I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 873 869 Work and Home

Chapter 873 869. Work and Home

After walking around for an afternoon, what these foreigners appreciated inside the Forbidden City was the richness of architectural art and history, which were not particularly unfamiliar to Xu Xin. So, at this juncture of get off work, enjoying the "performance" of these cultural relic restoration masters is a kind of wonderful journey...compared to art, mixed with some deeper wonder and respect.

Even if they don’t see the whole picture.

But a bell from Italy, given to the emperor of China, still created an indescribable connection between the two groups of people.

Moreover, what really attracts these foreigners are not these clocks or antiques. But these hard-working masters.


They restored antiques that were hundreds of years old, and as the receptionist explained, they learned that these masters are passed down from generation to generation and work here day after day. Basically, all the cultural relics in the Palace Museum have passed through them. After the restoration and protection reached the exhibition standards...

Not to mention foreigners, Xu Xin only felt a sense of wonder in her heart.

With the end of get off work at five o'clock, they also ended their visit today.

Following these old masters as they walked out, Xu Xin noticed that everyone was holding a thermos bottle in their hands.

"Master Wang, I see everyone has taken thermos bottles. What are they used for?"

Master Wang smiled and explained:

"It is a rule in the Forbidden City that no open fire is allowed. Our habit is to take a water bottle out before going to work every day, make a pot of hot water and come back to make tea, or use it for other purposes."

"No open flames...and an electric kettle?"

"In principle, it's okay, but the question is where do you put it?"

Master Wang's attitude towards people like Xu Xin is still very kind.

Seeing that Xu Xin really didn't understand, he explained to him:

"You have also seen our office area. In fact, most of the time, it is not divided into workshops or offices. You put the electric kettle in the workshop to boil water, and the air humidity is high, which will affect some wall structures, such as mortise and tenon joints. Yes, there is erosion.

If you put it in your office, there may be some cultural relics in the office, and water vapor and humidity will corrode them.

What's more, the place where we work is also an ancient building. As much as possible, it is better to comply with the requirements of ventilation and drying. This is how our master came and taught us this, and we all teach this to our disciples.

In this way, generation after generation, if not more, the structure of these buildings can be maintained for decades more. Isn't that also good for future generations? "


Xu Xin's eyes were filled with astonishment.

What followed was a heartfelt respect.

After hearing Xu Xin's translation, including Jasmine, they all gave a thumbs up to Master Wang.

When everyone walked out of the Forbidden City, Xu Xin discovered that there were already several masters who had just met at the door smoking and chatting.

No need to ask, it must be that smoking is not allowed inside.

If someone is addicted to smoking... no wonder he just saw several masters going out on bicycles.

Although he didn't smoke all afternoon.

But at this moment, when he saw those enjoying masters, he did not join them.

There is no other reason, I just feel that... I am not worthy.

These masters have spent a lifetime repairing and protecting cultural relics. It can even be said that they have protected the place where they work all their lives.

People are qualified to smoke.

What about yourself?

A tourist, smoking at the foot of the wall of the Forbidden City?

He really felt unworthy.

I was afraid that the nicotine I spit out would stain the vermilion of the city wall.

Even these walls have been repainted. But...if you really lose a piece of the wall because of your own reasons, it will be a sin.

This idea is somewhat far-fetched and contrived, but it is his truest idea.

Bear with it.

Say goodbye politely to the old masters.

The reception staff sent the group to the parking lot.

With Xu Xin's tacit approval, Su Meng, who came to the car in advance, had already prepared a red envelope.

And when Su Meng sent the red envelope, they still refused.

But Su Meng is very experienced in this:

"Please accept it. This is Brother Xu's intention. On the one hand, it has delayed everyone's work. On the other hand, everyone has worked hard to explain for so long, allowing these foreign friends to understand the historical heritage of our country. Brother Xu has nothing else to say. What I can do, this red envelope is just a token of my gratitude, please buy two bottles of water. Please don’t refuse~"

Su Meng forced a stack of red envelopes into the other person's hands. Without giving these people a chance to refuse, Su Meng opened the door and got in the car.

It would be really boring to give in anymore.

So, the convoy left.

And these staff who worked hard all afternoon got their red envelopes in their hands.

One of them opened it and looked at it.

one thousand.

It's the same for everyone.

So, everyone was happy.

Director Xu... is a character.

"Xu, do you still remember what I just said?"


“You should take a shot at these amazing people.”

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who was sitting in the car, nodded subconsciously:

"That's true. Jesse, thank you for your opinion. I do have this plan, but I haven't figured out how to express these people and the Forbidden City."

“I think it’s more of a record than a performance.”


Looking at Xu Xin's doubtful eyes, Jasmine nodded:

"Yes. Xu, of course, I am not doubting your ability. But I feel that anything related to "expression" cannot be compared with the real beauty of these antiques, this building, and these people. Just like Italy Pantheon, the best documentary you can find must be a straightforward version that is told from a historical and humanistic perspective.

Because it itself exists concretely! So I think what it needs is not performance, but recording. Just like the history and culture that those gentlemen explained to us today... we just need to record it and show it to everyone. In front of these works of art, I think anything processed by modern people's thinking will change its taste. "

"...In other words, only record, not interpret."

"Yes, just record without any interpretation. History is history, and these artworks themselves can represent that history without any interpretation."


This time, Xu Xin remained silent.

Completely lost in thought.

Jasmine’s words are of great reference value.

Only record, not interpret.

Make a relatively "mediocre" documentary.

And this mediocrity only exists in the theme, not the content.

Because the content of these people and affairs in the Forbidden City can be summed up in the word "wonderful" from the moment they are selected.

He thought about it all the way.

Until arriving at Wanda Vista Hotel.

Originally, he also said that he would invite everyone to have hot pot in the evening.

But these people were jet-lagged and took the trip together, and also had a drink at noon.

I'm a little tired now.

Everyone said they had no appetite and just wanted to sleep now.

If that's the case... then Xu Xin won't force it.

I just agreed to take everyone to climb the Great Wall tomorrow.

After hearing about this itinerary, Jasmine said in confusion:

"Aren't we going to the film festival? Doesn't it start tomorrow?"

Xu Xin shrugged and asked:

"When you come to China, won't you regret not climbing the Great Wall?"

have to.

The new generation of Italian actresses shrugged.


Film festivals and stuff... are not as interesting as the Great Wall of China.

This country...is really amazing!

"Okay, let's go back. Remember to change into a pair of more comfortable shoes tomorrow."

He looked at the pair of canvas shoes on Su Meng's feet and reminded her.

Then, with Su Meng's nod, he waved goodbye and returned home.

"You're back, go wash your hands and eat."


When he heard the calls of his wife and children, his fatigue suddenly surged up.

He nodded quickly and walked to the bathroom.

Facts have proved that no matter how delicious the roast duck is, it is not as good as the bowl of tomatoes and scrambled eggs served with rice at home.

It is also the favorite dish of both children.

The three masters were working on their rice bowls, when they heard Yang Mi ask:

"How was your shopping? What's new?"

When he opened his mouth, he was filled with the arrogance of an old Yanjing man.

In other words, the yin and yang is strange.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes, but still explained the general process of today while cooking.

When talking about the masters who repair cultural relics, he said:

"I want to shoot them for my next documentary. This is Jesse's advice, which I think is very pertinent. I just want to make a documentary with a banal subject, but touching enough."

Yang Mi was stunned:

"Are you going to make a documentary again?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin thought that his wife could not get his exclamation, so he spoke in more detail:

"You should really come and see it with me this afternoon. You will definitely have the same feeling as me after reading it. The weight of history is all accumulated in the walls of the Forbidden City that have been eroded by hundreds of years of wind and rain and have not collapsed. It...itself is an antique. After we entered, it was like a group of...little ants walking in a maze.

I don’t know how many things have been buried under those gold bricks and red walls throughout the ages. Every time you walk into a building, you can seem to see the emotions from the Ming Dynasty, to the Qing Dynasty, to the turbulent Republic of China... I can't summarize it at the moment, but you can feel it... .

You know what Jesse said? When I first started thinking about what subject to shoot, she told me that the best documentary must be the sparkling history recorded under ordinary subjects... Her words immediately woke me up. The Forbidden City, a great cultural relic, is so wonderful in itself. And now there are still this group of dedicated people, fighting so that their children and grandchildren can see this wonderful thing in the future... This itself is an extremely wonderful and touching story. "

Yang Mi nodded subconsciously.

She didn't refute this.

Although she could not fully empathize with her husband, in essence, the Forbidden City was of great significance to every Chinese person.


He didn't seem to understand what he meant either:

"I mean, do you have that time?"


"You don't still want to be the chief director this time, do you? Come on, let me do the math for you. I won't mention it this year. Next year, after "Broken Silence" is finished, you will have a film contract with Lao Xu.

And according to what you said, if Sister Mo comes across any good scripts, you may have to go to the United States... It will only be three years, right?

You are still studying for a Ph.D., and you will be a teaching assistant in September. We said we would wait two years before we have a third child. It will take another year for me to be pregnant and give birth... Are you sure you have time to make a documentary? "


It's okay that she didn't mention it, but when she did, Xu Xin realized... that her film schedule was really full.

"I haven't mentioned chasing the light yet... I think it's best to plan your time carefully. At least, plan it based on two years. Otherwise... you will be exhausted. I don't want you to be so tired. ,not to mention……"

One pointed at the two children who were cooking rice there.

"Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang are also starting to remember things. Have you forgotten what happened to Dalinzi? Parents' education is very important. I don't care whether you want to skip it or not, but I don't agree with you being too lacking in the growth of the two children. That's absolutely not possible! I don't want what happened to Dalinzi to happen to us. What are you doing? It's not like the child has no father or mother... The two children are fine now. If you leave for ten to twenty days, or three to five months It doesn't matter. What about after? Three to five months...the child has finished one semester. I can't see you for one semester? Is it appropriate?"

Although my wife didn't finish her words.

But Xu Xin already understood the meaning.


If his wife really thinks about it, once he gets busy, he may not be able to stay at home for at least four to five months a year, or even more exaggeratedly.

The two little guys now are no longer the children who ate when they woke up and slept when they were full.

They need companionship more now, and they also need the company of their parents.

Family, and work... he seems to really have to weigh it up.

He nodded:

"Okay, I understand... I really didn't consider this matter."

Seeing her husband admitting her mistake, Yang Mi also explained:

"I'm not blaming you, nor am I trying to restrict you or stifle your inspiration. I'm just telling you what you've overlooked... because once you're involved in something as long as a documentary, you're bound to have to work on both ends. So. …”

"Yeah, I understand."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Why don't you say it? It's really because I didn't think about it. You're right... the children are indeed getting older, and we both have to start paying attention to some things."

He lovingly touched the eldest daughter who was lowering her head to eat. He felt much relieved and said:

"Then I'll put the topic of this documentary in the Art Creation Center. If anyone wants to pick it up, just come to me directly. How about it?"

"...You don't want to take pictures yourself?...No, brother, don't misunderstand me. I won't say it anymore. You'd better start planning your career line with two years as a premise..."

Thinking that her husband had misunderstood her, Yang Mi quickly explained.

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I know what you mean. But you are right, the documentary... is too long. Of course, in fact, in my estimation, this documentary may actually be filmed, and it won't take too long. But the problem is the early stage And the preparation work that needs to be done in the later stage must be done very fully. It does waste time. I will put it directly in the Art Creation Center, and whoever is interested can do it. If there is such a long-term work in the future... I will try my best to weigh it. . Unless there is some important mission, if you can leave other things to others, just leave them to others. I am tired from working every day..."

"……not angry?"

Looking at his wife's probing eyes, he shrugged and said:


But he immediately said:

"But if you give me some compensation, I'd be quite happy."


Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling, who were cooking rice on the side, made a move...

The naughty child in my heart really thinks that we don’t exist, right?

Especially Yang Dalin.

He glared at his son-in-law angrily, then looked at his granddaughter and grandson.

I told you to take your child to primary school as soon as possible, and we went on a self-driving trip in the car.

I don’t care about your worries.

First of all, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion. I hope everyone can sit under the moon with their families, eat moon cakes and admire the moon, and feel the happiness at this moment.

Secondly, around the 15th of next month, I will go to Luyuan to study.

To be honest, I was very scared. But... I'm happy. Updates may be reduced by then, please understand.

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