I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 134 Ancient Armor

"When it was still an ancient feather insect, it had a bad temper, but"

Anu told the story of the ancient armor.

"Originally, it wasn't so serious. On the one hand, the temperament of the ancient armor has changed somewhat after evolution. On the other hand, it was frightened by the behavior of those people just now."

Dr. Zhuxing felt that Team Rocket's attempt to capture the ancient armor just now led to its abnormal behavior later.

Immediately, they followed the footsteps of the ancient armor and came to a forest full of fruits. Here they found the ancient armor picking the fruits for food.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to like eating the tree fruits here. It usually just takes a bite of the fruit pulp and then throws it away. At the same time, it will also spit out the fruit pulp in the mouth, and then spit in disgust. This situation is obvious. is abnormal.

"Taikoo Armor, we don't mean to harm you, you should go back to the research institute with us first!"

Dr. Morohoshi shouted at the ancient armor.

However, a water cannon attack represented the attitude of the ancient armor. It was obvious that it no longer trusted them.

Seeing this scene, Pikachu ran directly to the ancient armor and said something. However, this time the ancient armor did not attack Pikachu immediately, which also gave everyone some hope of persuading it.

Later, Xiaoyao and Xiaogang also released Hunting Papilio and Foratos, hoping that they could help persuade the ancient armor with the advantage of being insect-type elves.

Unfortunately, the ancient armor, which had just listened to the persuasion for a while, might have thought they were too noisy, so it directly used its slashing skills on them.

This also angered Xiaozhi. He could not tolerate the ancient armor hurting Pikachu, so he released the lobster soldiers and used the crab claw hammer at the ancient armor, intending to conquer the ancient armor by force.

Unfortunately, the ancient armor was much stronger than the lobster soldiers. It only defeated the lobster soldiers with a few moves. After that, the ancient armor used the burrowing skill to escape from this place.

"Oops, it escaped again!"

Anu said a little disappointed.

"Where does it want to go?"

Xiaoyao also said with a confused look.

"Dr. Morohoshi, I think this is the reason why the ancient armor left!"

Qianye Feng glanced at the tree fruit thrown on the ground by Taikoo Armor, picked it up, and handed it to Dr. Zhuxing before saying.

"What does this mean?"

Xiaozhi looked at the bitten tree fruit with some confusion and asked confused.

"That's it, that's it. I know where the ancient armor will go. Thank you for reminding me, Xiaofeng!"

After being reminded by Qianye Kaede, Dr. Morohoshi suddenly understood and thanked him.

Afterwards, Dr. Zhuxing led everyone to run in one direction. It was obvious that he already had a target and was no longer searching blindly.

"The Ancient Armor is moving in search of food, the fruits it used to eat. There are still some of these fruits on the promontory of this island. I think it should have gone there."

While running, Dr. Zhuxing also explained his speculation to everyone.

After all, the ancient armor is an elf that existed in the ancient times. If it has not fully adapted to this world, then when it is hungry, it will inevitably look for the food stored in its genetic memory based on its own instinct.

"So that's how it is, but Xiao Fengzu is so awesome, I thought of it all at once!"

After listening to Dr. Zhuxing's explanation, Xiaozhi looked at Qianye Feng with some admiration and said.

"This is because I have spent some time with Tentacle Lily and know that this will happen if the fossil elves are not fully adapted to the environment of this world."

Qianye Feng explained patiently.

While everyone was chatting, they arrived at the promontory, and sure enough they found Taikoo Armor happily eating an unnamed fruit, looking very happy.

"Sure enough, our conjecture is correct. The ancient armor is so irritable because of hunger."

Dr. Zhuxing looked at the current appearance of the ancient armor and said with some emotion.

He felt that his research on ancient elves was not deep enough, and he needed reminders from others to respond to such simple things.

"Then what should we do now, go and capture the ancient armor?"

Xiaozhi asked Dr. Moroxing.

"Let's not disturb the ancient armor for now. Once it calms down after eating, we can persuade it to return to the research institute."

Dr. Morohoshi thought for a moment and then said.

Then everyone hid in the grass in the distance and carefully watched Taikoo Armor eating. This was also the first time they saw Taikoo Armor no longer be at a loss.

However, at such times, the three troublemakers are always indispensable. Even if they were knocked away by the water cannon of Swire Armor, they did not give up their plan to capture Swire Armor. They are a group of guys who only care about eating and not fighting.

When he saw that the ancient armor was caught by the Rocket trio using a mechanical arm and was about to escape in a hot air balloon, Dr. Morohoshi ran directly over, hoping to save the ancient armor with his own power.

"Go ahead, Pikachu, use a hundred thousand volts!"

When Ash sees Team Rocket doing bad things, his first reaction is to ask Pikachu to attack. This has almost become his instinct.

With Pikachu's interference, Taikoo Armor also took the opportunity to break away from Team Rocket, and then cooperated with Pikachu to beat Team Rocket away again. The cooperation between them can be said to be extremely smooth.

"Ancient Armor, are you okay?"

After seeing the ancient armor escape, Dr. Zhuxing also ran to it and asked with concern.

The ancient armor that has been fed and drunk no longer has the brutality and violence before. Moreover, the scene where Dr. Zhuxing risked his own life to save it was also seen by it. Therefore, it no longer rejects Dr. Zhuxing. , just shouted at him to express that he had no problem.

The group then returned to Dr. Zhuxing's research institute. Although the research institute had just been damaged by Taikoo Armor, it was not very serious. The most critical fossil resurrection machine was not damaged.

At this time, Chiba Kaede also had time to check the messages on his phone, and found that Yuri Terada sent him a message, saying that Tentacle Lily had sent it.

Immediately, Qianye Feng immediately went to the location of the elf transmission device, and sure enough, he found a elf ball sitting quietly on the disc.

After getting the Poke Ball, Chiba Kaede immediately released Tentacle Lily. After careful observation, he found that Tentacle Lily's height had grown a lot during this period. It was probably because of the good food fed by Yuri Terada.

"Wow, Xiaofeng, is this your tentacle lily?"

The sharp-eyed Xiao Sheng first noticed the tentacle Lily moving slowly behind Qianye Feng, and asked.

"That's right, Tentacle Lily just teleported here."

Qianye Feng replied with a smile.

"Well, it looks no different from the tentacle lilies in Dr. Morohoshi's botanical garden!"

Xiaozhi came to this conclusion after carefully observing Tentacle Lily.

"Indeed, I didn't notice any difference in appearance. It's just that in terms of feeling, your tentacle lily seems to be a little more friendly, unlike the tentacle lily in the botanical garden that is completely indifferent to people."

Xiaoyao's feeling is quite keen. When it comes to the key point, the Tentacle Lily resurrected by Dr. Zhuxing has not fully adapted to the world and is still confused, so it does not care about other people.

Even the evolved cradle lily is the same. The reason why it sneaks out is because it wants to find familiar things engraved deep in its genes.

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