I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 126 Center of the Universe

"We finally arrived in Green Ridge City. Let's quickly set off to the Green Ridge Gym. I can't wait to get the seventh gym badge!"

After getting off the boat, Xiaozhi immediately said excitedly.

After the incident on Mengsi Island was over, Adu helped them contact a ship heading to Green Ridge City. After a night of sailing, they finally arrived in Green Ridge City.

Since they had already rested on the boat for a night and everyone had recovered, they naturally had no objection to Xiaozhi's proposal and headed to the Green Ridge Gym according to the route indicated on the map.

When everyone walked to the entrance of the Green Ridge Gym, they found a hurried lady running out of the gym. She was wearing glasses and had a satchel around her waist. She was muttering something and strode outside. Completely unaware of their presence.

"Hello, are you a gym trainer?"

Seeing that she was running away, Xiaozhi quickly asked loudly.

"No, the gym trainer is not in the gym now. He should have gone to the center of the universe."

When the lady saw someone calling her, she stopped and then answered everyone.

"Center of the Universe?"

After Xiao Sheng heard about the center of the universe, he immediately exclaimed.

"Yes, because today is the day when the space shuttle rocket is launched, the gym trainers are also going there!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and left quickly. It was obvious that she was in a hurry.

"I see, there is a space shuttle rocket going to be launched today!"

Xiaosheng said with his eyes shining, obviously he was very interested in the rocket that was about to be launched.

"Yes, it is written in the book that there is indeed a center of the universe here in Green Ridge City."

Xiaogang took out the travel guide and checked it and said.

"The weather satellite [Sunflower Monster] and the manned space shuttle rocket [Hou-O-3] were launched from the center of the universe here."

Xiao Sheng touched the frame of the mirror with one hand and said very confidently.

After some discussion, a few people decided to go to the Universe Center to find a gym trainer first. Of course, Xiao Sheng actually just wanted to go to the Universe Center to play.

After arriving at the center of the universe, what caught their eyes was a huge space shuttle rocket standing on the launch site. Looking at the behemoth in front of them, everyone was also yearning for it.

After watching for a while, a few people entered the center of the universe directly. Unexpectedly, there was no one in the entire hall. However, thinking that the space shuttle rocket was going to be launched today, everyone else should have already made preparations for the rocket launch. Already working.

After seeing that no one was around, everyone wandered around in the lobby on the first floor. There were many training facilities for astronauts here. On a whim, Xiaozhi sat directly in a rotating training machine, and then turned on the instrument.

As the instrument started, Xiaozhi also followed the rotation up, down, left and right. As the rotation speed became faster and faster, he and Pikachu were already dizzy and couldn't bear it anymore. Fortunately, Pikachu used his tail in time to press the stop button. Let the instrument stop.

Xiaozhi, who came down from the instrument, looked swaying, as if he was drunk, and fell to the ground within a few steps.

"Really, Xiaozhi, you are like a child in some aspects, how can you activate these instruments casually!"

Xiaoyao ridiculed after seeing Xiaozhi's appearance.

"But, but, it looks really fun!"

Xiaozhi said pitifully.

"Hey, what is that?"

Xiaozhi pointed to a shining glass window and said with some confusion.

Everyone came to the glass window and looked inside, and found that a man and a woman were fighting an elf battle. The man was using sun rock, while the woman was using moon stone. It can be seen from the power of the skills released by the two elves. It turns out that they are very powerful.

The two of them were dressed in a Chinese style, with buns on their heads, which made them look very cute. There was a scale doll floating in the air around the battle site, and its eyes were shining, as if they were releasing some skills.

After a fight, the woman's moon stone used the freezing light skill to freeze the sun rock and won the final victory.

After seeing that the competition between the two was completed, they planned to get to know each other, so they opened the door and walked in. Who knew that after entering, the gravity inside seemed to disappear, making them float in the air.

It was Qianye Feng's first time to experience this feeling of weightlessness, but he felt that it was not bad, as it gave people a sense of freedom.

"Are you guys okay?"

At this time, the girl also floated over, helped Xiaozhi upright, and asked with concern.

"It's okay. What's going on?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

Later, from the girl's narration, they learned that this was a gravity-free environment created by the power of the scale puppet, allowing people to feel the feeling of being in space.

Through self-introduction, Qianye Feng also learned that the girl's name was Xiao Nan, and that the boy was her twin brother Xiao Feng. Their father was the director of the Universe Center and the astronaut Keen of the space shuttle rocket.

However, the relationship between the two didn't seem to be very good, and they started to quarrel as they talked. As the younger brother, Xiaofeng was a little dissatisfied with always losing to his sister Xiaonan in battles, and the older sister was also a little unhappy with this disobedient brother.

After Xiaofeng learned Qianye Feng's name, he felt that the two of them were destined. After all, both of them could be called Xiaofeng. Qianye Feng could only smile in response.

In the subsequent conversation, the two also revealed that they were the gym trainers of the Green Ridge Gym. After knowing that Qianye Feng and Xiaozhi wanted to challenge the Green Ridge Gym, they readily agreed. However, they had to wait until the space shuttle. Gym challenges can only be played after the rocket is in the air.

Of course, Qianye Feng and Xiaozhi had no objection to this. They actually wanted to see how the space shuttle rocket was launched. After all, such opportunities did not come often.

Under the leadership of Xiaonan and Xiaofeng, everyone began to visit the space center again. Finally, they led them to the control room of the rocket launch. There were at least dozens of people in this control room, and they were all busy. Mind your own affairs.

In the control room, they also met the lady who came out of the Green Ridge Gym in the morning. It turned out that she was Rey, the mother of the twins Xiaonan and Xiaofeng, and she was also a staff member of the Universe Center.

"Who is that?"

Rey suddenly spotted two suspicious people on the monitor, walking towards the landing port of the space shuttle rocket.

Qianye Feng looked at the two people and the cat who had already put on the spacesuits, and was a little speechless. Team Rocket was really haunting, they were everywhere, and they felt uncomfortable every time they didn't cause something.

What happened next was a bit bizarre. The Rockets boarded the space shuttle rocket, and then pressed the launch button in advance, causing the space shuttle rocket to directly lift off.

Xiaofeng and Xiaosheng were also unexpectedly inside the space shuttle rocket. However, in the end, the space shuttle rocket was still not launched. They were stopped in mid-air by the Scales using telekinesis. They even used telekinesis to cause trouble inside the rocket. The Rockets cleaned up.

From here you can see how powerful these balance puppets are. After all, the propulsion power of the launch rocket is very terrifying.

Afterwards, Xiaofeng and Xiaosheng, under the command of Keen, controlled the space shuttle rocket to turn around and return to the runway at the center of the universe.

Qianye Feng also didn't know how to complain about such a magical scene.

However, after staying with Xiaozhi and the others for a long time, he felt that his adaptability had improved a lot. After all, even Groudon and Kyogre had encountered them, and the trivial matter of two children shooting rockets was not worth his fuss.

I have to say that the technology in this world is indeed much more powerful than in the previous life. Normally, in the event of such a launch accident, the rocket launch would definitely be cancelled. However, here they just conducted some maintenance on the space shuttle rocket, and in the evening At that time, the space shuttle rocket was launched according to the original plan.

However, since time has been delayed, their gym challenge can only be scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Thank you to book friend lwl shadow for your monthly ticket support!

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