowds of people, Cai! Xun! Jun! Director, congratulations!"

"Lala lala lala lala..."

Amidst the cheers, Xu Xin unfolded the page of the winners list and faced the public.

After showing the camera footage to prove that the names on the list were consistent with what he said, he couldn't help but say again:

"Director Cai, congratulations!"

He was not familiar with Cai Xunjun and had little communication with them.

But...what does it matter?

The important thing is that this award belongs to the people of China!

The Chinese won two consecutive championships!

This alone is enough!

As Cai Sujun took the stage, Xu Xin said again when awarding him the Silver Lion Award, which symbolizes the highest honor for directors at the Venice Film Festival:

"Director Cai, congratulations, great!"

"Thank you, Director Xu."

Cai Xunjun nodded vigorously, expressed his gratitude, took the trophy, and raised it high.

Xu Xin, who had stepped aside, clapped particularly hard.

He was really excited, not fake at all.

Last year's "The Hawthorn Tree", this year's "The Crowd"... plus the actress Dexian Ye from "Sister Peach".

Three Chinese-language films were recognized at international film festivals.

What does this mean?

This shows that when the fifth generation begins to gradually fade away from the stage of history, Chinese filmmakers still have the qualifications to stand in the hall of film honors.

Our efforts have not been in vain!

After the applause died down and he listened to the other party delivering his acceptance speech, an idea came to his mind unconsciously...

Next year's Venice...will there be more Chinese-language films?

It should be possible... After all, the film industry is getting better and better.

It stands to reason that more and more filmmakers will appear.

Isn't that what he is doing...?

The last Golden Lion Award ended with the Russian film "Faust" winning.

The 68th Venice Film Festival has come to an end.

Just as an award guest, Xu Xin definitely does not need to participate in subsequent news interviews.

He just said hello to the crews of several Chinese-language movies before the interview started.

After he said hello to the crews of "The Crowd", "Traces of the Japanese Pirates", "The Legend of the White Snake", "Sister Tao", "Sediq Bale", "The King of Death" and so on, the time came to 9 More.

He found Liu Yifei who was waiting for him:

"Let's go?"

"Shall we go to the dinner party?"

"Do you want to go?"


Liu Yifei thought for a while and shook her head:

"Forget it, I'm a little tired. Just go back."


Xu Xin shrugged indifferently and walked out with her.

Soon I saw Su Meng, Ai Qing, and Wu Qiqi at the door.

Wu Qiqi also held a pair of sneakers in her hand.

After Liu Yifei put it on, she stepped on it twice and looked at the crowd in front of the red carpet, and suddenly said:

"Shall we take a stroll back?"

"Aren't you tired?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

"It's not far. I sit there for too long and my back hurts."

Seeing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Let's go then. But..."

He glanced at Su Meng, who was holding a cosmetic bag, and Wu Qiqi, who was also holding something, and said directly:

"Mengmeng, you and Qiqi go back in the car. Ai Qing will follow us, and the three of us will take a walk back. You two go back to the hotel and pack your things. We will go to Rome early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

"Well, take my coat back by the way."

He took off his suit, untied his tie, and handed them over.

Venice in September is not too cold, but it is not hot either.

For him, the temperature was just right.

After the two left, the three of them walked down the steps.

After walking out of the summer palace, Liu Yifei looked at the coastline and the volcanic stone trail not far away, and walked directly in a circle there.

"...What are you doing?"

"Look at the beach at night, let's go."

"are you crazy?"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

But seeing her walking directly that way, I could only follow her.

Complaining while following along:

"If you don't take the nice straight road, you have to go this way. What are you so crazy about~"

But Liu Yifei had already set foot on the path leading to the volcano trail, and Xu Xin and Ai Qing could only follow behind.


This child is not walking on the right path.

She went directly off the volcano trail and walked towards the beach.

But it's windy on the coast at night.

You have to admit it.

Under the moonlight, amid the rolling black and silver waves, the fairy sister in a gold mesh skirt is really beautiful.

The wind ruffled her hair.

Plus, she looked back after taking a few steps to the beach.

If Xu Xin had a camera in his hand at this moment, he would definitely be able to take a set of beautiful photos that will make people enchanted.

Unfortunately, looking back, the fairy sister saw that Xu Xin had not stepped onto the beach.

He just wore shiny leather shoes, put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, loosened the top button, took off his tie, and the shirt he pulled out from his waist was fluttering in the sea breeze.

According to Baozi and Yang Mi's words, the "abstinence-style" dog's face has no trace of obsession, but only a kind of speechlessness of "you are crazy".

The moon can be seen.

She could see it too.

And one sentence:

"Don't catch a cold for a while."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei tilted her head and suddenly said:

"You won't come down?"

"No less. I just brought a pair of shoes. What if they get dirty when I attend a performance the day after tomorrow?"

“Wouldn’t it be over if I buy another pair in Rome?”

"I'm not used to wearing other shoes."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"I don't like wearing leather shoes. My feet are inherited from my father, and they are too thick. They are so tight~ These are custom-made by Yang Mi for me."


Hearing this, Liu Yifei stopped talking.

Instead, he stepped on the beach and continued walking forward, leaving a series of footprints.

At this time, the sea breeze blew stronger.

Xu Xin felt a little cold.

"Okay, stop blowing the wind. I feel cold. Are you not cold?"

"At this time, as a gentleman, shouldn't you take off your coat and put it on me?"

"Don't come here with me. Didn't Mengmeng take your coat just now?"

"Then why did you let her take it?"

"Because there is no wind at that time, why don't you wear two layers of warm clothes? What's the name of the fabric Yang Mi made this time... Zegna? It's made of wool. It looks stylish, but it's very hot."

Xu Xin was speechless, wondering what the hell are you doing.

But after hearing this, Liu Yifei suddenly looked at him.

After watching it for about three or four seconds, he said:

"You are treating me differently. I dare say that if Mimi is with you, even if you are too hot, you will not give it to Mengmeng after taking off your coat, but will hold it in your hand. Just in case Mimi is as smart as me. If you come to see the sea in the wind, you will definitely put it on her."


Xu Xin rolled his eyes and said:

"I must love my wife~ Besides, who knows why you are blowing in the middle of the night to come and see the sea... Just blow it, blow it hard, blow it for an hour, and you will be like dried squid!"


Ai Qing next to her couldn't help laughing when she heard this metaphor.

Xu Xin glanced at her, and then urged the fairy sister who had an incomprehensible expression on her face:

"Okay, okay, let's go, go back... If you don't leave, we won't care about you anymore."

As he spoke, he walked along the volcanic stone trail in the direction of the hotel.

Liu Yifei didn't move.

Watch him move forward.

For some reason, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

It's like saying: I'm not surprised.

Or: that’s how it should be.

Xu Xin walked about a dozen steps when he heard a voice from behind:

"Xu, you piece of shit!!!!"

Xu Xin turned to look at her and was even more speechless when he saw that she was still where she was.

Shaking his head slightly:

"Woof woof woof! Hurry up, stop the ink stains and go back."

After hearing this, the fairy sister did not refuse this time.

But I didn’t go up the volcano trail either.

Just walking along the beach, following the two shadows in front step by step, towards the hotel.

Went all the way to the end of the beach.

She just walked onto the trail and followed the two of them up the steps.

It rejoins the sidewalk along the coast.

Went back to the hotel.

After entering the elevator, Xu Xin yawned:


He glanced at Liu Yifei, who was silent all the way, and said:

"Go to bed early. We are going to Rome tomorrow morning and we have to buy a dress."

Liu Yifei glanced at him and nodded slightly:


"Oh yes, remember to take a hot bath so you don't catch a cold."


Soon, Xu Xin's floor arrived and he walked out directly.

Then there's her floor.

"Ai Qing, good night."

She waved and also walked out of the elevator.

All the way back to his room.

The door was open, and Wu Qiqi was packing her things inside.

"Sister Yifei."

"Yeah. You clean up, and I'll take a shower."


Following Wu Qiqi's agreement, Liu Yifei walked directly into the bathroom.

Turned on the shower head.

The sound of rushing water echoed in the bathroom.

Then, she held the dressing table with both hands and looked at herself in the mirror.

No one knew what she was thinking.

I don't know why she stared at him for a long time.



She suddenly coughed hard.

The sound of rushing water was mixed with the sound of forced coughing.

It's like testing something.

But at this moment...

"Sister, does your throat feel uncomfortable?"

Wu Qiqi's voice came from outside the door.


Liu Yifei said quickly as if she had woken up from a dream.

"oh oh."

There was no sound from Wu Qiqi's side.

Liu Yifei thought for a while and suddenly turned on the faucet in front of her.

There was another sound of rushing water in the entire bathroom.

But...it seemed like she was still dissatisfied.

The face in the mirror even looked a little more irritable.

Subconsciously, she bent down and splashed water on her face.

Water drops dripped from under his face.

Cold and warm mixed together.

She looked at the embarrassed look in the mirror...and suddenly noticed something and lowered her head again.

Watch the water flowing toward the sewer.

She fiddled lightly with her fingers and blocked the drain.

The water in the basin began to rise.

Always level with the overflow.

A basin full.

She stared at the water basin that was rippling to the point where it could not maintain its equilibrium and began to overflow...

Suddenly there was a "haha" sound, and his whole face was immersed in it.

"Gudu Gudu~"


She seemed to be having fun in the water.

It seemed to be roaring something again.

Then, she suddenly raised her head and began to gasp.

Her hair was plaited and stuck to her face.

The originally delicate makeup was completely ruined in this embarrassment.

"Ha~! Ha~! Huh...ha~!"

She gasped, blew away the water from her mouth, and looked at herself in the mirror again.

Seems very satisfied.

An inexplicable smile appeared.


Plunge in again!


Veins popped out on his neck.

She roared in the water with words she never dared to say to anyone.

The running water turned all sounds into gurgling, perfectly submerged in the rippling sound of water in the bathroom.

It wasn't until she was out of breath that she suddenly raised her head from the water.


Panting like an ox.

His eyes were red.

But this time, she smiled even more happily.

Speak softly.

The water flowed freely between her lips.

It's a bitter taste.

"I wish you happiness."


"Gulu gulu gulu..."

She said: I will never like you again.

Like a fish.

In the water, seven seconds ago, I really liked you.


7 seconds later.


She decided to lose all memories of liking you.

That’s it for today.

I was really exhausted when I wrote it...all my emotions were contained in this chapter.

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