I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 821 818 Supomi

Chapter 821 818. Supomi

To be honest, the script of "Massage" is good.


To be honest, he had little confidence in Lou Ye.

It has nothing to do with the director's level, the main thing is... his camera is really shaky.

The kind that makes people feel dizzy.

In fact, Xu Xin has always been curious about one thing...that is these sixth generations.

As a new generation director, he saw that these seniors always like to focus on the "suffering" in their films, and he wanted to ask this group a question in particular.

Do you want to photograph suffering?

Or do you treat suffering like a business?

Of course, it's not that Lou Ye is good at "suffering", he is more like "crazy".

Either he will drive you crazy with movies, or he will drive himself crazy.

Just like the inexplicable shaking caused by hand-held shooting... No one knows what he is insisting on.

But the script of "Massage" is really good.

But it won’t be particularly profitable.

That's for sure.

After talking to Qi Lei and making an appointment with him for Lou Ye, the three of them found a restaurant to have dinner together.

He didn't have a close relationship with Lou Ye.

It can also be seen that Lou Ye himself is quite confused.

The investment of 20 million was decided in the morning... Even at the dinner table, he was still saying that if it didn't work out, he would find several more film companies to share the risk...

Who would have thought that Mingming and Xu Xin met in Venice, and they ended up cooperating like this.

But Xu Xin didn't feel much emotion about his words.

The biggest reason why he was able to make a decision so quickly was because he had read the book "Massage". The original author of the book, Bi Feiyu, is also the writer of this script.

Everything he wanted to see in "Massage" was reflected in "Massage".

Although Lou Ye's movies are crazy and shaky, it is undeniable that he can tell stories.

With both elements in place, investment becomes a matter of course.

Everyone had a great time chatting during the meal.

After eating, Xu Xin stood up and left.

As the inviters, Lou Ye and Bi Feiyu naturally watched Xu Xin leave.

As a junior, Xu Xin kept being polite to the two of them until the car started, saying polite words such as "I'm sorry, Director Lou, Teacher Bi, I'll leave now."

The etiquette is sufficient, and there is no fault at all.

After the two waved and watched the Volvo leave, they waited until the car drove out of the parking lot and walked away. Then Lou Ye said to Bi Feiyu:

"Why do I feel so uneasy?"

Bi Feiyu was stunned.

Asked subconsciously:


"too fast……"

Lou Ye shook his head speechlessly:

"Didn't I tell you before? We actually just met in Venice. We're not even familiar with each other... He sat down and read the script and decided to invest... That's him. I guess it would have to be someone else. I feel like a liar.”


Bi Feiyu didn't know what to say to his friend's words.

I can only sigh:

"But this kind of style that is not sloppy at all... I really like it. I have heard many people say that Xiying has been recovering in the past two years. Now look... this is really true. Regardless of business In return, the box office appeal is not taken into consideration, and even the actors are not involved... The autonomy is completely given to the director... What they do is so incompatible with the current circle."

Hearing this, Lou Ye looked at the direction where the vehicle had disappeared and murmured as if talking to himself:

"But this is the right way. Movies...should have been shot this way."

But this time, Bi Feiyu remained silent.

This sentence...

Or the scoring situation.

Can't be too absolute.

Xu Xin didn't know how Lou Ye and Bi Feiyu discussed him.

He got in the car and called Qi Lei again.

After all, no matter what, it is still a matter of 20 million, and what needs to be said must be explained clearly.

"Hey. Are you done?"

As soon as the call was connected, after hearing Qi Lei's words, Xu Xin knew that he understood. So he said:

"Well, just left."

"What's going on with this movie... To be honest, I was muttering in my mind after hanging up the phone. "Massage"? Just hearing the name, I think of... uh..."

"you've been to?"


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Although the two of them didn't say it explicitly, a charming "pink" atmosphere had begun to spread.

Of course, this sentence is a joke.

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"This is a book. Didn't I tell you that the original author is the screenwriter of this script. This story focuses on the disadvantaged group of blind people and shows their status and stories. I have read the original work, last year. Yes, the impression is quite deep. Now it has been changed into a script by Lou Ye. He will go to you after New Year's Day, and you will understand at a glance then...

It does discuss human nature, but this time the scale is...not large. I also told him during the meal that the factory is very strict in terms of standards... Although he is crazy, he also knows that some emotions will be very fragile when it comes to people with disabilities. He's not stupid either. Besides...the quality of this script is indeed very high, and it is our favorite kind of script. "

Upon hearing his words, Qi Lei's first reaction was:

"Can you win a prize?"

"Once you take the photo, that's it."

Xu Xin’s answer is affirmative.

In fact, for Xiying Film Studio, as a state-owned factory, its service attributes are slightly different from those of private enterprises.

It cannot be said to be a service attribute...it should be more appropriately said to be self-definition.

It certainly makes money.

Making money at any time is actually an indicator of the health of a state-owned enterprise.


Once you earn a certain "share" of money, it's not that important anymore.

Not even making much.

Although the word "capitalist road" has now been buried in the garbage heap of history, the truth lies here.

You can make money, but while making money, you have to walk on two feet.

The role of state-owned enterprises is to lead private enterprises.

If one leg is lame, there is something wrong with the route.

So, get two legs.

Making money is certainly a good thing, but even if it doesn't, it's like before Xu Xin came, the factory was forced to sell land to pay off debts. But I haven’t heard of this unit being cancelled… That’s not realistic.

Therefore, words such as "winning", "winning glory", "showing one's face" and "guiding" are equally important.

There are even times when you know that the money will go down the drain, but you have to give it.

Because you can lose money, you can lose money, but you must have a "cry".

Xu Xin has no intention of discussing whether these situations are correct.

But after hearing his words, Qi Lei's "That's OK" reflected the nature of the matter more intuitively.

20 million, West Film Studio has it.

In the past few years, the family has been stewing meat every day, and the rice jars and flour bags are full of grain.

There is no shortage of food.

In fact, there is no shortage of fame, but the icing on the cake is still coming.

"Producer, Brother Qi, you have to make a good choice. I agreed happily to show my attitude. But after we cooperate, we must not let him act as he pleases. That would be an eyesore for the film bureau. In this regard... "

"Don't worry, I understand. As for the producers, I will definitely choose the most reliable ones."

"Well, that's fine. There's not much else. I have to admit that he is also very talented. We talked about the idea of ​​shooting this movie at the dinner table. I can tell that he has already started drafting the story for this story... . As long as it doesn’t deviate from the script, and there is a qualified producer and editing team, then there should be no problem. But the box office... don’t even think about it.”

"To be honest, I really don't expect his movies to do well at the box office. Every time I watch one of his movies, I throw up. The shaking camera makes my head hurt..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After chatting all the way and saying everything that needed to be said, Xu Xin hung up the phone and went home directly.

I just finished eating now and I have to stretch my body.

So, he started packing his luggage.

In fact, he didn't touch the suitcase of luggage in the past few days after returning home. He just picked up a few long sleeves and stuffed them into the suitcase, saving them for wearing in Xiangjiang. He didn't have much thought about the rest.

He has only been back for three or four days, and the house is not in a mess.

How did you come, how did you leave.

But there is one thing that I have to criticize Yang Mi for.

The whole family has been in the United States for the past few months, but why don’t they know how to turn on the switch?

With so many electrical appliances, if they catch fire or something, wouldn’t the home be destroyed?

Early in the morning on the 4th, when he came to the door with the box in hand, he pulled down the switch.

The power was out and the water gates were closed.

In this way, there is no fear of water pipes bursting, and second, there is no fear of power fires.


Standing under the electricity meter at home, Xu Xin gave himself a rare thumbs up and smiled.

Hey, our old Xu...

Really know how to be diligent and thrifty!

I know how to make money and take care of my family. Where in the world can I find a good man like me?

Afterwards, after closing the door and loading the luggage into the car, he planned to tell his wife about these family members and let her praise himself.


His hands were pressed against the screen. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind...

Why am I saying this?

In life, there is always a need for romance woven with little surprises.

Not to mention, when the movie is over and the two of them return to China.

Just after returning home, as soon as he entered the house, he pushed up the switch.

Yang Mi would definitely look at him with surprise and ask:

"Why did you turn on the switch?"

When the time comes, I will say it in a nonchalant tone:

"I pulled it when I was leaving. I was worried that the power supply would catch fire. Take precautions before it happens~ You have to be more careful in the future, you know? Little fool~"

Then he kissed his wife on the cheek...


Yang Mi, just burn some incense!

That is to say, after our old prostitute got to know you, I became a good prostitute.

Otherwise, if I let this buddy out... just based on this sweet guy's virtue, do you know how many people will be charmed to death?


So, turn off the phone screen.

The Volvo engine starts.

Thick hair!

Just as he drove to the exit of Shijia Hutong, while waiting for the traffic light to turn green, an idea came to his mind.

You shouldn't have forgotten anything, right?

Luggage, Hong Kong and Macau Pass, ID card, mobile phone charger, headphones... Well, perfect!

The green light comes on.

The XC90 rushed out with a buzz.

The taillights all reveal a chic flavor.

Airport parking.

"Brother Xu~"

Looking at Su Meng, who was also pushing a large suitcase and waiting next to the smoking trash can, Xu Xin nodded:

"When did you arrive?"

"I just arrived too...Brother Xu, is it really okay at home?"

Su Meng said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter... Can a person as big as me not be able to take care of myself?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Su Meng has just returned from her hometown.

He originally wanted to come over and join him, but he was too lazy to let the other party bother.

If she comes by plane, just wait for her at the airport.

He said this with confidence, but Su Meng became a little less confident because of this confidence...

Take good care of yourself?

Brother, are you serious?

Who doesn’t know that you are a complete waste without Sister Mi?

But she didn't dare to say this.

Otherwise, a zero may be added to the five hundred.


Small money is important~\\( ̄︶ ̄)/

Xu Xin didn't know what she was thinking and said directly:

"Let's go."

The two of them had to walk from the long-term parking area towards the airport.

Arrive at the airport, go through the security check, fill out the procedures, get on the commuter bus and walk to the small terminal.

When they arrived at the private waiting room, they saw Wang Sicong with his head down playing with his mobile phone.

There were actually "quite a few" people in the private jet lounge in Yanjing.

He didn't say anything, and walked to him with Su Meng:

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Wang Sicong, who was playing with his mobile phone, looked up and asked in confusion:

"very good mood?"

"The one who knows me is Lao Wang~"


After seeing that he was really in a good mood, Wang Sicong flipped the phone screen and handed it to him:

"is it nice?"


Xu Xin looked at the T-shirt on the screen and subconsciously said:



Wang Sicong's mouth twitched...

"Brother, can you read clearly before you read it? If you were not good at English before, I could still understand it, but now that you have no problem communicating in English...it will be really embarrassing if you do this again!"


Xu Xinxin said what are you doing?

This is not Su Po... huh?



"You must be sick...what the hell is this?"

He said dumbfounded.

After seeing that he also discovered that there was something wrong with his pronunciation, Wang Sicong shook his head with a helpless look:

"A brand."

"very famous?"

"It's okay. It's a niche fashion brand in the United States. We are discussing buying a couple's outfit. There is no official store in Xiangjiang, but there are restockers. She is shopping in Xiangjiang now to choose."


Don't tell me...

Although Xu Xin asked himself that he and his wife were quite sweet.

But the calm and sweetness of the two of them is really inferior to these two at this moment.

How cool.

Diabetes or what?

Can such childish couple costumes even become a topic of conversation?

He shook his head speechlessly:

"What did you want me to see?"

"It depends on the style. Here..."

In Wang Sicong's mobile phone, several pictures looked similar to Xu Xin, except that the "Supomi" logo was different in size and in different positions on the clothes.

"Which one do you think looks better?"

"I think they're pretty much the same."

Hearing this, Wang Sicong looked disgusted again.

"You are really stupid."

Xu Xin smiled instantly.

Pointing to his windbreaker:

"Hey, man, Giorgio Armani."

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes and asked:

"Who bought it?"

"My wife."

"You loser."

The eldest young master pointed to the shirt on his body:


Hearing this, just as Xu Xin was weighing which brand was more powerful, Valentino or Giorgio Armani, he heard another sentence:

"I bought it myself."


Su Meng laughed beside her.

Brothers, it’s the beginning of the month, please give me a monthly ticket!

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