I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 823 819 There is a long way to go

In fact, Jay Chou and Nicholas Tse are friends, and they have a pretty good relationship.

However, after everyone met, neither party mentioned Jay Chou's name.

This is an acquisition negotiation, and money is the biggest deciding factor. It's useless to mention people, and it won't be easy to figure out the price when the time comes.

Wang Sicong understands.

Nicholas Tse also understands.

As for Xu Xin...

According to what Wang Sicong said in the car just now:

"Why don't you order more six-headed abalone and eight-headed abalone today? Eat hard and just close your mouth."

It’s as if he’s afraid that something bad will happen to him.

As for the words of friends, Xu Xin himself agreed very much.

He was quite impressed by Ah Yi Abalone's store.

Last time Liu Yifei invited him to dinner, it was here.

It tastes really good.

But... let's be honest.

Although he is not someone who has never eaten or seen anything...but sometimes he always likes to use "sheep" to calculate the price of food.

When he looked at his plate of abalone and sea cucumber, which cost over ten thousand each, he unconsciously wondered...whether this restaurant was crazy about money.

It’s just dried abalone… Why is it so expensive?

Of course, this was just what was going on in his head.

The actual situation is that Yang Wenjie set the pace during the dinner.

As the technical director of PO Chaoting, he was talking to Wang Sicong about the current business structure of PO Chaoting, as well as related technological breakthroughs, etc.

Xu Xin couldn't understand these.

He didn't even know the meaning of some English words, including what the two were discussing... frequency, precision, etc.

He really doesn't understand.

But Wang Sicong just needs to understand.

During the first half of the dinner, Nicholas Tse, him, and Si Wei didn't talk much.

Mainly just the two of them chatting.

Yang Wenjie introduced, Wang Sicong asked.

And everyone only had a glass of red wine to accompany the meal, and the atmosphere was full of business.

"We are going to say now... the biggest advantage is actually the techvis required for complex scenes, including calculating camera data, moving positions, shooting angles, required equipment and set design to ensure that the picture aspects designed in previs can be realized. The team People have already built our own database. And, just last year, we just completed part of the engine iteration..."

"What is the current business ratio of Magic City Studio in the company?"

"About 40 percent. But gradually the focus will shift there."

The two of them were chatting with each other.

When the conversation was almost over, Wang Sicong thought for a while and asked:

"Let me ask a question...it may be a little presumptuous. Suppose we have the idea of ​​​​purchasing your company wholly. Then...as the founders, what requirements do you want to make of us...I mean the acquisition Some conditions other than the amount.”

His words are actually equivalent to telling everyone that some early understanding is almost complete.

Let’s talk about acquisitions.

And after he said this, Xu Xin, who was focused on launching a fierce attack on the roast goose, also put down his chopsticks.

He took a sip of wine and cleared his throat.

Waiting for the other party's next words.

This dinner, strictly speaking, has just begun.

After Nicholas Tse glanced at Yang Wenjie, he asked:

"If Mr. Wang and Director Xu make the acquisition, is there anything you want to change?"

He pushed the question again.

Wang Sicong didn't panic and just nodded:

"Changes must be made. In my plan, maybe within three years, the business of the Xiangjiang headquarters will be transferred bit by bit to the mainland. After all, we value the development prospects of the mainland more than the Xiangjiang market. And... …”

He pointed towards Xu Xin:

"We are quite optimistic about the future."

After Nicholas Tse heard this, he glanced at Xu Xin and nodded:

"I understand this...but I must say that a large part of PO's business is currently here."

"But it will definitely be in the mainland in the future, isn't it? We will give some transition time, but the business in Hong Kong will inevitably start to shrink in the future. This is inevitable. But you two don't have to worry, we also understand some things We cannot kill the goose that lays the goose to lay eggs. Old employees will always have a place in our plans to improve employee benefits and expand scale. Even if our business shrinks, we will not turn our backs and disown them."

In fact, this is also the first time Xu Xin has participated in Lao Wang's business matters.

Today, he was destined to be a little mute, and he unexpectedly discovered... that despite his unreliable virtues, this buddy of his. But when it came down to it, his performance was almost impeccable.

He was quite surprised.

The little mute felt more at ease.

In the following time, everyone was talking about the topic after the acquisition.

Including some very practical issues, such as how to arrange these employees if the business in Xiangjiang is reduced, how to transfer positions, etc.

Although these problems are not big problems, Xu Xin can also see them from the side.

Bosses who can take these things into consideration are usually more humane people.

In this regard, Nicholas Tse is really not bad.

However, this is still a process of mutual testing and understanding.

The most fundamental problem with today’s meal has not yet surfaced.

That's "money".

Wang Sicong is very patient and never asks the other party for a quote.

The same is true for Nicholas Tse.

Plus Yang Wenjie, from the company's internal situation to the future prospects after the acquisition. The same things were all taken apart, torn apart and crushed to pieces for discussion.

When everyone put down their chopsticks and had almost finished eating, Wang Sicong, who had "nothing to talk about", wiped his mouth and asked:

"Regarding our proposed acquisition intention, NIC, I know you are also looking for a seller. What is your psychological price?"

Finally saw the real chapter.

Regarding this question, Nicholas Tse, who also got to know the two of them overnight, asked again:

"Besides full acquisition, Acong, have you thought of other ways of cooperation?"


Wang Sicong's answer this time did not have any twists and turns, and the answer he gave was very firm.

"Or to be more precise, for now, my idea is to either fully acquire Erbit's shares. Or, acquire 85% of NIC from you and retain 15% of Ajie. But in the former, at least we Ajie needs to continue to sit in this position for three to five years, so that the company can gradually complete the succession of management rights. The latter... depends on whether Ajie has the idea to develop in the mainland."

Hearing this, Yang Wenjie remained silent.

Nicholas Tse nodded slightly.

Obviously, he was not surprised by the answer.

Apart from anything else, he knew from the beginning that the business in Xiangjiang could not be retained.

No way, it's too small.

As for the other party's background... Let's not mention the northwest circle. The size of Wanda Entertainment alone is enough to help any company maintain a balance of payments.

Plus the northwest circle...

The entire PO Chaoting business may not be very profitable in the short term, but in the long run, as long as it is steady and steady, slowly expanding the market value is not a problem.

Of course, this is without expanding the scale.

If the scale continues to expand... whether to make money or lose money is another matter.

It can be said that the other party has a "way out".

Moreover, Wang Sicong did not intend to share his escape route with him.

Or to be more truthful...

The reason why the other party can propose to retain Ajie's shares is that they value Ajie, a technical talent, more than themselves.

With Ajie here, there won't be any problems in the company in a short time.

As for long-term considerations, it depends on whether everyone has a tacit understanding and can cooperate.

In fact, it's quite funny to say this.

He is the founder of PO Chaoting and the largest shareholder.

But what the other party really wanted to stay was Ajie. As long as I nod in agreement, I will definitely walk out of the company "cleanly" and be completely separated from it from now on...

Although this is a business rule... Nicholas Tse is still a little uncomfortable with it.

It always feels a little too ridiculous.

But what can be done?

One is the only son and sole heir of a leading theater company.

One is recognized as the leader of the next generation.

In the business landscape of these two people... there is no place for "non-my kind".

Quite cruel.

But so true.

He knew that if he continued to insist on selling some shares and introducing investment, he would achieve win-win cooperation. Then this acquisition will definitely fail.


All people are greedy.

Although he didn't dare to say that he was particularly greedy, but now he saw that the company had encountered bottlenecks in his own hands and was unable to move to a higher level. It happened to encounter a trend... He actually wanted to get on this ship.

But that’s where the pain ends.

He didn't have a ticket, and they didn't plan to take him.

Other investment companies also know that if they want to settle in, they will have to cooperate with some giants in the industry to expand their scale. Otherwise, this investment is destined to have no return at all...

This is the whole point of PO Chaoting's embarrassment.

The resources he has are also available to others.

What he doesn't have, others have more than he does.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Xu Xin:

"Does Director Xu have anything in mind?"


Xu Xin, who hadn't spoken much all night, glanced at him and then at Wang Sicong.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Thank you, teacher..."

"I told you, just call me NIC."

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head:

"It's not like I'm abroad. It always feels weird to speak in English. My opinion is actually very simple... and I can probably understand what Teacher Xie wants to do, what kind of cooperation model. But to be honest, what we want to do next , In fact, Teacher Xie has already made his own choice."

Nicholas Tse was stunned.

Some of them didn't realize what he meant.

But Wang Sicong heard what Lao Xu wanted to talk about and directly adjusted his sitting posture.

The whole person leaned back on the seat, as if relaxing.

He stayed at the bar all night.

Since Lao Xu wants to talk... let him do it.

Take a break yourself.

"The dilemma PO Chaoting is facing now is actually nothing more than a lack of money... It cannot be said that it is a lack of money. It should be said that it lacks a strong capital flow to help it increase its scale.

Mr. Xie, you are very good. In a few years, without financing, you relied on individual and team efforts to bring it to the current ceiling.

But I want to go up again...

First, you are short of money. You are short of funds with real determination and perseverance to invest heavily in upgrading hardware and software, recruiting talents, and building a larger "bank".

Second, you lack channels. So far, although you have many regular business partners. But everyone knows that the film and television entertainment business is the ultimate goal of visual effects. In this regard, your strengths and weaknesses are no different from other companies that are not as large as yours but also have certain hardware and software foundations.

To put it bluntly, you still have to continue fighting with them. Bidding, soliciting business, negotiating prices, and considering costs...these are still difficulties for the company.

Faced with this choice, as a founder, there are actually two choices. Or, use love to generate electricity, invest all the money you earn here, and help it grow and develop.

Or, attract more people to come and work together to realize your dream.

But unfortunately... the external environment, that is, the soil for our country's film and television entertainment business, can still be said to be "barren" and does not yet have the conditions to make the company so attractive.

Or to be more calm and objective, everyone knows that if you join, the future will be very vague, but what you face every day is the dilemma of burning money like paper.

Therefore, after the second point was rejected, Mr. Xie has a family and a business, so he cannot say that he invested all his energy and money in this company. Naturally, the fact that we are sitting here today means that you have made the third choice..."

Having said this, he shook his head slightly, with no regrets in his eyes, but with endless calmness and objectivity:

"Actually, there is nothing right or wrong about this. I know that PO Chaoting is your hard work, but at the same time... now that the children have grown up, they will naturally want to visit bigger cities.

But the actual situation today is... It's not that we can't accommodate a shareholder, but that your mission has been completed regarding the future of the company.

Of course, on the other hand, you can refuse us. But sincerely, since you want to sell, in fact, to put it bluntly, you still hope to make your hard work go further.

But from our perspective, we all need a purer corporate environment. Your child is under your control from birth to growth.

But now, it has grown up and is an adult, and is about to start a family of its own. Even if parents want to blend in at this time, it is actually not suitable. The couple has their own two-person world, and they also have to face their own lives, don't you think so..."

Xu Xin did not talk about the future of "what will we do after you hand over the company to us", nor did he leave any room for the matter in a polite way.

He won't even say anything big, tell the other person, "I want to complete the industrial system of the Chinese film industry," etc. Before he can move others, he will first move himself in a trivial way.

That makes no sense and is unnecessary.

Things are done, not said.

He just used a husband and a father to understand the truth, and gave Nicholas Tse an example.

Tell him: When your child reaches this stage, you should learn to let go.

Don't interfere too much.

After he finished speaking, Nicholas Tse fell silent.

He understands the truth.


The regret in my heart became more and more complicated.

What a shame.

Watching a gust of east wind blow by.

But he couldn't follow.

what a pity……

170 million.

This is Nicholas Tse's quote.

In other words, his offer is similar to the valuation of Pus' team.

The entire PO Chaoting is worth around 200 million.

Of course, this is the purchase price.

If we really go by what outsiders say, Nicholas Tse, a special effects company, is worth over 2 billion.

Regarding this price and the issue of Yang Wenjie's shares, Nicholas Tse gave the choice to the other party.

The meaning is simple: my shares, this price. If you want to keep Ajie, you have to negotiate it yourself.

It can be regarded as Yang Wenjie's treatment, which helped him gain a lot of initiative.

Regarding this price, Wang Sicong was noncommittal.

Neither high nor low.

Today we are just discussing intentions. The specific details of the acquisition will have to be followed up by the follow-up team and discussed slowly.

But for Xu Xin, at least he felt confident.

Coming out of Ah Yi Baoyu, several people looked in the same direction at the same time.

There, some reporters were taking photos with flashlights on at night.

"Used to it."

Nicholas Tse seemed not surprised.

Only then did Xu Xin notice a detail.

If I remember correctly, the cars on both sides are front and rear. But now the sports car was gone, replaced by a Mercedes-Benz S.

The driver is standing nearby, opening the door and waiting.

Wang Sicong nodded indifferently and reached out:

"That's it for today, NIC. Thank you for your hospitality."

"As long as you are satisfied with the food."

Xie Tingfeng smiled slightly, then looked at Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, aside from business partners, as actors, I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Of course, no problem."

Then after waving goodbye to Di Wei, the two groups of people, who could be said to have a good conversation, got into their cars and left while the paparazzi were filming them.

In the car, Wang Sicong said to Guo Ping:

"Send Lao Xu back."

Then he said to Xu Xin:

"I feel that I can get it at about 1.5. This Yang Wenjie is very good and can be kept. No matter what happens in the future, at least the company can be stabilized at this stage."

"Well, let's do it. If you want me to give you any advice, I don't have any opinions. But after it is acquired, we will first upgrade the hardware, and then do the promotion business bit by bit. This is not something that can make you fat in one breath. But at least the road is right.”


Wang Sicong nodded, thought for a while, and said:

"I'd also like to say hello to Wanda Pictures. If any movies we invest in in the future require special effects, we'll let them do it after the acquisition is completed... just take your time."


"What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"It's not certain yet. Keanu Reeves will come over in the next two days, and together with his martial arts instructor Chen Hu, they will come to Xiangjiang to visit Yuan Heping. We also need to meet. He still has a script in his hand. I want to help him find some screenwriters to talk to. After this matter is over, I will go to the United States... By the way, Brother Qi, how was your audition here?"

"I'm auditioning the day after tomorrow."

Siwei said:

"Final round."

"Do you know who your opponent is?"

"I don't know the details yet...and I don't want to ask. Just rely on your ability~"

She said it very freely.

And then Wang Sicong remembered:

"Eh? So, if we move quickly, we can also do the special effects for Master Xing's movie? By the time he finishes filming, it will have to be in the second half of the year, right?"

"You think too much."

Xu Xin shook his head, looked at the scenery of Yexiang River and said:

"When the project investment document was approved, I took a quick look at it. Macrograph, South Korea's top special effects company, quoted him a very low price. Moreover, the cooperative relationship between the two parties has been established since "Kung Fu". So Bian has already started making 3D models."

"...Holy crap, so despicable? Did you really come from a related family?"

"There's nothing despicable or despicable. A partner who has worked with me for such a long time will definitely not be replaced at will. Besides... "Conquering the Demons" is really going to be made by PO Chaoting. Do you think other people can rest assured? After all, it is of such a scale. But it’s far worse than macrograph. It’s hard for PO to even penetrate the country, let alone the top three in Asia.”


Wang Sicong sighed with emotion:

“There’s still a long way to go.”

"Not urgent."

Xu Xin smiled and comforted him:

"Take it easy."

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