I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 894 890 Look at the background

When Li Hao came back from the mine, it was already past 8 o'clock and almost 9 o'clock.

When they came back, Xu Xin and Xu Daqiang had not yet come down from the dinner table.

"Uncle, this is today's coal ticket."

After he entered the room, he took out a thick stack of receipts.

These are the transportation bills for trucks leaving the mine, also called coal stamps. Every time a truck of coal comes out of the mine, a formality must be signed to confirm the tonnage. The order is a triple order. One copy is given to the driver and two copies are given to the mine. Usually one is sent to the finance department for statistics and the other is handed over to Xu Daqiang.

Through these lists, you can know an approximate number every day. At the end of the month, the financial statements will be reconciled, and the basic profit will be revealed.

In fact, this is a relatively backward statistical method. Nowadays, many coal mines have developed system programs. After electronic weighing, the orders are printed directly. The printed orders only require the person who keeps the background key of the system to keep the data. Then every penny is accurate.

But the list placed here by Xu Daqiang was still handwritten.

The water content of handwriting is too great, and a car is not considered overloaded. It is calculated according to the national regulations of 45 tons. If the car pulls 46 tons, but the list says 45 tons, then there will be a ton of water in the middle.

Xu Xin saw this and asked:

"Dad, why don't you change the electronic system? Are you still filling it in by hand?"

Xu Daqiang waved his hand, took the coal ticket and didn't look at it, but asked Li Hao:

"Did you eat? A bowl of noodles?"

Li Hao smiled and said:

"I'm not going to eat anymore. I'm still waiting at home."

"Oh, then go back."

"Hey... Sanjin, I'm leaving."

"Okay, Brother Hao, drive slower."


Soon, Li Hao went out and left the Xu family with the sound of an engine.

Then Xu Daqiang said:

"Your second eldest son, fifth uncle, and the others are also trying to persuade me to get on that... computer. Alas~"

Speaking of this, Xu Daqiang sighed:

"I can't help it. Next year all weighing scales will be replaced by computers."

Seeing this, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What?...Dad, don't you want to?"

"Actually, I don't really want to, it's just..."

As he spoke, Xu Daqiang tapped the small wine cup containing Maotai with his chopsticks, and then drew a circle on the table:

"Without access to this computer system, everyone would get money from the circle I drew. I probably know how much they get."

At this moment, the coal mine owner's eyes were filled with a light of clarity that even alcohol could not take away.

"We have to let people make money. I follow you because I hope to live a good life. But it's hard for people to see how much you give. People's hearts are full of dissatisfaction. He is only worth ten yuan. If you give him 100, he will He will find a way to get 150 yuan. But if you ask him to make ten yuan, he can only get fifty yuan at most. These coal stamps are like that. But after changing the computer, they have to start thinking about many things again. Where can I get the money? The trouble they are looking for is also trouble for me... But if I don't do this, I can't explain it to the villagers. Oh my... it's troublesome."

Both of them spoke Shenmu dialect, which Su Meng couldn't understand either.

After Xu Xin heard his father's worries, he nodded slightly:

"That's the truth. You want others to make money, but you can't let others make too much money. Money counts, but people's hearts don't count. Dad, you have been teaching me this since you were a child."


In fact, if Su Meng could understand the conversation between father and son, she would probably have her views subverted again.

How can there be such a boss...

But actually, if you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

You make a person feel that he is worth 10 yuan, but he makes 50 yuan. He will be happy and secretly happy, but at the same time he will continue to hide his ambitions.

Because he didn't want to lose the other forty dollars.

But if you let a person who is only worth ten dollars earn a hundred dollars, he will grow in ambition and feel that he should be the one who earns a hundred and fifty dollars.

Therefore, the best way is to let him only earn fifty.

It is impossible not to let others earn a penny.

It's not realistic either.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"what is it now?"

"It's not good. They'll do it when it's time. As for how to make money next, let them think for themselves. There are actually two things in mining. One is production and the other is safety. As long as these two points are unambiguous, let them use their abilities Come on. If you are capable, stay. If you are not, bring in a new batch of capable people. We can’t recruit enough people, so you can’t blame us for not being able to make ends meet.”

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly.

“I feel like I’ve learned something again.”


Xu Daqiang smiled happily and picked up the wine glass:

"You can learn if you can, but this is a wild way. Just take a look and don't dare to do anything wrong."


Another glass of delicious wine was finished.

Xu Daqiang shook the empty Maotai bottle.

The father and son drank a pound of wine.

Have you had enough?

Of course I can’t drink enough.


"No more drinking."


After glancing at his father, Xu Xin nodded:

"Dad, drinking less is good for your health, what's the harm?"


This meal was the end of the meal.

The boys were all working hard outside, and no one came to see him at night.

After eating, he sat on the sofa and watched TV with his father. He also took a sketchbook to write down the design of the drawings for "The Burst of Silence".

However, he didn't watch the TV for long. After Xu Daqiang's phone vibrated a few times, he just left a message of "I'm going to make a call" and left.

Xu Xin didn't ask, just pretended not to hear.

The location selection for "Breaking Silence" is almost over. If nothing else happens, he will go back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

It has been almost ten days since he came out, and Yang Mi is about to start intensive publicity. He has to go back to take care of the baby.

At this time, he heard Su Meng, who was sitting on the sofa opposite him, say:

"Brother Xu, it's snowing."


Xu Xin turned his head and realized that in the light outside the window, countless large snowflakes were already surrounding the street lamp, spinning like moths.

He was startled.

Then nodded:

"Well, it's snowing."

The snow in Shenmu came quite early this year, and it usually doesn’t arrive until mid-November.

There was a very small snowflake in Yanjing a few days ago, and it melted before it even touched the ground.

Yang Mi also specially asked Cheng Hu to install snow chains and change to snow tires.

Now it seems like this was downright stupid.

He put down his drawing book, stood up, and shouted upstairs:

"Dad, it's snowing!"

With that said, he walked to the door with his cigarette, put on his coat and walked out.

On snowy days, you have to smoke.

Because the volume of smoke spit out is much larger than usual.

Smoking one cigarette is equivalent to smoking one and a half cigarettes normally.

Make a fortune.

After walking out of the door, he stood on the porch, took out his mobile phone, and started taking pictures of the sky.

I plan to show this snow scene to my wife.

That's when you need to install snow tires... That combination of snow chains and snow tires you have is really embarrassing.

Su Meng jumped into the yard and caught the snowflakes that could not be saved with her hands.

At the same time, he was still breathing heavily.

Looks extremely happy.

As soon as the short video was sent to his wife, Yang Mi called:

"Is it snowing?"

"Yes, the snowflakes are so big."

"...Oh, it's great. If this snow comes to Yanjing, I will set up a copper pot at the door and have a sip...Dad, Daddy!"


Before Yang Mi finished speaking, children's voices came into the phone.

Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"Baby, do you miss daddy?"

"When will you come back? My brother and I both miss you!"

You see, it is a caring little cotton-padded jacket after all.

This is called warmth.

"My dear, you are so good. Daddy will go back tomorrow."

"Come back soon, I miss you!"

"Haha, okay~"

Just as he responded, he heard Yang Yang's movement:

"Dad, is it snowing?"

"Yes, daddy, it's snowing now."

"Snow...is it cold?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin walked into the courtyard from the corridor.

Trying to catch the falling snowflakes with my hands:


"Is it cool?"


"Is it cold?"


He began to exchange childish, yet most innocent and beautiful words with the child.

While feeling the snowflakes with his hands and face, he glanced at the second floor.

The figure of my father holding the phone was by the window.

He didn't say hello and just continued talking to the children about the snow.

Children don’t have too many words to describe and metaphor, but snow doesn’t need any descriptions or metaphors either.

After all, this kind of fleeting feather needs to be experienced by oneself to experience the beauty of that moment, so that it will remain fresh in the memory.

Finally, he simply hung up the phone and turned on the video.

The heads of the siblings filled the screen, and Xu Xin could only see the child's mother's forehead, which became increasingly reflective due to her hairline.


My wife’s hairline has become more and more dangerous since she gave birth to a child.

I hope my children won't inherit it.

It snowed overnight.

The sacred tree was dyed from pale yellow to white.


The sacred tree after the first snowfall will always be dirty in Xu Xin's mind.

There was nothing he could do. Once the snow and cinders met, his area would not be any cleaner.

Early in the morning, he saw his father, who had gotten up very early, kneading dough.

No need to think about it, it must be mutton dumplings with big meatballs.

The father and son didn't communicate much.

There is no such thing as reluctance to say goodbye.

Cook dumplings and have breakfast.

Fortunately, we have a private jet at home. Otherwise, if you get on the plane with the smell of garlic in your mouth in the morning, God knows how many passengers will be suffocated to death when you get off the plane.

As for Diao Yinan's crew, he ignored them.

He is a producer, not a follow-up director. It's okay to intervene in some things once or twice, but if you intervene too much, you'll get resented.

And he was calm when he returned home.

The child is in kindergarten, and the father-in-law and mother-in-law go to play cards and have fun.

His wife, who was waiting for him at home, pulled Xu Xin, who smelled of garlic, into the house with a look of disgust on her face.

After eating and wiping clean, he carried his small suitcase and his leather shoes and walked out of the house with a radiant face.

Went out to promote.

In a blink of an eye, he was alone at home again.

Even Su Meng took a break.

Xu Xin smacked his lips, looking at the empty homes everywhere...

Before Zaizai and Niuniu met his six pairs of dog eyes.

"What are you looking at! I've never seen a furnace!"



Seeing his ferocious look, the two dogs lazily went for a walk in the yard.

Too lazy to pay attention to you.

You piece of shit~

So Xu Xin stayed at home doing nothing for three days.

It’s about 2 o’clock in the afternoon on November 12th, which is 9 o’clock in the morning in Germany.

He received a call from Qi Lei.

There is no such greeting as "Hi, hello".

The first line of the phone call:

"Two films, "Heart of the Burning Sun" and "The Grandmaster" have been shortlisted! And, "The Grandmaster" is the opening film!"


Xu Xin was not surprised when he heard this.

Wang Jiawei is the chairman of this jury, and not to mention the quality of the film "The Grandmaster", Wang Jiawei's films are popular choices for opening films at major film festivals.

Europeans particularly like his films.

Very suitable for taste.

In this case...

"When will this Berlin Film Festival be held?"

"February 7th to 17th."

Hearing this, Xu Xin instantly looked at his desk calendar.

After checking the time, he was momentarily speechless:

"Why is it the Spring Festival again?"

This year's Lunar New Year falls on February 9th, New Year's Eve, and February 10th.

In other words, if he wanted to fully participate in the film festival, he would not be able to celebrate the New Year at home this year.

Qi Lei asked:

"How are you going to arrange it?"


Xu Xin looked at the desk calendar for a while and said:

"The movie will be scheduled for February 20th. Wednesday, New Year's Day. Or Thursday, the 21st. It just so happens that Sunday is the Lantern Festival, and the peak period for the start of the new year has returned to normal. As for the film festival... I I stayed in the United States last year, so I didn’t burn paper for my mother. This year I have to go home anyway. Let’s arrange to go on the 11th, the second day of the new year. How about it?”


Qi Lei agreed directly.

"Then I'll form a traveling group first and take care of you there first. Are you communicating with the actors here? Will you all come together then?"

"Yeah. OK."

"Okay, let's just say that. I'll pass on the news first and quickly arrange theaters for you."


The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin rubbed his chin.

If we arrange it this way... on January 3rd, "Perfect Strangers" will be released in Italy.

In order to make time for "The Grandmaster" to be released on January 8, the domestic release time is scheduled for January 23.

A buffer period of half a month was given.

And on February 20th, "Scorching Sun" will also be released.

Strictly speaking, according to the lunar calendar, he still brought a work to the audience this year.

The new year's "Scorching Sun" is also a new work.

Although the schedule is intensive, and the short interval between the release of two consecutive movies can easily consume the audience's enthusiasm.


In terms of film quality, everyone including Xu Xin is quite confident.

Then just walk and see.

After all... my audience has been waiting for a long time.

He hopes that these two movies can bring the audience a perfect ending and beginning of the new year.

It also gives a good start to the colleagues around me... huh?

Suddenly, he remembered something and quickly opened Baidu on his mobile phone:

"1942 release date."

Answer: "1942" will be released on November 29.

End of this month?

Then, he took over the computer and found the recently released movies related to West Film Studio, Headwind, and even Cloud Atlas.

I found out that on December 12th, Xu Zheng’s film "Journey to Thailand" will be released.


Although there is also a buffer period of about ten days...but as a leader in the Beijing circle, Feng Xiaogang's movies deserve to be treated with caution in every movie.

The movie "Thailand"...

Even though "Journey to the Road" had a good reputation, Xu Xin inexplicably felt that this movie wouldn't be too bad before he started filming, but "1942"... I hope it can pass smoothly.

He thought to himself.

It doesn't matter even if you can't beat him.

No need to compare.

Let's just be ourselves.

Although the filming of "1942" is in the process of being shot, and Xu Xin has occasionally seen news recently, many media are saying that this is an ambitious work by Feng Xiaogang.

It was when he was no longer satisfied with the commercial box office and began to specialize in art award-winning works.

Of course, this is still a bit conservative.

Some people simply said, "Feng Xiaogang is finally going to face the Northwest Circle artistically."

To be honest, this kind of news is hard to distinguish between true and false.

No one even knows when the post-production of this film will be completed or whether it will be submitted to some film festivals.

Moreover, Feng Xiaogang not only makes commercial films, but also has excellent works such as "Tangshan Earthquake" and "Assembly".

Whenever he sees these news, Xu Xin is wondering...Whether Director Feng is going to operate on himself, it's hard to say.

But his strength is definitely enough.

If he really wanted to make a movie without thinking about anything, completely give up on commercial attributes, or not consider profit... no one would say anything in his position.

Even if this object is oneself in other people's mouths.


Maybe it’s because they are getting more mature every year?

Not only did he not find it annoying, or that it was a challenge, etc.

Even feel happy.

The more good and outstanding movies there are, isn’t that also a good thing for the Chinese-language film market?

have to.

It seems that I will have to pay for a movie ticket for Director Feng again on November 29th.

But this time I can't go to see it with my wife. The past is still fresh in my mind. If something happens again...even if he doesn't say anything and is just photographed, I'm afraid the old things will be brought up again and a fight will start. Troubles?

never mind.

Let’s go and see it quietly this time.

Take a look at this "1942", Director Feng's painstaking work, what is its origin!

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