I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 917 913 Share Bet

Chapter 917 913. Share bet


When the plane landed, Yang Mi closed her book tiredly and rubbed her eyes.

Then he got up and walked into the bedroom.

A few minutes later, Xu Xin, who was sleeping in a daze, was pulled up and sat opposite her.

"The Golden Bear award was originally awarded with the right paw raised, but that was later changed."

"Because of the Nazi military salute?"

Xu Xin reacted instantly.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Probably. So if you win an award, don't raise your right hand~"


Are you saying she's not crazy?

Who dares to lift it?

Aren't you afraid of being hammered to death by the Jews?

And looking at her husband's ridiculous look, she said:

"Also, this time it's like bratwurst, beer, etc. Don't make so much noise. If a reporter really asks you, just praise how delicious it is. If anyone asks you "Which one is spaghetti or bratwurst?" "It's delicious." Don't answer that. Don't worry about your reputation as a friend of Italy. It's a good image. But if you still praise Germany and come up with a third home or something like that... then in Italy You're a traitor over there. Don't cause trouble! Do you hear me?"


Because the plane’s descent caused ear discomfort, Xu Xin rubbed his ears and said:

"Italy will always be an integral part of our territory."

"Fuck you~"

Before her husband could say anything else, she spat.

Xu Xin laughed naively and raised his second finger:

"Second, although Lao Lang said that German food is delicious. But... you have to admit, Italian food is really to my taste. At least the noodles can be made into flowers. What does Germany have? I just think of a sausage. So even if This is true, and Italian food is delicious.”

Yang Mi did not refute this, but asked:

"Then third..."

"Thirdly, don't you plan to join me? If there are reporters, why don't you just go forward?"

"Thank you, dear brother. I treat you as my husband, but you really treat me as a temporary worker, right?"

"Hey hey hey~"

Xu Xin smiled with a sly look.

But this time he felt really at ease.

This is really my first time attending a film festival with my wife.

"It feels like we are on our honeymoon alone..."

"Don't think about it, there is still a burden."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"My dear boy is the guest performer at the closing ceremony. He will arrive the day after tomorrow. He has a Berlin Pass and he wants to take us for a walk."

Xu Xin knew that she was talking about Lao Lang.

In fact, Lang Lang had no intention of agreeing. To be honest, there are countless announcements inviting him to be a guest performer at similar ceremonies every year.

But usually his team's criteria for selecting announcements are two points.

One point is whether it can improve his status.

For example, for the same performance, an ordinary award ceremony will give you US$500,000, while the other one is an invitation to the Wagner Festival, and the remuneration is only a pitiful US$50,000.

Lao Lang definitely chooses the latter.

As an immortal German composer, being able to participate in a music festival held in memory of Richard Wagner is a highly recognized thing in the art world.

And if it were the same two ordinary award ceremonies, one with 500,000 yuan and the other with 800,000 yuan, he would definitely choose the one with more money.

Business performance and improving one's status are two different concepts.

Although the Berlin Film Festival is famous, in terms of the quality of celebrities and influence, it may be an exaggeration to say that it is "not up to par", but it is indeed not enough for Lao Lang to come here every year.

But once this matter involves friends, it's a different story.

He is happy to show his friends what kind of influence he has in Europe.

There is no way, who makes everyone not believe in him.

On the New Year's Day, seeing everyone in pairs, Old Wolf, who had drunk too much, was still complaining about Wang Sicong, "You should just get married where you are." Then using this topic as an introduction, "wedding" became the topic at the dinner table. .

Not to mention, everyone has different fantasies about weddings.

I won’t mention Xu Xin and Yang Mi.

Liu Zhishi said that when she gets married, she must find a place facing the sea and with spring flowers blooming.

Even how to choose a wedding dress is explained clearly.

Liu Yifei said that when she gets married, she invites a very small number of people. You should hold a wedding of the smallest and smallest scale, and don't make it so exaggerated. She doesn't like too many people.

Xu Xin said that Lao Wang was getting married and the toilet in the wedding room had to be made of gold.

Success ushered in everyone's contempt.

And finally the topic turned to Lao Lang.

He said harshly to everyone:

"I have already made an agreement with the French side that I will put it in the Palace of Versailles when I get married."




Everyone was confused.

Including Xu Xin.

It's just that... what others were confused about was something similar to what Wang Sicong subconsciously asked:

"Can people agree?"

Xu Xin asked his wife in a low voice:

"What is the Palace of Versailles? It sounds familiar."

Then, his words left Yang Mi and Liu Zhishi who were listening in the corner speechless.

Liu Zhishi looked at the problem student with thick eyebrows and big eyes in front of her, and suddenly felt that she should think about how to usurp the throne.

Yang Mi, who knew Xu Xin best, said calmly:

"It is one of the five largest palaces in the world... Let's put it this way, holding a wedding there is the same as getting married in the Forbidden City."

Now, Xu Xin became really interested.

With the help of wine, he said:

"Hey, how about I divorce Yang Mi, and then go there to get married again?...How about that? Is that place expensive?"

Now it was everyone's turn, including Lang Lang, to be speechless at him.

In the end, Mr. Wang was kind-hearted and could not tolerate fools, so he said:

"Brother, really, if you encounter something you don't understand in the future, don't worry. You can ask Da Mi again after you go home and close the door... Sometimes I really feel that we are friends, and I am quite embarrassed. You Think about it with your stupid brain, can you just spend money to make the Meridian Gate open wide, and let the big honey phoenix crown and colorful flowers enter inside?"

This really hit Xu Xin's knowledge point.

When he and Jasmine went to visit the Forbidden City, he had heard someone explain it.

When the emperor gets married, the queen can walk through the Meridian Gate once...

But I also understand the difficulty of this matter from the side.

Just having money doesn't seem to be enough.

"I remember watching the news. It seemed that Kanye and Kardashian were getting married. It was said that it was at the Palace of Versailles."

After ignoring the uneducated Xu Xin, Liu Zhishi came up with a gossip.

But he immediately received Lang Lang’s scorn:

"Don't be ridiculous. They are not qualified at all. Not to mention other things, the Palace of Versailles only accepts five filming applications every year, and one day at most. Weddings are not open to the public, let alone the application qualifications to persuade them to withdraw, just the time , others may have already divorced by the time it is passed.”

"Then why can you go?"


Looking at Xu Xin who looked curious, Lang Lang was speechless:

"Brother, do you know what my status is in Europe? Don't mention anything else. For example, I married a girl who was born in Germany and worked in France. Do you believe that Germany and France can fight over which country I am my son-in-law? A blitzkrieg! ...No, do you really use bean bags as food? Is it because I'm too low-key in your place or something? You really don't regard me as an artist?"

Xu Xinxin said, "What the hell, if you, an artist as big as you, can come to my house next time, instead of bringing a bag of sauerkraut, let's just stew big bones with sauerkraut?" Can't you bring something that suits your identity?

But maybe it was Xu Xin's expression that hurt his self-esteem.

Just in time, the Golden Bear Award sent an invitation to Lao Lang.

Lang Lang agreed without any hesitation, and even invited several other people, wanting them to see how powerful he was in Europe.

As a result...Wan Ling had to accompany Kun Ling and grandma.

Wang Sicong wants to accompany Seventh Brother.

Except for Liu Zhishi, no one else gave him face.

Even the blind sister herself will be a few days late because she wants to celebrate the Chinese New Year with her family. It won’t start until the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

But no matter what, this time Zhonglang will take Lao Xu to dream of a Western expedition.

Germany's blitzkrieg wave, he wants the special forces soldier Lao Xu.

Playing is a reality.

It will be 9:30 pm on February 10th, German time.

The plane finally landed at Berlin Airport.

And Berlin also greeted him with snowflakes falling from the sky.

"It's snowing."

Hearing his wife's words, Xu Xin turned to look at her and helped her tie up the belt of the black woolen coat that was more elegant than warm.

"There are no reporters right now, so what kind of show is this? Don't catch a cold~"


The young woman, who was becoming more and more like a royal lady, smiled playfully, held hands with her husband with her left hand, and raised her right hand, trying to hold a piece of snowflake.

Unfortunately, although the snowflakes are big, they cannot fall.

But she still murmured:

"The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest~ It's a good sign!"

Xu Xin glanced at her.


Borrow my sister's good words.

Not to mention the snow, Xu Xin just entered the customs. By the time he arrived at the parking lot, the snowflakes had almost turned into goose feathers.

"Director Xu~"

"Hey, Brother Zhong."

The team leader of Xiying Studio this time is still Zhong Changyou.

He does have a lot of experience at receiver.

But this time it was not the film festival that came to pick her up.

There were three Volvos parked behind Zhong Changyou.

I have to say... being able to infiltrate under the eyes of the public, Volvo must have been an excellent spy during World War II.

"Hello, Xu, I am Watson Heisenberg, the head of the primary market for Volvo's German division. Welcome to Berlin."

"Hello, Mr. Heisenberg."

Under Yang Mi's expression of struggling to endure the complaints, Xu Xin shook hands with the other party.

The people behind carried the luggage, and together with Zhong Changyou, the four of them got into the first Volvo.

In fact, as he went to more places, Xu Xin found that all the people in charge of Volvo had similar speech skills when receiving him.

Introduce the city, food, history, and attractions.

Finally, a driver will arrange it.

However, Watson was obviously more curious. When he saw the two of them coming over, he couldn't help but ask:

"Xu, are you just two people here? Do you need me to provide you with some assistants?"


Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"We Chinese people are celebrating our New Year. Everyone will be here in two days."

Sun Ting spent the Spring Festival in Canada with Yang Mi last year. Originally, the two families planned to talk about getting married during the Chinese New Year. This has been delayed for a year, but I dare not delay it any longer.

So even if she wanted to come, Yang Mi didn't let her come.

Come back after the third grade of junior high school.

As for Su Meng...

This kid is good at everything, but he doesn't know how to speak English.

After several years of still stammering, Xu Xinxin said that she was coming and she might not know who would take care of whom.

Celebrate the New Year at home, don’t come this time.

Anyway, he came here with his wife this time, so he didn't have to worry about no one to take care of him.

Watson is a very talkative person, and when Xu Xin's topic aroused him, he began to introduce that Berlin is also holding the Lunar New Year these days... but they don't treat it as a big holiday, just like the Chinese people celebrate Christmas.

Just to keep it fresh.

After chatting like this forcibly all the way, Zhong Changyou wanted to speak, but in the end he didn't speak.

When they arrived at the hotel door of the film festival, Watson arranged for the two of them to be on-duty drivers for the next few days. Everyone left each other's contact information. After shaking hands and saying goodbye, Zhong Changyou said:

"This guy is so good at talking."

Xu Xin nodded, watched the doorman move their luggage to the trolley one by one, and asked:

“Do you tip in Germany?”

"Here. Usually ten or twenty dollars will do."

As they talked, the three of them walked into the hotel.

The room card is already with Zhong Changyou.

"Director Xu, would you like to eat something? The food in the hotel is not bad."

Xu Xin knew that he was not looking for her because he was afraid of being hungry, so he glanced at his wife.

Yang Mi, who had not slept much, just to adjust to the jet lag, said directly:

"I can't do it anymore. I'm so sleepy right now that I have a headache. You guys talk, I have to go to bed."

"Okay. Then you go up with the doorman?"

"Okay. Come back later and be gentle. Brother Zhong, give me the room card."

Zhong Changyou handed over the room card and then said:

"Mimi, Director Wang has not shown up since the premiere of "The Grandmaster". I will send you the interviews you need to participate in these days. One interview per day, which is quite easy."

Wang Jiawei is the chairman of the jury for the main competition unit of this Berlin Film Festival.

According to Siddhant Koslik, chairman of the Berlin Film Festival, he is one of the best contemporary directors, and each of his works is full of distinctive characteristics and poetry.

For the strict and rigid Germans to say this can actually reveal Wang Jiawei's status in the hearts of Europeans from the side.

Therefore, he deserves to be the chairman of the jury.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, everyone has to keep some distance.

"Okay, you two chat, I'm going to bed."

After taking the room card, Yang Mi waved goodbye and entered the elevator with the doorman. And Xu Xin asked:

"Where are we going?"

"The bar on the second floor."

Zhong Changyou said while leading him to the curved stairs next to him:

"Director Xu, I have been discussing "Perfect Strangers" with at least more than 20 film producers these days."

The two of them communicated on WeChat every day about "Scorching Sun", including audience reactions, film critics' translations, etc., so there was basically nothing to talk about.

But "Perfect" is different. "Perfect" is something that the European market can definitely digest.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, how is the situation now?"

"Our condition is to introduce it and refuse to sell it directly. So now we are just asking them to quote, but no one has agreed. This time it is not just countries like Britain, France and Germany, including Romania, Austria, Norway, and even Icelandic film producers. . Prices in the mainstream film market can be negotiated, but in other countries, we are not particularly well prepared for the scale. It will take some time to find out the strength of these companies... But now that there is a film dealer, I have to ask what you mean. "




Xu Xin was stunned.

Zhong Changyou thought he was surprised by the company "Paramount" and said directly:

"They wanted to bring the movie to Hollywood."

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Well, what next? The price is low?"

"No, they want to sign and bet."

"...What are you betting on? Box office? Is there something wrong with it? It's not the premiere of a local film... Paramount is so abnormal? It wants to sign a movie and bet on it?"

Although he and Georgia Kekendis were neighbors and had attended the Paramount dinner.

Logically speaking, there is a love of incense.

But the problem is that this kind of thing is too ridiculous.

You come to me to beg me, and you still want to sign a bet with me?

Are you really used to using overlord clauses?

But Zhong Changyou quickly shook his head:

"No, no, no, it's not, Director Xu. It's not the box office...it's not right either. His matter is more complicated...two beers."

While they were talking, the two of them had already walked into the bar and found a table to sit down at.

There were very few people in the bar at this time, only two or three tables of customers.

After Zhong Changyou ordered two glasses of beer, he said:

"Director Xu, smoking is allowed in this bar."

Xu Xin nodded and took out the cigarette case directly from his pocket.

This journey was really a bit stressful.

While letting Zhong Changyou smoke, he asked:

"what happened?"

"People from Paramount want to introduce this movie...hiss~"

After lighting the cigarette, Zhong Changyou also had a... weird look on his face.

It's like starting to talk about something...that I haven't encountered before, or haven't thought about.

"Originally, our distribution is actually a share of the box office. We definitely hope to find powerful companies in various countries. They found me tonight, and we talked here."

Pointing to the bar, he continued:

"When the factory makes an estimate, it follows international practice and gives 35% to the producer, 17% to the distributor, and 48% to the exhibitor. If the distributor is strong enough, it can give up to 20% .”

"Well, what then?"

35/17/48 is the general rule for international movie box office sharing. Although the movies are slightly different in different countries, the overall ratio is the same.

But there are exceptions. For example, those particularly strong movies, such as the "Marvel" superhero series that have exploded in the past two years, may adopt another tiered charging method. That is to say, the producer takes 80% of the total box office in the first week, 60% in the second week, and 40% in the third week, and so on.

Depending on the influence of the movie, it can be formulated very flexibly.

"They don't have any objections to this share, but they hope to add a gambling agreement. That is, this film can compete for next year's Oscar. If it is shortlisted, the share ratio will be changed according to the award level. For the second category awards, as long as one is nominated, their share The proportion increases by 5%. And if it is nominated for the best foreign language film, it is directly 5%. If it wins the award, it is directly 15%."

"Just wait a moment..."

Xu Xin interrupted him.

"In other words, the 35% share, if the second category awards are those for art direction, costume design, sound effects, editing, etc., if they are shortlisted, we will get 30% and they will get 22%."


"If the most important imported film, "Best Foreign Language Film," is shortlisted, will it also be deducted 5%?...Are these two cumulative?"


"In other words, if "Perfect" wins Best Editing and is nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, it will directly become 25 and 27? We are 25, they are 27? Before tax?"

"Yes, I will take care of my own taxes. And I only need to be shortlisted for the second category of awards."

"What if I win the best foreign language film? I will be deducted 15%? Ours is 10%, they are 42%?"

"No, no, no, being nominated and winning the award only count as one. For the second category awards, there is no difference between being nominated and winning the award, both are 5%. And the most important "Best Foreign Language Film", if it wins the award, it will be 5+15. They take away 20, leave us 15, and they make 37."


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

The first feeling is ridiculous.

So this gambling agreement has been played out by these Americans.

We invest and shoot the movie ourselves, and we get 15% in the end?

That’s before tax!

If there is a tax... how much is the tax in the United States?

Can there be 10% left?

Isn't this nonsense?

But after taking two puffs of cigarette and drinking his first serious glass of German beer, he gradually calmed down amidst the bitterness in his mouth.

In fact, after thinking calmly, he understood what Paramount meant.

First of all, there is no need to mention the strength of Paramount. Putting aside this aspect, let’s just talk about the Oscars...Does the Oscars need to be operated?

The answer is yes.

Didn't even the old man's "The King" find two companies to run the "Best Foreign Language Film" award for itself after it arrived in the United States?

Although no one is guaranteed to win the prize. But when I was in the United States, I chatted with the old man and listened to what he said. If you operate a business, you may not win the Oscar. But if you don’t operate it, you definitely won’t get it.

This is already an unwritten rule.

Paramount, as the oldest film company in the United States, said that they would not run the Oscars. No one would believe this.

So...here comes the problem.

Do they impose such ridiculous conditions on every film they make?

Or...for "Perfect"?

Xu Xin couldn't understand this.

But now he thought about it and found that in the end he only had one idea left in his mind.

Looking up, he looked at Zhong Changyou and smiled bitterly:

“Is this the power of Hollywood?”

Not that he felt like he didn't have a choice.

In fact, Oscar's position in his heart has always been ranked below the top three in Europe.

As for the reason... it's like if a Chinese person wants his child to get into a good university, his first reaction is Tsinghua University and Peking University, not Harvard and Cambridge.

It is true that Harvard and Cambridge are ranked higher than Tsinghua and Peking University, but... I don’t know why. Although I can’t replace everyone, for Xu Xin, when he talks about “good universities”, his first reaction is Qingbei University. school.

In his concept, the top three universities in Europe are Tsinghua University and Peking University.

The influence of Oscar in the public group... It's hard to say in other countries. In China, it is actually much greater than in Europe.

The most realistic example is that although Xu Xin has already won the Silver Lion... he is still called Xu Dog.

The bees didn't even want to call him Xu Dao.

But if he wins the Oscar for Best Director...

Come on, feed these little black fans some cakes!

The scumbag leader poured dog food into my stomach! Don't let anyone go!

That's the truth.

Things at Tsinghua University and Peking University may not be as good as Harvard.

But it is true that it is not as famous as Harvard in the world.

And the reason why he smiled bitterly was only based on one thing.

It was the well-deserved "arrogance" with which Paramount made this condition.

You hand your film over to us for distribution, and we have a chance to have you appear at the Oscars.

It might even win you a prize.

Let you be at the center of world cinema, the highest award in Hollywood - the Academy Awards...

Win a prize!


Very arrogant.


This is Hollywood.

The promised land for most filmmakers - Hollywood.

With a half wry smile and a half dissatisfaction that "I will surpass you one day", Xu Xin asked Zhong Changyou:

"Brother Zhong, have you told the factory about this?"

"I told you."

Zhong Changyou responded and said:

"Tell me to Mr. Qi. Mr. Qi wants me to communicate with you first. Then..."

"Should we communicate again?"


Zhong Changyou nodded:



It wasn't direct communication. Brother Qi didn't even call him personally about this matter.

In the silence, Xu Xin had an idea in his mind.

Maybe this time... I and Brother Qi will have conflicting opinions.

(I got home at noon and slept until 4 p.m.... Just one chapter today, and it will be updated as usual tomorrow. All physical indicators are declining along with weight loss, and they are much better than before. Don't worry, everyone.)

I recommend a book, a new book by the author of the Outer Station Dimension Guild, Squidward, take a look!

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