Regarding the arrival and departure of La Lulasi, Qianye Feng just regarded it as a small episode in his life and did not take it to heart.

In the next few days, he began to be busy again, or in other words, he was directing a group of elves to be busy.

Chiba Maple is not very anxious about opening up the terraced garden, so it usually only takes half a day to work on it. However, the garden opening is not slow and I believe it will be completed in a few days.

After all, their farm already has a mature excavation process. As long as the main force, the Pangolin King, doesn't pull his hips, everything will go smoothly.

Qianye Feng was not idle during the rest of the time. He spent most of his time with the fire chicks and the newly conquered elves.

The Carp King and the Ugly Fish have now adapted to the environment of the artificial lake. Although Qianye Maple has designated this area for the use of the Mosquito Relic Lord, the Mosquito Repellent Lord has not driven other water-type elves to move in the artificial lake.

So Magikarp can still find many of the same kind here, but Ugly Fish is not so lucky. Fortunately, it was used to being a fish before and didn't think it was a big deal.

Chiba Kaede did not neglect their training. After arriving at Chiba Farm, he provided them with sufficient energy cubes, and the collision training between Magikarp and Ugly Fish continued.

I believe that through such accumulation and consumption, King Carp and Ugly Fish will definitely become stronger quickly.

As for the fire chick, Qianye Feng still let it mainly focus on weight-bearing training, but now it has added a training item to fight against the little diamond.

For the rock-attribute elf Little Diamond, the power of fire-attribute attacks is already halved. Coupled with its terrifying double defense, the current strength of the fire-attributed chicken cannot cause much damage to it.

However, the attack skills of Little Diamond are not very powerful, which provides the basis for balancing the strength of both sides. This balance will not be broken until one side achieves a huge breakthrough in strength.

Anyway, Chiba Kaede enjoyed watching the two sides perform scraping attacks on each other. Yuri Terada and Yui Takemoto would come over from time to time to watch their battles after their free time.

Even the shuttlecocks who like to stay in the backyard join in the fun and cheer them on. When both parties are almost out of strength, they will thoughtfully add a grass field skill to them to keep them going.

At this time, Qianye Feng seemed to be able to hear the voices of Huo Zhiji and Xiao Suizhuan, I thank you idiots, I was just about to take a break, and I asked you to work overtime again!

When the atmosphere on the court was at its hottest, a green figure suddenly appeared in front of Qianye Feng.

"Um, Lalulas, are you coming to play again?"

Qianye Feng was instinctively startled, but after seeing that it was La Lulasi, she put away her nervousness and said to it with a smile.

"Wow, so cute!"

Terada Yuri and Takemoto Yui, who were also shocked at first, saw that it was Lalu Lasi, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sure enough, the charm of La Lulas is really for both men and women. No one will hate this cute thing."

Chiba Kaede looked at Yuri Terada who was so enthusiastic about the elf for the first time, and thought silently.

While he was still dazed, Terada Yuri had already picked up Lalu Lasi, and Lalu Lasi who was suddenly picked up did not resist, but there was a look of helplessness in her eyes.

It seems to be saying that there is really nothing I can do against you. My charm has nowhere to be placed, so I can barely let you humans hug it!

Seeing this scene, Qianye Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up to La Lulas, thinking that he was indeed an elf who could sense emotions, and one look in his eyes could convey so many meanings.

"Lalulas, it turns out you've been sneaking out a lot lately, so you came here!"

While Qianye Feng was watching the two women interacting with La Lulas, a cold female voice suddenly came from behind him.

This made him startled. He turned around and looked at the other person, and found that it was a girl who was several years older than him. The most impressive thing about the girl in front of him was her golden color that could almost be used as a cloak. Long hair.


After Qianye Feng looked at Ghost Stone who was frozen in mid-air, he knew that the other party must be a very powerful superpower. Only in this way could he appear behind him silently and directly freeze those who wanted to warn him. Ghost Stone.

"Hello, could you please let go of Ghost Stone first!"

Qianye Feng said to the girl in front of him.

If the other party still refuses to let go of Ghost Stone, then he is an enemy rather than a friend. At that time, he will no longer be polite and breaks into his farm for no reason, and also makes actions that make him misunderstand, so he can only fight. Let’s talk about it later.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, the girl didn't express anything, she just looked at him lightly.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a bit wrong, and Little Diamond and Huo Zhiji, who were still practicing scraping, stopped in unison.

When the atmosphere was already deadlocked, Lalulas, who realized something was wrong, immediately moved to the girl's side and told her something.

In the end, under the persuasion of La Luras, the girl released the super power that imprisoned Ghost Stone.

Ghost Stone, who was free to move, knew how scary the girl in front of him was, but he still firmly stood between Qianye Feng and the girl to prevent the trainer from being harmed by the other party.

This girl is none other than Cattleya, one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Hezhu region. She happened to be on vacation in Kaina City during this time. The reason why she came to Hoenn is because few people here know her, so she can compare Enjoy your rare vacation freely.

The reason why she appeared at Chiba Farm is because Lalu Lasi often used teleportation to leave her sight during the recent period. Although Lalu Lasi would occasionally leave when she was in the Hezhong area, it would not be like now. It's so frequent, and the time away won't be so long, so she specially followed La Lulas here today.

Cattleya felt that someone was deliberately seducing her Lalulas. She had seen a lot of such people in the Hezhong area before, because the elves were relatively simple-minded and would be very happy as long as someone was nice to them. It's easy to trick them into favoring them.

Based on this impression, she just used her super power to control Ghost Stone, intending to give Qianye Feng and the others a disincentive.

However, after talking to Lalu Lasi through telepathy, she already knew the whole story. She knew that it was not someone who wanted to kidnap Lalu Lasi, but that her own Lalu Lasi was greedy and wanted to come over and act cute. I cheated on food and drink, so I sneaked over to the farm.

"I'm really sorry just now, I was a little rude!"

Although Cattleya is a bit arrogant, she will still bear the mistakes she should bear.

"Um, is this Lalulas your elf?"

Qianye Feng had originally planned to call the elves to fight, but was caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, and could only relieve the previous tension through conversation.

"Yes, my name is Cattleya. I followed this child here. I thought it was deceived by bad people, so it acted rudely just now. I'm really sorry!"

Cattleya explained the whole misunderstanding to Qianye Feng. She did not want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

After hearing the name Cattleya, Qianye Feng's eyes narrowed. Combined with the other party's terrifying super power, he instantly knew who the girl in front of him was, the super king Cattleya, one of the four kings in the Hezhong region.

As far as Qianye Feng knows, Cattleya, like Nazi, is born with powerful superpowers. Once her emotions are out of control, her superpowers will be out of control and cause huge damage. However, Qianye Feng looked at her performance just now and felt that she should be able to Take control of your superpowers.

After all, if she had just lost control of her super power, Qianye Feng felt that she and others would be in danger, but from the fact that she could easily use her super power to immobilize Ghost Stone, it can be seen that she should have control of her own ability now.

"So that's it. Since it's a misunderstanding, let it pass. Miss Cattleya, do you want to go inside and have something to drink?"

Qianye Feng didn't want to stay with such a scary person, but since the other person came to his farm, he couldn't just chase them away, so he had to invite him politely.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then!"

Cattleya actually saw that Qianye Feng didn't really invite her to be a guest, but wanted her to leave as soon as possible, but she felt how could she be dismissed so easily!

Thanks to book friends 160114221232586 and Jue~ for their monthly ticket support!

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