After returning to Qianye Farm, Qianye Feng let out all six Meili sheep.

They have been locked in the Poké Ball these past few days, which really stifles these newly born Meili Sheep who are infinitely curious about the outside world.

So after being released, they all spread their short legs and ran back and forth.

"This is Miss Terada Yuri next to me. She will take care of you from now on. You must obey her obediently. Do you understand?"

After letting the Meili sheep run for a while, Qianye Feng said.

"Meili, meili!"

It turns out that there was a new shit shoveling officer, so that’s okay!

I originally thought Qianye Feng had something important to announce, but I didn’t expect this!

Meili Sheep, who had just been attracted by Qianye Feng, barked a few times and started playing again.

"Whip, where's my whip?"

I didn't expect these Meili Sheep to be so disrespectful. Qianye Feng's nose couldn't help but twitch, thinking silently in his heart.


Seeing Chiba Kaede's deflated scene, Terada Yuri couldn't help but laugh.

"Then you watch them here while I put your luggage in your room!"

Qianye Feng quickly stepped out of the way.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on them, boss!"

Terada Yuri also agreed.

At noon, Chiba Kaede cooked several dishes for Terada Yuri.

However, after Yuri Terada finished eating, she said that she could cook in the future.

This made Qianye Feng, a self-proclaimed chef, a little unhappy.

However, after finishing the dinner cooked by Terada Yuri, Chiba Kaede said on the spot that she would never enter the kitchen again without Terada Yuri's permission.

"Hiss, hiss!"

This was the approval of an unknown proud swallow.

the next day,

Qianye Feng rarely slept until 9 o'clock. When he went downstairs, he found breakfast already prepared on the table.

Moreover, the Meili sheep were also let out to play.

"Boss, get up. I made breakfast for you. The Meili sheep have already finished their milk and went out to play."

Terada Yuri, who was watching the Meili sheep playing outside, heard the commotion, walked in, and reported to Qianye Fenghui.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Yuri!"

Sure enough, being a boss is better than working part-time!

Qianye Feng, who was well arranged, couldn't help but think so.

After eating, Qianye Feng soaked the seeds he bought in the nutrient solution. According to the clerk's explanation, it only takes 24 hours to germinate and can be planted in the ground.

After that, Qianye Feng took the tools and planned to open up some land for planting pasture and fruit trees.

Originally, Terada Yuri wanted to help.

However, Qianye Feng didn't give in. After all, it was previously agreed that the scope of work was to raise Meili sheep.

At noon, the goods purchased yesterday had been delivered to the farm one after another, especially the power generation equipment, which was installed by Qianye Feng in a warehouse near the house, and then connected to the house through wires.

Now they always have electricity to use.

Terada Yuri also has a mobile phone. It is said that the director of the orphanage bought it for her after he heard that she had found a job on the farm.

"Phew, it's finally done!"

Qianye Feng was very tired from this day's work, but fortunately, she was able to clear out enough land before dark.

Qianye Feng only did the simplest work of plowing the ground, but even this was very tiring, and he even thought of giving up the hoe for a while. Fortunately, he finally finished it.

"No, it seems that we still need to recover some elves who can work in the future."

The more Qianye Feng thought about it, the more wrong he became, and he immediately figured out that he was not here to do hard work.

There is the power of elves in this world, which can liberate the labor force to a great extent, but I am still affected by the thinking of my previous life.

However, now that these lands have been reclaimed, they can be sown tomorrow.

After that, Qianye Feng plans to go to Chenghua Forest to conquer some elves and enrich his farm.

"Boss, you're back. Go take a shower quickly. You're soaked in sweat. Be careful of catching a cold!"

The one who spoke was naturally Terada Yuri.

She now has some admiration for this boss who is several years younger than her.

After all, Qianye Feng is the farmer, but he chooses to do the heavy lifting on himself.

After taking a bath, Qianye Feng finally felt better, but her whole body was still very sore.

"Boss, in the afternoon, Nozawa Breeding House has sent someone to deliver the 10 Meli sheep elf eggs you ordered.

According to your instructions, I sent them to your room! "

Chiba Kaede specifically asked Terada Yuri about this matter at noon, so when she saw Chiba Kaede coming out, she quickly reported it to him.

"Okay, I understand, please!"

After dinner, Chiba Kaede returned to the room. Seeing Chiba Kaede go back to the room to rest so early, Yuri Terada thought that Chiba Kaede was too tired from work today and didn't pay much attention.

Qianye Feng was so anxious to go back to the room, of course, because he wanted to use his ability to improve the quality of the Meli Sheep Elf Egg.

For this purpose, he also deliberately reserved three treatment opportunities today.

Since Chiba Kaede specifically asked Boss Nozawa to deliver the elf eggs in advance, it would take about 4-5 days for these elf eggs to hatch, so that he would have time to strengthen all 10 elf eggs.

Three days later, Qianye Feng strengthened the last Meli Sheep Elf Egg. Now, just waiting for these Elf Eggs to hatch, will they be able to hatch different-color Meli Sheep?

In that case, he would make a lot of money, and he could make a fortune just by selling these exotic sheep.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple. The color of the wool hatched from these elf eggs is no different from that of ordinary mel sheep.

If anything, these Meili sheep are very healthy and physically strong.

Qianye Feng believed that these Meili sheep could be used as trainer elves, but unfortunately, he did not want to expose his ability for the time being, so he could only use these Meili sheep as a source of wool.

Of course, it's not necessarily a bad thing for them. After all, training is very hard and requires frequent battles.

Qianye Feng's current strength is still too weak. He can't predict the consequences of his ability being discovered, so he won't expose it if he can.

Previously, Qianye Maple had sprinkled the germinated grass seeds into the reclaimed land, and now they have grown into grass seedlings. This growth rate is obviously much faster than that of ordinary grass.

As for the fruit saplings, Qianye Maple was planted at certain intervals in the planned land. He planned to use this area to plant fruit.

After finishing all this, Qianye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, Chiba Kaede planned to take Terada Yuri to the Orange Flower Forest to conquer the elves, but now that so many new Meili sheep have been added, she can no longer leave.

Therefore, Qianye Feng planned to go to Chenghua Forest alone, and while capturing elf employees for the farm, he would also help her capture an elf.

"Meiliyang, as the boss, you have to protect your younger brother, do you understand?"

Before setting off, Qianye Feng said to the strange-colored Meili Sheep.

This guy has officially left the infancy stage yesterday and can be considered a mature elf.

After Qianye Feng's inspection, this guy learned the discharge skill in advance. This is an electric skill with a power of up to 80. It has a chance of paralyzing the target when it hits the target.

With Meli Sheep around, Chiba Kaede felt more at ease. At least when encountering the invading elves, Terada Yuri would not have the ability to fight back.

"Meili, meili!"

With Meili Yang's assurance, Qianye Feng left the farm with peace of mind and headed to the Chenghua Forest.

Of course, he didn't plan to go out for too long and would come back at night. Otherwise, if something happened, he would regret it very much.

Unfortunately, in the past few days, the ability needs to be used by the Meili Sheep Elf Egg. During this period, Aoguyan did not dare to conduct high-intensity training, so the speed of improvement in strength has slowed down a bit.

However, Proud Swallow still brought him a surprise. It learned Shadow Clone, a skill that confuses the enemy.

Thinking about it, Proud Yan, who is doing weight-bearing training every day, has made his wings much stronger after such training, and his speed after putting aside the weight is even more amazing. With such a speed, it can be said that he can learn the shadow clone.

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