I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 836 Chapter 832 Inserting the Knife

Chapter 836 832. Knife insertion

He had to admit that after not exercising for a long time, even if the intensity on the first day was not high, he felt powerless.

After finishing a set of equipment and being stretched by the coach, Nazha, who was slightly sweating on her forehead, came over:

"Brother Xu, I'm leaving."

"Well, go ahead. Do you want me to see you off?"

"No, I'll go back to school directly."


After waving goodbye to Nazha and watching her leave, Shaobing, who had also just finished exercising, came over.

The big fat man had been practicing all morning, and his entire T-shirt was soaked with sweat.

After walking in huffing and puffing, he lay down next to Xu Xin under the instructions of the coach.

"Huh...Brother Xu, I see my sister has finished practicing?"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, back to school. What?"

"……It's alright."

After Shaobing finished speaking hesitantly, he said:

"She's so pretty."


Xu Xin looked a little cramped and said:

"Still single."


Shaobing laughed innocently, but stopped talking.

Soon, as the coach stretched, he made painful "ouch" sounds.

After a while, Guo Qilin also came in.

The two fat guys started ouching together.

Apparently, stretching is quite painful.

But Xu Xin didn't feel much at all. Maybe he had gotten used to it a long time ago. He felt quite refreshed after being crushed.

After checking the time, he said:

"At noon, you two can experience the self-service here. Coach, you can take them to do some restorative massage or something in a while. I will hand over your money and leave."


Shaobing was stunned and asked:

"Brother, you don't want to eat?"

"Eat, but I'm going home to eat. I don't have as strong a need to lose weight as you two, so just take your time and practice slowly. Let's go~"

He waved his hand and walked out directly.

Gu Youming also followed.

Private lessons are not expensive, only 2,000 yuan per session. Xu Xin even bought twenty knots for himself and two people.

His private training is at this stage. He is not fat, weighs just over 170, and his goal is 165. Gain muscle by the way.

Twenty lessons is enough to familiarize yourself with all the procedures.

However, twenty knots may not be enough for these two children.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s only tens of thousands of dollars.

In addition to the coach's teaching, this money also includes a series of diet plans, including adjusting daily life according to the client's time, etc.

It is a very detailed service.

He still remembers coach Yufei’s meticulousness back then.

He felt it was worth the money.

I added WeChat with the coach and didn't make an appointment for my next visit. I planned to wait until I am free in the next two days and make an appointment and come over. He left the gym all the way and went home without even taking a shower.

Bathing here is far worse than at home.

After Xu Xin left, Guo Qilin lay on the ground, looked at the grinning biscuits, and suddenly asked:

"Brother Pancake, tell me... is it difficult to be an actor?"

"How did I know ouch ouch..."

Shaobing replied casually, and then screamed again.

After Xu Xin arrived home, Yang Mi also came back from the company.

His first words were:

"I saw Nazha in the gym. The little girl is much better than before."


Yang Mi was stunned, and her first reaction was:

"You two didn't act like they were familiar with each other, did you?"

"What's the word?"

Xu Xin was a little confused:

"I must be familiar with you, what? What do you mean... I know you, why don't you show it to me?"


Yang Mi looked at him and muttered:

"The dog spoiled my good deeds."


Just as she was wondering who she was scolding, she saw Yang Mi waving her hand:

"Forget it, it's up to you. I have to go to Xiangjiang the day after tomorrow to do post-production work on "The Grandmaster". What are your plans for the next few days?"

"You go your own way."

Xu Xin waved his hands indifferently:

"I'll go back to the factory in a few days. Nothing will happen during this period."

"Okay. Supervise the little pie and let him lose weight quickly."


Xu Xin nodded and walked quickly into the kitchen.

I plan to see if the fat-reducing meal made by my father-in-law at noon is delicious and healthy.

Yang Mi glanced at him from behind and sneered in her heart.

Running fast doesn't matter right now.

Just wait, wait for tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will step on your legs twice if I am not careful.

Dare to spoil my good deeds?


You offended the abbot and you still want to run away! ?

Xu Xin stayed in Yanjing for another week.

These days I have basically been in a state of self-discipline checking in.

Either in the gym or in the studio working on the scenes for "The Ringing Ring", or else wandering the streets with the baby.

On March 10, after Yang Mi returned from Xiangjiang, he escaped and returned to Xi'an.

On the 10th, after the plane had stabilized, he was reading a thick copy of "Collection of World Famous Paintings".

This was recommended to him by the old man.

This means that sometimes lens aesthetics can actually be borrowed from Eastern and Western paintings. Take a look at the color combinations of these artists for great inspiration.

Xu Xin bought it.

This "Collection of World Famous Paintings" can be regarded as an introductory chapter, and he wanted to "have a taste" of it first.

The main event is behind us.

Hardcover collections of paintings by Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh, Cézanne, etc. are all at home, filling a large bookshelf.

Fortunately, his study room is spacious enough, otherwise these things alone would take up a lot of space.

In fact, to be honest, after taking a rough look at it, he quite preferred impressionist paintings. However, in order not to cherish myself, I still want to know more about all the brilliance that can shine like stars in the long history of human art.

Bracket: The portrait of the human body is so awesome!

Awesome beauty!

There is no harm in learning more and seeing more.

What's more, he is also very talented in painting.

At this moment, he heard Su Meng's heavy breathing across from him.

That kind of wheezing is very special, it is the sound that comes from breathing heavily through the nose.

He thought something had happened to Mengmeng, so he looked up and saw that Mengmeng, who had always been cute, had her nostrils dilated, and looked at the IPAD in front of him, breathing heavily.

"...What's wrong? Who are you angry with?"

Su Meng came back to her senses and quickly shook her head:

"It's okay, it's okay. Brother Xu, it's okay."


Xu Xin temporarily put down the album:

"What's wrong? Who messed with you?"

In fact, he asked this out of concern, but he didn't think deeply about it.

Although it was a bit pretentious to say this, even if someone did make Mengmeng angry, it would not be someone from the circle.

Even the people in the circle, even those in the Beijing circle, are always friendly when they meet each other, and they try to show off their tricks behind the scenes. On the surface, everyone has to save enough face for each other.

As his only assistant and a member of the direct line of troops, unless this person is mentally ill, he really doesn't dare to provoke him.

Therefore, what could make Mengmeng so angry must be a private matter.

Su Meng's next sentence confused him directly:

"Brother Xu, do you know what happened to Yin Xiaotian these days?"


Xu Xin looked confused:

"Who is Yin Xiaotian?"

"Brother Xu doesn't know? It's the Han Ding from the TV series "What can I do to save you, my love?"

"...I really haven't seen it."

"It's the spokesperson of Hailan House."


Xu Xin didn't know who Han Ding was.

But he still had an impression of the guy in the Heilan House advertisement.

But he has never worn clothes from the brand of Hailan House.

I have seen many specialty stores.

However... after realizing that the other party was an insider, Xu Xin frowned:

"Did he mess with you?"

What kind of cats and dogs are these?

Isn't Dongmengmeng just slapping me in the face?

Su Meng quickly shook her head:

"No, no, it has nothing to do with me. It's just... I'm a little angry."

"Can't you be angry?"

This time, Xu Xin was even more confused.

"What's going on?"

Since he had never heard of the name "Yin Xiaotian", Su Meng knew that Brother Xu probably hadn't paid much attention to the news on the Internet recently, so he flipped through the iPad, rotated it, and said:

"I just saw this news and was a little angry..."

Xu Xin took the IPAD over and looked at the content on it with some curiosity.

This is a manuscript from NetEase News.

Originally, when he saw the "NetEase News" icon, he was somewhat resistant.

The news gave him the impression that it was unreliable.

All kinds of exaggerations, worthy of being called the Mainland Sun.

But after he read the news, he immediately understood why Su Meng was so angry.

This matter...how to say it.

In fact, it’s quite simple to sum up.

An actress assistant named Bian Xiaoxiao posted on Weibo in February accusing Yin Xiaotian of beating Bian Xiaoxiao because of a disagreement during filming.

As soon as the Weibo post was posted, the heat started to rise. Yin Xiaotian clarified that he didn't hit him and it was Bian Xiaoxiao who scolded his mother first. She swore not to lay a finger on her, and was already asking the crew for surveillance footage. Please don't believe her words. The truth will come out naturally if the surveillance comes out.

Xu Xin didn't know who Bian Xiaoxiao was.

But it seems that Bian Xiaoxiao is very popular.

It was clear that Yin Xiaotian had already said that he was accessing surveillance and would publish the video to prove that he had not done anything. However, Xiao Xiao's friends suddenly started to make noises.

Among these people are Jia Yuliang, Li Xiaolu, Wang Luodan, Xue Jianing, Dong Xuan, Li Chen, Du Chun and many others.

The most important thing is that there are Wen Zhang and Ma Yili inside...

Things like "I've worked with an actress and she's a very nice person", "If this happens to me, I'll get over it with a bottle of wine" and so on.

To be honest, it's quite noisy.

Logically speaking, with so many people supporting her, this girl's character must be above the standard. Yin Xiaotian's argument seemed weak.

I could only ask the crew over and over again on Weibo to send out the surveillance video to prove my innocence.

I don’t know why, but what happened in February was not monitored until yesterday.

In the video, you can clearly hear Bian Xiaoxiao cursing, and the so-called physical beating does not exist, it is just pushing and shoving from both sides.

As soon as the video was released, it was clear that those who were innocent would be able to clear themselves up.

But Bian Xiaoxiao didn't admit it and said, "You didn't hit me, were you touching me?". Later, the reporter went to interview people who were at the scene that day. Some extras told the truth when being interviewed by reporters. At that time, only the actresses were screaming. Someone familiar with the matter said that there was some unpleasantness due to differences during the filming. There were conflicts between the two parties, but no one was beaten.

At this point, it should be considered a reversal.

The result... Those who were slapped in the face refused to admit their guilt. Li Chen posted a long post saying that even pushing was a beating.

Then Ma Yili also liked and forwarded it, praising Li Chen as a good and responsible man.

Wen Zhang also came over to join in the fun and said: "What! What! There are so many panting people around Chen'er, you are blind!"...

And there is another person here, Du Chun.

Judging from the news, he and Yin Xiaotian were very good friends. As a result, he directly acted like a clown in this matter and turned to Bian Xiaoxiao. He stabbed his friend behind his back without saying anything. Even after the surveillance came out, he still refused to admit his fault. He said, "When Yin Xiaotian apologizes, how can those who support him?" Are you going to slap yourself in the mouth?"

This is where things are currently going.

That is yesterday.

The closest person concerned to express his position was this Weibo post by Wen Zhang.

Just an hour ago.

He finished reading the news and rubbed his chin.

"Why didn't the crew provide surveillance video earlier?"

"It's just a hype. It's disgusting!"

Su Meng looked disgusted:

"The faces of these people are really disgusting. They clearly did something wrong and they were the ones making fun of them. Now that the truth is out, they are still confusing right and wrong."


Xu Xin said nothing.

Instead, he read the news again.

Finally, his eyes fell on Wen Zhang’s Weibo post.

In fact, Xu Xin doesn't really care about the truth of this matter.

what is this?

Those things in the entertainment industry that are not on the surface are much dirtier than this.


Looking at the words "Mani! Mani!", he suddenly felt very dazzling.

Why does it smell like Yanjing?

Whose son-in-law are you from? You have no idea?

Although I didn't plan to use you at the beginning, "Conquering the Demon" hasn't even been filmed yet, and you did these things.

I really want to give you the upper hand...

Thinking of this, Xu Xin took out his mobile phone and clicked on the chat box to send a new Weibo. After it came out, he hesitated again...

Unconsciously, his eyes looked at the IPAD again.

Take a look.

It seems to be very dazzling.

So, he lowered his head again.

Two minutes later.

[Director-Xu Xin: I want to buy a surveillance camera, something black and white. Lest the white ones be called black, and the black ones try their best to confuse the truth. It needs to be high-definition, so as not to be able to clearly see the difficult-to-distinguish between good and evil features on the face. The accompanying monitor must be dimmed to prevent anyone from pretending to be blind when the truth comes to light. 】

This ID, who usually rarely posts on Weibo, posted such a "purchase monitoring" Weibo at 10:11 this morning.

"...Brother Xu?"

Su Meng was a little confused:

"Do we need to get involved in this matter?"

Xu Xin threw the phone on the table and rolled his eyes:

"Don't do this. You didn't cause this?"

Su Meng:o(^`)o

"I just can't get angry...it's too much for them. The facts have come out, but they still refuse to admit it."

As he said that, the little assistant muttered:

"But I'm afraid that Brother Xu will cause trouble for you..."

"That's not the case."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"Yu Qing, the attitude of some people in this matter makes me not very comfortable. Yu Li, when there is an uneven road, someone will always step on it. Not seeing it is one thing, but not saying anything after seeing it is another. It's happened. But...it's so cute."


"There are a lot of bad things in this world. You and I should have gotten used to it in the past few years."

"...But I haven't encountered anything bad since I followed you, Brother Xu."


Xu Xin was stunned.

This seems to be the case in the heart.

"I feel... after following you, Brother Xu, I am standing taller. Sister Tingting said that I should follow you and keep looking at the scenery in the distance and pay less attention to the mud under my feet. This time, I followed suit at the beginning. Yes, but I feel uncomfortable after eating it..."

"Jingle Bell……"

The two had just chatted for a few words when Xu Xin's phone rang.

After taking a look, he connected directly:

"Hey. What's up?"

"Why are you joining in the fun?"

The movement on Yang Mi's side was filled with speechlessness.

Xu Xin laughed:

"Haha~ Are you very free now?"

"I have nothing to do, I'm almost too busy. The problem is that as soon as you post on Weibo, people from the company will report to me... Tell me, what's the purpose? Is it to make others unhappy? Or do you think this Yin Xiaotian has potential? Stock? Or is it just a rough road?"

In the final analysis, Xu Xinxin's wife knows her best.

So after explaining the causes and consequences, he said:

"I saw that Xiao Nizi was so angry that I got curious and took a look... There are two aspects. On the one hand, Wen Zhang's butt is a bit crooked. Like Seventh Brother, he has entered the final stage of "Conquering the Demons". Butt If it’s crooked, I’d rather watch this movie earlier than it’s going to be a white-eyed wolf. On the other hand, a group of people are making fun of the movie, acting like clowns. They are so arrogant and virtuous that it’s uncomfortable to watch.”

After hearing his words, Yang Mi subconsciously asked:


"It's gone...what happened?"

"Just these two reasons? Nothing else?"

"Yeah...what do you mean?"

Xu Xin was a little confused.

"I thought you were seeing Yin Xiaotian as a member of Chengtian, and wanted to poach relatives and hate enemies. By the way, these people who are standing by Xiao Xiao are mostly from the Huayi faction, and they want to add a blockage to the Beijing circle. Li Chen is Huayi's, Wang Luodan's Hairun, Du Chun's Huayi..."


Xu Xin was a little surprised.

But he immediately smiled bitterly:

"I really don't have this idea... Our conflict is not with actors. Actors are commodities and pawns if they sound good, but they are cannon fodder if they sound bad. Am I that low-end?"

"I didn't know...otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask you in such a hurry. I thought you were planning to launch a surprise attack."

"It's not like..."

"Dudu, dudu..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xin heard a beep from the phone.

Take a look...

"Brother Qi is looking for me. Can I tell you via WeChat later?"


Yang Mi's phone was hung up, and Qi Lei's phone was automatically connected.

"Hello? I'll be there soon, at most 11:30..."

"What's going on on Weibo? Are you going to take action on these actors? We happen to have a few columns to write recently. Should we find someone to write a few articles about actors' ethics..."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

I couldn't help but ask:

"Brother, do you also think that I personally went out to find those Beijing actors and felt unhappy?"

"……Is not it?"

Qi Lei's rhetorical question left him speechless.


But it's not over yet.

He recounted exactly what he had talked with his wife about, expressing that he really just "saw the rough road" and felt that Wen Zhang's butt was a little crooked.

"Although I know he will be crooked, but at this juncture, when Xingye is not sure about the final male lead, he cannot be crooked. I don't care if he is out of personal friendship or intends to submit a nomination. In short, his butt is crooked. If anything happens If the celebrity decides that he will act, I will have to shamelessly discuss some dirty things with my idol. I don’t want this to be the first time we collaborate.”

This was his reply to Qi Lei.

As for the rest, he will arrive in Xi'an soon.

Let’s talk about it when we eat water basin mutton for lunch.

Because he lost weight and gained muscle, he was able to eat some of this.

Qi Lei had just hung up the phone, and Xu Xin was just lighting a cigarette...

"Jingle Bell……"

Looking at the caller, Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"Mr. Xue."

"I looked at Weibo, and I didn't bother to care about these things. Why did Ma Yili and Wen Zhang get involved? Tell me, what are you going to do about this? I just have to go to Hunan on a business trip in the afternoon, and I want to talk to Lao Qian, Are the resources of those TV drama actors going to be cut off?"



The plane landed smoothly.

Su Meng turned off the airplane mode on her phone.

While gliding, I refreshed my Weibo.

Her Weibo interface still stayed on Xu Xin's Weibo.

After refreshing, the comments changed from 55 to 1725, and the likes changed from 107 to 40367.

If Xu Xin's Weibo had this kind of number of likes as usual, no need to ask... he would have been scolded for "taking off" in the comment section.

Who doesn't know that bees hate Xu Gou for taking away his wife with all their might?

But this time when Su Meng clicked on it, she saw the sentence with the most likes.

"Hahahaha, Xu Gou still has a lot of face. Those people deleted Weibo!"

Su Meng was stunned and quickly said:

"Brother Xu, they seem to have deleted Weibo."


Xu Xin, who was looking at the scenery outside the window, came back to his senses:

"So fast?"

"Let me see……"

Su Meng fiddled with her phone.

"Wen Zhang deleted it..."

"Ma Yili deleted it..."

"Li Xiaolu... Jia Yuliang... Bao Jianfeng... Wang Luodan also deleted it... Haha, Brother Xu, netizens commented on Du Chun's Weibo: They can't afford to offend Xu Gou, what's the matter? Du Chun, you are the only one with a stubborn head. ?...Hahahahaha~"


The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

He sighed helplessly.


I've done a good deed, and I can't avoid being called Xu Gou, right?

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