I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 141 Xiaozhi’s Challenge (Part 2)

"Come out, lobster soldier!"

The next elf that Xiaozhi used was the lobster soldier who had already fought a battle. Although it had taken some time to rest, Qianye Feng could see that the lobster soldier was not in very good condition.

However, Qianye Feng, who had watched the lobster soldiers fight many times, felt that the crayfish in front of him had an amazing fighting spirit, and had a thick skin and strong defense. He always had an attitude of taking action if he refused, which might give them a surprise.

After the lobster soldier saw clearly that his opponent was a love fish, he jumped directly into the water and ran towards the love fish. In the middle, he also released a foam beam to attack the love fish.

However, the love fish easily dodged its attack and then counterattacked with a water gun. The lobster soldier running fast on the water could not avoid the water gun attack and was knocked upside down. However, the water gun attack caused it The damage was very minor, it just shook its head and cheered up again.

Then Adam repeated his old trick and asked the love fish to use Angel's Kiss, but this time the lobster soldier jumped up to avoid it. Then, the lobster soldier used foam light in the air to attack the love fish, and Adam had to let the love fish dive into the water. Dodge.

"Lobster soldier, use the crab claw hammer to hammer the water!"

Xiaozhi said suddenly with a flash of inspiration.

Then, the lobster soldier took advantage of the momentum of his fall and hit the water with a crab claw hammer. The powerful force directly blew the love fish out of the water.

Seeing the opportunity, Xiaozhi quickly asked the lobster soldier to use the clamping skill. Unexpectedly, the love fish was extremely fast on the water and directly avoided the attack of the lobster soldier.

"It's so fast. Why did the love fish suddenly accelerate?"

Xiao Sheng asked in confusion in the audience.

"This is the characteristic of the love fish, which allows it to swim freely. On rainy days, the speed of the love fish is twice as fast as usual. Just now, the lobster soldier hit the water and made a lot of splashes, thus triggering the characteristic of the love fish."

Xiaogang explained.

However, Xiaozhi soon seized the opportunity. After all, it was just a splash of water, which soon disappeared. At this time, the speed of the love fish returned to its normal level.

The lobster soldier seized this opportunity and used the crab claw hammer to knock the love fish away with one punch. Then he hit the rock on the shore and immediately lost his ability to fight.

Then Adam released his fourth elf, Catfish King. It has water and ground attributes and can only be restrained by grass-attribute skills. It is a very troublesome elf, and the lobster minion has a huge size difference with it, so it can be easily restrained. .

"Catfish King, use Surf first, then Rock Break!"

Adam gave the order directly.

Then the Catfish King rode the huge waves and ran towards the Lobster Soldier. Although Xiaozhi asked the Lobster Soldier to use foam light to block it, the Catfish King simply ignored these bubble attacks.

When he was about to get close to the lobster soldier, the Catfish King jumped down from the huge wave, and then launched the rock crushing force with the force of a mountain, directly hitting the lobster soldier, which directly caused the lobster soldier to lose its fighting ability.

Xiaozhi chose King Yan as his fourth elf. King Yan was the first elf that Xiaozhi conquered in the Fengyuan area. It was very good in terms of perseverance and strength.

"Wang Yan, use lightning flash!"

After receiving Xiaozhi's order, King Yan turned into a bolt of lightning and attacked the Catfish King.

Unfortunately, when the King Yan was about to approach the Catfish King, the two beards of the Catfish King entangled its wings, and the Catfish King used Adam's order to tickle the King Yan. Although it looked like a prank, Tickling attack is a skill that can reduce the attack power and defense power of elves.

Immediately after Adam ordered Catfish King to use the destruction death ray, intending to give King Yan a fatal blow. Because his wings were restrained, King Yan took the blow firmly, was knocked out, and fell heavily to the ground. .

Qianye Feng thought that King Yan would lose the ability to fight after receiving such a heavy blow. Unexpectedly, under Xiaozhi's call, King Yan cheered up again, and then, under Xiaozhi's order, used the Swallow Return skill to attack the Catfish King.

"King Catfish, dive into the water!"

Facing the attack from the Big King Yan, Adam chose to let the Catfish King temporarily dive into the water to avoid it. The King Yan followed him into the water, and then continued to use Yan Hui to hit the Catfish King from the water into the air.

Regarding the performance of Big Wang Yan, Qianye Feng could only call him a good guy, and planned to let his own Big Wang Yan try it out in subsequent games.

"Catfish King, use the destruction death ray!"

After seeing the Catfish King being beaten into the air, Adam continued to give orders.

I saw the Catfish King using his long beard to wrap around the pillar next to him, and after turning around in a circle, he fired a destructive death light in the direction of the King Yan.

"Great King Yan, use the electric light to dodge, and then use Yan Hui again!"

"King Catfish, jump into the water!"

Following Xiaozhi and Adam's orders, King Yan used the lightning dodge to avoid the destruction and death attack, and then used Yan Hui to quickly attack the Catfish King, while the Catfish King quickly jumped underwater.

However, King Yan was one step faster and hit the Catfish King just as it was about to enter the water. After taking this blow, the Catfish King immediately lost its fighting ability.

Adam's last elf is his ace Menas, while Xiaozhi's remaining King Yan and Pikachu have already experienced battles and are not in very good condition.

"Meenas, use the water cannon!"

Following Adam's order, Menas sprayed a jet of water from his mouth to attack the great king Yan.

"Great King Yan, use Yan Hui!"

After hearing the order, King Yan rushed around the water in the direction of Menas, and then Yan's return skill hit Menas solidly. However, Menas only took a few steps back and seemed not to be affected at all.

Adam naturally asked Menas to use Iron Tail to continue attacking King Yan, while Xiaozhi asked King Yan to use shadow clones to avoid Menas' attack.

However, Menas' subsequent tornado skill carried a large amount of water and directly involved the big king Yan, and then hit the big king Yan hard on the ceiling, which directly caused the big king Yan to lose its fighting ability.

After taking back King Swallow, Ash sent out his last elf, Pikachu.

"Pikachu, use thunder!"

Ash planned to use a powerful electric skill to cause huge damage to Minus. After being hit by Pikachu's powerful thunder skill, Minas became scarred and lost the calm posture he had before.

"Menas, use self-regeneration!"

Facing the seriously injured Menas, Adam just ordered calmly.

Subsequently, Menas's body was shrouded in a layer of light. When the light dissipated, its condition had completely recovered.

Qianye Feng knew that skills such as self-regeneration can only restore half of one's own physical strength at a time, and it takes a long time to activate, but Menas in front of him has obviously cultivated the proficiency of this skill to a very high level, whether it is recovery The effect and recovery time are among the best among elves.

Seeing that the thunder had no effect, Xiaozhi asked Pikachu to use Iron Tail to attack, and Menas also used Iron Tail to fight back. After the two skills collided, Pikachu flew directly upside down. After all, the size difference between the two sides was too big. .

Subsequently, under Adam's command, Menas used his tail to launch a tornado from the water. Just like when he defeated King Yan before, the tornado carried a large amount of water and directly sucked Pikachu in.

Just when Pikachu was about to receive the same treatment as King Yan, Xiaozhi ordered Pikachu to use thunder. Suddenly a large amount of thunder and lightning raged in the waterspout, evaporating a large amount of water, directly destroying the structure of the waterspout, allowing Pikachu to break free. out.

Then Pikachu took advantage of the momentum of its fall and used a flash of lightning to hit Menas hard. Due to the acceleration of gravity, Menas felt uncomfortable with the blow and took several steps back before stopping.

After suffering a loss, Minus fired another water cannon at Pikachu, but Pikachu easily dodged it. Then, under Xiaozhi's order, he hit Minus with another 100,000 volt shot, giving it a Caused a lot of damage.

"Menas, use self-regeneration!"

Adam saw that Menas's accumulated injuries were already serious, so he started to recover again.

However, this time because Menus' injury was too serious, he did not fully recover, and Pikachu also became breathless due to the continuous use of powerful skills.

Then, under Adam's order, Menus dived into the water and swam in the direction of Pikachu. When he was close to the shore, he used his iron tail to sweep towards Pikachu, but Pikachu took advantage of this opportunity and jumped along Menas' body. The top of its head, then grabbed its two long ears and threw Menas into the water.

Immediately afterwards, Pikachu used its thundering skill in the water. This time it used all its energy. Qianye Feng could only see the pool turn golden in the audience.

Finally, Pikachu stepped on Menas, who had lost the ability to fight, and emerged from the water.

"Meenas loses the ability to fight, and the challenger wins."

As the referee, the butler also gave the signal that the game was over at this time, which represented that Xiaozhi had won the gym battle.

Afterwards, Xiaozhi obtained the water drop badge of the Liuli Gym, obtained his eighth gym badge, and became qualified to challenge the Caiyu Tournament.

Thanks to book friends Sunshine Full of Love for their monthly ticket support!

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