I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 849 845 Children’s self-esteem

Chapter 849 845. Children’s self-esteem

"Oh...this kid is really heartbreaking."

This was Yang Mi's conclusion when Xu Xin called Yang Mi at early 2 o'clock in the afternoon and recounted Guo Qilin's experience.


Xu Xin sighed and looked at Yangyang, who was holding a paintbrush and smearing it on a large canvas until the paint was all over his body. He expressed his opinion:

"It's up to you when it comes to your children's schooling. You make the arrangements~"


After Yang Mi responded, she took the initiative and said:

"Don't worry, I know what you're afraid of. You're afraid that your child has lived in a high-rise building since he was a child. He doesn't know the sufferings of the world and will take everything he gets as a matter of course. But I think this situation must actually be related to the parents. The relationship is not small at all, and we work together down-to-earth. The school teaches children knowledge, and we teach them how to be human beings. Neither of us were rich or wealthy when we were young, so we naturally know how to stay awake. I have to examine myself three times every day. Well, I believe Nuannuan and Yangyang are not that kind of children."

"Hmm. Okay... Which kindergarten do you plan to enroll in?"

"I don't know yet. I will be home the day after tomorrow. This time I have basically finished all the work. The only thing left is the movie promotion stall. When I get home, I will start organizing these things. You should be busy Just go about your business. Okay?"

"Okay~ Let's put it this way, is it past 11 o'clock over there? Go to bed early."

"Yeah, yeah, love you ~ good night ~"

"Good night~"

The phone was hung up and his wife could rest, but Xu Xin didn't move.

Nuannuan went to bed, and he accompanied his son to "paint" here.

How can a child over two years old have any concept of painting? It's nothing more than applying some oil paint that looks good to him on the canvas.


Perhaps it was because of Aiwujiwu. No matter how he looked at his son's paintings, they were no worse than Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso.

Much prettier than them.

And looking at the little guy's focused look, he was thinking unconsciously...

Why does Yangyang like to use bright colors?

Why does he rarely use dull colors such as gray, brown, and black?

Are these bright colors the world in Yangyang’s eyes?

His world is so colorful... How can I ensure that these colors will never fade and at the same time allow him to establish a correct outlook on life?

At the same time, I thought of Guo Qilin's childhood experience.

How can he prevent his children from becoming the "classmates" Guo Qilin calls him?

Thinking about it... suddenly he had a feeling.

Educating children... is so difficult.

How should I set an example and tell my two children the right things?

The more I think about it, the more insignificant I feel.

Unconsciously, he was thinking about what things... or "types" of things he had grown up with had a great influence on him.

And the first reaction was...cartoons.

Sun Wukong.

The tadpole looks for its mother.

Calabash baby.

Little confused god.

Blue Cat Naughty Three Thousand Questions...

The sloppy king...

In fact, now that I think about it, he learned many things from cartoons. Thinking of cartoons, his eyes subconsciously fell on the storage compartment under the TV.

There are quite a few enlightenment animations bought by Yang Mi.

There is even a set of Pleasant Goat that only two older children can understand.

And he doesn’t know if he is too pretentious, just like how many people born in the 80s look down on those born in the 90s.

He always felt that the cartoons he watched when he was a child were much better than what children watch today.

Isn’t the Monkey King in that ink-and-wash Chinese painting style better-looking than Pleasant Goat?

He can still sing the songs of the Haier Brothers to this day. When Shukbeta was shown, his biggest wish was to be a tank soldier.

But the things children watch now... just say this kind of excavator, this kind of Beilehu...

It always tastes a bit off.

What causes it?

Moreover, Xu Xin also forgot where he had seen something, saying that it is useless nowadays, whether it is on the Internet or on TV, the reason why there are so many crude-looking animations is actually inspired by a certain cartoon. relevant regulations.

It seems that some regulations have been issued, and if a children's animation is produced, there will be a reward of several thousand yuan. There are many companies that specialize in this industry. They can make thousands of dollars by just using some toys to shoot an animation. One film will be released in two or three days...

He forgot where he had seen this happen. But I always feel that some things are inseparable from these.

Of course, then again, you can't just blindly blame others... In fact, the decline in the quality of these animations has nothing to do with the market.

Unconsciously, his thoughts went astray.

From the original question of how to raise children, it turned into some thoughts on the animation market.

He knows very well that it is difficult to change the market. In other words, there is a hard condition for the change of market rules, which seems to change with the changes of time.

When the wind doesn't come, I try my best but stand still.

When the wind blows, you can even follow the blue clouds as they sway in the wind.


Thinking of this, he picked up his phone and sent a message to Xu Jian:

"Mr. Xu, how do you think about what you said last time? When can we meet and sit down and talk?"

After sending the message to Xu Jian, Xu Xin sent another message to Wang Sicong:

"How is the acquisition going? It's already May. Why is there still no movement?"

Wang Sicong replied quite quickly:

"I just asked yesterday and he said to wait until later in the day. Are you in a hurry?"

"That's not the case. Do you remember that the last time we talked with Xu Jian and the others, I said that I planned to enter the animation industry?"


"What? How do you feel?"

"...Are you serious? I thought you were fooling them."

"What am I doing? Fooling people?...I think the animation market is going somewhere."

"Brother, although animation and special effects come from the same source, they are really not the same thing."

"I know, but we can make preparations."

"You haven't understood the field of special effects yet... To put it bluntly, it's just like the example we talked with them at that time. If you want to do industrial light and magic, MOREVFX and PO Chaoting are ready-made, but you use industrial light and magic to do it. Pixar? Do you think it’s the right approach?”

"...I really feel that the animation market is a blue ocean."

"If you want to say that you plan to make investments, I can understand it. But if you want to directly build a Pixar, I can only say that if you take too big a step, it will easily lead to trouble."

Seeing his objection, Xu Xin did not reply for the time being.

Instead, he put his phone aside and pondered.

Indeed, the span of this step is a bit large.

But he didn't intend to let it go.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Then set up an investment company?"

"That's okay. You specialize in investing in anime, right?"

"Yes. It can be considered open source for the special effects side."

"Do you want to bring in other people? Or is it just us?"

"Let's give it a try first. Otherwise, I'll force you three to pay 10 to 20 million every year. I'm afraid the three adoptive fathers will be eager to eat my flesh."

"How do you pronounce the word stomatitis?"

"...DAN. Four blasts!"

"Oh~...Hey, Lao Xu, you have grown up. In the past, everyone used to laugh at you for being uneducated. It's okay~"


Xu Xin was speechless.

Xu Jian sent a message:

"Director Xu, we have actually been studying it. But...can we wait until the news of your acquisition of PO Chaoting comes out? The three of us must trust you 100%, but some old employees in the company who have stock incentives actually They all have concerns..."

After seeing his message, Xu Xin understood the meaning.


"Okay, there should be news in late May. Let's talk about it then."

"Okay, Director Xu, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. See you then."

Once I think about things more, the panic about whether my children can be well educated by me will temporarily fade away.

In the afternoon, he basically accompanied his son to play with the canvas all afternoon.

Finally, the canvas is filled with a riot of bright colors.

Xu Xin took a look...


Don't say it.

Much better than what Van Gogh painted.

My son is really a genius!

Yang Mi arrived home on the morning of the 8th.

When she came in, the two children were crying as usual.

He got into his mother's arms and refused to come out.

She grabbed one in each hand, looked at Xu Xin who was sitting on the sofa like an uncle, and said speechlessly:

"Why don't you get up to greet your wife when she comes back and give her a big hug? You might as well miss me both of them!"

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't even speak, but Yang Dalin said next to him:

"Xiao Xu practiced her legs yesterday. I supported her when she was sitting on the sofa today."

"Oh yo?"

Yang Mi's eyes lit up, and then, when her bright eyes fell on her husband's lap, they quickly turned into a hint of evil intentions.

Xu Xin was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat:

"Sister, we don't dare to mess around! Yesterday I did four sets of machine leg extensions and four sets of hack squats. Don't have bad ideas. If you dare to touch my legs, I will divorce you!"

"Just divorce, let me feel good first!"

As she said that, she put the two children down, followed Xu Xin's legs, and walked vigorously:

"Hi! Ha!"


Xu Xin screamed...

In fact, she never met her husband at all, she was just teasing Menzi.

But Xu Xin was so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to move his legs to avoid it, but he made a big move, and the sour feeling made him scream.

Angry Yang Dalin glared at his daughter fiercely.

Neither light nor heavy...


"No, you drag me to the gym, I have to get a massage."


She sat down and didn't even finish a bowl of noodles when she heard her husband standing at the door of the kitchen and saying this eagerly.

"...I'm really convinced."

After finishing the bowl of noodles three plus five divided by two, Yang Mi wiped her mouth:

"Let's go. Do you want me to help you?"

"Nonsense, if you don't help me, I'll be in a wheelchair."

"Oh, you too...what kind of legs are you practicing?"

"Coach Gu said something to me."


As soon as Yang Mi finished asking, she heard her husband whisper in her ear.

She was stunned.

Ben Ben turned his head and looked at his mother who was about to go into the kitchen to clean up the dishes...

He quickly turned his original cheering into a low voice asking:



"Then you should practice more quickly."

"Do you understand my good intentions now?"

"Oh, hubby, you are great. For the sake of our future happiness, you have to persevere to the end!"

Yang Chunling behind her looked puzzled.

What were these two muttering about?

in the car.

Yang Mi drove the car and started chatting to Xu Xin:

"If I hadn't come back early, they would have been in trouble doing the post-production process. Guillermo Toro was not on time yet, and he acted like a mecha fanatic. When he talked about mechas with others, we actors It was all left hanging there. It seriously delayed the work status...it was annoying to death. But finally it was all done..."

"When will it be finished? Do you have any news?"

"I estimate that at least the end of this year will be followed by scheduled dates and announcements. It will probably take 13 years."

"You call it coincidence or not, Xu Zhi and the others just called me yesterday. It may take 13 years for "The Grandmaster" to be released."

"Huh? Why is it so slow? It's been so long since it was finished."

"Who knows, but Xue Haifeng told me to start putting pressure on Wang Jiawei and force him to speed up the progress. It's just editing, not filming. If we keep going like this, the day lilies will get cold."

"Well, I think so..."

The two chatted about trivial matters in life and arrived at the gym.

Yang Mi personally helped him get out of the car step by step, planning to walk inside.

As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I saw Shaobing coming out of the elevator.


Shaobing, who was looking at his cell phone, looked up and saw Yang Mi and Xu Xin, with a touch of surprise on his face:

"Sister? You're back!"

"Yes, I just came back... I brought your brother Xu for a massage."

Shaobing walked quickly to the two of them, looked at Xu Xin's embarrassed appearance, and said with a smile:

"Hey, Brother Xu. You can't do this either. Look at me, nothing's wrong. I just practiced my back practice. As soon as I saw you weren't there, I knew you wouldn't be able to get up..."

"Get lost."

Xu Xin glared at him angrily.

bad boy……

But I have to admit...teenagers really don't seem to know what tiredness is.

Obviously everyone practiced legs together yesterday.

Why are you feeling windy when you walk today?


"Where's Dalin? He's not here? Aren't the commercial performances over?"

Shaobing was stunned:

"You don't know?"

"What do I know?"

Xu Xin looked confused "What are you talking about?"

Yang Mi was also puzzled:

"What's wrong?"

Shaobing didn't answer directly, but handed the phone to the two of them.

The couple took it over with doubts. Considering that her husband had difficulty with his legs and feet, she took it and let her husband take a look.

Only then did the two of them realize that it was Guo Degang who had posted on Weibo.

Guo Degang:

"For this matter, I cursed Guo Qilin until midnight last night. Why are you so inconsiderate? The audience has spent money and bought tickets, and they must be worthy of others. Anyone who talks about cross talk in the world can talk nonsense, but you can't! First of all, you are My son, secondly, you are from Deyun Club. You are a real crosstalk artist who speaks the right crosstalk with the right skills on the right occasion. A fool is ignorant and extremely confused. This is just this time, and it will not be the same next time."

Under his Weibo post, there is a quote from Guo Qilin’s Weibo:

"Last night, my senior brother @Yue Yunpeng held a special cross talk show at the Poly Theater. As an assistant, I performed "Yin Yang and Five Elements" with my partner @Yan Hexiang. But I didn't think carefully. This show is not suitable for commercial use in the grand theater. The performance made the atmosphere warm. Due to my mistakes, I neither enlivened the atmosphere nor showed myself. I would like to express my deep apologies to Brother Yue and the audience. I hope everyone can forgive me. The students will work harder to repay the audience."

The Weibo posts posted by the two were 10 minutes apart.

One was issued at 10:37, and the other was issued at 10:47.

Yang Mi finished reading Weibo and turned to look at her husband.

This Weibo was just posted not long ago...

"There was an accident during the performance last night?"

she asked.

Shaobing nodded, first made sure there was no one around, then lowered his voice and said:

"Last night was Xiaoyue's special performance, and Dalin went to perform. Sister, have you heard of "Yin Yang and Five Elements"?"

"Probably... I have the impression that, just to give a random example, there are yin and yang, as well as metal, wood, water, fire and earth... right?"


Seeing that she knew, Shaobing responded and continued:

"This is what Dalin performed last night... Guzi didn't warm up and was warm for the whole scene. Originally he was the opening act, but it turned out that the opening was warmer than if he hadn't opened it, so the effect was quite poor. Master was so angry yesterday , started scolding him from the backstage, and it is said that the training lasted until the early morning...he didn't come today. I guess he needs to take it easy for a few days. Whenever he suffers any injustice, he likes to be alone and doesn't like to contact the outside world. Especially This time, he dropped out of school and started talking about cross talk... This is the first large-scale commercial performance..."

"Did the audience not laugh? Or did they forget the lyrics or something?"

"I'm not laughing. This job is gentle. It's suitable for tasting carefully and slowly. It's a job that shows basic skills, but it's not suitable for a big theater..."


Yang Mi was speechless now.

Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"Where is he now?"

"She should be at home. Anyway, she didn't come back last night~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at the time.

It's past 11 o'clock.

His massage will probably take more than half an hour.

So he asked Shaobing:

"Do you have a performance this afternoon?"

"No, today is night."

"Call Dalin. Let's go have a meal and comfort him."

As he spoke, he turned around and asked:

"How's it going?"

Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay. Then you go for a massage, and I'll take Nuannuan and Yangyang home with me?"

"Why are you still massaging? Forget it."

Xu Xinxin said that this child might have been wronged a lot.

What's the big deal? It's just a performance. If it fails, it will fail. Which apprentice has not made mistakes?

As for taking the child out, posting on Weibo, and apologizing to the entire network?

Isn’t a child’s self-esteem no longer self-esteem?

What's more, Yue Yunpeng's special performance is all about Yue Yunpeng. Who really expects a kid who just finished school last year and has only been doing cross talk for a few months to shock the audience?

Isn't this nonsense?

You take the child out alone.

You are so noble.

Where is the child?

Maybe it's because Nuannuan and Yangyang are a little sensitive these days. A few days ago, I was still thinking about how to be a good father, but today I saw a negative example.

He seemed particularly resistant.

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay then...cake, why are you here?"


"Let's go then, get in the car. Help your brother Xu, his legs are useless..."

"Sister, you didn't see that Brother Xu was very energetic when he was practicing hack squats yesterday."

"You are the only one who talks a lot!"

Xu Xin glared at him angrily, grinning and walked to the car.

After finally "moving" to the car, Shaobing called Guo Qilin.

The call was quickly connected, and he turned on the speakerphone directly:

"Hey, Lin Lin, where are you?"

"Brother Pancake, I'm taking the car to Master's house."


Shaobing was a little surprised:

"Are you going to the uncle's place?"

"...Well. Are you okay?"

Shaobing sitting in the back seat heard Yang Mi who was driving say:

"Then tell him to meet you later, Brother Qian'er."

Upon hearing this, Shaobing responded:

"Sister Xu Gemi and I are together. If you go to uncle's place, then we will go find you. Let's meet at the racecourse later."

"Huh?...What are you here for?"

"Brother Xu and Sister Mi are quite worried about you."


There was suddenly no sound from Guo Qilin.


"...Hey, I'm here, Brother Pan. I'm fine. I'm not strong enough. I'll ask my master for lessons and go back and continue practicing. This is not close to Li Xian. You tell Brother Xu and the others not to come. Isn't there still this afternoon? If you have to perform, don’t bother yourself."

Hearing this, Xu Xin reached out and asked him to take the phone:

"Hey, Dalin."

"Hey, Brother Xu...Brother Xu, please don't come. I'm fine. You don't need to come see me. I want to stay with Master for a while in the afternoon. It's quite far from here."

Maybe because he really didn't want him to bother, Guo Qilin directly blocked Xu Xin's idea of ​​going on.

Hearing this, and in connection with what Shaobing said before about "leave him alone", Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"That's okay. I actually have nothing to do here. I was originally going to see you and get you a pass for Beijing Film Academy. Aren't you interested in actors? I'm going to attend..."

"Don't do it now. I may not have time to attend classes in the future. It's too embarrassing this time... Hehe... I have to practice again. I won't be embarrassed if I talk more about cross talk."

He used the most nonchalant tone and said two embarrassing things in one sentence.

Xu Xin actually heard it.

But at this moment he didn't say much and just responded:

"Okay then. It's definitely a good thing to work harder, but you can't let your body fall behind. Don't be like when you were a child. You can't stop talking when you feel any pressure, you know? Losing weight is a long-term process. You have been doing it for so long. There’s no point in giving up halfway.”

"Hey, I understand, thank you for your concern..."

"Okay, that's it."

"Yeah, just hang up first..."

The phone hangs up.

Yang Mi asked:

"Aren't we going?"

"Don't go...turn around and take me back for a massage. You two siblings can make your own arrangements."

"...Would you like me to walk here with you?"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

But Xu Xin ignored him and said to Shaobing:

"How long does this state usually last?"

"I don't know...Brother, to be honest, he is actually quite fragile. Those of us who are brothers have watched him grow up, and we know best what he is like."

"Ok, I know……"

Xu Xin actually had a lot to say and it was inconvenient to say it in front of Shaobing.

I can only nod:

"You and your sister can make your own arrangements, and I'll give him a massage. In the past few days... you should pay more attention to him."

"Ding dong."

There was a message from Shaobing, but Xu Xin didn't pay attention and continued:

"This child is indeed quite sensitive..."

Having said this, I couldn’t help but say:

"Do you think it's worth it..."

This was said without a clue, but it was true from the bottom of my heart.

He couldn't understand that as a public figure, he knew that fame and wealth were a double-edged sword. At this time, parents did not choose to protect their children, but pushed him to the forefront and had him tortured.

As for what?

If you want to say that the child has committed any legal or moral faults, then it is quite fair for you to do so, and it can be regarded as extermination of relatives.

But the problem is that the job was completed smoothly, but the subject matter may not be suitable for commercial performance, and it is not a sin of decapitation.

Who hasn’t screwed up a show?

Even Jay Chou often forgets his lyrics, and sometimes he can't even remember how to sing the songs he has written.

I didn't see him forgetting a word, so he was pulled out and kowtowed to apologize.

What are you doing? This is...

Isn’t a child’s self-esteem no longer self-esteem?

He was speechless when he heard Shaobing say:

"Brother, I may not like Dalin anymore."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"what is wrong?"

"Look, the notice was just sent out that Dalin and Yan Hexiang have joined the first team."

Just when Xu Xin was still wondering where the "first team" was, Yang Mi said:

"Gao Feng and Luan Yunping's team?"

"Yes. He was transferred directly. From now on, he and Yan Hexiang will perform in the same team. I guess... Master probably wants Boss Gao to give him some hard work... It should be Master's intention."



The couple was speechless for a moment.

Until the Volvo parked at the entrance of the parking lot again.


Xu Xin sighed.

This time, I didn’t need anyone to help me. I opened the car door, got out of the car, and waved to the two people in the car:


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