I'm A Fantastic Beasts Master At Hogwarts

Chapter 189 A Completely Different Statement (Please Subscribe, Please Support)

Regarding what Hagrid told Harry about what happened fifty years ago, Li Xuan naturally heard from Hagrid, even before Harry and the others knew about it.

After all, Harry was able to learn these things from Della Comalfort, so it was easier for Li Xuan, who was familiar with the plot, and he had a good relationship with Hagrid, so of course he could ask Hagrid about what happened in the past.

And Li Xuan didn't come to question or doubt Hagrid, but a kind and reminding conversation. Now Hogwarts has another chamber attack.

Hagrid was the suspect fifty years ago, and now Hagrid is still at Hogwarts, and the murder of the monster in the chamber of secrets happened again, so it is hard not to suspect Hagrid.

Even the Ministry of Magic might arrest Hagrid and put him in Azkaban again. Li Xuan was afraid that it wouldn't be fun if the big man couldn't figure it out.

Li Xuan told Hagrid that he is currently investigating the basilisk, and he wanted to give justice to his good friend. Hearing what Li Xuan said, the innocent Hagrid was so happy-moved to tears.

Unlike Harry, in Hagrid's eyes, Li Xuan is a capable person, and even treats him as an equal. Like Harry and Neville, although Hagrid also told them the cause and effect, he didn't let them continue to investigate, after all they Still weak.

But Li Xuan is different, in Hagrid's eyes, even Li Xuan will become a character like the combination of Newt Scamander and Dumbledore!

Therefore, regarding what Li Xuan said, if the Ministry of Magic really wants to bring him back to Azkaban, don’t worry or resist, just follow the past honestly, after all, with Dumbledore around, Minister of Magic Fudge will not treat him too harsh.

Hagrid would not embarrass Dumbledore by doing this, and from the side, he would be able to wash away the blame that has been carried on him for decades!

Even after Hagrid's grievances are washed away in the future, he can use this to put pressure on the Ministry of Magic to make up for Hagrid's wasted decades. It is not impossible for Hagrid to become the professor of protection of magical animals at Hogwarts in the future!

Listening to Li Xuan's methodical and careful plan, Hagrid's tears were even more free. Li Xuan sincerely helped him think and make suggestions. Everything is based on reality, which means that the future can really be realized!

One of Hagrid's wishes is to be the professor of protection of magical creatures at Hogwarts!

If it really works, Hagrid doesn't know how to repay Li Xuan, and judging from the current plan Li Xuan said, if Hagrid finds Dumbledore and Professor Kettleburn to intercede, then the success rate is not high. Guaranteed to say 100%, but 90% is no problem!

In the end, Li Xuan left under Hagrid's tearful eyes. There is no way, can you sit in front of a little titan who keeps wiping tears, especially the eyes of Hagrid, don't forget, Hagrid lived more than 60 years Year! A man of Voldemort's time!

Why did Li Xuan do this, and he didn't have too much interest in it. To be honest, apart from Hermione, Penelope, the younger brother Neville, by the way, and Luna, "in Hogwarts, you can count as Li Xuan." Xuan's Hagrid is definitely the king of them all!

So Li Xuan doesn't mind helping him, and even without Li Xuan's help, Hagrid will become a professor of conservation of magical creatures next year, so why not go along with the tide and make a wave of favors?!

Why is Li Xuan so sure that Professor Sylvanus Kettleburn will retire? You must know that he has been a professor of protection of magical creatures at Hogwarts for more than 30 or even 40 years!

His aging body has already run out of energy, and if he hadn't had a suitable person to take over, he might have retired a long time ago.

Otherwise, Hagrid would not be able to take over the position as soon as he unblocked the Ministry of Magic. Therefore, there are many wizards in the wizarding world, but there are very few excellent and professional wizards. Most of them can only hold magic wands It's just a wizard who shouts a spell and casts a spell!

The first is that there is no talent, the second is that there is no interest, the third is that you can’t see the future, or it is quite dangerous, and the fourth is that you need Jin Jialong’s support.

In the courses at Hogwarts, let’s not talk about Transfiguration and Charms, let’s not mention flying and astronomy, just look at the remaining three courses.

If herbalism wants to reach the level of Professor Sprout, it is essential to settle down to practice, accumulate, and explore the characteristics of various magical plants bit by bit.


However, the seeds and planting process of various magical plants require Galleons, and even some magical plants require special fertilizers, such as blood.

Magical plants are not just plants, but also dangerous, such as the stunned Della grass, the devil's net that binds and suffocates people, and the powerful Whomping Willow. . . .

So if you want to achieve something in herbal medicine, you need time, energy, Galleons, talents, and even a hundred million bits of luck to ensure that you don't die.

The same is true for Potions and the protection of magical animals, both of which require talent, interest, money, luck, and time to settle down, and even these two are more rewarding than herbalism.

After all, herbal medicine is planting and farming, and it is still possible to follow the steps.

But potion brewing is not the same, all kinds of appropriate amount and a few words in it will make you collapse, and the more advanced potion takes more time and energy.

Why do magical animals say they need talent? That is to have enough affinity, so that they can dispel the vigilance of magical animals.

Therefore, in these special fields, there are very few talents. Li Xuan is also aware of this now. In order to avoid not having such talents in his hands in the future, he has now started to cultivate them slowly.

The resources in his own hands are also sufficient, Li Xuan likes to control the source in his own hands, instead of making requests to other people, or even licking his face.

Li Xuan doesn't want to be so humble after transmigrating, especially for the sake of such a strong advantage!

But Li Xuan was thinking about another thing, that is, what Hagrid said fifty years ago was different from the movies Li Xuan had seen.

In the environment where Harry entered Tom Riddle, but Tom Riddle went directly to the room where Hagrid raised Aragog and yelled directly to report him, and then Hagrid gave Aragog away.

The fight between the two of them later attracted other students and professors, and eventually Hagrid was sent to Azkaban.

Therefore, Li Xuan didn't know which one to believe, and he was more inclined towards Hagrid in his heart. After all, Tom Riddle's environment is completely up to him. What you see may not be true, but what the other party wants to show you. It's just soil!.

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