I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 914 910 Hua Dan Tan

"Yo? Director Xu? Are you on "duty" today?"

"No, my wife asked me to come over and chop some mutton."

"Okay, I still have to eat boiled mutton this winter. It's comfortable. Oh, it's not easy to meet you. Come on, come on. Director Xu, this is the cow that was killed this morning. I even said I would take this tenderloin home. Here it is. Pretend it, it will taste good when you go back and rinse it."

"Hey, that's okay, how much is it."

"Hey, why are you raising money? Teacher Yang has been taking care of business this year. It's almost the Chinese New Year, and we don't have anything to give you. You can take it home and eat it."

"That won't work."

"You take it."

"Don't, don't, don't..."

Xu Xin didn't know how close his wife's relationship was to these friends in the market.

The big brother who shaves mutton slices is an example.

Although he rarely comes to the market, the shadow of the famous tree makes this trip... As soon as Xu Xin was holding two large bags of mutton slices in his hand, he knew that his family was going to make hot pot.

This one: "Director Xu, where is Teacher Yang? ...Hey, shabu-shabu? Take this handful of lettuce, it's fresh!", and that "Director Xu, you can't have shabu-shabu without Gao Dabai, this cabbage is so sweet!" "...

Xu Xin couldn't refuse even if he wanted to. Each one of them even covered the payment code tightly, saying they didn't want any money.

Even the big brother who makes beef and mutton is the same.

He didn't spend a penny, and everything from mutton rolls to sesame sauce was included...

Carrying two big bags to cook vegetables, and taking photos with many people, I didn’t even realize what was going on until I got home...

What kind of social succubus is my daughter-in-law?

Is it really that outrageous?

All the way back home, as soon as he reached the door, he heard:

"I'll kick you to death!"

It's my wife's voice.

He was a little puzzled, because he was carrying two bags of things and couldn't free his hands, so he simply kicked the door open.

Then I saw Wang Sicong heading straight here.

Seeing Xu Xin is like seeing a savior:

"What the hell! Lao Xu! You don't care! Your wife is going to kill someone!"

Then he moved flexibly around Xu Xin, and Yang Mi ran over with a frying spoon in hand.


He subconsciously took two steps back:

"What are you doing, what are you doing! What are you doing?!"

"Ask him!"

Yang Mi looked furious:

"I asked him to pick some garlic, and he threw the garlic skin into the fish pond! Look at what the water in the pond is like. Don't I kill him?!... Let me tell you, the man named Wang, this year, If there is another problem with the fish in the pond, I will send you both to Babao Mountain to be buried!"


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

What did my heart say I did?

Why take me with you?

But Wang Sicong was speaking harshly behind him:

"Stop doing this! I'm telling you! I've never worked in other people's homes since I was this old! I've done all the work for you, and I've chopped up almost a bowl of garlic cloves! Just be grateful!"

Yang Mi’s eyebrows instantly stood up:

"Be grateful, right? Okay! Thief Sun! Get started!"


Xu Xin was even more speechless.

I thought to myself, Mr. Sun, please stop talking.

Are you scolding me or him?

But...either someone's man feels sorry for him.

"Sister, calm down and calm down. Look, I've fished them all out."

In her hand, Di Wei was holding a small net, which she didn't know whether it was Nuannuan or Yangyang, a kind specially used for catching fish. The garlic skin in the net was still dripping with water.

But she still quickly rescued her boyfriend.

After Yang Mi turned her head and glanced, she glared at these two losers and warned them with a frying spoon:

"You two just stay here and don't make any mistakes, do you hear me? Fei Fei, Lao Lang, Lin Gou and the others will come over in a while. After Lao Lang comes, you three losers will tell me where to go! Be obedient in a while If you dare to mess around while you are waiting to eat... you will be killed without mercy!"



The two gentlemen were so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath. After watching Yang's mother leave, Wang Sicong dared to say:

"Why does she call us three losers? Lao Xu, you have to take care of your wife. Why is her temper getting worse every year!"

Xu Xin glanced at him and said with some confusion:

"Aren't we three?"


The corners of the eldest young master's mouth twitched...

Think about it carefully...

It seems true.

At first, the three brothers were talking about going camping outdoors, and Lao Xu was originally interested in buying a RV, but Dami said, "You three are going camping? Without wheels?... Say goodbye, I'm afraid you'll starve to death." "Shanli" choked me to death.

Wang Sicong can't cook, and it's impossible for Lao Lang to cook with his hands.

Not to mention Xu Xin.

If he didn't blow up the kitchen, it would be regarded as the appearance of the Kitchen God.

At least the wheels can make some kind of pasta...

Looking at it this way, it seems that the three brothers are really not very good at it... No!

"Why didn't she say Lin Gou!?"

"Lin Gou can cook. I ate it when we were filming "The Hawthorn Tree". His fried rice was delicious."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Wang Sicong sneered:

"It's the same as anyone who doesn't know how to fry rice."

"Don't be ridiculous."

Xu Xin's face was full of sarcasm:

"Come on, tell me why the rice is boring?"

"Pour the rice, add water, and turn on the rice cooker. Wait until the light turns yellow and you're done!"

"...how to fry?"

"Pour in oil, pour in eggs, pour in rice. Stir, stir, let's work together!"

Looking at his taken-for-granted look, Xu Xin finally found someone who was even more useless than himself and started to get angry:

"Which teacher did you learn from? How can you be so proficient?"

"Brother Qi, she cooks delicious food. I think that's what she does."

The eldest young master’s eyes were full of calmness.

But he didn't know that the conversation between him and Lao Xu, Yang Mi, Si Wei, and Liu Zhishi who were busy in the kitchen were really listening.

Yang Mi's back teeth were almost broken, and she was so angry.

Look, these two are starting to stop talking!

Si Wei's eyes were full of surprise... She thought to herself: Why is Director Xu so virtuous?

Only Liu knows poetry.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, don't be angry, the pig you raised...the pig you raised."

Concubine Shi is so considerate.

When Yang Mi heard this, she had no other thoughts. She only had the most loyal wishes for Concubine Shi in her heart:

"Shishi, believe me, whoever you fall in love with, don't fall in love with Lao Lang."


Liu Zhishi was stunned.

Where did Xin say this?

Then I saw that the emperor was sincere and his eyes were full of sincerity:

"These three people are really more useless than the last. If you find a man like this, you will suffer the consequences in the future."


Liu Zhishi was speechless.


She accepted this advice.


The door of Lao Xu's house was pushed open.

Lang Lang, who was dressed like a dog, walked in with a small black plastic bag in his hand.

The first thing you do when entering the door:

"Da Mi! Da Mi!"


Yang Mi, who was cutting the side dishes, poked her head out of the kitchen in confusion.

Just come, what are you calling?

Although Lang Lang called Yang Mi, his eyes fell on Xu Xin and Wang Sicong, who were playing football with two children in the yard.

Or in football.

All of a sudden my feet felt itchy.


He directly handed over the black plastic bag in his hand:

"Have you bought all the sauerkraut and seafood? The sauerkraut pot is not as good as the pork belly, but it won't taste good without seafood. This sauerkraut is so good~"

After saying that, he went straight to the yard:

"Baby, godfather is here!! Pass the ball quickly~"


The corners of Yang Mi's mouth twitched, and she looked at Huo Daddy, who had already caught the ball and started showing off his skills. She opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't even curse...

Turn around and go back to the house.


The black plastic bag containing sauerkraut was thrown in front of Liu Zhishi, who was responsible for washing:

"Here, run it through water twice and then cut it into shreds."


Liu Zhishi, who was picking enoki mushrooms, was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly:

"Okay...but how do you eat sauerkraut?"

"Northeastern pickled cabbage hot pot. You haven't tried it before, but Lao Lang likes it."

As Yang Mi spoke, she took out her phone with a sigh:

"Hey...it's really...forget it, Brother Qi, do you want to eat hairy tripe? I'll ask them to buy some, and let's make a hot pot?"


Si Wei was stunned.

But Yang Mi has already dialed a number:

"Hey, are you here?...Just you?...In this case, you call Lin Gou and ask him to find you. You two go to the supermarket to get some seafood, tripe, duck intestines, etc. The old wolf wants to eat sauerkraut. Pot, let’s make another hot pot and eat it three times today... What do you mean I feel sorry for my husband? Do you dare to eat the seafood he bought?... This is my treat, but the problem is that you have to buy seafood!... I don’t eat crabs, What to eat in winter... Oh yes, you can also get a king crab... No, we have many people, let's get two... Okay, that's it."

When Si Wei saw that Sister Mi was determined to eat three pots, she couldn't say "Don't bother".

Then I heard Sister Mi complain:

"I should have known I would go out to eat... What kind of evil did I do in my previous life to meet these three fathers?"


Si Wei was speechless for a while.

Isn’t it true that you are used to it and doted on by you?

However, to be honest, she actually really liked going to Director Xu's house for family dinners.

Even if everyone goes to a restaurant together, the atmosphere is not as good as at home.

Just thinking about it...


A football was kicked onto the plastic film curtain used to block out air conditioning at the kitchen door.

Di Wei was shocked.


Without saying a word, Yang Mi picked up the frying spoon and rushed out... Then Di Wei heard her boyfriend's voice:

"Lao Xu kicked it!"

Immediately afterwards...

"You fart!...My son kicked me!...The old wolf kicked me! Damn it!"

The next scene was so beautiful that Di Wei was embarrassed to look at it.

Instead, he took a sneak peek at Liu Zhishi.

But he found that Shishi was in a quiet time, and the knife in his hand was steady and fast, and he could cut the pickled cabbage into pieces that were thicker than hair.


Di Wei sighed with emotion.

This Qi nourishing skill...


"Let me tell you, if Uncle Yang were here, he would never let me be so angry. This is not the right time to visit relatives..."

Guarding the trash can, Wang Sicong complained and threw the garlic into the stainless steel basin on the table.

Then, he saw that the skin on the garlic that Xu Xin had grilled was still not clean, and he said dissatisfiedly:

"Can you clean it a little? This is the garlic used to make the garlic sauce. How can we eat it if we don't clean it?"

"I don't want to eat."

"I'll eat! I'll eat, and Seventh Brother will eat too!"

"Overseer! Can you shut him up? Why am I so rude to him!"

After hearing Xu Xin's complaint, he pointed at Wang Sicong with a fly swatter in his hand;

"That's a warning! Strike out and go to Dami yourself to collect the penalty."

Because these hands were too valuable, they were pardoned and exempted from punishment. It was clear that one moment everyone was a miserable person, but the next moment they turned into an exploiting class, even exploiting them more ruthlessly than Yang Mi's group of capitalists, Lang Lang said.

Wang Sicong looked disgusted:

"De Xing... I'm telling you, I'm getting angry. You two, I'll deal with it together."

Xu Xin continued without raising his head:

"Come up quickly, I always want to see how badly you can be beaten."

Lang Lang also agreed:

"That's right, that's right, why don't you come up now."


The corner of Wang Sicong's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the two fighting gloves placed next to the TV and on the yoga mat.

At this time, there was another movement outside.

The overseer glanced outside and said to the two slaves:

"Lin Gou and Liu Yifei are here."

After saying that, he glanced at the two slaves:

"What are you looking at? Get to work quickly!"


You see...Xu Xinxin said that you are really a Zhongshan wolf.

"This is my fucking home!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Sicong said:

"Isn't it Dami's house?"


The same goes for you thick-browed, big-eyed fence-sitter!

No HOUSE allowed.

Then, the door clicked and Lin Xingxin walked in:

"Where's Gaha? Where's Gaha?"

After seeing Xu Xin and Wang Sicong's actions, they immediately became happy:

"Yo? You little girl, do you want to get a mink for both of you?"

However, you have to admit it.

Lin Gou's ideological awareness is still high.

It was a joke, but in the end I moved a matza and sat on the side of the coffee table.

Take a piece of garlic and start grilling it.

He even ignored Lang Lang.

He really can't do this job.

While eating, he said:

"Hey, Lao Xu, I just heard that four young actresses will be chosen this year?"

"It seems so."

Xu Xin responded casually.

"Who is in this class?... When I saw "The Grandmaster" just a few days ago, didn't everyone say it was time for Da Mi to compete for Tsing Yi? How should I choose this class?"

After Lin Xingxin asked Xu Xin, he didn't need to answer. Lang Lang just said:

"Who else can there be? The last one was Dami, Wang Luodan, Liu Yifei, and Huang Shengyi, right? Huang Shengyi and Wang Luodan are definitely dead now. Dami has also gone, so only Liu Yifei is left. The rest Choose three more...who is more popular now?"

"If it's fire..."

Lin Xingxin thought about it for two seconds, and suddenly his expression became strange.

"It seems they are all here."

At this time, the other three were also stunned.

Then everyone's eyes became a little strange.


The most popular "little flowers" in the entertainment industry in the past two years... aren't they just these few people?

Wang Sicong suddenly realized something and asked:

"How do you rate this four-star beauty?"

Xu Xinxin said how could I know.

As a result, he forgot that there was Baidu Encyclopedia next to him.

"The four major selection items of Southern Weekly are "popularity", "fame", "aura" and "talent". In addition to these, there seem to be other things like popularity, influence, work quality, activity level, etc. Oh yes, they will also ask insiders opinions, as well as the opinions of some media for reference.”




As soon as Lin Gou said these words, several people were shocked.

Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"How do you know so well?"

"We have been chatting all the way."

He pointed outside, obviously talking about Liu Yifei.

"Two days ago, people from Southern Weekly specifically asked her if she wanted to continue judging the four little actresses. If she nodded, then she must be the one. But she refused."

"...Fei Fei?"


As soon as Xu Xin finished asking, the door was opened. Nuannuan ran in first, while Yangyang was carried in Liu Yifei's arms.

"Hello. Braised garlic dumplings, I see you are gnashing your teeth when Mimi mentions it... What's going on?"

Liu Yifei, who seemed to be a little fatter, asked casually.

Lin Xingxin said:

"Let's talk about your rejection of the four young ladies."

Lin Gou was still kind and didn't say that Lao Xu just called you Fatty.

Liu Yifei was stunned and then heard Lang Lang ask:

"You refused?"

"That's right. They have been elected once, so there is no reason to be elected twice, right? And I talked to them, and Mimi didn't mention it. The other two have been average in the past few years, so let them be elected this time. .I'm also quite curious..."

The fairy sister holding Yangyang showed a rare look of "eager to try":

"I also want to see the list this time. I think Seventh Brother and Shishi are definitely qualified to be selected, and there have been many more people in the circle in the past few years. I feel that the competition this time will be fierce."

Xu Xinxin said, "When did you become a happy person?"

However, when he thought about it carefully... with his "shallow opinion", he suddenly realized that what the other party said was indeed correct.

It has been relatively popular in the past two years...it seems that there are really not many people.

At this moment, Lang Lang asked curiously:

"Does the four little beauties add a lot to the individual?"

"Pretty big."

Liu Yifei responded, hugging Yangyang and sitting on the sofa next to her.

She was quite proud that the little guy was so clingy to her.

"Actually, in the final analysis, it is still a symbol of status. The four primary schools and the four top schools are actually like the four outstanding ones in a fixed age group. Being selected means that at least for a period of time, they are among the best among their peers. , you are in the top four. And the most important thing is that fans recognize this kind of honor very much, so they go out and quarrel with you. Our artists are the four little actresses, who are you? That’s probably what it means. And the management team has the confidence to go out. , the most realistic effect, for example, before you get this title, your salary is one million, and after you get it, the employer will accept it, one hundred and thirty, one hundred and fifty, or even two hundred."

After he finished speaking, Xu Xin looked at Wang Sicong:

"Do you want to fight for it?"

What he means is that if you want to fight for it, then work hard for you.

Zhou Minmin also has a strong backstage. He has been in a position of real power in the past few years. Coupled with everyone's relationships and the network he has built over the years... at least for him, it doesn't feel like a big problem.

Faced with his friend's suggestion, Wang Sicong thought about it and said:

"I actually thought about it...but I think it's better...to rely on your ability."

Under everyone's gaze, he shook his head:

"Brother Qi has actually been pursuing Da Mi with a chaser mentality. If she can be selected based on her ability, it means that at least Da Mi's honor has been won by her. But if it is what you are talking about, Lao Xu... hers Tempers may not necessarily accept it.”

The more he talked, the more certain he became:

"Goodbye. Let's all rely on our own abilities. As you said...she has become quite popular in the past two years."

Now, everyone understood what he meant.

There is no other reason.

Since we are all friends, let's do our best.

No one wants this atmosphere of healthy competition to be mixed with other things.

The taste will change.


Xu Xin nodded to express his understanding.

Then... the big guys started to pick garlic diligently, while Liu Yifei was playing with her two children.

On the other hand, Yang Mi was worried.

Mainly... these people are too quiet.

It wouldn't be a big deal if they were noisy all the time. But now it's quiet...

She was on tenterhooks.

"I'm going to take a look. Don't touch the charcoal. If you don't know how to burn it, pull up your hair again. Wait until I come back to get it~"

After giving the explanation, she opened the door with some anxiety and walked into the house.

"What are you doing?"

Observe while talking.

Three people were picking garlic, and Lang Lang was pretending to be a useless snack there.

Fei Fei is taking care of the baby...


Not bad...huh?

Yang Mi blinked and subconsciously looked at the pot of garlic.

And the garlic peels that can be seen everywhere in the trash can, on the floor, on the sofa, on the coffee table...


"Who asked you to chop so much! That much garlic will last until the end of the year of the monkey! You losers!!!!"


In a sense, the old Xu family in Beixiaonian was particularly lively on this day.

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