I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 974 968sweet home

After Liu Momo left, the two children also woke up.

Yang Mi's mentality was a bit broken.

Just a little bit.

Probably as much as changing clothes.

Because there is another big grudge in the cigar bar.

Keanu Reeves.

Brother, don’t you know what a light bulb is?

At this moment, in the living room.

Yang Misheng lay on the sofa helplessly, letting the two children climb up and down around her... In a daze, she felt like a dog.

Bitch... Bah, this word is a bit unpleasant.

Female dog?

It doesn’t seem to work either.


Anyway, that's what it means.

It's like the kind of animal in the animal world where the mother lies down, and the cubs either come to suck milk or crawl around on her.

She was obviously very hungry, but she could only keep taking care of the child.

Because that scumbag boy will no longer be responsible after his father eats it up...


That's right!

It's all that bastard's fault!

She was full of resentment in her heart.

But the cigar bar was shrouded in fog.

In the smoke, Keanu Reeves said to Xu Xin:

"I think it's cold. MR. Wick will not show mercy to any enemy. Just like in the script, when he sees an enemy, he will shoot him three times."

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Why three shots? Shouldn't it be a direct headshot?"


Upon hearing this, future "MR. Wick" also had a trace of doubt on his face:

"Mozambique, Xu, don't you know?"

"...MR. Wick, we ban guns."

"Huh?...Oh yes, you don't have guns."

MR. Wick suddenly realized it, and then gestured towards Xu Xin like he was holding a pistol:

"Xu, this is a shooting method that is widely used in anti-terrorism and military operations..."

Xu Xinxin said that there was nothing wrong with him.



"World Police".

They must be professionals.

He nodded slightly and heard Keanu Reeves continue:

"You may not think that the name Mozambique belongs to Africa, but in fact we invented this kind of marksmanship. The specific feature is to shoot twice to the torso to remove the enemy's ability to resist at the first moment, and then to make up for it on the head after the opponent falls to the ground. One shot. The headshot you mentioned is just a game, because the chance of hitting the enemy's head with one shot on the real battlefield is very small, so Mozambique shooting is a very practical shooting method. I think it is very suitable for Wick, the killer. .”

Hearing this, Xu Xin took out his notebook:

"How do you spell that?"

Keanu Reeves took it and quickly wrote a line of words on the paper.

Xu Xin took the paper and came to the computer, opened Google and started searching.

Then, several videos popped up.

Seeing the guy in military uniform firing his gun, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Indeed, it looks very practical...but it's a little different from the movie. Keanu, can you do it?"

"I know, but I haven't trained. If you think it's okay...how about we go to the weapons shop tomorrow and let the professionals practice it for us?"

"Okay. Can foreigners like me also shoot guns? I want to try M4, preferably with a silencer... I have played with imitation AKs at shooting ranges in our country, but never with authentic M4s. …”


Xu Xin's words made Keanu Reeves a little confused about what to say.

He also plays online games.

He also plays CS...

But...it was precisely because he played with it that he realized how big the gap between this thing and firearms in reality was.

As soon as Xu opened his mouth, he knew that the other party had been misled by the CS game.

It's very harmful...

However, he still readily agreed:

"OK. No problem. So do you think the cold temperament I mentioned about Wick's character is correct?"

"Yes, and also wrong."


"I think he must first fit the temperament of a retired killer. If a person is still that cold in life and people stay away from him after seeing it, he does not look like a killer. In my opinion, a killer should be that kind of person. At first glance, he looks like an ordinary person. Let’s not say he’s not good-looking, but at least everything about him looks very low-key.”

"Until his dog was killed?"

"That's right. Wick's dog died. It was a gift from his deceased wife. His most cherished gift. This is a kind of contrast. You have to give the audience a... change in image. A reasonable mentality transformation curve. From the moment of transformation, you are no longer an ordinary John Wick, but the frightening BOOGY MAN~"

Speaking of this, Xu Xin paused and then said:

"Keanu, we might as well do this. As you said, in this movie, we don't need the gunfire scenes of other gunfight movies. What is a killer? You can kill a person in ten steps. He could travel a thousand kilometers without leaving a trace.”


After hearing this, future MR. Wick asked in confusion:

"Why take ten steps?"

"Metaphor, this is one of our metaphors. My point is very simple, then we might as well abandon the Hollywood gunfight routines. For example, an impenetrable sofa is just a layer of wood, but it can stop bullets like a frying pan. log table.”

"...can a frying pan stop a bullet?"


This time, Xu Xin discovered it.

Put aside the personal relationship.

This guy is obviously the type who likes to dig deep into details when it comes to acting.

So, he shook his head:

"I'm just a metaphor. In short, that's what it means. Since you think the Mozambican marksmanship is more suitable, then, in the close combat, we should try to be more realistic. There are not so many tricks in close combat, and the killer is particular about it. It should be a one-hit kill. What's more, Wick has retired. A retired killer, he is... older. And for an older person, his physical strength may not be able to do that kind of fancy fighting. Sufficient support. Therefore, we can make it more realistic. Try to use the technology available in reality to embody Wick’s one-hit killer style..."

"Wow, cool! Like?"

"Like kicking the balls."


"Believe me, this trick is really useful. Yang is very professional!"


This is already the puzzled expression Keanu Reeves has shown for the first time.

Yang is particularly professional?

His eyes unconsciously fell on Xu Xin's pants.


Is Xiao Xu okay?

All right.

This idea is ridiculous.

But I have to admit...

Xu's idea is great.

A gunfight theme that is different from the traditional Hollywood gunfight genre. It has real swords and real guns, almost restoring the real fighting scene. It is a realistic style movie about a killer. A revenge movie about a ruthless killer...

It sounds great!

"Whoa! I mean...Yang...whoa!"

At the dinner table, Keanu Reeves had a surprised expression on his face.

Then he made a gesture of pinching his thumb, index finger, and middle finger together, similar to the gesture used by Chinese people to describe the number "7" with their hands, and then kissed him with his lips and made a pulling motion.

It's a bit like pulling out a strip of chewing gum from your mouth.

That's a classic Italian gesture that represents the deliciousness of the food in your mouth.

"No tomatoes, no cheese, just pork, cucumbers, bean sprouts... This is the most delicious bowl of noodles I've ever had. Wow! God, it's so good."

The resentment of wearing two pairs of pants disappeared the moment she heard the compliment from her friend.

Who would refuse Shuaibi's compliment?

What's more, this handsome guy is Keanu Reeves.

The dream boat of many people.

Even though he often says that he is old... But when he is old, he is still handsome than Keanu Reeves.

"Oh, look at what you said... you like to eat it. I will cook a jar for you tomorrow and you can take it back. When you get home and want to eat, cook some pasta, scoop out a spoonful, and eat it with some vegetables."

The conspicuous bag that was praised to look like a peacock is almost red now.

With this mood, the meal was eaten in a perfect atmosphere.

After dinner, the future MR. Wick stood up and left. Xu Xin looked at the taillights of him riding his Harley motorcycle away and said subconsciously:

"So handsome..."

Yang Mi nodded unconsciously:

"Indeed, there are not many people who look like they can kill both East and West."


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment:

"Are you sick? I'm talking about that motorcycle."

"That's what I said."

Yang Mi smiled proudly and pulled him towards the house:

"Let's go, don't even think about motorcycles. I don't agree with you riding a piece of meat covered with iron."

"...That's a man's romance."

"Romance can't be eaten as food, so just give up on it."

Clearly, she has drawn a clear line.

As a human being, there are always things you can do and things you can't do in this life. And motorcycles are obviously one of them.

Hmm... I have to write it into the house rules tomorrow.

It was written just below "Xu Xin must not gamble on drugs".

I took my husband all the way to the backyard.

In the swimming pool at night, when the lights in the water are turned on, along with the refraction of the water, it adds a sense of vitality to the dark yard.

Yang Mi held a glass of mojito in her hand and squeezed into a recliner with Xu Xin, resting on her husband's arm and looking very comfortable.

"Ha~ comfortable~"

After taking a sip of half the cup through a straw, she let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Putting the cup on the table, he turned sideways and buried his head in his lover's chest.

Now Nuannuan and Yangyang were taken to take a bath by her grandma and grandpa, and she could finally enjoy a moment of peace with her husband.

"elder brother."


"I declare you~"

She rubbed her face happily and hugged him tighter.

Xu Xin asked:

"when are we leaving?"

"The day after tomorrow... oh, why are you talking about this? It's so annoying. Next time I participate in a Hollywood movie, I will be a dog! Really... they simply use people as livestock. How outrageous!"

"Ha... um."

She was complaining, but Xu Xin yawned.

He was a little sleepy.

As a result, before I finished yawning, my waist suddenly hurt!

"Hey~what are you doing!"

"Don't make trouble, young man. Do you know how long I've been craving you? I sleep with a pillow under my arms every day, it's so annoying! And... think about what day it is today!"

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment...

Then his expression immediately changed:

"A relative is coming?"

"Well, there are no taboos today!"

At first glance, this seems quite right.

But Xu Xin was panicked.


How could you forget this?

"I... I... I have just been on a plane for more than ten hours, so I may not be in very good condition..."

"Brother, isn't it? Have you forgotten how majestic you were back then? What... seven days a week, 24 hours a day, I can take care of Ma Long at any time. Is this what you said?"

"No, no, no, you remembered wrong, that's what Rodman said."

"Really? But I remember how proud you were at that time. That pride on your face... tsk tsk..."

"How can there be..."

Xu Xin quickly denied it.

Of course, he didn’t admit defeat either:

"I'm not saying I'm not good, it's just that I'm not in good shape. But I'm still more than enough to deal with you."

"...Hehe, just blow it."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes, and then leaned into her husband's arms.

The evening breeze in Beverly Hills was particularly pleasant, and she finally calmed down after being anxious for a long time.



"You have worked hard."


An ordinary word made Xu Xin's heart tremble.

He held the girl in his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead:

"It's not hard work, what does it mean?"

"It's quite tiring to have two children."

"The ones who are tired are also our parents."


Seeing how hard he was trying to avoid making her feel guilty, Yang Mi let out a silly laugh again.

Like a child.

Forget it.

Then let’s not talk about it.

She put her hands on Xu Xin's waist and crossed her legs.

Every breath and every breath was filled with the familiar smell of tobacco.

This smell accompanied her through the best time in college.

It has also turned into an extremely strong wall of longing to resist loneliness on countless nights.

It also tolerates all her shortcomings, willfulness, and all kinds of bad emotions...



"Actually, when I'm here, sometimes I feel like I'd rather stay in a hotel. At least the hotel still has some popularity... I feel very sad guarding such a big house by myself... I don't even feel like this is my home. Because without you... the place with you is home."

Hearing this, Xu Xin shook his head again:

"No, it should be said that when we are together, we are home."

"Dad~Mom~where are you?"

Before he finished speaking, a warm voice came from behind the recliner.

"Here it is."

Xu Xin subconsciously opened his wife's head, turned to look at the girl wearing a small floral skirt and pajamas, smiled and waved.

Yang Mi sighed silently and regretfully.


Good times are always so short.

Soon, Nuan Nuan walked to the lounge chair with bare feet.

Seeing her parents crowded together on a chair, she naturally grabbed her mother's legs and climbed onto the chair, and then squeezed in between them "unreasonably".

"Dad, I'm done washing! You smell it~"

Xu Xin, who was leaning sideways, came to her daughter's arm and sniffed with a smile:

"Oh, it smells so good~ Come on, let the big bad wolf take a bite~ Ouch~"

"Hehehe, no~ no~"

Nuannuan began to twist and dodge.

He quickly turned around and hid in his mother's arms.

Yang Mi hugged her daughter, feeling the warmth from her warm little hands, and suddenly showed a smile.

This smile was not as sweet as before.

Some are just gentle maternal brilliance.

Forget it.

Come and make trouble when you come.

She is my baby~

With her and dad... this is the most complete family.


sweet home~

"A sneeze."

Yangyang, who was being wiped by his grandfather with a bath towel, sneezed.

Rubbed his nose.


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