"Come out and see the outside world, little Diamond!"

After Qianye Feng adapted to the outside environment, he took out the elf ball containing the small diamond and released it.

Like Qianye Maple, Little Diamond, which had adapted to the dark environment, was unable to accept the stimulation of light from the outside world at first. After a while, it gradually began to see the outside environment clearly.

In the eyes of Little Diamond, everything outside is so strange, but full of various colors, which is a completely different feeling from the extreme darkness inside the Stone Cave.

During Qianye Feng's journey back to town, Little Diamond only dared to surround him, as if this was the only way he could get some psychological comfort.

But it is very curious about the things around it. It looks here and there. Everything in the outside world is full of novelty in its eyes. It can be seen from Xiao Zuizhuan's narrowed eyes. At this time, its How good the mood is.

It was already approaching noon. When Qianye Feng arrived at the Elf Center, Ishikawa Shizuru and the others were chatting in the rest area of ​​the Elf Center.

"Xiao Feng, you are back!"

When Shizuka Ishikawa saw the somewhat gray-faced Chiba Kaede, he hurriedly said hello.

After all, he had stayed in the Stone Cave for several hours and excavated it himself, so Qianye Feng's body was also stained with a lot of mud at this time, and he looked really embarrassed.

"Yeah, what about you, what did you do in the morning?"

Qianye Feng came to them and asked casually.

"Kousuke has been training his elves all morning, while Goichi and I went to watch Mr. Fujiki surf. His and Iron Palm Rikishi's surfing skills are really amazing. Hey, what kind of elves are you behind? Why aren't you there?" Have you seen it?"

Shizuka Ishikawa was enthusiastically introducing what he had seen in the morning to Chiba Kaede, but suddenly his eyes lit up and he saw the little diamond hiding behind him and peeking at him, so he asked.

For elf trainers, if they don't go out of their way to understand, they may not even recognize all the elves in the area, let alone the small diamonds that are basically invisible in the Hoenn region.

So after several people saw Xiao Suizhuan, they also showed curious eyes.

Ishibashi Goichi directly took out the Elf Encyclopedia, trying to identify Little Diamond's identity, but unfortunately, his Elf Encyclopedia only recorded the common elves in the Hoenn region, and there was no information about Little Diamond.

"Little Diamond, no need to hide, just say hello to them!"

Qianye Feng turned around and said to the slightly shy Little Diamond.

With Qianye Feng's encouragement, Little Diamond finally floated out from behind him, shouted at a few people, and then hid back.

"It's so cute. Is it called Little Diamond? Why is there no record in the Elf Guide?"

As a girl, Ishikawa Shizuru couldn't take her eyes away after seeing the little diamond. In addition to the cute appearance of the little diamond, there were also diamonds inlaid on it, which all attracted her attention.

"Yes, I captured it by accident in the Stone Cave in the morning. Normally, the Little Broken Diamond tribe lives in the Kalos area, so its information is not included in Hoenn's Elf Guide."

Afterwards, Qianye Feng briefly told a few people about some of his experiences in the Stone Cave in the morning, and did not hide his own gains.

After hearing Qianye Feng's harvest, several people showed regretful looks. If they had known that they could gain so much and meet rare elves, they would not have refused to go!

This is especially true for Kosuke Kiuchi. He already likes rock-type elves very much. He looks at Chiba Kaede with envy, envious that he can conquer a rare rock-type elves like Little Diamond.

In response, several people expressed their intention to explore the Stone Cave before leaving, and also thought of inviting Qianye Feng to go there again.

However, Qianye Feng knew that the probability of another harvest was low, so he simply refused.

He planned to take advantage of these two days to enjoy life and not go in again. However, due to the complex and changeable environment in the cave, Qianye Feng reminded them that it would be best for the three of them to explore together.

Time flew by and it was time to leave the island. During this period, Kinuchi Kosuke and the others actually went to the Stone Cave to explore, but they did not have the same luck as Chiba Kaede and did not find any hidden mines.

The one who gained the most was probably Kosuke Kiuchi. He tamed a Kokodora. I don’t know if this Kokodora was the one Qianye Kaede encountered before.

And yesterday afternoon, Kosuke Kinuchi once again challenged the martial arts gym. Unfortunately, the outcome has not changed. The attribute disadvantages are not so easy to overcome. However, it may be that he obtained the gym trainer Fujiki during the battle. In recognition of his recognition, he was still given a fighting badge.

Kosuke Kiuchi, who had two good things happen in succession, was in a particularly comfortable mood. Anyway, Qianye Feng could see him giggling from time to time, and he didn't know what good things he was thinking of.

In addition to enjoying life these days, Qianye Feng also tried fishing as a leisure activity in the surrounding areas.

Unfortunately, the types of water-type elves here are still somewhat lacking like the previous beaches. He fished all morning and no other elves took the bait except King Carp, so he had no choice but to give up fishing here.

Of course, this was because he automatically ignored the fact that a fishing uncle on the island caught elves such as fanged fish, agate jellyfish, and thousand-needle fish one after another.

It was past 9 o'clock in the morning, and Qianye Feng and his party finally saw the figure of old man Hutch.

Today, Old Man Hatch is wearing a sailor uniform, a sailor hat on his head, and a pipe in his mouth. He is blowing out streams of white smoke, and the long-winged gull Xiaopi is lying on his head. rest.

"Boys, come on up, we'll set off right away!"

Seeing several people already waiting on the pier, Old Man Hutch waved and said loudly.

Qianye Feng and the others did not hesitate, boarded the small leather speedboat and embarked on their way home.

It was completely different from the feeling when they came. There was no sense of urgency, and the few people who had completed the set goals returned with a satisfied mood.

There were no unexpected incidents during this voyage. The speedboat soon arrived at the sea area near the beach where Qianye Feng had trained before. After Qianye Feng said goodbye to a few people, he directly rode on Da Wang Yan and returned to his farm from here.

Riding on the back of Da Wangyan, Qianye Feng recalled the gains from this special training. Due to the intrusion of Old Man Hutch and his group, he changed his itinerary, but he also gained a lot. Now he feels like he has returned with a full load. Feel.

Now, he has obtained 5 gym badges, and he only needs to obtain three more badges to get the ticket for this Caiyu Tournament.

Not long after, Qianye Feng was carried by King Yan to the sky above Qianye Farm.

Looking down, he could already see groups of Meili sheep gathering together to eat grass leisurely, several large milk cans chasing each other, and a large number of mosquito-repellent tadpoles floating on the water in the artificial lake to bask in the sun. belly.

As soon as Qianye Feng landed, without waiting for his instructions, King Yan flew back to his orchard territory. As the leader of the tribe, he was very busy on weekdays. After being missing for so many days, he still needed to comfort his little brother. Just fine.

Qianye Feng just smiled helplessly, and then he released a group of elves that were already unable to stay in the elf ball, including King Carp and Ugly Fish. He ordered Mr. Mosquito Repellent to bring them to He lived in an artificial lake and told him not to bully the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks.

Then I saw Mr. Mosquito Repellent holding them up from the tail of the fish with one hand, and then quickly flew towards the artificial lake. Qianye Feng couldn't help but admire the speed.

Now the only ones who are still following Qianye Feng are Fire Chicken, Ghost Stone, Shuttlecock Flower and Little Diamond.

"Hey, boss, you're back!"

It was almost noon, and Takemoto Yui was preparing lunch for her and Terada Yuri. When she saw Chiba Kaede pushing the door open, she said happily.

"You probably haven't eaten yet. If not, I have to make more meals. Sister Yuli is taking care of the plants in the backyard right now. I'll go and get busy first!"

After Yui Takemoto finished speaking like a barrage of words, she turned around and went back to the kitchen to work without waiting for Qianye Feng's reaction.

Qianye Feng, who was about to talk to her, opened her mouth, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

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