I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 106 Expansion

The income from selling tree fruits, coupled with the income from the sales of large milk cans of fresh milk and the wool of Meili sheep at Qianye Farm during this period, Qianye Feng's account balance finally reached 6 figures.

After getting rich, Qianye Feng began to consider purchasing another batch of Meli Sheep Elf Eggs and expanding the variety and planting area of ​​fruit trees.

The reason why expansion was not carried out before was because Chiba Farm did not have enough manpower and energy. However, now the elves can actually help with many things, which can save a lot of manpower.

As the number of proud swallows and mosquito-repellent tadpoles increases, Chiba Feng does not need to worry about pest control, protection and watering in the tree orchard. He has handed over the operation and maintenance of the orchard to these two groups.

As the newly planted grass matures, the pasture that limits the number of Meili sheep is no longer a limitation.

In the future, there will not even be a need to cultivate and plant Qianye Maple. These pastures will spread spontaneously. At that time, a large number of Meili sheep will be needed to curb the expansion of the pastures.

Qianye Feng directly ordered 6 more Ellie Sheep Elf Eggs from the Nozawa Breeding House, and agreed to deliver them in a few days. This quantity was what Qianye Feng thought was more appropriate and would not have a big impact on the original Meli Sheep population.

After that, Qianye Feng made another trip to Kaina City and purchased three rare tree fruit seeds: cranberry, banana fruit and phoenix pear.

Unlike the previous ordinary tree fruits such as apple wild fruit and peach peach fruit, these three kinds of tree fruits are relatively rare and expensive tree fruits.

These fruits contain a lot of energy, which can restore a lot of physical strength to the elves who eat them. If you feed these fruits to wild elves, you can even gain their favorability more easily, increase the chance of conquering them, and stabilize their emotions. , improve the level of elves, etc.

However, it is not easy to grow these fruits, and after they bloom and bear fruit, the number of fruits produced is much less than that of ordinary tree fruits.

The most troublesome thing for fruit farmers is that once these tree fruits are ripe, they will emit a special aroma, which will spontaneously attract elves within a few kilometers to come and feed.

Therefore, if you want to grow these tree fruits, you generally need to build a strong enough greenhouse. This can not only effectively isolate the spread of the fruit aroma, but also prevent the intrusion of wild elves.

But in this way, those who have the ability to grow these fruits are those with strong capital. Ordinary fruit farmers rarely invest such a large cost in planting. After all, the input and output are somewhat disproportionate.

Things are rare and expensive, so these fruits are destined to be expensive.

It is not easy to obtain the seeds of these kinds of fruit trees. Chiba Maple had to go to all the large and small fruit shops in Kaina City to buy them. Moreover, there are not many seeds of each fruit tree in total, about Each variety of tree fruit contains only a dozen seeds.

Normally, no more than five of these seeds can successfully survive to bear fruit, and even if you are unlucky, not even one may survive.

But for Qianye Feng, he felt that he could make these rare fruits appear in his own orchard and successfully bear fruits.

What he relied on was the life energy he controlled and a group of shuttlecocks who could use the green grass field.

After all, he can even successfully plant resurrection grass now, how could he not be able to grow these types of fruit trees!

Of course, in order to strengthen these fruit seeds to the greatest extent, Qianye Maple poured several days of life energy into these seeds until they could no longer absorb them.

Now the appearance of these seeds is completely different from when he obtained them. They have become plump and green. Even an ordinary person can see that these seeds are extraordinary.

The terraced flower garden was also completed with the efforts of Chuanshan King and other elves. Now the slope is completely different, taking on a staircase shape, with rectangular plots of land on each terrace that have been cultivated.

Once the Gracidia flowers in his backyard are fully mature, he can obtain seeds that will be planted in the terraced garden.

Although these seeds can only be planted in a small plot, this is already a huge improvement. I believe that with a few more rounds of planting, Graxitia flowers can cover the entire terraced flower bed.

"Mrs. Nozawa, welcome to Chiba Farm as a guest!"

Chiba Kaede had just finished checking the growth of resurrection grass from the backyard when he saw Mrs. Nozawa and Yuri Terada from the Meili Sheep Breeding House talking about something in the living room.

"Xiao Feng, I have sent you the Meili Sheep Elf Egg you ordered. The main reason I came here this time is because I want to discuss something with you!"

Mrs. Nozawa first pointed to the elf egg on the table, and then spoke.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, I won't refuse if I can help!"

Qianye Feng has traded with the Nozawa couple several times before, and there were no problems, so if he can help with some minor problems, he will definitely help.

"It's like this. Our Nozawa Breeding House wants to order fresh milk in large milk cans from your farm. It doesn't need to be too much, just 20L a day."

In fact, the Nozawa couple had just heard that Chiba Farm produces fresh milk in large milk cans, so they decided to inquire about it. After all, the price of bottled moo milk is much higher than that of fresh milk.

Although the nutrition of moo milk is higher than that of pure fresh milk, fresh milk is obviously more cost-effective for Nozawa Breeding House, and it will not affect the growth and development of young elves.

"It's okay to provide fresh milk, but our Chiba Farm's manpower is relatively tight, so we may not be able to deliver it to your door. You need to come and pick up the goods yourself."

Chiba Kaede and Terada Yuri looked at each other and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

Of course, Qianye Feng would have no objection to selling fresh milk, but if they were required to deliver it to their doorstep, then it would be a waste.

After all, there are currently only three people in Chiba Farm, and as the farmer, he often goes out. This is equivalent to adding a delivery job to Yuri Terada and Yui Takemoto, which invisibly increases their daily workload.

"No, no, I'll ask my husband to drive over every day to pick it up!"

Mrs. Nozawa is not an unreasonable person. The amount of fresh milk they purchased is very small, and it is indeed a bit difficult to have it delivered to their door.

"That way it will be no problem. We can ask Mr. Nozawa to come and pick up the fresh milk tomorrow!"

Qianye Feng smiled and said to Mrs. Nozawa.

Later, Chiba Kaede and Mrs. Nozawa negotiated the retail price of fresh milk. Originally, Mrs. Nozawa wanted to give Chiba Kaede a higher price, but he did not agree and gave it to Mrs. Nozawa and sold it to Takayuki Moriko. The prices are the same.

After everything was settled, Mrs. Nozawa said goodbye to the two of them happily and left Chiba Farm.

"Yuri, I will trouble you to refill the fresh milk for the Nozawa family."

Chiba Kaede said to Terada Yuri.

"Boss, this matter can be solved easily, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Terada Yuri said a little funny.

However, Yuri Terada felt warm in her heart that Chiba Kaede could consider them and reduce their workload as much as possible.

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