I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 152 Mizuno Yuta’s transformation (Part 2)

Unfortunately, things are often not as simple as he imagined. Students who can attend a trainer's school generally have good family circumstances. After a period of hard work, Mizuno Yuta finds that he cannot integrate into these students at all.

Some things that these students can easily do, Mizuno Yuta has absolutely no way to do.

This is why Qianye Feng's first thought after receiving the compensation was to buy a farm and then build a stable logistics base for himself. Without a foundation, he would not be able to accomplish anything.

Mizuno Yuta didn't think that far ahead at all. He only thought that he could become a powerful trainer by attending the training school. It would be strange if he didn't get hit by the reality.

In the actual combat classes of the trainer school, Mizuno Yuta's ranking is basically at the bottom, because the trainer school conducts a 2V2 elf battle mode.

Although the qualifications of Proud Swallow are not bad, Mizuno Yuta lacks the resources to cultivate it and does not have good training methods, so the results can be imagined.

When Mizuno Yuuta's Arrogant Swallow tried his best to defeat one of the opponent's elf, he found that the opponent had another elf that was in good condition. This made him fight with the opponent's elf.

As for subduing another elf, it is also very difficult for Mizuno Yuta. He can barely support a proud swallow now, let alone subdue other elves.

The reason why he had been asking Rie Uchino for money during this period was because he wanted to save a sum of money to cultivate a second elf. He believed that by then, he would be able to defeat the classmates who looked down on him and win the admiration of the teacher.

In order to achieve this goal, Mizuno Yuta has fallen into a mad state and even lost his temper with his beloved Grandma Uchino.

Although he will regret and feel guilty afterwards, Mizuno Yuta now feels that as long as he survives this period, everything will be fine after he cultivates the second elf.

"Yuta, since you have chosen to embark on the path of being a trainer, you have to bear the sufferings brought by this path by yourself. You are already a man and you should learn to be self-reliant."

After listening to Mizuno Yuta's complaints, Terada Yuri was silent for a while, and then said.

"Haha, sister Yuri, you put it simply. Think about it for yourself, if you had not become employees of Chiba Farm, would you be able to live this kind of life now? I think it might be worse than my current situation!"

Mizuno Yuta said slightly mockingly.

"You guy, how can you talk? Do you know how hard sister Yuri works?"

Takemoto Yui was almost furious when she heard Mizuno Yuta speak like this.

"If I could get ahead by working hard, I would have done it a long time ago. It's not like I haven't tried it myself these days. I go to school during the day and go out to do odd jobs at night. However, the money I make is still not enough for me to cultivate proud swallows."

Mizuno Yuta said a little collapsed.

It's not like he hasn't worked hard these days, but he found that his efforts were really insignificant for the profession of trainer, so he got the wrong idea and used the demolition money from the infield director.

In fact, this is just because Mizuno Yuta has set his position too high. He can slowly accumulate experience and resources, but he wants to surpass those students with family support at once.

Unless he has a plug-in, it is basically impossible to achieve a counterattack, just like a poor student studying hard for ten years cannot compare with the accumulation of three generations of others.

Mizuno Yuta could only comfort himself, thinking that he was just borrowing the money first, and when the elf became stronger, he would be able to earn enough money to make up for the rest of the orphanage.

In the end, Terada Yuri lent 30,000 alliance coins to Mizuno Yuta. The money was the salary she had saved during this period, and she only kept some alliance coins for herself.

Terada Yuri's only request for lending these alliance coins to Mizuno Yuta is that he can no longer quarrel with Dean Uchino.

To this, Mizuno Yuta agreed on the spot. He felt that with these alliance coins, he could conquer the second elf and cultivate it.

After listening to Takemoto Yui's story, Chiba Kaede was also filled with emotion. At first, he was still very optimistic about Mizuno Yuta, otherwise he would not have given him the enhanced Arrogant Swallow Elf Egg, but his subsequent performance made him a little confused. I was disappointed, so I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to help him.

If Mizuno Yuuta knew what he had missed, he would definitely regret it.

If he can suppress his loneliness and stay at Chiba Farm, then at least Aoguyan will not be short of daily energy cubes, and there will also be King Yan who can help him train Aoguyan.

As long as his Arrogant Swallow successfully evolves into the Great King Swallow, his path as a trainer will definitely be much smoother than it is now. Unfortunately, everything was ruined by his own greed.

Now Mizuno Yuta is just a dispensable existence to Qianye Kaede, and he is too lazy to care about his life and death.

After all, for the sake of his own future, this kind of person can turn against the people who raised him at any time, regardless of the life and death of other people in the orphanage. It can be said that he is extremely selfish.

"I can only say that kindness can turn into hatred. When you are too kind to a person who is not grateful and give too many things, making him feel that he can no longer repay the kindness, he will subconsciously think that this is Everything is as it should be.

Later, when one of his requirements is not met, he will start to resent you and regard you as his enemy. "

Chiba Kaede looked at Yuri Terada and said slowly.

After listening to Qianye Kaede's words, Terada Yuri and the others couldn't help but shudder.

Especially Yuri Terada, when she thought of Yuta Mizuno treating her as an enemy, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and she could not imagine that scene at all.

"Boss, what should I do? I can't just ignore him completely, right?"

Terada Yuri dispelled the bad thoughts in her mind, and then asked.

"Everyone has his own path to walk, whether it is good or bad. He has to go through it on his own to find out. All you can do is to hold him up when he is about to fall into the abyss, instead of supporting him all the time. Move forward, and he'll never be able to stand up and walk on his own."

Qianye Feng said with a serious face.

At this moment, Chiba Kaede doesn't look like a 12-year-old boy at all, and Yuri Terada and others don't regard him as a younger brother. At this moment, he has completely become their backbone.

"I know what to do next, boss."

Terada Yuri nodded firmly and then said.

Terada Yuri's thinking is also very clear on weekdays, and he can plan his own growth path very well, but when he meets someone close to him, he loses his usual calmness.

However, after repeatedly weighing Qianye Feng's words in her mind, she felt that she really shouldn't give unlimited help to Mizuno Yuta. After all, there were many partners in the same orphanage, and she did not have the ability to meet everyone's requirements.

She thought about Dean Rie Uchino, who immediately stopped Yuta Mizuno's request after knowing that the money he asked for was not necessary. No matter how unreasonable he was, it was the same. No wonder when she lent money to Yuta, Grandma Uchino still wanted to stop him. .

"Okay, forget it this time, just be more careful in the future."

Qianye Feng didn't plan to discuss Mizuno Yuta's affairs with them anymore. There were such people everywhere, and there was no need to ruin the mood of the others because of him.

It is now less than three months before the opening of the Caiyu Conference, so Qianye Feng plans to use this time to improve the strength of the elves, and not to waste his hard work to obtain 8 gym badges.

Thanks to book friend Longyang Universe, book friend 20180430234400892, and book friend 20180924153310326 for their monthly ticket support!

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