I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 792 789 Success

Chapter 792 789. Establishment

After the staff member stood up holding Yang Mi's hand, he subconsciously touched his neck.

His protective equipment is a headgear, chest pads, and arm guards.

In addition, the "knife" used is a soft stick, so there will be no problems at all. But Hollywood's safety rules are here, so wear what you should wear.

As for the five people before, they were all fighting with one sword at a time, without any effort at all.


just now.

When the soft glue stick passed across his throat, it felt a bit rough and rubbed, causing him to feel a wave of discomfort.

No pain, no itching.

It's just awkward.

There was even a kind of goosebumps-like fear.

This is also a soft glue stick. If it were a real knife, he would definitely be dead.

He subconsciously rubbed his throat and swallowed.

Looking at the Asian actress standing opposite him again, he subconsciously cheered up.

The movements explained by the director include the first slash being a downward slash, the second slash being an upward diagonal slash, the third slash being a horizontal slash with a rounded swing, and finally the fourth slash being a thrust.

Just four actions.

At first glance, it seems a bit "ninja".

He recalled the four movements he had trained and nodded:

"Then I'll start with the second cut."

"Well, okay."

Yang Mi nodded with a smile.

The tone was gentle.


When he slashed diagonally for the second time, even though he subconsciously tried to defend himself, the opponent's "knife" was still pressed against his throat.

However, there is a difference between the two knives.

Although they were all backhand swords, Yang Mi's first sword was forehand.

The second knife was a backhand after the body was tilted upward at the moment he started.

Yang hand knife, Yin hand knife.

Two moves, one move at a time to reach the vital point.

"The second time~"

She smiled sweetly.

Ignoring the weird looks from other people.

I don’t know why, but the gentler and more polite her smile is, the more attractive she seems to everyone.


What the hell.

The pinker the smile, the more ruthless the murderer?



Then, Yang Mi returned to her original position and continued with a smile:

"You can't stop me, so this time you start from the first move and do it completely. Director, I'll do the second move once. Hmm... the sword-fighting technique... or the Japanese sword technique that you guys understand better. The "Iai" among them is a complete set of movements."

After she finished speaking to Guillermo Toro, while the fat man nodded subconsciously, she said softly to the staff:

"Don't be afraid for a while. You can dodge, but don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

After saying that, the soft glue stick in her hand was wrapped around a knife again, like a knife being sheathed, and placed on her waist.

Lean forward.

Hunch over.

The waist and horse are one.

When the horse's steps were steady, everyone's eyes fell on her slender legs.

Today she is wearing yoga pants that allow for easy movement.

On the one hand, it reveals the long and slender lines of her legs, which is pleasing to the eye.

On the other hand, you can do your own activities and avoid embarrassing things.

But, that's normal.

When the woman strode into a tight stance, everyone could see the bulging outline of the black yoga pants.

Her thigh muscles began to tighten.

All of a sudden, the feeling of sharp muscle expansion appeared.

Very beautiful.

very healthy.

At this moment, Yang Mi, who had put the knife into her waist, stared at the staff in front of her and said word by word:

"The sword-drawing technique of the Celestial Dynasty seems to be of the same origin as the Iai-slashing technique of Japan, but they are different in usage. Iai emphasizes killing together, and it is a one-on-one swordsmanship. The sword-drawing technique of the Celestial Dynasty was developed since General Qi Jiguang fought against Japanese pirates. Later, he learned and improved, using the Qi family sword as the base, taking advantage of its palm-level blade tip, which is more suitable for large-scale group warfare. The moves are wide open and closed, and you don't win by subtlety, but by seeking victory. Maximum damage with power and speed.”

As she spoke, she nodded slightly to the staff, indicating that they could attack.

After hearing her explanation, Guillermo Toro stared at her intently, wanting to see what the difference was.

The staff member carefully raised the knife over his head again and chopped it down.

This time, he didn't even take two steps.

When Yang Mi saw him moving, she immediately pulled out the "knife".

But unlike Iai's drawn sword, her drawn sword looks extremely cool.

His right hand was like a whip, whipping the knife out of the "scabbard" held in his left hand! The right hand slashed forward with the sword, and the left hand was thrown directly back for balance.

Unlike Iai, who moves her arms with her belt while holding her body half still, she uses her left and right hands to completely combine, as if her entire body has turned into a slingshot to throw the sword.


With a low cry, he swung the knife out, and with the rapidity of the horse's step, the thigh muscles exploded, and he was immediately approaching the staff.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled when they heard the sound of the soft glue stick hitting the opponent's breastplate:







The staff's knife has been dropped.

But he didn't hit Yang Mi.

Because he was wielding the sword with a straight arm, and Yang Mi's choice was to draw the sword and get close.

The shoulders acted as fulcrums, resting on his wrists.

With a fulcrum, the arm cannot bend.

And Yang Mi's four swords had already struck him.

In fact, this trick is not over yet.

According to the master, if you are fighting in armor, if these four swords are not strong enough, it will cause skin trauma at most. In particular, the armor of the Qing generals had begun to pay attention to protecting the vital points of their necks. This is where the awkwardness of the sword-drawing technique lies.

Moreover, as long as it doesn't cause too much damage, even if your arm is held by an expert, he can draw the knife in an instant, and the handle of the knife will hit the back of your head.

With one hook and one move, he will bring you down. All that awaits you is to be hacked to death with random knives.

Therefore, the complete steps of this move are to sneak in, insert the knife into the armor, pull it out and walk away, then go around and stab the vital part.

However, her strength is not enough.

The strength of her legs was only enough for her to thrust and bully her forward. She wanted to use the force a second time after swinging the knife, but she couldn't get it out.

Don't talk about her, in fact, ordinary men can't do it.

This move requires too much leg strength.

At the same time, because Qi Jiguang learned this trick from the Japanese pirates, he took the initiative to improve it and used the principle that the Qi family sword was one inch longer than the Japanese sword. When fighting on the battlefield, he could directly discard this part.

Therefore, Qi Jiajun's sword-drawing technique actually does not have this move.

Because the Qi family's army was fighting on the battlefield, not one-on-one. If you really want to kill, you can save your energy no matter what. My knife is faster and longer than yours, so I can just swing it.

No matter how bad it is, it's usually just injury for injury, and no one would do such a thankless thing.

Later generations did not have to go to the battlefield, and this large opening and closing move was easy to be exploited, so they combined the Qi Jiajun's sword drawing skills with the Japanese sword's Iai slash to create a series of subsequent killing moves.

But because it is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you may die.

Therefore, the sword-drawing technique has never become popular in China. In other words, compared to sword techniques such as Pu Dao, Yuanyang Dao, etc., the technique of drawing a sword to cut is a bit unfamiliar here.

In the martial arts of the Chinese people, the skills, eyes, and steps are coordinated with each other. But Iai's technique is more like a simple "quick, accurate and ruthless" approach, and there are too many ways to deal with it.

No one wants to spend a lot of time improving a second-rate technology.

The result...inexplicably, Iai became a move that fit well with the "dueling spirit" in other people's minds, and was popularized in Japan.

Yang Mi didn’t practice much either.

This move can only be said to be in vain.


That's enough.

I have to say that this kind of simplicity and crudeness of power and speed is sometimes easier to detonate others' adrenaline than walking around the enemy many times and using your pace and timing to kill with one blow.

To put it bluntly, although it is useless, it looks good when playing.

Just like this moment.

She simply sheathed the knife and stepped aside.

Not a word was spoken.

There is a gentle smile on his face.

However, the scene just now... began to flash back quickly in everyone's minds.

She doesn't need to say it, others will figure it out on their own.

There is no other reason, just because it looks good when fighting, and it is in line with human beings' yearning and aesthetics for cold weapons.

There is no need to consider whether effective damage has been caused, and there is no need to think about whether the person is dead or not, and how to deal with the follow-up attack.

If it's typed out and looks good, that's enough.

It's a movie.

At this time, the advantage of drawing the sword is fully reflected.

She didn't speak, and no one dared to speak.

I just felt... shocked by the extremely sharp sword skills of the woman in front of me.

It is different from the five people in front who first put on airs and acted like "kung fu" and then used some clumsy tricks.

She spoke the gentlest words.

But when I stab you with a knife, I don't hesitate at all.

That kind of gentle contrast immediately captured everyone's heart.

Sister... beautiful and sassy!

So charming!

It wasn't until she left the "ring" and sat on the chair again that the dozen or so people in the audition recovered from their stunned state.

looked at each other...

have to.

They have real things.

Compare with others...

Make a judgment.

As it turns out, they were right.

Today, with the development of the times, the practice of cold weapons can no longer be regarded as the scope of "kung fu".

Even if most of these actors do know some fighting skills, they have only practiced techniques such as boxing, karate, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

But the problem is that Guillermo Toro is asking for a cold weapon fight.

How can this group of people who are cramming for the moment compare with an expert who can hold a Liuhe big gun for more than three seconds?

Let alone others, not even Rinko Kikuchi.

The movement she chose was also Iai, but it could be seen from her rough posture...she also learned it on the fly.

Among the dozen or so actresses who entered the final audition, none could compare with Yang Mi.

It's a completely one-sided crushing.

After the martial arts auditions were over, literary opera began.

Everyone started drawing lots.

Yang Mi looked at the actor's name she drew - Charlie Hunnam.

She didn't know who this guy was, but it didn't matter.

No matter who you are.

At this moment, she heard Guillermo Toro’s voice:

"Yang, you should be the first one."

Yang Mi was stunned, turned to look at him, and nodded slightly:

"Copy that, director."

Soon, the place cleared.

The staff member who was treated as a punching bag by Yang Mi just now took off his protective gear, stood in the middle of the field with a script book in his hand.

This scene is unified.

All the actors auditioned for this scene.

The story tells that the male protagonist, whose name is still "X", got off the plane with the commander and met the heroine MAKO for the first time.

The weather is rainy.

In fact, the weather was not specifically marked, it was just a simple sentence: "A helicopter landed on the tarmac in the wind and rain."

At the same time, two cameras were set up in two different positions.

The monitor in front of Guillermo Toro also turned on.

"Yang, you can start when you are ready. You can get the props by yourself."


Without communicating with each other in advance, the two of them started to act in this scene with zero tacit understanding. This was a comparison of the actors' natural tacit understanding and acting skills.

After Yang Mi responded, she suddenly walked to the two cameras and glanced at the small screen on the camera.

It seems like a simple little move, and no one cares.

After the staff was ready, she and a man with blond hair came to both sides of the venue.

At first glance, the two looked like fighting players, and the staff was the referee.

Then, Yang Mi looked at the props on the table, thought for a moment, and picked up two umbrellas from them.

Open one and hold it in your hand.

And the buddy named Charlie Hunnam picked up a backpack and slung it over his shoulder with a single strap.

After seeing that he was almost ready, Yang Mi said:

"3, 2, 1, start."

As she spoke, she held up her umbrella and walked forward.

She walked at a very fast pace. Charlie Hunnam thought it was a steady pace at first, but seeing that she had already reached the staff, he quickly quickened her pace.

As for her walking, Guillermo Toro looked at the picture on the monitor with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

He couldn't see Yang's facial features clearly on the monitor.

But the lower part of her cheek could be seen.

White sneakers, black yoga pants, black short-sleeved T-shirt, fair cheeks, and the black umbrella...

There is white in black, and black in white.

At the same time, because there is too much black, her most conspicuous things are her white sneakers, her slender neck, and the lower part of her cheeks...

Unconsciously, his eyes would focus on her face.

But because I can’t see clearly, I just want to see clearly!

This is a very strange state, like scratching an itch... but Gilmore likes it very much.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Mi, who came to the staff, made a move.

She didn't say a word, but took the initiative to hand the umbrella to the staff.

The guy was stunned...

Xin said you two were auditioning, why did you give me an umbrella?

But Yang Mi understood that as a staff member who played a role in connecting the previous and the following, the role in the script should be the commander who got off the plane with the male protagonist "X".

The commander is the superior. As a subordinate, if you don't hold an umbrella for your superior in the wind and rain, will you let your superior get wet?

What kind of movies are you going to make?

"The next day MAKO stepped into the base with his left foot and was fired."


Therefore, she directly handed the umbrella to the staff, and after the other party subconsciously took it, she opened another umbrella on her own.

And because the light was blocked, her face looked much darker.

At this time, Charlie Hunnam also walked up to the staff.

The staff member said without emotion:


The staff said while holding an umbrella.

And Yang Mi was standing in the shadow of the umbrella.

Charlie Hunnam was so tall and condescending that he couldn't see Yang Mi's face.

Although he didn't know why the other party didn't let him see her face... but he didn't care.

When the staff spoke, he nodded slightly with a casual attitude.

And when the other person finishes speaking, it's "mako"'s turn to speak.

At this time, Yang Mi's umbrella tilted backwards.

The lighting in the studio flickered, and along with the tilt of the umbrella, the light was cast down.

Like sunrise.

Little by little, from her feet, it moved, moved, moved, and finally shined on a pair of eyes with a bit of scrutiny.


She did it on purpose.

Therefore, the speed of light movement is neither fast nor slow.

Just right.


Even Charlie Hunnam was hooked.

After meeting those scrutinizing eyes, Yang Mi shifted her gaze and looked at the staff with a very soft tone:

"SIR, he is different from what I thought~"

Hearing this, Charlie Hunnam spoke:

"Hey~ Is it different in good ways? Or is it different in bad ways?"

His tone was curious.

But in the camera, Yang Mi showed an unexpected look at first, and the look she looked at him quickly turned into as indifferent as a human looking at a monkey, and three points of stiffness.

"At least, I thought you'd shave."

As she spoke, she glanced at the staff and her tone became softer again:

"I'm sorry, Mr.

"……It doesn't matter."

Charlie Hunnam, who was unconsciously carried away by her change of tone, was stunned for a moment before he answered.

After the words fell, the staff said again:

"The plan is X. You and two other hunters will transport an atomic bomb with the equivalent of 30 million tons of TNT to blow up their nest."

After speaking, Yang Mi said politely:

"Mr. X, your room has been decorated. Please come with me."

After saying that, she made a movement with her eyes moving.

It was as if the staff had left.

While doing this action, she also took a step back slightly.

Lower your head slightly.

That look was extremely respectful.

At this point, her role is over.

But Charlie Hunnam isn't done yet.

"MAKO, wait for me a moment, okay?"

After speaking, he looked directly at the staff:

"SIR, we've attacked breaches before, nothing got past their defenses..."

He and the staff came up with a plan... as if they were going to attack some fortress.

Finally, the staff’s:

"I have a plan and I need you to implement it, that's all."

And end.

Charlie Hunnam hesitated, showing that he did not agree with the plan.

At this moment, Yang Mi, who was holding an umbrella, said at the right moment:

"MR.X, please follow me."

No matter what X wanted to say, the general wouldn't listen, and MAKO wouldn't let him continue.

At this point, the audition clip ends.

After the performance, Yang Mi put away her umbrella.

He took the umbrellas from the staff and put them away, returning them to their original owners and putting them back on the prop table.

End gracefully.

In the eyes of Guillermo Toro, there are only four words to evaluate her performance:


However, he still shouted:

"Yang, why do you want to give MAKO such a character?"

Yang Mi, who was about to take a seat, turned around and said after hearing this:

"Because the experience I performed during the first audition proved that I had been traumatized by some monsters when I was a child. Such people usually do not have normal personalities."


Guillermo Toro nodded and said no more.

But I don’t say let others prepare.

I just put on my headphones and watched the images captured by the two cameras over and over again before saying:

"Next group."

The actors in the second group seemed to have Yang Mi's pattern and also chose two umbrellas.

It's almost scripted.

The second group is like this, the third group is like this, and the fourth group is like this.

Soon, the time came to noon.

As the last group of Rinko Kikuchi performed, Guillermo Toro took off his headphones:

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, all auditions are over, please go back and wait for notification."

After saying that, he glanced at Yang Mi casually, turned and left.

"By chance, you're doing great... Do you have time at noon? I'd like to treat you to a meal."

Yang Mi, who had just changed out of her yoga clothes and was wearing an ordinary pair of jeans and a T-shirt, walked out of the dressing room when she heard this sentence.

She turned around and saw that it was Rinko Kikuchi.

"Well... ok. But I have to ask how my children are doing first, just a moment."

Yang Mi picked up the phone with a smile, planning to call Yang Dalin to ask about the child's situation, and also tell her about having dinner with others at noon.

But at this moment, a strange message was sent.

"Yang, this is Guillermo Toro. If it's convenient this afternoon, come over with your agent and let's talk about the contract. The role of MAKO is yours."


Yang Mi's mouth twitched.

My heart says you should hurry up?


She temporarily suppressed the excitement in her heart and shook her head slightly at Rinko Kikuchi:

"RINKO, I'm sorry, I might have to miss my appointment at noon."

Kikuchi Rinko was stunned.


Yang Mi handed her the phone:


Rinko Kikuchi glanced subconsciously.

When she read the content of the text message clearly, a hint of disbelief flashed in her eyes, but then she showed a normal expression.

In this audition, because everyone was together, she could see... and see the level of Qingyi in front of her.

To put it bluntly, whether it is literary or martial arts, she has to be a level higher than the audition actors including herself.

Isn't it natural to be chosen?

Following this intention, she stood up straight, put her hands together and placed them on both sides of her waist.

Bow slightly:


Madam, congratulations.

After Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, she took a step back slightly.

Stand up straight, look straight, put your hands together, and reach your lower abdomen.

The waist is bent about thirty degrees.

Bow down.


Elegant and calm.

Jia Zi said: Gu Yi looks straight, his shoulders are straight, his back is straight, and his arms are like holding a drum. The foot is two inches wide, and the end is facing the tassel. The legs are straight and the feet are straight, the body does not shake the elbows, and the body hangs down and stands.

This is called the ancient ritual: Jingli.

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