I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 137 The Gorgeous Contest on Izabe Island (Part 2)

Soon, the group results of the second round came out. Xiaoyao's opponent was a boy with a yo-yo ball. If she could win, she would advance to the finals.

There wasn't a long rest, and the games started quickly. The first game was a showdown between Harry and a boy with Marylou.

Being able to enter the second round of the Gorgeous Competition, the boy and his Mary Lou were also very strong. Unfortunately, not only were they restrained by the Mengsong Cactus in terms of attributes, Harry was also much better than the boy in terms of command strategy.

Therefore, the game ended quickly. Marylou lost her fighting ability directly after being hit by Mengsong Cactus's seed machine gun, and the countdown was not over yet.

The next step was a duel between Xiaoyao and a young man with a yo-yo ball. The most profound impression of this young man on Qianye Feng was his green hair.

According to common sense, Bulbasaur, as a grass attribute elf, has a great advantage against the water attribute Yo-Yo Ball, but Xiaoyao in the field, for some unknown reason, always wanted to win by relying on his speed advantage.

She tried to wait until Yo-Yo Ball was close to Bulbasaur before she could fight back. Chiba Feng was a little confused about this strategy.

Yo-Yo Ball is much faster than Bulbasaur, so if it approaches Bulbasaur at close range, Bulbasaur will be attacked before it has time to react.

Yo-Yo Ball used the combination of water wave and lightning flash skills to cause a lot of damage to Bulbasaur, which also caused Xiaoyao's score to decrease rapidly.

"What is Xiaoyao doing? Time is running out!"

Xiaozhi scratched his head in the audience. He didn't understand why Xiaoyao's performance was so poor today, and he was very worried about her.

"Xiao Yao must have been misled. Judging from her performance, she must have thought that the speed of the Yo-Yo ball was very slow, so she behaved like that at the beginning."

Although Qianye Feng didn't know what happened, it could be seen from Xiaoyao's command strategy that the premise of her command was that the opponent's elf was slower than her Bulbasaur.

"Well, I think there is nothing wrong with Xiaofeng's analysis, but if this happens, Xiaoyao will be in danger. It depends on whether she can adjust in time."

Xiaogang agreed very much with Qianye Feng's analysis, but at the same time he was a little worried about Xiaoyao's next performance.

"I believe that my sister can turn defeat into victory."

Although they often fight and fight on weekdays, Xiaosheng still hopes that his sister Xiaoyao can win.

However, Xiaoyao's performance next was very commendable. She did not lose confidence because of the early defeat, but calmed down.

She seized the opportunity when Yo-Yo quickly approached Bulbasaur with the combination of water wave and lightning flash, and let Bulbasaur use the vine whip to sweep across Yo-Yo's legs, causing Yo-Yo to lose its center of gravity.

Then let Bulbasaur use Petal Dance to knock the Yo-Yo ball away in a gorgeous way, causing the opponent's score to drop crazily. Finally, after the countdown ended, Xiaoyao completed a counterattack with a slight score advantage to turn defeat into victory.

After that, Xiaoyao and Harry will compete for the final victory, and the winner among them will receive this ribbon badge.

There will be a twenty-minute break during this period so that Xiaoyao's Bulbasaur can get some rest.

In order to restore Xiaoyao's Bulbasaur to its best condition, Qianye Feng had lent Shuttlecock to Xiaoyao before the game. With the help of the grass field, it would not be a problem for Bulbasaur to fully recover.

The break time passed quickly, and Xiaoyao and Harry stood on the stage at the same time, but they seemed to be arguing about something.

In this regard, Qianye Feng combined Xiaoyao's previous performance and knew that Harry must have misled Xiaoyao before the game, which made her last game so thrilling.

Under the old and new grudges, Xiaoyao's fighting spirit was completely inspired.

At the beginning, she had Bulbasaur use the vine whip to shoot down the poisonous needle attack of the Mengsong Cactus, and then immediately had Bulbasaur use the Flying Leaf Knife to attack, but this attack was also intercepted by the opponent using the seed machine gun.

Qianye Feng watched it with great interest in the audience. After all, only this kind of fierce battle can make people excited, especially when he is a supporter of one of the parties.

This time the confrontation ended with Bulbasaur using a vine whip to tie up the Mengge Cactus, and then using the impact skill to knock it away. Obviously, Xiao Yao temporarily gained a certain advantage.

Just when Xiaoyao was about to pursue the victory and win the game, Harry on the opposite side suddenly took out something that looked like a voice recorder and pressed it gently.

"Sister Xiaoyao used to be very afraid of elves. This incident started when she was swimming at the beach when she was a child. At that time, she was surrounded by a large group of agate jellyfish!"

Xiaosheng's voice spread throughout the venue, leaving the judges and the audience a little confused.

"No, we can't talk about this!"

However, after Xiaoyao heard this, she quickly covered her ears, her face suddenly turned red, and she shouted in embarrassment.

"Xiao Sheng, what's going on?"

Xiaozhi asked with some confusion.

"This is what I talked about with Mr. Harry before, but why is this happening?"

Xiao Sheng was also at a loss at this time. He didn't understand how a private conversation could be recorded and played throughout the venue.

"Obviously it was Mr. Harry who seduced Xiao Sheng into saying these words in advance. The purpose of playing them out at this time was to disrupt Xiao Yao's mind so that he could win."

Qianye Feng analyzed calmly.

Harry, who was able to do such a thing, was no different from a clown in Qianye Feng's eyes. So what if he was allowed to win in this way.

At this moment, Xiao Sheng’s voice rang again:

"My sister happened to be wearing a blue swimsuit and a blue swimming cap that day. At that time, our mother mistook her for an agate jellyfish and wanted to capture her!"

"Ha ha!"

After listening to Xiao Sheng's words, the entire audience and judges burst into laughter. Of course, they had no ill intentions and just listened to it as a funny story.

However, Xiaoyao in the field was already covering her eyes and was too shy to raise her head. It was obvious that this childhood embarrassment made her very embarrassed.

So, after she calmed down a little, she glared at Xiao Sheng, making Xiao Sheng break out in cold sweat.

When Harry's plan succeeded, he looked like a villain who had succeeded. He began to mock Xiao Yao crazily and gave her the title of Little Agate, which made Xiao Yao furious.

When Xiao Yao was distracted by him, Mengge Cactus suddenly used a skill to feint and attack Bulbasaur, directly knocking Bulbasaur away.

Due to the impact just now, Xiaoyao was completely blinded by anger, resulting in consecutive defeats. The score was overtaken by Harry, and there was not much time left.

"Xiaoyao, don't have too many distracting thoughts during the game, focus on the game."

Qianye Feng suddenly shouted loudly to Xiaoyao.

After hearing Qianye Feng's words, Xiao Yao was stunned for a moment and realized that she should focus on the game and not be affected by Harry's clumsy methods.

When Harry planned to let Mengsong Cactus use the feint skill to end the game, Xiao Yao asked Bulbasaur to use Vine Whip to throw it into the air, and then commanded Bulbasaur to use the combination of Flying Leaf Knife and Petal Dance, accurately The hit was the Mengsong cactus.

Because the combination of Flying Leaf Knife and Petal Dance was very beautiful, it was appreciated by the judges and the audience present. However, Mengge Cactus could not survive this combination and directly lost its fighting ability, and the competition ended.

Xiaoyao got her fourth ribbon badge as she wished, finally living up to her hard training during this period.

Moreover, because Xiaoyao won the competition, she generously forgave Xiaosheng for exposing the embarrassing incident of her childhood. Then, everyone began to plan the next route.

Since Izabe Island is a large island, they need to cross Izabe Island to the port of Seiros Town, because there are ships there that can go directly to Liuli City, where the last gym is located.

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