I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 875 871 Getting better and better

Chapter 875 871. Getting better and better

"Teacher Guo, we need to discuss this script. Specific news... around the end of the film festival. Someone will contact you then. Is that okay?"

Xu Xin's words represented the end of this meeting.

Guo Jingming also knew that it was unlikely that such an investment of tens of millions would be decided on the spot, but he was still very confident.

There is no other reason, just because the IP of "Tiny Times" is very popular.

This is his greatest confidence and confidence.

"Okay, Director Xu. I also want to have a good experience of our film festival."

"Haha, that will definitely not disappoint Teacher Guo."

Xu Xin was polite to him a few times, and after seeing the guests off politely, he returned to the reception room, looked at Xu Zhi and said bluntly:

"Do you want to make this movie?"

"I think the story is good. I've read the book."


After listening to Xu Zhi's words, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"If you want to film it, just go against the wind and fund it yourself. Frankly speaking, this story is indeed good. The stories about a few close friends separated from each other are quite touching.

But the main reason why I didn't agree to him was that I thought there was something wrong with his directorial thinking.

As for whether this story will do well at the box office, I can't evaluate it. But the film’s reviews are probably not going to be particularly high. It may create a polarizing perception where true fans really like it, but passers-by will think it sucks. How about you measure it yourself? "

Xu Zhi is not at the stage where he was holding the script of "33 Days" in his head, and a group of people could only look for Xu Xin to catch him blind.

After so many years of hard work, he can be considered a true insider.

When I heard this, I understood what this film was about.

So he nodded:

"Okay, let's review it when we go back and find someone to hold a meeting to study it. The most important thing is to look at the IP audience of the story "Tiny Times". As long as the audience is high, then it won't be a problem."


Xu Xin nodded indifferently.

He actually thought the story was quite interesting.

It's not about how high-minded it is, or how excellent its core is... but purely in terms of "story", whether it's bloody or the conflict between women... it's quite decent.

It's just...a bit too exaggerated.

Especially the description of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the so-called upper class.

It made Xu Xin feel as if the emperor was digging the ground with a golden hoe.

But... in other words, it may be that a LOWB of his level cannot reach the real rich people.

So here comes the question...

What does it mean to be a truly rich person?

He tried to recall how much money he and his wife had on their bank cards together... and found that he didn't know at all.

A long time ago, he no longer cared about how much money he could earn from a certain play or some interview activities.

He doesn't even have the concept of money. To him, there is basically no difference between money and paper.

Maybe this is the difference.

What is the difference between wealthy people and truly wealthy people?

Maybe rich people are really just like in this story. A cup costs hundreds of thousands, a piece of fur costs hundreds of thousands, the ingredients for a meal must be imported from the country of origin, and a bottle of red wine must have its history...

Not sure.

Even when seeing the scene descriptions written by Guo Jingming in this story... Xu Xin's most intuitive reaction was not these "exclamations".

But a doubt.

To be truly rich, shouldn’t it mean doing whatever you want?

While thinking about it, he and Xu Zhi walked outside.

After walking a few steps, he sent a text message to Wang Sicong:

"Old Wang, I want to ask you something."

"What? Say."

"What does a truly rich person look like?"


Wang Sicong's doubts about the black question mark on his forehead were overflowing across the screen.

What does this dad mean by asking this?

Are you ready to kill me?

It shouldn't be...I didn't offend him.

What are you doing to kill me?

"Why do you ask?"

"Have you seen "Tiny Times"?"

"I've seen it, I've seen it many years ago. What's it like?"

"Do rich people... live like the way in his stories?"

"Don't listen to that short guy who is obsessed with adultery... What aroused you?"

"No, Guo Jingming is going to make a movie, and the movie he is going to make is "Little Times". The script is in my hands now. I am just curious about the various descriptions in his script, such as how much does a crystal cup from the Gu Li family cost? How much do the clothes cost..."

"If you calculate all the things in the Gu Li family, is it as expensive as the diamond ring you gave to Da Mi?"

"I'm asking you who is a truly rich person, and who asked you to settle the score?"

"What do real rich people look like?...Let me tell you this. Real rich people ate two or two loads of dandelions with their girlfriends in the morning, and they tasted really good. The plum bean soup restaurant for lunch, you and I Said, his soup rice is really amazing! Four people spent more than 100, especially their watercress fish, I must try it next time I come to Chengdu, it’s so delicious!”

"...I'm asking the real rich people, who asked you if you have three meals a day?"

After he asked this question, Wang Sicong sent a voice message:

"Because I am a truly rich man. And your question is really stupid. Why don't you just ask yourself? I won't mention the antiques in your house, but the location in Shijia Hutong. I won’t even mention it. Just the things in your studio together can make as much money as all his books together.

you ask me? All I can answer for you is: Only poor people rely on luxury goods to show off.

Rich people pursue doing whatever they want. Who cares about the price of the cup from which they drink water? Aren’t all cups worth the price used for drinking water? People, the more you show off something, the more you lack something. Don’t be curious about those hundreds of thousands of cups. The purple sand cup you drink tea from was made by Chen Mingyuan! "

Xu Xin's first reaction when he heard this voice was: Great minds always coincide with each other.

Lao Wang is as earthy as himself.

The second reaction is:

"Who is Chen Mingyuan?"

have to.

Love so and so.

It's better not to ask. If you do, you'll probably have to give Lao Wang a hard time.

But... it seems that the purple clay cup I drink from is a bit expensive. Next time, I can't let Yangyang put a bunch of spoons in it and clink around.

There was a gap in it last time, so I planned to throw it away and ask my wife to buy another one.

Hey, Yangyang is a prodigal kid...

Regarding the matter of "Little Times", after Xu Xin handed over the script to Xu Zhi, he stopped asking about it.

I just told Yang Mi about this matter.

It should be said or not, regardless of whether it is Wang Sicong or his wife... everyone has the same bad taste.

"What?... I don't want to act. Although I liked reading his books when I was in school. But now I think his books are too pretentious. Don't take me with you. If you dare to let me act, come back to me. I will kill you!"



Great minds always agree.

Myself and my sister... you really know my strengths and weaknesses and I know your depth.

Blocked the old BABY.

In fact, starting from the 2nd, there are still many hot spots in the entire "Silk Road Film Festival".

For example, Xi'an's hospitality during the film festival was at a textbook level.

For example, old stores that were originally only popular among locals have gradually become popular places for Internet celebrities.

Another example is the changes in this film festival and so on.

But as things change, one thing remains constant.

That's what the movie is all about.

Opening film: "Heart of the Burning Sun"

It goes without saying that Xu Xin’s works are highly anticipated.

But again, this movie has received the most attention, and the measures to prevent piracy are also the most stringent.

As the opening film, it has the fewest screenings.

Every day, there is only one.

It has nothing to do with the show or the cinema.

There is only one game every day.

The screening is strictly by reservation only, and tickets must be grabbed. If you grab it, it will be a good fortune teller. If you can’t grab it, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Of course, scalpers are definitely the most active at this time.

Even a movie ticket has been sold for hundreds to more than a thousand.


There's no after that.

The scalpers appeared in the morning, and the people were locked in at noon.

Say less about 7 days, say more about 15 days.

disturb the market? Illegal reselling?

You go in first and calm down.

After arriving at the venue, although everyone had read and agreed to the Silk Road Film Festival's ticket purchase instructions when purchasing tickets in advance, everyone was still given a one-page booklet after arriving at the venue.

The above clearly states the punishments that will be received once any behavior such as "stealing" is discovered.

Especially the two items on the top of the brochure:

[If it is difficult to calculate the actual losses of the right holder, the illegal gains of the infringer, and the rights royalties, the people's court shall, based on the circumstances of the infringement, award a compensation of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 5 million yuan. The amount of compensation should also include the reasonable expenses paid by the right owner to stop the infringement. 】

And the provisions of the crime of [copyright infringement] [If the illegal gains are in a large amount or there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, and shall also be fined or alone; if the illegal gains are in a huge amount or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to three years in prison. The offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined. 】

These two paragraphs are clearly written.

Moreover, several photos were added to the booklet.

That's a screenshot of the screening room's surveillance.

The picture of the demonstrator inside holding up the mobile phone model is extremely clear.

Not even a spoiler in the review.

It can be said that the confidentiality work has been done well.

However, after watching the movie under these almost "harsh" conditions, everyone's evaluations were extremely unanimous, whether it was the audience or the media who had grabbed the tickets.

I can’t say too much because I can’t spoil it.

The only things they can express are actually those few opinions.

First, the movie is really great!

Second, everyone’s acting skills are all online.

Third, this is the best movie Xu Xin has made so far.

On the Internet, those viewers who "won" praised Qing Yishui almost unanimously. Even those who don't know the situation or don't trust Xu Xin will think that they are trolls when they see these comments.

As an "emerging" industry that has begun to rise in recent years, sometimes the Internet is like this. Even though Xu Xin has never failed before, the praise this time is so unanimous that some people are bound to have conspiracy theories.

It's just that no one cares.

Those who have actually watched this movie will know that this is not a troll at all.

As for those who are speculating, when the movie is released, everything will naturally come to light.

But no matter what, the reviews of "Scorching Sun" are extremely high.

But it's not just it, other movies have also received numerous praises.

For example, "Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart".

This work, supervised by director Xie Fei, was also a favorite to win the championship during the film festival, and even had a tendency to catch up with "The Sun".

There is no other way, "Heart of the Burning Sun" can only be played in one day.

But "Ten Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" doesn't have that much to say.

And with its excellent plot and solid shooting techniques, it has gained many fans.

Although, everyone thinks its plot is a bit too sadistic.

But sometimes that's just the way it is.

If "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" were directly released in theaters, a niche drama like this with no big name and low investment would really not be popular with the audience.

Not to mention it has an "unsatisfactory" ending.

This kind of movie really tests the audience's mood.

I was put in a bad mood by your movie, let alone the bad review. I was having a meal with my friends and chatting about this movie. When I heard that my friend wanted to watch it, I casually said, "I've seen this movie. The plot is great." "It's too cruel" may dissuade an audience from buying a ticket.

But after it landed during the film festival, the Silk Road itself was a kind of threshold.

After entering the threshold, it is natural not to mention the movie lovers themselves. Their acceptance threshold for movie plots is inherently high.

And those viewers who may be traveling to join in the fun, or just looking for something new, will naturally have a look at and evaluate all movies within the framework of the film festival.

Under this kind of scrutiny and evaluation, the movie is no longer just limited to the plot.

But there is more to think about.

If you just watch movies normally, whether the movie is good or not may not be worth pondering. But in the atmosphere of a film festival, after the movie is screened, countless people will ask themselves, "Why was this movie shortlisted?", "What's so good about it?", and "What's my own evaluation?"

After they have thought more about it, they no longer just stick to the plot, or they may not be able to clearly define the director's style, but they also have their own criteria for judging whether the actor's acting skills can impress them.

This is how the film festival's greatest effect on the audience is reflected.

Within the threshold, these may have been made by unknown people. Perhaps because they have no story appeal, many viewers will not even take a look at them in the cinema. They just rely on word-of-mouth to get out of the circle little by little.

Even with the popularity of WeChat Moments, even if it is just to show off a sense of superiority, or to pretend to be B, and express some opinions on XX movies, it is also a kind of propaganda.

With popularity, the box office will naturally increase after the movie is scheduled to be released in theaters.

Not to mention how much it has improved, but it is indeed a great publicity effect.

This is also the original intention of the Silk Road Film Festival.

I hope more and more people can get to know these outstanding filmmakers and movies!

Chinese movies are great.

Please support me!

In short, during these 9 days, the audience felt the sincerity of the Silk Road Film Festival.

These movies...are not bad movies.

Just see if it suits your taste.

They...are all excellent.

More and more people are turning their attention to these filmmakers who work hard to make movies.

In addition to the Weibo hot search list, WeChat Moments, etc., mobile interactive entertainment has begun to rise in an all-round way.

The popularity of the second Silk Road Film Festival is much higher than that of the first season.

And under such heat, on August 10th.

The much-anticipated red carpet appeared at Qujiang International Conference Center.

This year's red carpet has also been adjusted.

First of all, large and small projection screens all over the city are required to broadcast it. On weekdays, the projection screens used for advertising all show real-time images of the red carpet.

At the Qujiang Conference Center, there are also many large screens set up to feast the eyes of the audience who come to join in the fun.

There is also a live webcast.

It can be said that humanization has been achieved to the extreme.

7:30 p.m.

It was stuck at the end of the news broadcast.

The red carpet has begun.

Qujiang Conference Center.

As one of the finalists, Xu Xin, who plays at home, naturally has the right to a separate rest room.

At this moment, he was wearing sports shorts and a dress.

He was sitting on the sofa in slippers and playing with his cell phone.

Yang Mi, who was dressed in black and exuded elegance and charm like a black swan, was wearing earrings in front of the mirror.

"how is everything?"

After putting on the two emerald earrings, she looked at her perfect self in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

However, I am still a little worried and plan to ask my husband to review it.

As for the comments…

It's nothing more than "I just want to..." or "Go home tonight...".

The former is "excellent" and the latter is "excellent".



This girl's beauty is incomparable!

But after she finished asking, she made a pose and planned to let her husband appreciate her beauty, but she heard this sentence:

"Very good. The trading volume is 310 million! More than doubled!"


Yang Mi was stunned.

After realizing what he was talking about, he was immediately speechless.

"Hey, who asked you this? I asked how I am!"

He looked away from the chat box with Qi Lei and looked up.

He was in a good mood and looked at his wife, who was almost the best in the world, and nodded vigorously:

"Well! I just want to..."

"Okay, STOP, NO!"

Just like training a dog, after stopping BAD DOG from being restless.

After getting the answer she wanted, Yang Mi turned around again and looked at herself in the mirror.

Nod slightly.

Well, I thought to myself when I looked at it!

Spend money!

The perfection of perfection!

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