I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 825 821 Dragon and tiger are late

Chapter 825 821. The dragon and the tiger are in twilight

The first story in the script "Xiu Chun Dao" still needs to be revised.

This is the view of Xu Xin and Xu Haofeng.

However, this story belongs to Lu Yang, and Xu Xin didn't ask Lu Yang to help him create it, so he definitely couldn't just say "This story doesn't work, change it."

He just summarized his and Xu Haofeng's opinions into a document and sent it to the other party.

Then I replied using WeChat:

"I've sent you my comments on the revision of the prequel story. I haven't read the second story yet. I'll get back to you after I finish reading it."

And Lu Yang responded very quickly:

"Copy that, Director Xu, thank you for your hard work."

Putting down the phone, Xu Xin touched his belly and said to Xu Haofeng:

"Let's go? Let's go eat."

There are actually many delicious places to eat in the tea restaurants in Xiangjiang.

Although Xu Xin doesn't know much about Xiangjiang, the fact that there are more than 40 restaurants with one, two or three Michelin stars in Xiangjiang shows how developed the catering industry here is.

However, the two of them did not go to any particularly big restaurant at noon.

Instead, I drove to Kowloon and found a noodle shop that specializes in beef noodles.

During this period, I also called Wang Sicong.

As a result, the other party didn't seem to get up yet, so he said "I won't eat" in a daze and hung up the phone.

Lao Xu likes to eat noodles, and so does he.

It seems that Lao Wang used too much force last night, so he had no luck.

After having a full meal, Xu Xin asked Lao Xu if there was anything he wanted to visit in Xiangjiang. He looked like a master... But when Xu Haofeng took him to an older neighborhood in Kowloon, Xu Xin didn't even know where it was, but Lao Xu started to educate him about the Kowloon Walled City back then. Only then...Xu Xin realized that he was ignorant.

Others may be more familiar with Xiangjiang than I am.

The two began to chat while shopping.

Before Lao Xu went out to eat, he took a SLR with him.

But it is rarely used.

I only take a few photos with my camera when walking near some very old residential buildings in Kowloon.

At this moment, the two of them had just walked out of the ice room on the narrow street in Kowloon. Lao Xu held a cup of Xian Ning Qi in his hand and said:

"Do you feel like this place appears in "Young and Dangerous"?"

"Hmm... not impressed."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly, looked at the appearance of the whole street, and said:

"My impression of Young and Dangerous is still in the plot. I was still young at that time. It's unrealistic to observe other people's shooting techniques or pay attention to some lens metaphors. Don't even tell me. , I have almost forgotten the plot. I just remember that Liangkun was very angry..."


Xu Haofeng was speechless for a while.

But I have to nod:

"Indeed, that scene left a deep impression on me."


The two laughed and walked along the street.

I have to admit that although the development in Kowloon is equally good, compared with the prosperous places such as Causeway Bay and Central, it actually feels a little worse.

While walking, Xu Haofeng chatted with him about the "Old Kowloon Walled City" period.

For example, in "Young and Dangerous" that they just talked about, Chen Huimin played the role of Dongxing's boss Luotuo. This seemingly kind-hearted elder brother actually worked as a prison guard in the 1960s, relying on his skills in "Tan Family Sanzhan Quan" and Western boxing. Then in prison, some "big brothers" often came to him to take care of him. He was also a kind-hearted person, and many big brothers fell in love with him in prison. After he was released from prison, he would often be asked to take care of his new younger brother.

Over time, Chen Huimin's status rose.

Although it can't be said that black and white take all, as a prison guard, his status on the black side is also somewhat famous.

Xu Xin had an impression of the person "Luotuo" and knew who he was talking about.

From Chen Huimin, the two of them talked about the famous Chinese detective Lei Luo... Ah, no, Lu Le.

Gotta admit it.

Lao Xu knows so much.

It was also from him that he learned that Zeng Zhiwei's father, Zeng Qirong, was Lu Le's "top horse" and specialized in helping Lu Le collect protection money from those big brothers on the road. Another example is the family history of the Xiang brothers and so on.

Old Xu has many treasures in his family.

This made Xu Xin curious about how he knew so much.

As a result, the fat man choked:

"Because I study."

Angrily, Xu Xin took back the cigarette he was about to hand to him on the spot.

And the two of them just wandered around various places in Kowloon like vagrants.

The average temperature in Xiangjiang in January is around 18 degrees, which is an extremely comfortable season. Not hot, not cold.

They rested when they were tired and drank when they were thirsty.

We have obviously been to Xiangjiang, but at this moment, we are like two tourists, walking aimlessly all over the land of Xiangjiang.

There was a lot of chatting. Most of the time it was Lao Xu who was chatting and Xu Xin was improving his knowledge.

As we chatted, we talked about some sensitive topics from the Kowloon Walled City back then. These topics came out of Lao Xu's mouth and into the ears of Xu Xin and Su Meng. They talked and laughed, and then disappeared with the wind.

Then from these sensitive topics, we talked about the dragon and tiger martial arts masters in Xiangjiang.

In Lao Xu's words, the rise and fall of Xiangjiang's Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts is actually like a microcosm of the rise and fall of Xiangjiang's film industry.

According to him:

"I remember that some time ago, I went to school for a class, and several students with film history subjects asked me about their subjects. Their subject was to talk about the rise and fall of Xiangjiang martial arts masters. I told them: If we talk about Cheng Long and Hong Stars such as Jin Bao, who are famous for their kung fu, are the face of Hong Kong film history, so the dragon and tiger martial arts masters are actually the context and blood of Hong Kong films..."

"That's true."

If we talk about gossip and history, these are Xu Xin's weaknesses.

But when it comes to movies, Xu Xin has a say in both film history and film and television.

"In fact, the prosperity of Hong Kong movies began in the 1980s. Speaking of that era, it happened to be the time when Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States. It was also an actor who set up the strategy of using Hollywood movies to promote American values. , which allowed Hollywood to officially wield the sickle from that era to harvest global culture. As soon as the sickle was waved, it was cut to the present."


Xu Haofeng nodded:

"Then what is your definition of a dragon and tiger martial artist?"

Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"The definition is actually very simple... To use the most vivid example, we do not discuss national policies or the economic situation... As far as this group is concerned, my definition of them is more like employees of our state-owned enterprises. And their experience is just like the confusion of the laid-off wave of state-owned enterprise workers led by the three eastern provinces..."


Xu Haofeng became interested:

"Let's talk... Although our views are similar, your statement is quite fresh."

"Actually, the definition of Dragon and Tiger Warriors is quite simple. The status of Xiangjiang Movies is equivalent to being lifted up by them. Without computer special effects and a safe enough team, they would have to risk their lives.

Risk your life... It's just four words, it's easy to say, but the problem is that most people really can't do it.

If you ask me to describe Hong Kong at this stage, its title of Oriental Hollywood is actually a helpless act of making steel with local methods... But it was also this helpless act that made it go out of the way of using human power in that era. The limit reached.

If you look around, no matter at that time or in the future, there will no longer be a "Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts Master" profession in the world.

We were able to withstand the pressure of Hollywood. On the one hand, we were able to protect our films from impact and leave a buffer zone for our fifth and sixth generations in the mainland.

On the other hand, you can see a completely different new world through movies without losing your own culture...

In this regard, Xiangjiang Film, which was carried by the Dragon and Tiger Warriors, played a huge role. It is really like a window that allows us to see the outside while also blocking the wind and rain.

Therefore, Dragon and Tiger Warriors actually came into being with the times, using human power to fight the miracle of the Hollywood industrial system. The good thing about it is... at that time, they could compete with the high technology of Hollywood with their lives. You can even fight back and forth...

But therein lies the sorrow.

When technology rises in an all-round way, the dragon and tiger warriors who cannot adapt to the times will naturally be laid off and wither away. But if you think about it from another angle, they are blood and muscles in Xiangjiang movies. They have left too many deep-rooted things in Xiangjiang movies.

Let them be 50-50 equal to Hollywood in that era. But it is also these deep-rooted things that make today's changing times not only unable to compete with Hollywood, but even seem incompatible with the development of mainland film history. It's like a huge thing that has accumulated a lot of damage and can only watch it dying and dying..."

Speaking of this, looking at this metropolis...which is actually no different from Yanjing, Magic City, or even Xi'an in the mainland, Xu Xin's face was filled with sadness.

"Old Xu, Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts, until our generation of directors, is unparalleled. No matter what it is, whether it is a married family class or a Yuan family class... there is actually no difference. It is already outstanding. Similarly, the actors in Xiangjiang are also in Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts." This generation... is also amazing. In the future, you may not see Hong Kong actors like the Four Heavenly Kings and the Seven Little Fortunes emerge. Even directors..."

He paused.

Shaking his head slightly, he said like a person who didn't want to believe the facts but still had hope:

"Directors should continue to emerge. After all, the changes of the times are the direct link to art that resonates with others. As for directors... there should be no interruption. But other aspects... are difficult."

As for his point of view, Xu Haofeng's response was simple.



A sigh, together with Xu Xin's words, narrates the thirty-year golden age of Xiangjiang, the changes, the clouds and the clouds...

In the end, the hero dies too late to return.

At this time, he heard Xu Xin say:

"It would be really nice to make a Hong Kong film with a pure style. It's a pity... I don't know if there will be a chance in the future..."

Lao Xu was stunned and asked subconsciously:

"pay tribute?"

"That's not enough. It's not like he's completely dead."

Xu Xin shook his head, looked at Xiangjiang, which was still prosperous but no longer prosperous, thought for a while, and said:

"It's an experience. A... retro and nostalgic experience."

The two of them walked around all afternoon and talked a lot.

But strictly speaking, it has no practical significance.

Just like the movie "Talk about Xiangjiang", there are no effective methods on the one hand, and there is no far-sightedness on the other.

But... chatting with friends is just that.

Even if it is useless for reality, it can at least enhance feelings.

At night, Wang Sicong arrived alone.

Everyone had a drink together.

Si Wei didn't come, she was getting ready for tomorrow's audition with Star Master.

I drank until about 9pm.

The three of them fell asleep in a room.

Wang Sicong never even returned "home".

On the morning of the 6th, Xu Xin and Xu Haofeng arrived at the hotel where Keanu Reeves and Chen Hu were staying.


Keanu Reeves came up and gave Xu Xin a big hug.

Xu Xin was stunned by this enthusiasm.

Chen Hu also smiled and said hello:

"Director Xu."


Xu Xin nodded, gave up his position, and introduced Xu Haofeng to the two of them.


He never thought that one day he would be able to act as a translator for others.

Old Xu's English is poor.

His words were translated by Xu Xin.

Of course, everyday conversations are fine. If we want to talk about the professional content of the movie later, Chen Hu will have to come.

After the two parties got to know each other, they sat on the sofa in the suite and Xu Xin asked curiously:

"Teacher Yuan...hasn't come yet?"

"Master hasn't arrived yet."

After Chen Hu finished speaking, Xu Xin nodded, and then said to Keanu Reeves and screenwriter Michael Conney:

"The screenwriter I'm looking for for you is Lao Xu. Regarding changes to the script, you can just communicate with Lao Xu directly. He knows kung fu and has learned from his master, and the film he directed was just shortlisted for last year's Venice Film Festival... …”

What he said was not flattery, it was all truth.

But it must be said.

To give face to your friends.

Keanu Reeves nodded and Michael Conney pulled a Chinese script straight out of his bag.

Everyone started talking about "Tai Chi Man".

For Xu Xin, this time it was just a matter of help.

So after he reiterated his views on the script again, the task was basically over.

He doesn't need to write the story, and the filmmakers don't need him to invest.

Pure matchmaking tool person.

Although Xu Haofeng has already read the script Xu Xin sent him, today's script has been slightly revised. Michael Coney tried to incorporate Xu Xin's ideas into the story, so he added several adjustments and extensions to the script.

Xu Haofeng is watching.

Keanu Reeves asked Xu Xin:

"Xu, when do you plan to return to Los Angeles?"

"I'm going to Los Angeles~"

Xu Xin said dumbfounded:

"Your words make me think that I am a native of Los Angeles... I will go there tomorrow."

Keanu Reeves was stunned:

"So early?"

"Well, Yang is still filming, and my film editing work is also waiting for me to go back."

"That's...okay. Then we'll see you back in Los Angeles~"


While the two were chatting, the door sounded.

This time, Chen Hu stood up immediately and walked to the door.

After opening the door, he saw the person coming and shouted respectfully:


Hearing this, everyone, including Xu Haofeng who was reading the script, stood up to greet him, and saw Yuan Heping wearing a baseball cap walking in followed by a woman between 40 and 50 years old.

No need to ask, it must be Wang Huiling.

Keanu Reeves and Yuan Heping have a close relationship. As the action directors of "The Matrix", although the age difference between the two is quite large, they don't make any difference.

And Xu Xin and Yuan Heping are not without friendship.

When he was in "The Grandmaster", he also said hello to the other party.

Not to mention Xu Haofeng.

The two are in the same crew.

A room full of acquaintances.

After everyone said hello, Yuan Heping began to introduce Wang Huiling to several people.

"Hello, screenwriter Wang, my name is Xu Xin."

"Hello, Director Xu. It's our first time meeting~"

Everyone exchanged polite greetings and sat down separately.

Chen Hu, on the other hand, stood behind Yuan Heping in an orderly manner.

Not to mention, in terms of rules, he really did a good job.

But if we really talk about it, the absolute protagonists today are actually Xu Haofeng and Wang Huiling.

To be more serious, include Michael Conney and Keanu Reeves.

Chen Hu doesn’t even count.

This party is actually the same as the meeting between the director and the main creators. The director has to talk about his ideas about the script, and the screenwriters are responsible for implementing the director's ideas.

Xu Xin didn't plan to say much at this party.

He is not the kind of character who likes to give advice regardless of the situation.

After Wang Huiling got the script, he had no intention of saying anything else unless others asked him.

At this moment, Wang Huiling said:

"Director Xu, I've also heard about this change in the script. Is it your idea?"

Seeing her use "you", Xu Xin quickly waved his hand:

"Screenwriter Wang is so polite. It's not really my idea. I just think that this script would be a little uncomfortable for us. So I just provided some ideas. As for how to change it, it still needs three people to come up with it."

After Wang Huiling heard this, she smiled and said;

"But I think this idea is very good. It is the main line that sublimates the entire story. Frankly speaking, this is the most suitable tone for the original story of this script."


Xu Xin chuckled:

"I hope so. I just happened to meet it at the right time. The details still depend on everyone and the director's ideas."

He failed to admit that he took all the credit for the story.

It's not necessary either.

He just provided ideas.

What's more, the director and screenwriter are both here, so there's no need for him to show off his abilities.

Wang Huiling seemed to understand what he meant, so she just nodded and stopped talking.

After roughly scanning the entire story, I said to Keanu Reeves in English:

"Director, is there anything you want to express..."

From this sentence, Xu Xin, Yuan Heping, and Chen Hu became outsiders.

"How long has it been since Director Xu returned to China?"

After taking the cigarette from Yuan Heping, Xu Xin whispered in front of the small dining table in the suite:

"I came back before New Year's Day, just a few days ago."

"Mimi didn't come back?"

"No, I'm still filming in the United States. Did Director Yuan rush back from the crew?"

"Yes. The plane was delayed for some time, otherwise I wouldn't be late today."

"Isn't "The Grandmaster" finished yet?"

"It's almost time. It should be all over before the year, and the rest will be in the later stages."

"Isn't it going to take another year?"

"Director Xu is an investor, why are you asking about me?"

"If I had known I wouldn't have persisted with this project..."

The two of them were chatting away.

Naturally, Yuan Heping came to see him for more than just chatting. After a while of greetings and quickly building up the relationship, Yuan Heping said:

"Does Director Xu have any plans for his next movie?"

Xu Xin naturally did not think that the martial arts master, known internationally as "Baye", would be short of work.

After taking a puff of cigarette to buffer himself, he said:

"Not yet. But Lao Xu and I have a script for a kung fu movie, and people in the team also have scripts for two martial arts movies."

Yuan Heping's eyes lit up.

"Director Xu plans to make a Kung Fu movie?"

"Not really. But we do have this plan~"

As he spoke, he said in a joking tone:

"What? Is there any unparalleled treasure hidden in Director Yuan's hand?"


Yuan Heping smiled and waved his hands:

"Isn't that true? Ah Jin has been with me for a long time, and I highly respect you. As a master, I wanted to ask. If Director Xu makes a kung fu movie, just say a word and let him Go over and try.”

"Okay, no problem."

Xu Xin readily agreed.

"If there is a chance, we can definitely work together. When it comes to kung fu movies, I'm afraid I'll have to ask Director Yuan for advice. You are a great master in this area."


Yuan Heping smiled and nodded:

"I won't be polite to Director Xu anymore. If I need help with anything in the future, I can choose anyone from the Yuan family class~"

"Come on, with your words, I feel confident."

In just a few words, the two of them got what they wanted.

Even if there are no plans yet.

But at least the road is paved.

This transitional chapter made me want to die. Please give me a monthly ticket~

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