I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 912 908 A different story

Chapter 912 908. A different story

Looking at Qi Lei, Yang Mi's eyes completely lit up.

She is actually quite confident in her own vision. After all, "Bu Bu" and "Zhen Huan" have already proved this.

At the same time, it also proves the great potential of the online literature IP adaptation market.


The main reason why Shuang Wei's TV series adaptation project has not been pushed forward is because she is very busy.

I can’t say I’m lazy, but I’ve never found the right opportunity.

Although after the success of both dramas, many companies approached her to either invest or cooperate, but she never found one that she particularly liked.

Moreover, she also understands the principle of keeping wealth from others.

Anyway, everyone's attention has been on movies in the past two years, and she is not in a hurry.

But now, when she heard from Qi Lei that she was going to start strengthening the TV drama business, she knew...the dozens of books in her hands would finally have a chance to "see the light of day again."

"Mimi, are you interested?"

Qi Lei stood up as he spoke, walked to his desk, looked through it, and found a document.

"Here, this is the plan that was submitted when our TV station held a summary meeting in November last year."

After Yang Mi took it, he continued:

"Actually, there are two requirements. One is for Western Video Channel to set up its own crew. The other is to approve a budget and want to start filming TV series. However, we have invested in many movies this year. Although the money is enough, it is also a bit tight. There are no TV series at the moment. I originally planned to wait for Shaanxi and Taiwan to get money and join forces next year. But this has not caught up with the entry of the Internet and the box office blowout of several movies... I suddenly have a lot of money. , naturally this matter can be put on the agenda."


She started reading directly and said to Xu Xin:

"You talk to Brother Qi."

Xu Xin, who was inexplicably detained alive, was a little speechless, but he still asked for her:

"Are you planning to set up a joint venture to produce a production company?"

"If nothing else, it should be like this. Direct investment, wouldn't we become one of the distribution channels? That would not be cost-effective. In fact, Mr. Tian and I have been talking about this matter for several days this time, including the establishment of an outsourcing company you mentioned before... ...This is an inevitable trend. If you can't stop something, don't block it. Just play a guiding role. What's more, we can all see the data from TV stations in recent years. Internet platforms have replaced TV as the measure of the value of image products. The trend is already set for the future. We must also follow the trend."

Speaking of this, he blew out a stream of smoke filled with exclamations:

"It really changes every year...the speed is so fast. It's so fast that people can't accept it..."

"This is their style of doing things. Besides... both "囧囧" and "Perfect" have played a boosting role in this matter. Everyone wants to be the first to eat crabs..."

"I remembered what you said."

Qi Lei, who had just sat down for less than a minute, stood up again.

This time I worked at my desk for a long time.

I heard the printer humming.

Then, a dozen pages of paper were presented to Xu Xin:

"Here, take a look."

Xu Xin took it and took a look at it and found that they were all emails.

And when he saw the content inside, he was happy:

"So many?"

Yes, these are emails wanting to buy the rights to "Perfect Strangers".


Qi Lei was also happy:

"Basically one email a day, and this is just for copyright. I haven't sent you any inquiries about distribution and screening in other countries. This Berlin Film Festival will have a dedicated matchmaking team. We have already agreed with them to negotiate in Berlin. .”

In fact, "Perfect" is currently negotiating only two things.

One is the release of the movie, and the other is the remake rights.

And all it can bring is fame and money.

He doesn't care about money. As for fame…

"Is there anything in this year's awards that I have to participate in?"

Qi Lei thought for a while and said:

"One is the David Award in April, which I definitely want to attend. As for the other ones, do you have any film festivals you want to go to? For example, the Rome International Film Festival and the Barcelona Film Festival are worse than 9A, but there are certain Influential.”


Xu Xin thought for a moment.

In fact, these film festivals are not the top three in Europe, so theoretically they are not important.

But what this involves is the influence of a Chinese director in Europe.

Although he has already won the Silver Lion of Venice... but if you ask Europeans who he is, except maybe for his "distant relatives", he will always be a NOBODY when he leaves Italy.

But if you ask the old man and Wang Jiawei who they are, it would be too exaggerated for ten Europeans to say nine, but it should be no problem for four or five to know.

And their fame is not only through their works, these film activities are also a very important channel to broaden their fame.

"You can participate."

After thinking for a while, he gave his answer.

"Next year, there will be a script for her. To be honest, I can't say how long it will take to film this script. I don't even know much about actor auditions right now. If I can find actors smoothly, I can film it before it gets hot that day. Finished. After this movie is finished, I want to try a commercial movie for my next movie. But I don’t have a suitable script yet, and coupled with my speed... I estimate that as long as I finish the movie at hand next year, I should be free for a while. At that time, you can consider taking your work to these film festivals to expand its influence."


Hearing Xu Xin's words, Qi Lei's eyes lit up:

"Is that the one called "Breaking Silence"?"


Now, Qi Lei was really interested.

He knew that Xu Xin had been preparing this story for many years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been throughout the other party's director career so far.

But I don’t know what this story is about.

Every time I asked Xu Xin, he would excuse himself by saying, "I got inspiration from a story about a friend of my dad's and made it up myself."

Never say anything specific.

But the more this happened, the more curious Qi Lei became.

So much so that he still asked the question "What story is this telling?" a question he had asked at least four or five times.

And after he asked the question, he realized that Xu Xin would not answer at all.

But this time...

"Well...how to put it, let me tell you the prototype of this story first."

"If you don't tell me...huh?"

Suddenly, Qi Lei suddenly raised his head.


Looking at his surprised look, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Let me tell you a story, Brother Qi, don't you want to know what the story is?"


Qi Lei was stunned for a moment, with a speechless expression on his face.

It's like saying: Have you finally discovered your conscience?

Faced with his speechlessness, Xu Xin lit another cigarette.

As the original creator of this story, he really feels that his story is good in every aspect.

It's just waste smoke.

After picking up the teacup and moistening his throat, he said:

"The story is based on a friend of my dad's. One year, he was driving down a mine and accidentally hit and killed a child on the side of the road. The road was quite remote at that time. When he saw no one around, he pulled the child away. He buried him on the nearby mountain. But a few days later, when the slope was about to be blasted to build a road, the child's body was discovered. In the end, the police caught him and sentenced him to life. Now he is He's squatting in Yanjing's prison."


Qi Lei frowned slightly.

The first reaction was...that's it?

Just such a story, how many years is it worth doing?

Is it too simple?

"A suspenseful crime-solving film? From the police perspective, the criminal investigation police are chasing the murderer?"

He immediately guessed the entire story line.

Even very determined.

After all... is it possible to make up such a simple story?

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"No, this story unfolds from the perspective of the child's mother."

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei's thoughts also changed.

After thinking for a while, a touch of emotion appeared in his eyes:

"Either your brain is different from that of ordinary people. Indeed, a mother who has lost her child can express the painful emotions. But...if according to you, the police finally solved the case, then this film cannot be a suspense Is the film ready? It mainly reflects the mother’s pain? And the emotional gap?”

"No. Your idea is right, but it's not quite right. Her basic structure is actually similar to what you said, but the overall story is actually very complicated."

At this time, Yang Mi, who had finished reading the information in her hand, couldn't help but nodded.


This story is too complex.

"Tell me, let me hear how complicated it is."

Seeing that Qi Lei was still eager to "challenge", Xu Xin nodded:

"The story is actually very simple, Zhaodi, this is the name of this mother.

Zhaodi's child was born to an unknown man outside. The man finally abandoned her, leaving her as an unwed mother and returned to the village with her children.

The rural areas in northern Shaanxi are still relatively feudal. If Zhao Di returns to the village in this situation, she will definitely not have a good reputation, and she will even be in a very difficult situation. But just in time, she caught up with a good time.

After her parents died, coal was discovered in the village. The coal mines needed to be developed and the entire village had to be renovated. Changing the family name or household requires the signature of everyone in the village. In addition, the coal mine gave a lot of money, so everyone in the village agreed, except Zhao Di. Because her mother had just passed away, according to the rules, she could not move it within three years, otherwise her mother would not be able to sleep peacefully underneath.

If she doesn't sign, the coal mine cannot be developed, which violates everyone's interests. So everyone got together to hold a meeting for her.

But no matter what, she just doesn’t agree..."

"How did her parents die? If she was really capable of having a child out of wedlock, she would be quite rebellious, right?"

Qi Lei asked subconsciously.

This kind of plot and character bug is too obvious.

But Xu Xin has polished all aspects of this script in the past few years...it is close to perfection in his own perception. If Qi Lei wants to get this kind of bug, he must also want it.

"She was so mad at Zhao Di. A girl who grew up in the countryside fell in love with a scumbag in the city. She thought she had found love, but the man ran away after hearing that she was pregnant. Her father left early. The mother was in poor health. When she heard that her daughter had done such a thing, she returned to the West. Her grandmother was the only relative left in the family.

Zhaodi's rebellion is actually a kind of stubbornness. And facing such stubborn people, living and dying with guilt is the greatest stubbornness. So, she disagrees. As for this scene, I will explain it clearly through a peasant woman's parody at the beginning. "

Qi Lei nodded slightly.

"Well, what then?"

"Then? Zhao Di didn't agree, which harmed the interests of the whole village. Naturally, the village didn't agree either, so someone came up with an idea to let an idle guy in the village directly use his bow to kill Zhao Di. When the rice is cooked, the two families will become one family. Even if Zhao Di disagrees, it won't work.

And just when the idle man was about to force himself on Zhao Di, Zhao Di struggled back with the sheep bone she was eating and stabbed the idle man in the eye.

It prevented him from being raped, but it caused the idle man to lose one eye.

If she doesn't sign and agree, the idle man will throw her into the police station. There was no one to take care of the child, and his life or death was uncertain. Therefore, in the end she had to agree to the plan to relocate the whole village, but also, because of intentional injury, her family's share of the money had to be compensated to the idle man. So the people in the village left that remote village and lived a barely prosperous life. But in order to support her family, she had to work part-time in the mines managing explosives. "

In just one sentence, Qi Lei had a very complicated image in his mind.

The image of a pitiful person who is rebellious, impulsive, stubborn, miserable, maternal, and somewhat... self-inflicted comes to mind.

This is only the beginning, the tone of the story has already been set.

But Qi Lei's inner satisfaction skyrocketed.

This is a movie script. Just through a short beginning, the various contradictions and complexities of a character can be erected. With this kind of script, as long as the story doesn't collapse, it can be said to be a winner at the starting line.

"Hmm, what next?"

"Then? The scene changed, and the leather car driven by Mr. Chang, the coal boss, suddenly hit someone. This connected the prototype of the original story."

"The timeline jumped, right?"

"Yes, the timeline jumped, and the child grew up. In order to take care of her grandma and child, Zhaodi had no choice but to work in a nearby mine. She came back once a week, but when she came back this time, she wanted to look for the child, but found that the child was missing. She She searched the front mountain, the back mountain, and many places but couldn't find it. She panicked and started looking for the child.

However, because of her behavior back then, she was not popular in the village. Many people even said that her child was a bastard. She went door to door and received indifferent responses. Finally, he went directly to the village chief. The village chief was the person at the dinner table back then. Here I first left a stereotype to the audience, and expressed a perfunctory effect by using the village chief to just shout to the whole village using a loudspeaker.

But actually thinking about it, using a loudspeaker to find people in the village is the most scientific way.

But I want to give the audience the impression that "the village chief is also perfunctory with her."

Then, Zhaodi called the police. After the police came, they followed the normal case handling procedures.

After a few days, Zhaodi, who was so distraught that she couldn't sit still, began to try to find someone by her own means. She first asked the village chief to mobilize the whole village to search for her, and then she asked the village to get money to publish it in newspapers and on TV. She even made a sign and went to the police station to make a fuss, saying that they were not doing things well... Anyway, she was already going crazy to find her child.

And she actually did these things. It's just that the reporter ignored her, and in her eyes, the villagers helping her find it was just symbolic. Here I plan to use the day and night changes in the weather to express the passage of time, and to use the actors' acting skills to express the perspective that although everyone helped her find it, she still feels that everyone is perfunctory with her.

But seeing that the people in the village were unreliable, she actually went to the police station to make trouble. Of course the result was that he was locked up and even scratched the policeman.

In the end, the village chief bailed her out. But after being rescued, she ran to the town and continued to cause trouble.

The village chief tried to persuade her, but she turned all her emotions into anger against the village chief. And just when she felt that the villagers had lost her child, because the villagers had long been dissatisfied with her. The emotions that had been accumulated for so many years burst out and turned into the most vicious curse. When she cursed the village chief to kill her whole family, suddenly, the village chief sprayed a mouthful of blood on her face...

Zhaodi was also stunned. Regardless of her anger and viciousness, she looked at the village chief who was coughing violently and subconsciously shouted:

"Uncle, are you okay?"

A car happened to be coming towards her. She ran to the middle of the road desperately, stopped the car and wanted to take the village chief to the hospital. But she was pulled back by the village chief who was still coughing up blood. The car passed by the two of them as the driver cursed, and then she saw the medicine the village chief had taken. It turns out he had lung cancer..."


Qi Lei didn't know when, but his mouth opened subconsciously.

If we say that through Xu Xin's description, all the previous ones only constructed in his mind a woman...who could be said to be the image of a rural shrew, and even took the story for granted as a mother's pain in losing her child. play.

But at this moment, Xu Xin's description of "Uncle, are you okay?" began to amplify Zhao Di's humanity.

All of a sudden, beneath the image of a rebellious, vicious, and arrogant shrew, a soft heart was revealed!

Moreover, Qi Lei instantly thought of the setting about Zhao Di. Although she became pregnant out of wedlock, she still chose to give birth to the child.

Is it... due to motherhood?

Or is it that under this rebellious and ignorant appearance, there is actually a very soft heart hidden?

And after the child disappears, is this soft heart the source of all motivation for the character Zhaodi?

Zhaodi...couldn't she be a Gemini with AB blood type?

Something strange happened, an idea flashed through his mind.

But... no matter what...

Qi Lei can be sure that this line is the highlight of the current story!

Five simple words suddenly made the character of "Zhao Di" more complicated, more vivid and three-dimensional.

This story... wasn't what he imagined.

But... it's wonderful!

But he didn't say anything and listened to Xu Xin continue:

"The village chief got cancer, which was caused by the disease he had contracted while working in the black coal mine in his early years. After the condition stabilized, he told Zhaodi that the village would definitely help her find the child, and also let her trust the police. And, on the way back, he It's rare to get to know Zhao Di.

He told Zhaodi that he wouldn't live long, but the greatest achievement in his life was to take the big guy away from his original village. Because he had worked in a coal mine, he knew that with the development of mining, the living environment of villages close to the mine would become extremely harsh.

He is the village chief and must consider the people in the village. The environment in the village is so good now. There is no longer anything that goes out in white clothes in the morning and comes back gray at noon. The children are also closer to school. People in the village rarely get lung diseases, and they all have money, so they don't have to worry about the weather for food.

Although he was very unwilling to do what Xian Han forced her to do. But the future of the village cannot be ruined just because of Zhao Di. I hope she can understand and apologize to Zhao Di. And I hope Zhao Di will stop fooling around and believe in the police's ability to solve crimes...

It was a good thing that he didn't mention this matter. Once he mentioned it, all Zhao Di's kindness was hidden again, and she insisted on finding the child immediately. Seeing this, the village chief drove her directly to a place.

It was a restaurant, and there was a man sitting at the door. He was the owner of the restaurant, and he was also the idle man who wanted to rape Zhaodi.

It turned out that he was blind in one eye, and after receiving Zhao Di's share of compensation, he opened a restaurant outside the village. and married a widow. Specializing in large car shop business. And the widow brought a child with physical and intellectual disabilities. Later, the idle man would tell Zhao Di that this child was from a village near the coal mine at that time. Congenital defects caused by coal washing water polluting the village's water source.

The village chief asked this idle man to follow Zhaodi. On the one hand, he opened a large car shop and there were many people passing by. On the other hand, he was familiar with some situations. The most important thing is to be able to watch over Zhaodi and prevent her from doing irrational things again.

And when he heard that Zhao Di's child was lost, although he was reluctant, his own child was actually friends with Zhao Di's child. When Zhaodi's children were free, the two children often played together.

Although the child was not his biological son, the couple had been loving and harmonious for so many years and treated the child like his own son.

Zhaodi's child is also the only one in the village who does not make fun of his son.

So even if it was for the sake of the child, Xianhan still agreed... Then I will cut into Mr. Chang's perspective and express the ruthlessness of a coal boss who accidentally killed a child but still indulged in feasting and drinking.

And the village chief did not want to continue to drag down the family, so he chose to commit suicide...

In fact, to put it bluntly, this can still be said to be a group drama. For each character, I tried my best to express their different sides within a reasonable length of time...

In short, in the end, the two found the body of a sheep on the roadside. Zhaodi recognized the sheep as her own at a glance because its horns were broken. The idle man suddenly remembered that a tattered pickup truck with a broken bumper left the coal mine the day before yesterday... and used this as a clue to catch the murderer. But Mr. Chang refused to admit it. Instead, he found someone to blame, saying that that day He didn't go to the mines at all.

But that day he was going to the mine to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for a new raw coal bunker. Someone in the village told her about this.

The person who took the blame said that after hitting the child, he identified the scene and found the body. Zhao Di collapsed completely when she saw the child's body.

After the collapse, all that was left was the thought of revenge. She returned home and found the explosives she had intercepted... Brother Qi, don't think it's ridiculous, this kind of thing was actually quite normal ten years ago. Where do you think the explosives in the small coal mines came from at that time? "

Seeing that Qi Lei's eyes were speechless, Xu Xin shrugged and explained, and then said:

"Zhao Di went out and happened to meet Xian Han. She didn't talk to Xian Han, but walked forward with her bag. Xian Han's voice sounded from behind: I know where he lives.

Zhaodi stopped.

The story ends here. Finally, the picture showed the chalk drawings drawn by the idle man's son on the wall of his house. He used a childish drawing method to express what he saw, from the child herding sheep, to being hit by a car, to the driver getting out of the car and discovering that he had hit someone. After he died, not only did he not send the child to the hospital, but he took away his drawings without caring about the child's life or death... That's the story. "


After Xu Xin finished speaking, he stopped talking and took the tea from his wife.

Having said so much, my mouth is very dry.

But Qi Lei was also silent.

He was reviewing the story.

This story...how to tell it.

Film is an audio-visual art.

It is different from novels. Novels can generate imagination through words, while the expression in movies is more intuitive.

There is still a difference between the two.

But sometimes they are common.

Although he doesn't know yet how Xu Xin wants to shoot...

But he never doubted the other party's ability.

So, he was just commenting on the story.

This story... honestly speaking, both in terms of logic and storytelling, it has it all.

But one bad thing is that some of what he said was very general and some of it was too detailed.

Such as some details.

Although it can give people a strong sense of picture, such as the sentence "Are you okay?", but most of the time, the story is told in a straightforward manner.

But it is precisely because of this that Qi Lei is determined that this story will be filmed... it should be very interesting.

Because just by listening to him briefly, you can feel how heart-wrenching this story is.

The text is still like this. As it is not a novel, but a direct script work, what will be the effect of this story with such an excellent overall quality after it is filmed?

For a moment, a sense of anticipation suddenly rose in his heart!

When this story was filmed...

What will it look like?

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