I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 827 823 Different Roads

Just as Xu Xin imagined... the scene where a group of foreigners felt the pain of their own country in that era, and a group of people who could sing and cry, and were moved to empathy, did not appear.

It's over...it's over.

There was no applause, no sadness or tears.

It wasn't until the lights came on and the cast appeared that the applause, which was full of symbolism and courtesy, started to ring out a little sparsely.

Then... when the main creators, including the old man, came on stage, the applause was even greater.

But it can't achieve the "rave reviews" look.

For a time, Xu Xin, who was sitting in the first row, had only two emotions in his heart.

One is confusing, the other is absurd...

Is this movie bad, old man?

Not bad.

Logically speaking, the people in this land are also victims of World War II.


Why are the feelings they give back so strange?

He didn't understand.

Unconsciously, he looked at the old man on the stage.

I found that the other party was actually calm.

The others were fine, but a bit of shock could be seen on Ni Ni's face.

That expression seemed to say: This is not what I thought.

Thinking about it, it is understandable. When she was in China, the old man took her to participate in publicity. Wherever she went, reporters would surround her, dig into her, and were full of interest in this new murderous girl.

But here...

It seems a bit overwhelming.

At this time, the host also came on stage.

Xu Xin discovered a very strange detail.

The host came on stage with a smile, and then said in a very standard hosting style:

"Thank you to the director and actors for bringing us an excellent work..."

Xu Xin's first reaction: No, buddy, why did you come out smiling...

Looking at the host who began to preside step by step and guide reporters to ask questions, he looked puzzled.

And...as if complying with his confusion, the host used several questions to guide the reporters, all of which revolved around the movie.

It was like an advertisement introduction, telling the guests that the crew of "Jinling" directly built the ruins of a city in order to restore the real scenes that appeared in the movie.

How many days of filming lasted, how many years did the actors prepare for this, and so on.

To be honest, there is actually nothing wrong with hosting like this. After all, the behind-the-scenes story of a movie itself is a very fascinating topic.

But...this story is about Nanjing.


Unconsciously, he scratched his head and head, only to feel an uncomfortable feeling from head to toe.

And just when this feeling started to hit, the host finally asked a question that Xu Xin wanted to hear:

"Director, what do you want to convey with this movie?"

After hearing Zhang Mo's translation, Zhang Yimou nodded slightly, held up the microphone and said:

"This is the most unforgettable history of our country and nation. I know that this period of history is full of controversy internationally. Some people think it is fake, and some people think it simply does not exist. There are even people who blame those wars. The sinners whitewash the blood on their hands. But what I want to express is a very small and inconspicuous scene in that suffering in that purgatory-like city. And then through this scene, I can tell everyone , don’t forget our history, and hope that more people will remember the pain that the war has brought to our nation.”

The old man's words relieved Xu Xin's uncomfortable feeling.

It was like being pulled out of drowning.

He took a few urgent breaths.


Before he could feel the joy of "landing", he was pressed down again.


Starting from the reporter's question, Xu Xin discovered something.

That is... no one is interested in "Jinling".

The most ironic thing is this.

Today is the North American premiere of "The King", but it is Bell who gets the most questions.

Ask Bale why he starred.

Ask Bell what interesting things happened while filming in China.

Ask Zhang Yimou if he will return to the path of art films...

There are many topics.

Only, there are very few questions about "Jinling".

It's not that they didn't ask, but they all asked questions about "Jinling", but... none of them were what Xu Xin "wanted to hear"...

That is at this moment.

Xu Xin suddenly had a feeling.

He seemed to... vaguely understand the meaning of the phrase "the moon is the brightness of my hometown".

Tonight's group of people, aside from the invited guests and audience members, the reporters must have been invited by the distribution company here in North America.

But these people are not from China.

They're just a bunch of Americans.

The joys and sorrows of these foreigners are not the same as those of the Chinese people.

In fact, Xu Xin asked herself whether she could understand it.

Just like the United States, this country was founded as a British colony.

From the perspective of foreigners, they only know that they are independent and have established their own country. But it is difficult for foreigners to empathize with the touching stories of how many people sacrificed their lives and blood for this country.

The feeling is mutual.

You can't empathize with others, and the same goes for other people's experiences of you.


For no reason, at this moment, a very strange idea came to his mind.


I don’t like Hollywood anymore.

You can’t say that either…

But it can also be said...

This feels contradictory.

However, he looked around at the group of people in suits and ties... The voice in his heart told him in an extremely calm and calm tone:

"This is not your country, and this is not your home."

"No matter what you accomplished here."

"You are just an outsider."

And the "self" in the heart is also calmly responding to this voice:

"Yes, you're right."

"This is Hollywood."


"Bad mood?"

Liu Momo, wearing an evening dress, found Xu Xin smoking on the street.

After just looking at him, he asked directly.

At this moment, Zhang Yimou and the others were participating in a behind-the-scenes interview with people from two companies.

The premiere has been disbanded.

Xu Xin smoked on the roadside and waited for the old man's interviews to end.

"Did you see it?"

Hearing his words, Liu Momo nodded:


Xu Xin took off his woolen coat and put it on her.


Los Angeles in January 2012, the beginning of the new year.

Tomorrow, the old man and the others will rush to New York without stopping.

He stood on the street of this international city, but his heart was filled with congestion.

"Sister Mo."


"Have you ever considered returning to China for development?"


Liu Momo was stunned.

Smiling silently:

"It's not the first day we met. Didn't I explain this question before? Why are you asking again?"


But Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"What do you think of "Jinling"?"

Hearing this, Liu Momo looked at him again.

Then, the answer she answered was a question that had nothing to do with this question:

"I'm actually not surprised by this result."


A trace of doubt flashed across Xu Xin's face:


Liu Momo tightened Xu Xin's coat, looked at the neon lights in front of him and said softly:

"In the eyes of Americans, World War II is a cool drama about revenge. It was a cool drama in which the United States played a decisive role, like a superhero, saving the world."


This time, Xu Xin understood.

He knew that Sister Mo understood what he wanted to express.

"They actually don't know what suffering is. Even when Pearl Harbor was bombed, if you ask the Americans what they think now, they will tell you that those Japanese should not have provoked us. They don't know their own suffering at all. Who is the opponent? Even if you ask them how the atomic bomb was dropped, they will tell you that they used a plane. But they will never know that the plane that dropped the atomic bomb landed safely in our country."


In Xu Xin's silence, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Liu Momo's face:

"As for suffering...for a great hero who has completed his revenge, suffering is just an embellishment in his honor. What's more, these sufferings have long been wiped away by politicians who took advantage of anti-war sentiments to gain power."


"As for the real history... they dropped the atomic bomb, so they became the heroes who laid the foundation for victory in the war. Their Allies were clearly defeated in World War II, and it was the Soviet Union that withstood the Nazis' iron hoof. But because of the Cold War, all the original The credit that should belong to the Soviet Union has been attributed to the Allies by the textbook. As for us in the Far East... it was just an insignificant conflict between Japanese militarism and us."


"What's more, if we go deeper, the influence of the Jews in the United States is deeply rooted, whether it is Jerusalem or Israel, they need to use the United States as a springboard to let the world know the suffering they have suffered. To portray themselves as weak, Israel's Only when it exists can people sympathize and accept it. What about Japan? The Japanese once made bold claims in this country: to buy the entire United States. Although facts have proved that they can still only be a vassal of the United States, but at least they have a sense of belonging here. own status. But what do we have?

To America, our suffering does not matter. For those Japanese who need to improve their status in the United States, this movie feels like an intruder who overestimates his capabilities. If you want to rely on a movie, let alone one... It is based on international controversies, and at the same time, it does not exaggerate the suffering brought by the war to us, but puts the perspective into a church and expresses the insignificant highlights in that desperate waste. movie...that's even more impossible. "

Speaking of this, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Liu Momo's face.

Shrugging to Xu Xin:

"Look, this is America."

As she said that, she looked around to make sure no one was there before speaking to Xu Xin:

"Actually, I was embarrassed to say some things at the beginning. Director Zhang wanted to use this movie to win the Olympics... From the day I knew the subject, I was sure that he would not succeed. Even, I was not sure about the box office of this movie in North America. Not optimistic. Because...this is not the rule of Hollywood. What can really defeat Hollywood is not external forces. If you want to export your own things, there is only one way for Hollywood. That is to be in it and use their Rules, beat them.”


Whether what she said was right or wrong, Xu Xin actually didn't have a very accurate position in his heart at the moment.

But after hearing this conclusion, he couldn't help but ask:

"But the most important issue that the two sides should face directly is cultural differences..."

"Of course. It's not just us, this is the same all over the world. In other words, Hollywood's perspective on cultural differences is from a high altitude perspective, rather than a heart-to-heart communication with you. This is a kind of Arrogance, but it is arrogance based on one's own strength. There is nothing we can do about it. Isn't it the same in the United States?"

These words made Xu Xin nod unconsciously and sigh:

"So... to tell you the truth, sister, just now, when the movie ended and I watched them asking questions about the movie, I understood what real Hollywood is..."

Having said this, he paused and looked at Liu Momo:

"Sister Mo, what's the point of staying here?"

Liu Momo was stunned again.

Then he looked at him and showed a smile:

"Xu Xin, do you think our personalities are the same?"


Before he could answer, Liu Momo shook his head:

"We are different. You are a very focused person, focusing on the present and what you are interested in. If something cannot serve what you are interested in, you will scorn it. The simplest example is English. In the past six months, you have gone from a person who knows nothing to someone who can communicate with everyone at will. And the reason for all this is because you participated in a film festival and found that you couldn't understand other movies... ...Actually, you are a very utilitarian person. I am different from you..."

She took out an e-cigarette from her handbag, which became popular only last year.

It is said that there are many advantages.

Xu Xin tried it, but it didn’t taste good.

But there are many kinds of flavors.

He didn't even know when Liu Momo started smoking this thing.


Smoke with a hint of lemon flavor drifts away.

Liu Momo continued:

"I actually don't like to set goals for myself. Because...when people set goals for themselves, it means that they want something. And when they want something, they will work hard. When they work hard, they will subconsciously mobilize everything they can use. The things...may have taken another path without realizing it. Therefore, I rarely set any goals for myself. Even when I came here...I just followed the industry that I was interested in, The basic principle of doing my own business well. Pfft..."

Another puff of smoke came out.

"My father told me that a gentleman is strong without desires. I don't set goals for myself and don't fight against the world. I integrate here and follow the rules here.

And there is actually only one purpose for me to do this.

In essence, your goals and mine are almost the same, which is to do our own immediate things well. As the saying goes, if you bloom, flowers will come. If Headwind directly enters Hollywood with a high profile, it will shout something: I want to import Chinese film values ​​​​to Hollywood... Believe it or not, it will not survive for three days.

But...I followed the rules of Hollywood, step by step. Apply what you have learned and integrate things. Then we can show our own things to the people here little by little.

This is what I said, the difference between us.

You emphasize yourself very much... In fact, you are no different from Hollywood at heart.

I don't follow rules, I make them. If I don’t like things from the Beijing circle, then I will come out and create my own circle. But this kind of conflict is too direct, do you understand?

Don’t mention Hollywood, let’s talk about China.

If I were to be in China...or, if I were you, I wouldn't make everyone so antagonistic. On the contrary, I will make everyone from the northwest circle to the Beijing circle become friends.

Friends, distinguish between good and bad. Okay, stick together. The bad ones, get rid of them.

Unity can unite, closeness can bring closeness, and finally... In circles such as Beijing Circle, Northwest Circle, Shanghai Circle, etc., a kind of replacement or value input is completed silently. At the same time, in order to stabilize people's hearts, on the surface, Let everyone see a little noise. This is my style. "

As she spoke, she tilted her head and glanced at Xu Xin:

"Actually, there are no advantages or disadvantages between these two points. In the end, we reach the same goal by different paths. The difference is just different means... And this is also the answer I give you.

And let’s talk about something even more heartbreaking. Take today as an example...Hollywood cannot tolerate "The King." I can even imagine that in the news tomorrow, someone will compare "The Autumn" and "Schindler's List". And then put this movie down to nothing silky...

As for the reasons, there are many aspects. Speaking of conspiracy theories, the Jews will not let us shake their "weak" status. The Japanese wouldn't let their American fathers know how unconscionable they were...it was obvious.

If you made this movie, you will find tomorrow that Hollywood will stretch out countless fists and beat you upside down. And the most basic reason why it beats you so hard is because you are not strong enough. In other words, in Hollywood, you are just a NOBODY.

Not even the Asian community will protect you.

But if you take the initiative to integrate into Hollywood, or... to be more precise, you choose the Asian community, integrate in, and combine with local forces, then as long as you are talented enough, you can also become powerful quickly. Just like you integrate into the northwest circle in the country.

Of course, this is an idealized fantasy...

But that's what I'm trying to say. In the end, any road leads to the same destination. It’s just that the process is different.

For China, there are only two voices in the world, domestic and foreign.

The same is true for Hollywood and the United States.

The strongest fortress is easiest to break down from within. What you are doing at home is the same as what I am doing now. It's just that our stages are different. How about, if I explain it this way, can you understand why I want to stay here? "


Xu Xin was silent and speechless.

Don't even know what to say.

But Liu Momo asked at this time:

"So...what are you going to do next?"


Xu Xin said nothing.

He just took out a cigarette from his pocket.

There was still half a pack of Zhonghua left, which looked crumpled in his suit pocket.

"Da da da……"

He knocked a few times before taking out a cigarette from the box.


After taking a deep breath, his eyes became determined:

"I'll go back."

Turning to look at Liu Momo, Xu Xin said:

"In order to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down at home. And, aren't you here? You are right, the end is actually there, but the process is not mentioned. And... I really don't like the piss-poor nature of Hollywood. Today The late premiere was like shattering my last illusion about this place. I feel that I am on the right track. However, you can also do it simultaneously. I believe that I can also adapt here. When When you think the opportunity is right, call me."

At this point, he stopped talking.

The "murderous intent" in his tone suddenly boiled:

"The right script, the right story. Let's give Hollywood... a little color!"

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