I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 896 892 Opportunity to enter the market

Chapter 896 892. Opportunity to enter the market

Meng Qi: "Are we not going to get together this year?"

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "What? Brother Qi, where do you want to go?"

Meng Qi: "Are you sick? My old Wang!"

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "Are you sick? I saw your name had a number 7, so I thought you were Brother Qi."

Sauerkraut Wuhua Right: "Didn't you notice that Lao Wang and Qi Ge are still a couple?"

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "...If you don't tell me, I really didn't realize it. This tilted head looks so stupid."

Meng Qi: "I'm talking to you about business. What are our plans for this year?"

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "It's difficult, @your brother JAY, what do you say?"

Meng Qi: "Forget it, I'm also recording "I Am a Singer" here. I don't have time this month, and it will start broadcasting next month. There are more things to do. Lao Xu, is "囧囧" good?"

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "I don't know, I haven't read it yet. May I ask Xu Zhi for a copy?"

Meng Qi: "Farewell, it will be released the day after tomorrow, right? Brother Qi and I will go to the cinema to watch it. Old Wolf, when will you be back?"

Sauerkraut Wuhua Right: "Around Christmas, the last few performances."

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "I thought about it and let it go this year. There will be a concert over there in the wheel, and I have to be busy with the movie. When can we meet and discuss it?"

Sauerkraut Wuhuayou: "If "囧囧" is going to be on, you guys wait for me, can we watch it together?"

Meng Qi: "Are you sick? How many old men are going to the movies? Arhat Bureau?"

Sauerkraut Wuhuayou: "That's right, Luohan Bureau, I don't think Wanda has launched a couple position. I want to squeeze in with you!"

Meng Qi: "I don't think you're burying Tai, so get out of here."

Pickled cabbage Wuhuayou: "No, I'm Wuhuayou. I'm getting fat. It tastes really good when I slurp on it."

Soldier Xu Sanduo said: "I'm afraid that if Lao Wang bites you, your dentures will come out."

Meng Qi: "I fucking vomited..."

In the small group of several people, after the gentlemen chatted with each other for a while, Xu Xin switched the screen and started looking for news about "Thailand".

"囧" will be released on December 12, which is the day after tomorrow.

He didn't know much about the movie and hadn't even read the script.

When the project was first established, it was Xu Zhi and others who handled it. The prefix "People on the Road" is obviously intended to make this project into a series.

And when he searched the Internet, he could see a lot of news about Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang participating in various activities.

Obviously, the two of them also worked hard to promote this movie.

As for what this movie is like, he doesn't know.

Just go and see.

After scrolling through the news for a while, the WeChat group rang again.

Xu Xinche went back to take a look.

Your brother JAY: "[Picture], handsome?"

In the photo, Jay Chou's mermaid line and abdominal muscles coexist, and there are tears flowing on them very clearly.

The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched when he saw it...

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "It's so disgusting."

Sauerkraut Wuhuayou: "It's so disgusting."

Meng Qi: "I feel so blinded."

Your JAY brother: "Good figure, practice, practice, it's great!/呲呲"

Xu Xin immediately wanted to ignore him.

However, he understood why his friend wanted to exercise during this time.

His forced spondylitis will deform the spine as he ages.

Not only that, it will also affect his voice.

Starting from this year, Luan Lu felt vaguely that every time he sang high notes, he would have a feeling... that he couldn't exert his strength. If he used too much force, his back would be very tight and even a little sore.

The doctor's advice was that he needed to gain muscle and develop the muscles in his back so that the muscles could slow down the deformation of the spine.

Because if he continues like this, not only will his posture become more and more hunched, but his voice will also change.

If the former Jay Chou could endure it, when the conclusion that his voice had changed emerged, he could no longer treat his illness with a very casual attitude.

So he has been training especially since the second half of the year.

Wheel is quite optimistic. It was originally meant as "treatment", but now it has become his bragging rights.

According to his own statement, he also plans to show off his abs at the concert.

Posting "beautiful photos" of fitness in group chats every day has become commonplace.

Although Xu Xin looked jealous, in the final analysis, he decided to warm up.

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "Remember to bring your information. I have already contacted Kobe. He said that he knows a German doctor who is very professional in the field of sports. Many people in the NBA seek treatment from him. Please give me your information first. Take it over and wait until your concert is over next year to find someone else to take a look at it."

Your JAY brother: "KOBE and I also know each other, okay?"

Soldier Xu Sanduo: "Oh. Then you can find him, I won't care."

Your brother JAY: "...just pretend I didn't say it, I went to drink tea."

Looking at this news, Xu Xin chuckled:

"This is something you can handle."

December 12th.

After the children went to school, he took the time to watch "囧".

Overall, the viewing experience is quite pleasant.

Neither he nor the other audience members in the auditorium would burst into laughter from time to time.

Indeed, this comedy is great.

It's funny enough, especially the part where the two met a beautiful woman in the elevator and said she was a shemale.

Xu Xin was lucky not to be choked.

Extremely fun.

And the structure is also very clever... At the same time, he thought to himself, when did Sister Bingbing make a guest appearance?

It really closed the loop on the story.


When the video finished playing, although he didn't hear any comments from the audience this time, after the lights came on, he vaguely observed the expressions of the audience around him and found that the expressions on everyone's faces were the same as those in "1942" After experiencing the completely different bright feeling, I felt much more at ease.

There seems to be no mistake in Headwind’s investment this time.

After he got up and sent a congratulatory message to Xu Zhi, he walked out of the corridor of the screening room.

"囧" will also be screened at 0 o'clock.

When he was watching, he was in time for the first show at 9 o'clock.

It was past 11 o'clock at noon, and he subconsciously looked at the big screen of Hengdian Cinema to see the film schedule.

As a result, looking at it... "Tai囧"'s name is almost universally popular.

At least two-thirds of the space is taken up, and the rest are movies such as "1942", "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart", "Chill" and so on.

The film scheduling rates in theaters are very realistic.

Which movie has a high attendance rate will naturally squeeze the scheduling space of other movies in the same period.

And looking at it this way...

The first day of "囧" should be good.

And the facts proved that he was right.

Early in the morning on the 13th, after he woke up, he habitually took his mobile phone and went to the bathroom to wash up.

While squatting on the toilet, I saw the message Xu Zhi sent to me early yesterday morning:

"Three gold! Thirty-six million!!!!!"

"The box office of "囧囧" on the first day was 3,600!!!!!"

"Wa hahaha!!!"

There is excitement between the lines.

In fact, if it was just 36 million, Xu Zhi probably wouldn't be so excited.

But... when these 30 million start to be linked to my own achievements, the meaning becomes different.

Xu Xin didn't even need to guess, he knew that among the four to five hundred unread messages on his phone, the Xujiawan family group must have something to show off.


He crackled a reply:


But I didn't say that I was particularly happy. Instead, I felt at ease.

Just for this first day, I think the final box office won’t be too bad.

It should be a sure thing to surpass "1942".

As for how high it can go in the end... let's see.

On December 13, the second day after "囧囧" was released, the box office was 39 million.

And the reputation is quite high.

Xu Xin was very satisfied.

On December 14, the box office on the third day was 56 million.

Although the third day started, it was indeed the time when the movie box office exploded.

But when he saw this result, Xu Xin's reaction was still a bit confused.

Is it that high?

130 million box office in 3 days?

And just when he was a little confused, the data on the 15th and 16th made the entire film and television industry confused.

On the 15th, the box office of "囧囧" was 84.09 million.

It surpassed "Let the Bullets Fly" in one fell swoop and became the new single-day box office record for domestic movies!

This record was broken again on the 16th.

Box office on the 16th: 86.5 million.

In two days, the revenue was 170 million.

? ? ? ?

Everyone, not to mention Xu Xin, suddenly didn't understand the data of the past two days.

No...man, it's only been 5 days. In 5 days, the box office has exceeded 300 million?

"1942" has only reached 240 million so far.

"Thailand" broke 300 million in 5 days?

What's going on?

But it's not over yet.

In seven days, including Monday, the worst time at the box office, "囧囧" exceeded 400 million.

You know, "Thailand" is not a standout.

This December Lunar New Year season, there are really a lot of movies.

"Big Shanghai", "Blood Drops", and Cheng Long's "Twelve Zodiac Signs"...

By Christmas, in 13 days, the box office of "囧囧" had reached 721 million.

It took 13 days to unreasonably break the 720 million box office record set by "Painted Skin 2" in July this year.

Successfully aspired to be the first domestic film box office, taking the top spot.

That's it, "囧" is not 3D yet.

"Painted Skin 2" is 3D, so the ticket price is high. What's more, it is stuck at the critical moment of the domestic film protection month, and almost dominates the entire protection month.

When this result is placed in front of everyone...

No one calmed down.

Even including Xu Xin, because every time he saw the box office of "囧囧" in the past two days and created some mythical data, he would always see the media saying that the time for "the overall rise of Chinese-language movies" has arrived.

So much so... that he himself had some delusions.

Could it be...really here?

It's as if everyone's spending power has suddenly begun to increase. Obviously... nothing big happened, but it seems that Chinese-language movies have quietly entered thousands of households.

Just here?

So sudden?

Although people related to Yuntu are celebrating these days.

Not to mention anything else, "囧 in Thailand" is a movie that Yuntu invested 30 million in. Xu Zheng did not sign a gambling agreement, but used the gambling in exchange for Yuntu to invest in his own studio. Currently, "囧 in Thailand" has been invested by Yun Tu. Made a profit of at least 250 million.

This money... is like money blown by the strong wind.

But Xu Xin still couldn't understand it.

Why is the box office so high?

It's not that he doubts Xu Zheng, but...he always feels a little baffled by such high box office, which even surpasses Hollywood movies.

Just like a conservative person who has not adapted to the changes of the times.

The world was changing too fast, so fast... that he couldn't accept it.

But the wood has become the boat.


Xu Xin and Lao Lang spent Christmas together.

Very miserable.

His wife is overseas, Lao Wang is accompanying his seventh brother, and Lun Lun is on vacation with Kun Ling.

He and Lao Lang, who had just returned to China, set up a copper pot in the yard and ate Northeastern specialty sauerkraut shabu-shabu.

The principle is the same as Yanjing Shabu Shabu Pork, except that sauerkraut is placed in the bottom of the pot.

The taste is also quite delicious.

The two gentlemen were alone and spent a Christmas like this.

After Christmas, he took off directly to Italy.

Although Italy is also on holiday, the work of the "Perfect Strangers" crew still has to begin.

Moreover, he also brought a Christmas gift to Liu Yifei.

A USB copy of "囧囧".

The other party couldn't see it there, so he specifically asked Xu Xin for it.

Apparently, she had also heard about it and wanted to see what magic this movie had.

She, Wu Qiqi, Xu Xin, and Su Meng watched it together in her room.

Of course Xu Xin had already seen it, but he didn't react to some of the jokes. Instead, Liu Yifei and Wu Qiqi burst out laughing.

And... even though in the first week of "囧", the box office revenue reached over 300 million, he was just as surprised as everyone else. But after he calmed down, some thoughts lingered in his mind.

He had been thinking about it for many days.

When Liu Yifei finished watching a movie, she rubbed her sore cheeks and turned around to comment on the movie to Xu Xin when she saw him staring straight at the screen, seemingly in a daze.

So he asked in confusion:

"what are you thinking about?"


Hearing this movement, Xu Xin, who came back to his senses, glanced at her and asked a question:

"Have you ever thought about one thing... What does the box office of "Lost in Thailand" mean to some... profit-seeking businessmen?"


Liu Yifei was stunned.

A trace of confusion appeared in his smart eyes:

"What's the meaning?"

But Xu Xin didn't answer.

Just shook his head slightly.

But in his heart, there was a feeling.

Next year's film and television industry... I'm afraid there will be a lot more new faces.

Could it be that...this is the opportunity for "the second wave of coal bosses to enter the market" as Mr. Tian said?

An opportunity started by... Yuntu himself?

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