I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 111 Integration

After subduing the tentacle lily, Qianye Feng immediately released it again. The current tentacle lily was hit by the air blade, which caused serious damage to its body, and it looked a little sluggish after it came out.

In this regard, Qianye Feng was very experienced and directly released Shuttlecock Flower, letting it use the grass field skill to treat Tentacle Lily, and then took out some energy cubes from the backpack and gave them to Tentacle Lily to eat.

I don't know if she was used to eating energy cubes in Dr. Odamaki's research institute, but Tentacle Lily took all the energy cubes Chiba Kaede gave it into its mouth without any hesitation, and ate it happily.

After treatment, Tentacle Lily quickly returned to its best condition. At this time, it already had some respect for Qianye Feng and did not dare to ignore his existence as before.

As for the King Swallow that easily defeated it, Tentacle Lily felt a sense of fear and did not dare to get too close to it.

However, after the initial awe, Qianye Feng's goal has actually been achieved. If he wants to have a deeper bond with Tentacle Lily, he needs to rely on the accumulation of time.

The tentacle lily walks very slowly on land. It needs to use the four protrusions on the bottom to move forward little by little.

In order to save time, Qianye Feng took it back into the elf ball first.

"Doctor, I have conquered the Tentacle Lily. If there is nothing else, I will not disturb your research work!"

Chiba Kaede found Dr. Odamaki who was observing the habits of a forest lizard and said goodbye to him.

"Well, then I won't keep you. If anything happens to Tentacle Lily in the future, you can contact me at any time."

After bidding farewell to Dr. Odamaki, Chiba Kaede found Miho Kawakami and exchanged a few words with her before leaving the Odamaki Research Institute.

Qianye Feng, who had completed his goal, did not intend to stay too long in Weibai Town. He rode on King Yan and headed back to his farm.

"Boss, have you got the fossil elf?"

After the two girls saw Qianye Feng coming back, they hurried forward and asked.

They are also very curious about the elves resurrected from fossils. After all, this technology has not been really popularized yet. Only a few companies and research institutes have the conditions to resurrect fossils. This has led to the scarcity of fossil elves and outsiders. It's rare to have a chance to see it.

"Come out, Tentacle Lily!"

Qianye Feng didn't explain too much, but directly released Tentacle Lily.

"Is this the fossil elf? It does not look like the elves we usually see. However, although it looks a bit weird, I believe it is a good boy."

Takemoto Yui said like a little adult.

"Ah, it hurts so much!"

Takemoto Yui wanted to reach out and touch Tentacle Lily, but unfortunately, she was hit directly on the arm by Tentacle Lily's tentacle, causing a whip mark to appear on her fair arm.

Even though the tentacles of the tentacle lily look a bit like petals, it seems harmless. These tentacles are needed to entangle the prey when the tentacle lily hunts prey, preventing the prey from breaking free and escaping.

Therefore, these petal tentacles of Tentacle Lily are not only very flexible, but also very tough, and their dragging power is also very powerful.

There was only a whip mark, but Tentacle Lily didn't use too much force for Qianye Feng's sake. It would not allow the weak-looking creature in front of it to touch itself at will.

"Don't be so rash in the future. Tentacle Lily has only been resurrected not long ago, and it is not yet very adapted to the environment of our time. Its thinking mode is still in the super ancient time of 100 million years ago, and its mind is all about the law of the jungle. "

After Chiba Kaede checked Takemoto Yui's arm, she found that it was only slightly bruised and no bones were damaged. She finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then scolded her helplessly.

"Sister Yuri, it hurts so much, and the boss even lectures me!"

Yui Takemoto was actually a little scared in her heart, maybe because the elves she met recently in Chiba Farm were all very kind, which made her lose awe of the powerful elves.

However, she was afraid of returning home, so she still found Yuri Terada for comfort.

"You, please be more careful in the future. I'll take you to apply some wound medicine first!"

Although Terada Yuri also felt that Takemoto Yui's behavior was a bit reckless, seeing her in pain with tears welling up in her eyes, he still took her to his room to apply medicine.

"Tentacle Lily, Yui just wanted to make friends with you. There is no need for you to be so nervous."

After seeing the two girls leaving, Qianye Feng said to Tentacle Lily.

However, after seeing that Tentacle Lily had no reaction, Qianye Feng could only shake his head, feeling that it still took time for him to adapt to the life here.

Afterwards, Qianye Feng brought Tentacle Lily into his room. He had Wang Yan defeat it before to make it awe, but now he plans to use life energy to treat the hidden wounds in Tentacle Lily's body. This is giving grace. Only the combination of grace and power can make people suffer. Tentacle Lily accepts his presence for a short time.

As a being who had defeated him, Tentacle Lily accepted Qianye Feng's palm on his body.

At this time, the life energy was introduced into Tentacle Lily's body along Qianye Feng's palm. This pure and vital force washed Tentacle Lily's body, making it feel extremely comfortable.

Ever since Tentacle Lily was resurrected into this world, it has always felt like it was out of tune with the outside world, as if there was a voice reminding it all the time that it did not belong to this world.

This feeling made it very tormenting. Although this feeling dissipated a little as time went by, it still made it feel uncomfortable and helpless until just now.

However, as life energy enters its body, it spontaneously optimizes and cures some of the irrationalities in its body, or some of the defects that occurred when the fossil resurrection instrument resurrected its body are being repaired.

Gradually, Tentacle Lily felt as if she was integrating into the world, and no longer had the feeling of rejection before. This discovery made her very happy.

"Tentacle Lily, how are you feeling now?"

Qianye Feng saw Tentacle Lily standing still for a long time without making any movement, so she asked.

After regaining consciousness, Tentacle Lily stretched out her tentacles and carefully touched Qianye Feng's face to express her gratitude.

At this time, Tentacle Lily no longer had the cold feeling before, and her temperament became much kinder.

Qianye Feng was also very happy about Tentacle Lily's transformation. He immediately went to the open space in front of the house with Tentacle Lily, and began to guide Tentacle Lily to let it release its skills.

Tighten, frighten, solution, strange light, root, primal power, super absorption, salt water, instant amnesia, energy ball

It’s a very luxurious skill pool. It’s hard to believe that it didn’t take long for Tentacle Lily to be resurrected. Maybe this is because the resurrection of fossils will also inherit the skills of the elves in the fossils!

Qianye Feng thought so.

Of course, apart from Tentacle Lily giving him a big surprise in terms of the number of skills, what makes Qianye Feng most happy is that Tentacle Lily can now fully obey his orders.

This also means that even now it is okay for Qianye Feng to use Tentacle Lily to fight against the elves. The difference from the previous attitude of not paying attention to it is really big.

In this regard, Qianye Feng could only recite silently in his heart, life energy YYDS.

"Tentacle Lily, apologize to our lovely Miss Yui!"

After finding Yui Takemoto who was still a little angry, Chiba Kaede said to Tentacle Lily.

Tentacle Lily did not delay at this time, and moved forward to Yui Takemoto, then stretched out her tentacles to touch Yui Takemoto, who was still a little scared.

This is what Qianye Feng taught it, otherwise Tentacle Lily would not know what an apology is.

Takemoto Yui, whose face was touched by Tentacle Lily's tentacle, carefully stretched out her arm, touched Tentacle Lily's body, and then quickly retracted it.

"I forgive you, Tentacle Lily, and I hope we can get along well in the future!"

Yui Takemoto, who became bolder, stretched out her right hand to hold Tentacle Lily's tentacle, and then said happily.

At this time, Chiba Kaede and Terada Yuri, who were bystanders, also looked at each other and smiled after seeing this scene.

Thanks to book friends Wharf Shan and Yu for their monthly support!

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