I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 966 962 Catching the Monster

After chatting with everyone for a while, I also saw many acquaintances among them.

When these people saw Director Xu coming, they all came over to greet each other, but they did not see Xue Xiaolu or Tang Wei.

Obviously, they will appear in the finale.

And Xu Xin's position is not in the second row, but in the middle, where the best viewing experience is.

"Brother Xu, can I add the WeChat ID on these business cards?"

"If someone gives it to you, you must add it, otherwise it will be rude. If they want you to cooperate or something, just push this kind of thing to Sister Zeng. Or when you go back this time, you can get another mobile phone. Register a new WeChat account for work and add these people to it, and then the response work can be handed over to the assistant."

"Well, okay, I understand."

Dilraba nodded and understood how to deal with this kind of thing.

No wonder I see Sister Mi and Brother Xu both have two mobile phones... After working on it for a long time, this is what happened.

Then she stopped disturbing Brother Xu and quietly waited for the movie to start.

At this time, someone came over and took a seat in front of Xu Xin.

It was Yuan Jinlin.

He smiled and greeted Xu Xin again:

"Director Xu."


Xu Xin responded politely.

Originally, the movie was about to start at this time, so everyone could just sit down separately. But Yuan Jinlin didn't seem to want to "end" like this. After sitting down, he turned to Xu Xin and asked:

"Director Xu, let's leave your contact information. I have a script next, which is heavy on special effects. Let's see if we can work together, okay?"

"Okay, no problem."

Xu Xin didn't ask what the script was and took out his mobile phone.

Chasing Light's performance last year can only be considered mediocre.

Including the money spent on upgrading equipment, the loss was probably less than 20 million.

There must be a lot of money.

However, hardware upgrades for special effects companies, no matter how big the company is, are always a big expense, especially in this era of endless graphics cards, memory, and CPUs.

He didn't quite understand, but looking at the numbers on the report, he saw that nearly half of the two million yuan was a loss, which was actually caused by these circumstances.

Add equipment, purchase software, labor expenses, venue rental, etc.

Although people who chase light are also actively expanding their business, but... this is the reason why no one in China is willing to do special effects on a large scale.

The shop is big, but the jobs taken are small.

And if you can do this small job, other small-scale companies that are not as good as you can also do it.

In order to maintain costs, the price of light chasing must be higher. Although they can guarantee to reward customers with more refined results than the same period... But the problem is that many domestic special effects only serve the plot and are not the selling point of the movie.

Therefore, the larger the company is and the more professional it is, its current popularity in the domestic market is not as good as that of other companies that "have done nothing".

Although in the long run, when the film and television industry enters the Jinyuan era, with the increase in the demand for special effects and the sophistication of the picture, as long as the pursuit of light persists, there will definitely be... not to mention bright, but at least the income will be maintained. We hope to support a balanced future, but at this stage... including Xu Xin and Wang Sicong, they all hope to have more customers.

Not to mention anything else, at least for West Film Studio, as long as the movies they produce can be done by Chasing Light.

But the problem is that our own people are embarrassed to charge a lot of money.

Therefore, it can be seen with the naked eye that Chasing Light will continue to lose money in the future.

Even if Xu Xin had expected it...

But now that screenwriter Yuan has come to visit, he deserves a "friend status" on Xu Xin's private WeChat account.

After I became friends with Yuan Jinlin, the crew of "Yanjing Falls in Love with Seattle" happened to be on stage.

Xue Xiaolu, Tang Wei, Wu Yubo, Hai Qing and others took the stage amid applause.

It means the movie is about to start.

And what story does "Yenjing Falls in Love with Seattle" tell...

Xu Xin didn't know what others thought, but after reading it, he only had two words left in his mind:

"My balls hurt."

This film was actually shot well, both in terms of the camera feel and the actors' acting skills. It was actually very solid.

And it can be seen that Xue Xiaolu's handling style is to treat the film aesthetically.

But the problem is... no matter what the style of the film is, the storyline of this film makes him feel very uncomfortable.

Maybe I am too chauvinistic?

Why is this tone of "everything makes sense"... so much stronger than the one in the script and story?

Regarding the love between the hero and the heroine, and the various metaphors, he felt that it was particularly twisted, fragile, and even a little divinely sensitive.

In short, in his opinion, this film is a somewhat pretentious and literary film.

It doesn’t matter whether the audience likes it or not, the most he can do is watch it once.

Of course, when the film ends, there must be no less applause.

Xu Xin applauded and Fatty applauded.

But neither of them talked about the movie.

When the microphone was handed to Xu Xin, his evaluation was also very official:

“Mr. Teacher, I would also like to thank you all for your dedication and performance, thank you."

He never mentions the quality of the film. He is really afraid that if his words "This is really an excellent movie" reach the audience, the audience will not buy it and he will take the blame.

So be it.

Whether it's good or bad, I won't judge, let the audience decide.

"Xu Xin's new favorite?" School belle on the show! 》

"The school beauty who goes to theater is expected to become the next generation of Xin girls"

"How good-looking is the beauty of the theater school?" Let’s see what Xu Xin thinks of it”

"Xu Xin attended the red carpet ceremony with the school's beauty, the exotic scenery was so beautiful"

When Xu Xin and Fatty attended the premiere of "Seattle" at the end, the reporters had already repaired the raw photos overnight and posted them online.

I have to admit that Xu Xin's answer is indeed too clever.

The word "campus beauty" really easily arouses too much related and irrelevant heat, so that when Xu Xin added "campus beauty" next to his search term, it immediately attracted many people who should have been connected with him. , eight unreliable heat.

Since his debut, there have been no scandals.

Everyone knew that he and Yang Mi were in love as strong as gold.

When I usually attend some events, even if the female companion is not Yang Mi, she is her co-stars in movies such as Liu Zhishi and Liu Yifei.

The term school beauty doesn't bother him at all.

In other words, the last time he was able to get close to the topic of school beauty was because of the gossip about his relationship with Yang Mi, the 05-level school beauty.

But this time Xu Xin actually brought a new girl?

Or a school beauty who goes to theater?

This news quickly attracted the attention of many people as soon as it appeared.

Moreover, some media reports are somewhat ambiguous, making Xu Xin seem to be in a different relationship.

Then, this heat began to ferment along with the keyword "school beauty".

Soon people noticed Dilraba attending the red carpet with Xu Xin. And netizens with great skills found this girl's information with almost no effort.

She is indeed a school beauty who is from Northern Xinjiang, and has also acted in TV series in Northern Xinjiang.

She is very beautiful, at least judging from the artistic photos disclosed online, this girl's three-dimensional facial features and the hint of exoticism on her face easily catch the attention of others.

And the resume is also out.

Although no one has seen her works, insiders say that she is currently the face of Happy Twist. In the funny stage dramas launched by Happy Twist, she will definitely appear as long as the kind of beautiful beauty is needed.

He even has tens of thousands of fans on his Weibo.

So, netizens followed the lead and found the Weibo of "DEAR Dilraba" and saw various Weibo posts of this girl, selfies, performance photos, etc.

As for happy twists...

That seems to be the troupe of Shen Teng who attended the Spring Festival Gala, right?

Then some loyal fans of Happy Twist began to post things like "Xiao Di is the face of the troupe", "I have seen the show and my legs are really long" or "She is more beautiful in real life than in the photos, and the performance is crazy and very fun. ” and other comments began to ferment with the attention on the Internet.

To be honest, the popularity is not very high.

Not to mention being on trending searches, many people only remember this face and the title of "School Beauty" after confirming that the news is a headline-grabbing one.

But the number of followers on Dilraba’s Weibo has been rising.

But for a newcomer who has no outstanding works in the film and television industry, it is enough.

In the entertainment industry, I'm afraid you don't have a reputation.

Not to mention anything else, there are so many actors who graduate from Beijing Film Academy every year, how many of them are well-known as soon as they debut?

But once an actor can be labeled in the early stage of her acting career, it means that she has her own recognition among all actors of the same generation, or the younger generation.

It doesn't matter whether the label is ridiculous or a prank, it doesn't matter.

With a label, when you mention it, others can know you and think of you. This is a great affirmation for the actor personally.

"Xin girl" is a label, and the same is true for "school beauty who goes to theater".

There are many school beauties who appear in dramas, but among the school beauties who attend certain occasions with Xu Xin, Dilraba is the second... Oh no, there is also Liu Yifei.

The fairy sister who was arrogant for eternity.

It's a pity that now the godhead has fallen, and the youthful memories of a generation have turned from a forced life into a mess.

Sure enough, losing weight is a woman’s lifelong enemy.

But whatever.

This little girl... already has her own label.

He has the qualification to be remembered by the entertainment industry.

And there is only one reason why she can easily obtain the label that many people dream of. That is, she walked on the red carpet with Xu Xin.

In the spiritual world where countless people are jealous, envious, and even imagine that the position next to Director Xu can be replaced by their own...the fallen leaves that are just ignorant and ignorant have been quietly blown up by the wind brought by the giant's march, and they are floating in the air. Entering the door that exudes bright starlight.

"Director Xu, please walk slowly."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

When Xu Xin left the premiere, he was followed by many people bidding him farewell.

Some know it and some don’t.

But the film's creative team didn't come out because they were still being interviewed by reporters.

Amidst the respectful greetings from these people, Xu Xin first let Fat Di hold his hand and get into the car, then waved politely to everyone, thanked everyone for their hard work, and got in the car.

The windows of the Mercedes-Benz business car could not be rolled down, and his wave of goodbye was finally fixed at the moment when the car door closed.

After closing the door, he sat back on the chair and said to the driver:

"Let's go."

No nostalgia at all.

"Send her back first... By the way, where do you live? Ruihua?"

As an "industry" of its own shareholders, Ruihua is still a cooperative hotel with Shuangwei, although it has been criticized by shareholders as "silly".

Dilraba nodded quickly:

"Well, I live in Ruihua."

"Then let's go to Ruihua. What time is the flight tomorrow?"

"10:20 am."

"Remember not to be late or delay your class."

"Yeah, I understand, Brother Xu, don't worry."

Dilraba quickly agreed, thought for a moment, and asked:

"Brother Xu, did you like today's movie?"

"What about you? Do you like it?"

"I...I don't really like the story, but I think Teacher Tang Wei's performance is particularly good."

She chose to tell the truth.

But Xu Xin didn't say anything.

Instead, he looked at the neon lights outside the window and said to her without looking back:

"Remember, as a public figure, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. What's important is that you'd better not tell anyone your truest psychological feelings."

Dilraba was stunned.


"I understand what you mean, but whether it's me or anyone else, it's best not to let anyone know your true thoughts. Think about it, if what you say is taken and spread to the ears of the person involved, you are Didn’t you offend someone out of thin air?”

Withdrawing his gaze, Xu Xin glanced at her and shook his head:

"So, don't say it. Moreover, it never matters whether you like it or not. This is the rule of the game in this circle."

Hearing this, although Dilraba showed a look of approval, she still said:

"But...Brother Xu, with you, and Sister Mi, I won't hide it."

"Then just wait until we ask you, and you answer honestly. We don't ask, and you don't say anything. It's the same when facing other people. In the future, winning people's hearts and interests in this circle will become more and more complicated. Shen, a promising future may end up in a losing situation. Do you understand?"


This time, Dilraba did not hesitate.

After nodding vigorously, he stopped discussing any movie topics.

He didn't even speak.

She... was actually quite happy, because what Brother Xu taught her today were some rules for surviving in this circle. But in the same way, does this also mean that... I am not a role without status in Brother Xu's heart?

After all, if he is just talking, he can just listen, there is no need to teach himself this.

Like Sister Mi, she will definitely remember the principles taught by Brother Xu very carefully.

But...I don't know why, but an idea came to her mind, that is...

That Beijing Film Academy beauty...

Is it the same as yourself?

Like himself, he got the honor of being taught some things by Brother Xu himself...?

she does not know.

But when she thought about the fact that the two of them were similar in age, had the same background, and even had the same status as "school beauties"... she knew that there would definitely be a conflict between her and her in the future.

For a moment, a feeling of "how to be bright when there is beauty" still rose in my heart.

I just don’t know who is Yu and who is Liang.

Then... we'll see.

"Okay, let's go back and get some rest early."


The girl nodded vigorously and looked at Xu Xin and suddenly laughed out loud:

"Hehe...Brother Xu."


"Thank you, Brother Xu! I'm super happy!"

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at her big and smart eyes and chuckled:


After waving goodbye to the girl, he closed the car door and left the hotel reception desk.

In the car, he sent a message to his wife, roughly talking about today's events.

There's not much else, mainly the last voice:

"Pang Di performed quite well this time. Whether it was the etiquette when giving business cards or other aspects, he looked very presentable. Not bad~"

His words were equivalent to giving this girl the green light from his wife.

But Yang Mi didn't reply.

Depending on the time, he is either practicing or busy with other things.

He didn't ask further questions. After turning off the phone, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, at noon on the 16th, Xu Xin received a strange friend invitation.

The name is "Actor-Dilraba Dilraba" and the friend's comment is "Brother Xu, this is my new mobile phone."

After Xu Xin added her friends, she sent a message:

"Brother Xu, I listened to your words, bought a new mobile phone, and registered WeChat. In the future, this WeChat will be used to add work partners. I have arrived at school now and will go to class after dinner."

Then he sent an emoticon of a puppy being hugged.

Not to mention, it’s quite cute.

Xu Xin replied:


After the little girl replied again with an emoticon of a puppy bowing, Xu Xin didn’t reply, and she didn’t continue to post.

Then, on the morning of the 17th, Xu Xin received the news:

""Yenjing Falls in Love with Seattle" grossed 13.52 million in the first four hours + the next day's box office."

Not to mention, it can be considered an unexpected surprise.

After all, Xi Film Studio invested 15 million in this film, and the total investment was only a little over 30 million.

If this trend continues, the box office will probably explode.

Of course, the explosion here will definitely not be as exaggerated as "囧囧", "Conquer the Devil", and "Scorching the Sun", but as long as the reputation does not collapse, the minimum is probably 300 million to start.

Xu Xinxin said that the box office is really about to explode.

Although he has been active in the film and television industry, he always feels that his box office has suddenly been boosted.

The market suddenly became prosperous.

Unconsciously, he thought again...could he have contributed to this?

And how much of my own credit...does it take?

However, this thought did not last long in his heart, because someone soon came to him.

"Director Xu, are you there? I have something I want to tell you."

Yuan Jinlin's WeChat found him with a very polite and formal wording.

Xu Xin was taking a nap at that time, so it was already past 3 p.m. when he saw the news.

"Sorry, Teacher Yuan, I was resting just now and just woke up. Just ask, you're welcome."

The other party had told him about chasing the light before at the premiere, and Xu Xin estimated that this was still the case.

As expected, the other party responded quickly:

"Haha, I'm sorry to bother Director Xu. I have a story script here, which is relatively mature now. I want you to take a look at it, okay?"

"Okay, no problem. Then send it to me for a look first, and then we can talk after I finish it?"

"Okay, I'll send it to you now."

"OK, all right."

As soon as Xu Xin finished replying, the other party sent a file directly to WeChat.

"Monster Hunting" (Note 1)

This is the name of the play.

"Okay, let me take a look first."


Soon, Xu Xin came to the studio. After getting the file on the computer, he opened it directly and found that it was densely packed with many pages. Obviously, the script was very mature, including the actors' lines and so on.

He realized... that he had taken on a somewhat "troublesome" job.

If it was just a story outline like the previous "Changjin Lake", then he would naturally read it very quickly. But for the entire script, the time it takes to read it can be measured in hours.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he directly chose to print.

Then while printing, I boiled water, made tea, and prepared all the work necessities. The script was also typed.

Good guy, it’s really thick.

He glanced at the tea that was boiling, then changed to a comfortable position, and his eyes fell on the first line of words.

"This is a world where humans and monsters are interdependent but difficult to coexist..."


After seeing the first sentence, Xu Xin knew...this scene seemed to require a lot of special effects shots.

Chasing the light... comes to life.

"Dad~I'm back~"

Nuan Nuan, who was carrying a schoolbag, opened the door of the workshop and went straight to her father's study without even taking off her shoes.

After hearing the commotion, Xu Xin put down the script and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Only then did I realize that it was already past five o'clock.

He temporarily put down the script in his hand, which was about to end in seven or eight pages at most, and opened his arms with a smile, holding his daughter, whom he had not seen for a day, in his arms.

"Where's my brother?"

"My younger brother is playing. He wants to draw, draw a big tiger~roar~~~~"

Seeing the cute growl of his beloved, Xu Xin laughed twice, hugged her and walked out together.

But the story was playing in my mind.

To be honest, the story is quite interesting.

It doesn't have any depth, it's just a very ordinary genre film.

This kind of script, even if it is completely constructed, can actually be completed in just over an hour at most according to his habits.

But he read this script very slowly.

Or... very detailed.

Because this is a "big job".

If it is taken down, it will be the biggest task that Chasing Light has encountered so far.

Because in its story, the little monster named "Huba" is almost present throughout, and there are also some other monsters appearing. It can be said that every scene is a special effect.

In this kind of film, chasing light is very necessary.

Being able to hone their abilities, and the workload is also destined to ensure that few companies in the country can compete with them.

Even if the bidding is open, this group of people will feel numb looking at the hundreds of newly purchased and refurbished servers last year.

So he looked very carefully.

While watching, I began to simulate the scene in my mind.

It is estimated how much special effects will account for.

And the conclusion he gave was...at least 70%.

Although not every scene is a special effect, this kind of special effects shot will appear in more than 70% of the whole film, which really makes him excited.

If he hadn't kept it secret for Yuan Jinlin, he would have already transferred the documents to Zhui Guang.


This script... is very delicious.

Ouch, this little thing called "Huba" is so cute.

Thinking all the way, he walked into the house and took the two children to wash their hands.

The children eat three meals and two o'clock at school. When they come back, they have already had dinner at school. But usually, because the food is too dense, the two children don't eat much at dinner.

If I'm hungry, I'll eat some more at home.

Yang Dalin went to cook, while Yang Chunling and Xu Xin took care of the baby in the living room.

Yangyang's teacher assigned Yangyang a task alone. Perhaps because he thought he was good at drawing, he wanted him to draw a big tiger to match tomorrow's game task and to show it in front of the children.

Xu Xin arranged a documentary about tigers for him.

Let the children play freely.

It can be regarded as giving the baby a little challenge and cultivating his own independent aesthetics.

Although he is only a three-year-old baby... Xu Xin still has confidence in Yangyang.

Just draw.

See what the big tiger looks like in the eyes of the baby.

As for Nuannuan... she was sitting next to Xu Xin, half lying and half leaning on the sofa, eating fruit.

Not cool enough.

Xu Xin ignored her and replied to Yuan Jinlin on his mobile phone:

"I have finished reading the story. To be honest, I think its style is a bit like a fairy tale. Does Teacher Yuan plan to make it into a child?"

Yuan Jinlin also responded quickly:

"No, Director Xu, rather than saying it is for children, I hope it can become a family-friendly work. The kind that parents can watch with their children."

After hearing this voice, Xu Xin thought for a moment and said with considerable agreement:

"It is indeed very suitable. The story is very interesting, and the theme is warmer than the usual stories about monsters and monsters. It is suitable for the whole family to watch together, and the threshold for viewing is still very low. And it is also quite mature in all aspects. It’s a very good scripted story.”

Xu Xin gave a summary directly.

Naturally, he didn't believe that the other party came to him just to read such a relatively simple script.

This script doesn't even require any aesthetic threshold, and the structure, lines, characters, etc. are all very mature, and it doesn't need anyone else's guidance at all.

He was looking for me... maybe it was for special effects, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, Yuan Jinlin’s reply came:

"Then... Director Xu, are you interested?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

He looked at the phone screen and blinked.

No, man.

I focused on the special effects in this story for Chasing Light.

As a result...you targeted me directly?

(Note 1: I think "Monster Hunt" was filmed in 2010, but at that time the plot of Xu Xin doing special effects had not yet been introduced, so I changed the timeline to the present. And there were no reshoots in the middle. It’s just once, so it doesn’t conflict with the original release time, so you don’t have to be serious.)

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