I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 891 887 Go home and eat noodles

Chapter 891 887. Go home and eat noodles

"You...did something happen over there?"

Yang Mi did not choose to quarrel with her lover because of differences of opinion.

No need.

In fact, if you break it down, from the beginning of their relationship to the present, except for the occasional quarrels over trivial matters, the two of them have been very tolerant of each other when it comes to matters involving choices, concepts, etc., and have made each other very happy. Listen to the other person yourself.

And even if you are angry because of some trivial things on weekdays, there is no overnight grudge.

Basically, it ends in the state of "getting angry, Xu Xin goes to smoke, calm down and then talk about it in an hour or so."

In terms of emotional control, both husband and wife can actually give "excellent" results.

Therefore, after listening to her husband's opinions, she saw that he suddenly raised the topic to the national level. She knew that something must have happened that made her husband feel uncomfortable, and she happened to be at the gunpoint.

After she asked, she heard a gasp of "Huh..." coming from the other side.

And the "click" sound of cigarette lighting.

"Hi~~Huh... Do you know about the Diaoyu Islands that was a hot topic this morning?"

"I saw it, but I was angry... ugh."

In an instant, she seemed to understand something and asked directly:

"Has it affected you?"


Xu Xin described the cause and effect of the matter in detail, and then said:

"I didn't take the lead on this matter. Although I was the first to respond, I don't think it's necessary. We just do what we think is right. I just finished communicating with Jesse and the others here, and everyone is very happy. Support me. This time Marco and the others also want to visit the Old Summer Palace and some other places... I have to make arrangements after returning to China."

"……I see."

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Yang Mi said:

"Then we won't consider this variety show. I will tell them in a few days that we have discussed it and don't want the child to be exposed to the public eye?"

"Yeah. There are indeed considerations in this regard. If we don't expose the children to the outside world, they won't receive so much attention. I think it's good. You haven't noticed that the second generation of many stars are actually ruined by the spotlight. What's more, if you think about what Dalin said... it's better not to be too high-profile.

What's more, think about it, what can we show the audience? We fly private jets and live in courtyard houses worth hundreds of millions. Although our monthly expenses for food and clothing are not very generous, they are still much higher than ordinary people. As I said just now, Nuannuan can already play an incomplete piece of music at the age of 3, and Yangyang's talent for painting has also been developed. You let the audience see...

Yeah, these two children are learning piano and painting at such a young age? And it’s still enlightening. They are so obsessed with art...I want my children to emulate them.

But what? If Nuannuan's piano turns out to be useless and Yangyang's painting is wasted, will the two children suffer any losses? Won't. They can still live a life without worries about food and clothing. Whether it's the piano or painting, for the two of them, even if they lose it, it doesn't matter.

But what about an ordinary family? Two children, the eldest daughter learns piano, which costs several thousand, even tens of thousands, a month. The younger son learns painting for tens of thousands of yuan a month... The average family spends one or two hundred thousand a year, just because they see others doing it, they do the same, and in the end nothing is taught after wasting time and money... let alone what to do if it happens. What should I do if I meet a teacher who misleads my students and I am defrauded of money?

This kind of thing makes absolutely no sense. If possible, I would rather everyone see the shadow of their own fathers in some fathers on TV and understand the difficulties of their parents. Rather than seeing a person who got rich through a coal mine and now has some luck to reach the sky in one fell swoop, he "raises a child richly" and lives a life of wealth and leisure, which leads to envy and blind imitation, and finally leads to a big misunderstanding. I don't think this is a good thing. "


After hearing her husband's point of view, Yang Mi was silent for a while and asked in a low voice:

"Is it a bit exaggerated? I always feel like... a variety show can't involve such a big level."

"It's not involved, but some of the views on life and parenting in the show will be passed on to many people invisibly. This kind of thing... if more than one person knows about it, I think it is a very evil thing."

After speaking, he added another sentence:

"Of course, I won't admit it even after it gets out. It's just that we are talking here. If we tell outsiders, it would be a bit over the top, which is unnecessary."

"That's it... Okay then. Then let's not go. I will reject them when the time comes. In the future, we will try to maintain this cautious attitude for similar variety shows, okay?"

"Well. That's not to say that you won't participate in variety shows. As a public figure, you must be prepared to be entertained and consumed. But... since we show our faces, we have a responsibility to let everyone see the positive side. Besides, don't forget Yes, I am a teacher..."

"It's a teaching assistant."

"Get out!"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry and spat at his wife:

"A teaching assistant is also a teacher. I have the burden of being an idol, so I must pay attention to teacher ethics and cultivation. And..."

He thought for a while and his voice softened:

"If you want to go on some variety show in the future, just follow one or two episodes. If you want to take me with you, I will come with you, okay? But this time... you won't go. If you really want to I will take my son to travel around the mountains and rivers, and during the winter and summer vacations, I will go wherever you want to go. Let’s take our children to experience, experience, and explore together... okay?”


Listening to the apology and love in her husband's gentle voice, she couldn't help laughing.

My heart is full of sweetness:

"Well!... I actually just want to show off to you and my children... to tell everyone how happy I am... If I don't return my wealth, it's like I'm not wearing mink. I'm sorry, this time it was indeed my fault... "



Mink is mink.

Just not chicken skin.

At 10 a.m. on October 20, US time, the bill was signed by Obama, recognizing this amendment.

Xu Xin, who had been waiting for the news, saw the news in the WeChat group and on the news website at 23:00 Japan time.

And Liu Haiguo’s words:

"The amendment has been finalized. Tomorrow we will directly submit the withdrawal procedures to the Tokyo Film Festival, express our protest, and sign our names. This time we are voluntarily staying. If we withdraw, the three directors can come to me tomorrow morning to protest. Sign the book. After the protest and withdrawal procedures are submitted, you will have to move out of the hotel. Everyone can arrange their own time."

Seeing this, Xu Xin sent a message to Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, pack your things, we are going to go back to China tomorrow."

"I know, Brother Xu."

October 21st at 9am.

The news was released by the movie channel Weibo, and Xu Xin immediately forwarded it and confirmed it personally on Weibo:

"In order to protest against this amendment in the United States, I officially withdraw from the Tokyo Film Festival on behalf of the crew of "Perfect Strangers". I have signed the protest letter, submitted the withdrawal form, and am preparing to return to China."

He didn't exaggerate any emotion.

After posting on Weibo, he put away his phone and said apologetically to Xin Haicheng who came over:

"Sorry, Shinkai-san. Let's meet again next time."


Xin Haicheng nodded.

After he received Xu Xin's message last night, he actually didn't say much.

In this matter, his positioning is destined to be unable to say much.

After all, he is Japanese.

He would not openly say to everyone: I support Xu Sang's decision.

However, after learning the news, he rushed over immediately.

In fact, it also represents his innermost thoughts.

It's just...that's the same sentence.

This is not a matter between two foreign friends, but "exactly" a matter between two foreigners.

Some things need to be tacitly understood.

Some things also require a tacit understanding.

Therefore, Xu Xin did not say much, but pointed to the dozen or so gifts in his room:

"These four boxes of gifts are for you. The other gifts that Director Zhang and I prepared for Mr. Gao Cang. Someone from his Tokyo office will contact you later..."

"I understand, Xu Sang."

Xin Haicheng nodded and glanced at the luggage at his hand.



Then he said:

"Then I won't take you to the airport."

"Ha, no need."

Xu Xin smiled, opened his hands and gave him a hug:

"When will you come to Tianchao, I will take you to visit the endless grassland that you have longed for. Believe me, friend, it must be more beautiful than you imagined! Goodbye, friend, the short separation is for a better reunion. Thank you for your support entertain."

"Goodbye, Xu Sang. Likewise, next year when the cherry blossoms are at their most beautiful, we will see you under the falling cherry trees in Kyoto."

"Yeah, definitely!"

Arriving at the third day of the Tokyo Film Festival.

Xu Xin took Jasmine and the others on the way back home.

Although Xu Xin was generally not well regarded by bees, he was inexplicably labeled as "Xu Gou". And as of now, he only has a few million Weibo fans.

Compared with the various big Vs on Weibo who are now millions more, he is a younger brother than a younger brother... But in fact, his popularity is not small at all.

It’s not an exaggeration to even say they are the top ones.

Because Yang Mi is his wife.

On some Weibo posts he posted, Yang Mi would always come over to comment on her conspicuous bag.

Therefore, he and Yang Mi, who currently ranks fifth in Weibo followers, are actually bound together.

After he posted this Weibo, Yang Mi quickly forwarded it.

"Come back, let's eat noodles tonight."

Dumplings on the bus and noodles on the bus.

After her tender words were posted on Weibo, many people who had not followed Xu Xin also noticed it.

Xu Xin withdrew from Tokyo Film Festival?

This... is such a pity.

He also asked if he could also win an award.

I don’t know how many people felt a sense of regret after seeing this message.

There are even more people, maybe because they don’t use the Internet much, or they accidentally missed yesterday’s news. After seeing Xu Xin's Weibo, I wanted to see what Si'er was like.

Come and see what four is like!

After reading the results...

"There's nothing wrong with Xu Gou!"

"Happy dog ​​pee sex!"

More and more people are paying attention to the shameless behavior of American politicians and have begun to express their protests on the Internet.

After Xu Xin saw these comments on the plane, not only did he not regret it, but he was very happy.

Fate of the nation, everyone is responsible.

Although the real decision on this matter is not with you. However, history will also remember this day and cannot forget it!

He was quite pleased.

Then he clicked on his wife’s message on Weibo.

Then... something wonderful appeared on his face.

"Zhajiang noodles? Xu Gou is from Shaanxi. I don't like fried noodles!"

"You can't stand the oil-splashed noodles? You can't stand the Qishan Saozi noodles either!"

"Beijiang Mixed Noodles join the battlefield!"

"Inner Mongolia noodles are here! Strongly condemn fried noodles!"

"Old people! Old people! Look at me! I am Tianjin Lo Noodles. Give me some face, I will fill Xu Gou's belly first! My Tianjin Pantou Lo Noodles!"

“The Chongqing face smiles but says nothing.”

"Chongqing noodles? Labor and capital Yibin burning noodles!"

"Wuhan is full of hot and dry weather."

"Dandan noodles Dandan noodles! Where is the fried noodles!"

"Get out of the way! I'm facing the thread! Infinite reproduction, activate!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Xu Gou is from northern Shaanxi. Mutton noodles? Starched noodles?"

"Okay, you guys, get out of the way! Mimi, please excuse me to introduce myself. I am Lanzhou Ramen."

"Lanzhou Beef Noodles: Zaizhong! Look directly at me!"

"Brother Ramen, don't be afraid, Master Kang is here to help you!"

What does this mean?

He looked at the noodles that were broken into unknown pieces under his wife’s Weibo...

Why are you in such a good mood?

Can this be fought?

Is there something wrong?

He shook his head dumbfounded.

Forget it, whatever.

Anyway... just eating noodles together, I seem to have no choice.

Whatever my wife does, we will eat whatever she wants.

As for the Tokyo Film Festival... let Qi Lei communicate. Let’s see if it can be moved to another film festival. If it can be moved, that would be the best. But if you can't move...

Looking at the foreign friends around him... a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

After returning to China, the most important thing for Xu Xin is to entertain these friends who support him.

Everything else can be put on the back burner.

As for the Tokyo Film Festival, after the Diaoyu Islands incident, domestic attention has begun to plummet, and even the media has stopped reporting on them.

And...Xu Xin didn't know if he was delusional. After this incident, it seemed that the relationship between China and Japan began to decline sharply.

Not that "impression", but that in every aspect.

But he didn't bother to worry about it.

Instead, he took this group of foreign friends on a special forces tour.

Let them once again feel the power of the ancient eastern country.

According to Jasmine’s words:

"Why is your country so big?"

When she said this, she had just experienced a round of calf cramps...

I guess my impression of China has dropped a lot.

Going anywhere else is tourism.

Following Xu to the Celestial Dynasty is risking one's life.

Especially at night.

Those night market streets are too "dangerous" for this group of foreign friends.

In Italy, they can keep obesity a step behind them through careful body management.

But here...

In an away game, the enemy's offensive was so fierce that it was really unstoppable.

"XIAOYE" is truly a formidable enemy.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that.

In this year's TI2, Wang Sicong's IG easily defeated its old rival NAVI with a score of 3:1 and won the championship.

Domestic DOTA2 has begun its heyday.

And Perfect World got the agency rights for the national server, and wanted to invite Yang Mi to speak for it... When Xu Xin returned to China, she was negotiating with Perfect World about this matter.

In short...a lot happened in the second half of October.

But the most regrettable thing is the news that "Perfect Strangers" cannot be admitted to other international A-category film festivals.

When receiving Qi Lei's message, Xu Xin was silent for a while.

On the 28th, the Tokyo Film Festival awards ceremony was completed.

Xu Xin also flipped through the winning information before going to bed.

"Perfect Strangers" and "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" had no results due to withdrawal from the competition.

But because on the second day, there was a screening of "Perfect Strangers". Audiences who watched it gave straightforward comments:

"If "Perfect Strangers" had not withdrawn, then it would definitely have won an award in the main competition. It is "perfect"."

Not to mention other award-winning works, Xu Xin saw a piece of news.

"One Flew Over the Nursing Home" became the only winning Chinese-language film at this year's Tokyo Film Festival.

Won the "Asian Style Examiner's Special Award".

Seeing this news, Xu Xin's eyes moved...

Why bother?

Could it be that... Zhang Yang didn't know what this kind of thing meant?

He was a little speechless, and then checked the release information of "One Flew Over the Nursing Home".

I found out that it has been scheduled to be released on November 24th.

"Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart" is set for November 29th.

Obviously, everyone wants to take advantage of this "heat" to bring their works to the audience.

Yang Mi, who was watching the news with him, saw that her husband was checking the release information of these two movies and asked:

"When do you plan to release "Perfect Strangers"?"

"We are coordinating. This year's schedule in Italy is full, so we can only put it to next year. The factory is communicating to see if it can be released around New Year's Day."

"Which side goes first?"

"Yes. This is the compensation I... can do."

Hearing this, Yang Mi nodded slightly and asked:

"Shall we sleep? I have to go to Hunan tomorrow."

Xu Xin was stunned:

"here we go?"

"Well, Zhang Zhen and I, "Happy Camp"."

She was talking about the promotional program for "The Grandmaster".

"The Grandmaster" is scheduled to be released on January 8th, and this work, which Wang Jiawei has been honing for ten years, will naturally have to work hard to promote it.

Moreover, because of Wang Jiawei's popularity in Europe and the United States, the country where the movie will be released has been determined.

In China, except for Wanwan, which is released on January 18, Hong Kong and Macau are all released at the same time. Overseas, such places as Singapore, Germany, South Korea, the United States, Italy, and the United Kingdom will also start to be released simultaneously in January.

By then, as long as "Perfect Strangers" can be scheduled to be released around New Year's Day, the couple will be able to "meet each other" during promotions in Italy.

Not to mention, it’s quite amazing.

"Go to sleep."

Xu Xin turned off the phone, put it on the bedside table, and turned off the lamp.

Darkness falls.

Yang Mi moved into his arms with ease.

"elder brother."


"I have already communicated with Where Are We Dad?"


"...Oh yes, I can still see Lao Wang this time."

"What is he doing in Hunan?"

"'I Am a Singer'. The recording has started over there."

"Has it started? Who are the guests?"

"Let me think about it...it seems to be Yuquan, Zizhen...and who else, I forgot. Oh, yes, Huang Yizhong!"

"...Why did he come here to join in the fun again? This time the lion opened his mouth again?"

"Haha, that's not the case. Guess what? He took the initiative to beg Lao Wang. After the lion opened his mouth and lost his position as a judge on The Voice, although he also wandered around in several pirated programs of yours, no matter how famous he was, Or the appearance fee, the difference is not even half a star. No, I can't survive anymore, so I quickly came over to hug my thigh again... I don't know what Lao Wang was thinking. Maybe he felt that he needed to add rock elements? So he agreed. This time But it’s different from the original negotiation, with a humble attitude like a grandson..."


Wrapping his wife's fragrant and soft body and listening to the sound of her little breasts, Xu Xin gradually began to fall into a drowsy state.

But immediately a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he muttered to his wife:

"Oh yes, I'm going back to Shenmu in a few days."


"Go choose a scene."

"Uh... why don't you just let someone else go? I'll show you the photos. I'm going to promote... what should I do with the child?"

"I can't go there for a few days. I'm very familiar with the sacred trees. I just need to go and verify what is found in any place and how it is suitable for shooting. It won't take long, don't worry."

"That's it...that's ok. Did I tell you? I went to Magic City a few days ago and had a meal with Little Fatty..."

"Who is Fatty?"

"Dilraba, that's the nickname I gave her."


Slowly, Xu Xin's response began to sound long.

"I happened to see someone confessing to her..."

He had no intention of listening to a little girl's gossip.

But he liked his wife's voice very much.

So, with this soft little milk sound, he slowly fell asleep.

This October has finally come to an end...

No more hustle and bustle.

Only silence surrounds.

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