I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 959 955 becomes the other party


When he heard these two words, Xu Xin got a headache completely.


What's going on?

Why is it international?

As I continue to think about these two words, the first thought that comes to mind is...increase awards.

The existing awards will definitely not be enough if international films enter.

I guess I still need to learn from the top three in Europe and get some Humanitarian Awards, Film Festival Critics Awards, I have something to tell you, etc...

The thought of silver ribbon trophies starting to flood his mind made his head hurt.

Why...why do everything have to be more international?

The current Silk Road Film Festival simply does not have the scale of an international film festival... I have not seen that even the Shanghai Film Festival is clearly rated as 9A, but is it held every year in a nondescript manner?

The reason why the Silk Road Film Festival did not go international was because it hoped to establish a professional reputation in China first.

Now, once the name "international" is added, it will definitely dilute the gold content of the award that has been easily established.

Now, he knew what he was going to do.

"Brother Qi, we have to think of a countermeasure first, that is...how to keep the value of our film festival awards!"

Qi Lei's response was...


He sighed again.

Seeing him sigh, Xu Xin knew that his mind was probably in a mess right now.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"We don't need to provide the funds, right?"

"That's not necessary. That's definitely not necessary. You still want to take our money!? No way!"

Qi Lei, who looked like a miser, shook his head directly:

"Besides, they also have money. The reason why I called you here today is because you are the initiator of the Silk Road Film Festival. Your words will not only be useful here, but they will also play a decisive role in them tomorrow. We have to come up with it quickly. A plan... or to draw the bottom line. The bottom line now is that the second venue is already confirmed, and it will definitely be Fuzhou next year. International cannot change it, and there will definitely be foreign film productions next year. This is the bottom line..."


Xu Xin stopped saying anything and began to brainstorm crazily in his mind.

Until the two of them finished smoking.

"Let's go up and chat."


Facts have proved that Qi Lei was right at all, and everyone was very angry.

Someone even slammed the table.

I won’t say who it is.


How do you say that?

Incompetent rage?

That's probably what it means.

It starts with eating and ends with tea at around 3 o'clock.

After brainstorming, a group of people finally came up with a similar countermeasure.

First, the Silk Road Film Festival is led by Xiying Group, and the evaluation standards should be based on the film and television evaluation standards. Non-film and television practitioners are not allowed to join the jury. Jury members should be selected from a fair and neutral perspective, and practitioners with aesthetic standards should be selected to serve.

Second, the Silk Road Film Festival is a film festival for the people. The review standards of the Public Jury Member Club remain unchanged. The number of reviewers for the selected works each year and the number of reviewers in the Public Jury Club shall not be less than 50%. Other reviewers will still give priority to film and television practitioners and play a leadership role, and their number shall not be less than 30% of the total review team.

Third, the Silk Road Film Festival’s attribute is changed to an international film festival, but the awards must be distinguished. Chinese-language film awards will be distinguished from international film awards and award categories will be established.

These three points are the countermeasures that everyone has researched.

To protect the hard-won gold content of the Silk Road Film Festival, which has just sprouted and broken ground.

Even international films can be appropriately delegated to Fuzhou.

But Chinese-language films must be strictly guarded against censorship, and the selection of awards must be strictly left to the judges selected by Xiying.

No negotiation, no concession.

It won’t work even if the King of Heaven comes.

It’s not that I don’t trust the literary and artistic workers in Fuzhou.


They don’t have the deep background of Xiying.

At the dinner table, everyone raised one point... that they were afraid that they would use their ability to intervene in the film festival to select some unworthy awards.

Therefore, the judging criteria of the jury are the top priority.

This requirement seems quite harsh, which means Fuzhou has no rights at all.


The peaches have been picked for you, what else do you want to do?

It would be too much to think about PEACH again.

And according to Minister Wu’s words...

People in the Ministry of Finance have already begun to criticize.

In the past two years, Xi'an's tourism income in August every year can be seen by everyone. It is really a "windfall"!

As a result, now I have to give out half of it!

It is said that the finance department has begun to support the villain.

Just think about how angry you would be.

Xi'an finally succeeded in transforming, but now the peach was plucked by a guy who is eaten by Cantonese people every day!

I was so angry that I wanted to choke these people to death with their buns...

When Xu Xin went home in the afternoon and told Yang Mi about the matter, Yang Mi's response seemed to betray her ancestors.

"Huh? Fuzhou? That's great. Next year I can take Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang to eat seafood~"

Xu Xin was so angry that he almost slapped his daughter-in-law on the head with the marinated jelly she had packed back.


Short-sighted woman!

Stupid prairie dog.

But no matter what...

This matter is already a done deal.

There is no other way.

On Monday, the visiting delegation from Fuzhou had a cordial meeting, friendly discussions and sincere exchanges with Xiying Group.


At noon, in the small canteen, I don’t know who was so crazy as to entertain these visiting groups with a table of seafood.

As for the results...

In fact, there is no result.

The visiting delegation is just a sounding board, just a formality.

This matter was already a foregone conclusion the moment it came down from above.

On Monday night, Xu Xin returned home.

Yang Mi has already started packing her luggage.

Nuan Nuan was making a fuss, and her mother put a piece of clothing inside, so she took it out and threw it away.

Yangyang is crying...

Obviously, neither brother nor sister wanted their mother to go.

Xu Xin, who was dragging her suitcase back, looked at it and picked up her daughter.

"Baby, do you miss daddy?"

As a result, Nuan Nuan was like a calf, struggling to run out, because Yang Mi took another piece of clothing and walked out.

She will be gone for a long time this time.

Basically, I want to meet again when the movie comes to China to promote it.

And Yang Mi was obviously not in a good mood either.

Seeing Nuan Nuan, who was still struggling in her husband's arms, she just kept a cold face and continued to pick up her daughter's clothes that were scattered everywhere, without even folding them, and stuffed them into the box.

Xu Xin knew...she was in an extremely bad mood right now.

But there's nothing we can do about it.

Cooperating with film promotion is the obligation of every actor.

not to mention……

She is also a heroine.

But the main reason why the children had such a big reaction this time was that they had only been away for ten or twenty days to film a movie. They had only been at home for a few days before they had to leave again.

"Dad, I don't want mom to leave."

Nuan Nuan, who was still having a bad temper just now, finally calmed down in Xu Xin's arms.

In other words...she knew that making trouble was useless. It turned into begging.

Begging dad to let mom not leave...

After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Mom has to go to work."

"Mom doesn't work."

"Mom has to work to support us."

"Mom doesn't work, dad works...Grandma and grandpa work, dad doesn't work either."



Both elders were speechless.

But he didn't know what to say.

Children gradually grow up and have their own independent personality and consciousness.

This is a process that everyone goes through.

And the careers of the two children in the family are actors and directors...

At this time, Xu Xin said:

"Then how about we go together?"

"Go and have your spring and autumn dreams!"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Mi, who came out with clothes, stopped him.

He glared at Xu Xin with a very stern look:

"She has to take piano lessons, and they both have to go to kindergarten! Don't you dare skip class and try!"


One sentence made Xu Xin unable to open his mouth.

"Dad, I'm going to..."

"Xu Wanqing! If you dare to grind on daddy again, I will beat you, believe it or not!"

Seeing her raising her hand, Xu Xin quickly protected the child in his arms.

At best, he was trying to scare her, but this tiger girl was really fighting.


Nuannuan finally collapsed.


Seeing her daughter crying, Yang Mi was obviously more irritable now... She actually didn't want to leave, but the problem was that she had to leave.

This is very annoying.

Coupled with the crying of the two children, she simply ignored it.


I made your mother cry so much that she broke down, and then asked your biological father to find a stepmother for you two and beat you every day!

Let’s see what you do!

It's around 9pm.

Xu Xin, who had just planned to go back to the house to sleep, walked out of the studio.

Before going to bed, he habitually lit one and sat under the porch light in the yard to smoke.

With a "creak" sound, the door was pushed open.

Xu Xin turned around and saw his wife, and asked:

"The child is asleep?"


Yang Mi responded, looked down at the hinges of the door, and said:

"Why is this door squeaking? Does it need to be lubricated? Remember to buy some lubricant and bring it back tomorrow."

"Isn't the lubricant in the bedside table?"

"Get out of here, you!"

The young woman rolled her eyes at him angrily, then looked left and right, and suddenly said:

"Want something to drink?"


Xu Xin was a little confused:


"Well, now."

The woman who had rarely had late-night snacks for so many years nodded:

"I can't eat at night, and I don't think you can eat much either..."

"No, the two children are in a very bad mood today."


Yang Mi sighed.

My husband and I didn't eat much today because of the crying child.

Then, she pointed to the corner:

"Put the table up and let's have a drink."

He said and walked directly into the kitchen.

Xu Xin didn't ask what to eat, and obediently unfolded the small square table that he usually used to drink tea and warm himself in the yard, and to put things on.

This table is not big, it's 80, it's definitely enough for two people.

Then he walked into the kitchen and saw Yang Mi holding a piece of beef and cutting it with a knife.

He asked with some surprise:

"Still cooking?"

"No, let's have something hot by the stove. Isn't the wine cold? Go get some charcoal and order it."

"Uh... ok."

Since she spoke, Xu Xin followed her.

He walked out with the spray gun.

He had that kind of clay stove at home, but he had forgotten why he bought it.

He first put an alcohol block inside, then filled it with olive charcoal, and started roasting with his airbrush.

Soon, all the olive carbon will turn red.

At this time, Yang Mi also prepared the ingredients.

A casserole with clear water in it, and a few shrimps floating in the water.

Then there was a plate of beef, as well as frozen shrimp, lettuce and the like.

"White or red?"

"Bai, get a bottle of good wine."

"...Then I drive a fifty-year-old one?"

"Okay...hehe, Lao Wang will probably be mad to death if he knows."

"It's okay. Let's finish drinking, keep the bottle, and give him some Erguotou. He will drink a hammer of Maotai!"

When Xu Xin took out the 50-year-old Moutai from the study, he saw that his wife had even mixed the dipping sauce for him.

His habit is sand tea sauce + seafood soy sauce, and some spicy millet, cilantro and chopped green onions.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, was sitting in the evening breeze, staring at the black-red charcoal fire under the small casserole in a daze.

The evening breeze ruffled her hair.

As beautiful as the moon in the sky.

He didn't say much. After opening the wine, he brought it to his nose and took a sniff.

"Tsk...it smells good."

After the two wine glasses, which glowed with a clear golden color under the corridor lamp, were filled, the water in the pot had not yet boiled.

There was just a hint of smoke.

he asked:

"What's wrong?"

Yang Mi didn't look at him, but continued to stare at the small red clay stove, her tone a little erratic:

"I suddenly felt a little tired."

After hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Then let's take a rest this year. I'm tired too... We haven't had much rest this year. Although it's just the beginning of the new year, we... feel really tired."

Yang Mi did not respond to him, but continued:

"I will not shoot any in-depth subjects in the future."

At this time, Xu Xin was really surprised and couldn't help but raise his head:


This time, the woman opposite finally moved her eyes away from the charcoal fire and fell on her husband’s face:

"Don't blame me, okay?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"How long have you been holding this idea in your mind?"

"Less than five minutes."


Looking at her speechless husband, according to her past temper, she would smile playfully, showing off the health of her small white teeth.

But now, she just pursed her lips and nodded:

"With the time you took to get the wine, I figured it out."

He raised two fingers:

"I figured out two things."

"What two points?"

"First, I won't make any more movies that require a long time of preparation and preparation. It's too tiring. From now on, don't worry about big or small productions. Once you get the role, you can take a look at it. It doesn't matter if you take it or not, just show your face. Like Zhao Di, I will never take on a role like Gong Er that needs a little bit of hard work and polishing."

The more she talked, the more determined she seemed.

Nod directly and vigorously:

"That's right, I will never answer it again... I know that if I really choose this, my acting career may end here..."

"That's not the case."

Although he didn’t know why she thought so, Xu Xin interrupted her after understanding what his wife meant:

"In my eyes, an actor's acting skills are actually about interpreting other people's lives. You are not stationary. In eternity, you are also growing every moment. Since you are tired, recharge yourself , if you meet a role you like, then act it. If you don’t meet one you like, just do the most basic exercise for an actor-observation, isn’t it? It’s not just difficult roles one after another that can help actors improve their acting skills. .The most important thing is observation and understanding.”


Yang Mi nodded, but immediately said something else:

"As long as you pay more, I will act too!"


Xu Xin rolled his eyes when he heard this.

It sounds like the family is short of three melons and two dates.

Then he asked:

"What about the second one?"

"I don't plan to continue working in Hollywood. I feel so tired, too far, and too hard. Including all future movies and TV series, try to be short and quick. Hollywood... you just have to experience it once."


Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"Last time on the Avenue of Stars, didn't you say..."

"It's one moment and another. At that time, I thought it would be great if I could become a Hollywood star... But now... I don't think so anymore. So, this movie will be my last one in Hollywood. But you... "

"What's wrong with me?"

"You said at the time that you needed to experience Hollywood. But this time you agreed to cooperate with Paramount for Sister Mo... This is not something that can be completed in one or two movies. Ha~"

Suddenly, she chuckled.


The pot is boiling.

So, she picked up the wine glass:

"We both seem to live in the shape of each other."


Xu Xinxin said bad things.

Why did this bitch start talking dirty?

Is it possible...

"Hey, by the way, wolfberry!"

She finished her glass of wine and stood up directly...

Xu Xin knew...it was over.

I'm afraid I'm going to enter the alchemy furnace again tonight.

But it’s normal to think about it... I’m leaving tomorrow. Why can’t I pay the landlord’s rent in full before I leave?

So he picked up a chopstick of beef.

Eat more and be full.

I, Lao Xu, will fight with you tonight!

Soon, a handful of wolfberries were thrown into the pot.

By the way, a handful of spicy peanuts were placed on the table.

Yang Mi followed the idea of ​​eating green vegetables first, threw two lettuce leaves into the pot, and also picked up a chopstick of beef.

Soon, the pink beef was covered in sauce and stuffed into her mouth.

Although it was not freshly slaughtered beef, the cool breeze and hot pot and the feast of her old lover were enough for her to put aside all pickiness.

After taking a bite of meat, he picked up the wine cup again.



After a "sip" and another glass of wine, her eyes became brighter.



"This period of time... it's all your hard work. I'm sorry, it's my fault..."

"Why are you talking about this?"

Xu Xin rolled her eyes angrily:

"When we were together, we talked about this matter thousands of times. When you were busy, I was free, and when I was busy, you were free. You were busy with your business, and I took good care of the children at home... I happened to be tired too, Take a break.”

"Well!...Oh, I just can't bear to leave them both. When I cried today, I felt very uncomfortable..."

"I just said that at the worst, I could take a few months off. It's kindergarten anyway..."

"Absolutely not!"

When she mentioned this, Yang Mi's tone became firm again.

Ignoring her husband stealing her piece of lettuce, she said firmly:

"Learning is never wrong at any time. We can't let them think that school is a dispensable place just because of their...emotions. Even if we are rich...that won't work. Children must be sensible. , Reason is in life, in front of parents...but the most common thing is in school. In the future, you should stop making such crooked ideas, do you hear me?!"


Xu Xin responded calmly and then asked:

"Did I eat the shrimp?"

"Get off."

After a few frozen shrimps went down, the temperature in the pot dropped sharply.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Xin lit a cigarette.

In the smoke, he heard Yang Mi say:

"During my absence, I have told Sister Zeng that if there is another invitation from you, I may not be able to filter it for you in time due to the time difference. You have to weigh this yourself. "


Xu Xin agreed casually.

Do you think this is a problem?

At this time, he heard his wife sigh.

It wasn't a sigh, but a... very strange emotion.


Holding her chin with one hand, she looked at the little bits of red shrimp in the pot and murmured:

"so tired……"

"Then have a good sleep tonight."


Yang Mi responded and picked up the wine cup again.

And just when Xu Xin finished drinking, she found that she had scooped up a spoonful of wolfberry:

"Here, eat."


The evening breeze is slightly cool.

Xu Xinxin said that it is really a cool night tonight...

At noon on Tuesday, Yang Mi took Sun Ting and Cheng Hu on their journey.

Good news: I can finally sleep alone tonight.

Bad news: No one will warm the bed tonight.

Then...the first thing he needed to think about came.

"Hey, Sister Zeng, what's wrong?"

"Director Xu, is Mimi gone?"

"Just left. At this moment...well, just took off."

"No wonder I can't get through to her on the phone."

Zeng Jia said on the phone:

"Mimi can't be reached right now, so I can only ask you. Will you attend the Film Directors Guild's 2012 Commendation Award Ceremony?"

"Uh... where?"

"Directors Guild...didn't you join it?"

Hearing Zeng Jia's words, Xu Xin was stunned:

"I joined? When? Why didn't I know?"

"You haven't joined? Your membership number is 213. The invitation letter has been sent to the company."

"... seize the young master?"

For some reason, Xu Xin couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard the number 213. He was speechless.

Although there was nothing he disliked about this number...but where did this inexplicable ill feeling come from?

Also...when did you join the Directors Guild?

He really couldn't remember.

"213. Now the number of directors in the entire Directors Guild is 296... So, your number is quite early. They only approved 12 directors last year. I estimate that your number is at least three to five years old."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was even less impressed.

If calculated based on five years...he is planning the Olympics in 2008.

Where can I find the time for this?

Could it be Yang Mi did it?

But why didn't you tell yourself?

He was a little puzzled, but his wife had just taken off at the moment, so he didn't bother to ask, he just said:

"Sister Zeng, what is this commendation meeting for?"

"It's the Awards Ceremony of the Directors Guild. It selects the outstanding films of last year. I took a look and found that the chairman of this jury is Jia Zhangke, who is also the vice president of the Directors Guild."


Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"So, last year's outstanding film... I was shortlisted?"

"Yes, you are the director, film and actress of the year. The actress is Liu Yifei. But... other films including "1942" are also shortlisted."

"Is this my first time being shortlisted?"

"Wait a minute, let me take a look."



"In 2010, it was "Hawthorn Tree"... You were also the director and the film. In 2011, it was "33 Days", and Wei Wei was nominated for the actress. But she didn't win. In 2010, it was "Rizhao Chongqing". The actress was Bingbing. .”


Xu Xin responded, thought for a moment, and said:

"When do they start?"

"The 20th. Saturday night."


"Yes, in Yanjing."


Seeing his agreement, Zeng Jia said:

"Ah? Do you want to discuss it with Mimi? ... She used to help you ignore this kind of ceremony. Originally, I wanted to inform you that if you refuse, I will tell Xiying Studio to ask them to come out. People participate…”

"It's not necessary. Isn't Liu Yifei also nominated this time? It's okay for me to go there and support her."

He readily agreed.

In this case, Zeng Jia won't say much.

Although she was quite surprised.

Because for so many years, she basically asked people from Xiying Studio to attend the company's invitations to award ceremonies and the like.

According to Mimi’s words:

"Xu Xin doesn't need to rely on exposure to build hype. These awards are just sitting around, and he can't see them. And he doesn't like the kind of pork-sharing scene. He used to complain when he came back... Why bother? ?”

Zeng Jia also thinks it makes sense.

It is true that many domestic directors need various awards to enhance their qualifications.

But Xu Xin really doesn't need it.

Although there are a bunch of miscellaneous award winning records under his Baidu Encyclopedia, if you exclude those that he did not participate in... maybe some awards are really very few.

But each one is full of gold content.

After Xu Xin agreed to the matter, he told Su Meng the news and asked her to remember to prepare the dress in advance.

Then less than twenty minutes later, Yang Mi called:

"Did you agree to that invitation?"


"Oh, I'm really speechless... This invitation was sent at the right time. When I turn on the phone, won't I refuse it for you? That award is meaningless and doesn't attract much attention. The actor worked hard to participate, It’s just for being able to show your face in front of the director, which is not interesting at all. Moreover, the first one was held in 2004 and the second one was held 10 years ago because the attention was too low. Why did you go to participate... "

"Isn't Feifei a finalist? Let her support the scene."

"Feng Xiaogang is here too!"

"Here, what's the matter? What's going on? You can still hit me?"

"That's not to say... Mainly, you and Feng Xiaogang can bump into each other at the awards ceremony every year. Usually I help you with this kind of thing... Okay, then you go. Don't you know, Sister Zeng gave me When she said that, she was stunned, and she was not as happy as you promised. But their momentum is not small this time, and the funds are sponsored by Ali..."

"Then we probably won't be able to meet anyone from Teng Xun, right?"

"Who knows... Anyway, it's up to you, I'll hang up."

"Wait a minute, let me ask you, when did I join the Directors Guild? Why don't I remember?"

"This is the application form I filled out for you. I had just joined Xiying at that time, and my relationship with the Beijing circle had not yet deteriorated. I was thinking of helping you improve your qualifications, so I got it."

"Then you got a 213?"

"What's wrong with 213?"

"...It's okay, okay, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin threw the phone aside.

Isn't it just an awards ceremony?

Big shit.

Not worth thinking about.

Let me tell you, I will go to the hospital tomorrow to review my urine ketone, and just do a liver function test and a urine test. It should be done soon. But if there are a lot of people and you have to queue for a long time, maybe all morning, it will be difficult to make an appointment with an expert.

The guarantee is 7,000 tomorrow.

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