I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 154 Inspection (Part 2)

In the fight between the three little ones, Qianye Maple finally arrived at the terraced garden.

What, you ask Sanxiao just what?

Of course, it's the Strong Chicken, Diamond and Iida Akiko. Although the Strong Chicken has evolved, its habit of running has not changed. From time to time, it will circle around Chiba Kaede and Ogata Akino, and Diamond He and Iida Akiko were also inspired by it, and they were chasing and fighting along the way, which was so lively.

Even Ogata Akino had the urge to join in, but she looked at Chiba Kaede next to her and couldn't help but suppress the urge.

She felt that she was several years older than her boss Qianye Feng, but she couldn't act so childish, otherwise she would lose her image as a lady in her boss's mind.

Yes, Ogata Akino felt that she still looked like a lady in front of Chiba Kaede.

Qianye Feng didn't think so much. He felt that this was more energetic, so he just watched with interest and did not say anything to stop.

After arriving at the terraced garden, Qianye Feng saw a young and beautiful figure hoeing weeds with a small hoe in the distance.

There was also a shuttlecock floating above the flower field. After seeing the arrival of Qianye Feng and others, he quickly informed his trainer.

"Yuri, you have taken good care of these Graxitia flowers, and they are growing at an amazing speed. I believe they will bloom in another 1 or 2 months."

Chiba Kaede walked up to Yuri Terada and couldn't help but praise.

This was really not his intention to please Terada Yuri, but a heartfelt compliment after looking at the vibrant Graxitia flower plants in front of him.

Looking at the lush Graxitia flowers, he felt very comfortable. This was the most important step in expanding his planting. By the time this batch of Graxitia flowers matured, the number of seeds he could obtain could already satisfy most of his needs. terraced garden planting area.

In other words, when the next batch of Gracidia flowers matures, the name of the terraced garden can be said to be worthy of its name.

"Boss, I didn't do anything. Gracidia flowers can grow so well because of the shuttlecock flowers and mosquito-repellent tadpoles. I just help with the weeding on weekdays."

Terada Yuri wiped the sweat from his forehead and said modestly.

Although Terada Yuri said so, Chiba Kaede knew that without her careful care, it would not be possible to have such a prosperous scene today.

"Yuri, I want to go to the orchard to have a look. Do you want to come with us?"

Seeing that there was nothing going on here, Qianye Feng planned to go to the next location.

"Boss, I won't go. There are still some weeds that need to be dug up, otherwise there will be many weeds tomorrow."

Terada Yuri refused without hesitation.

This is also a drawback of using the grass field skill, that is, the weeds will grow at an alarming rate. For her now, taking good care of these Gracidia flowers is the most important thing.

After leaving the terraced garden, Qianye Feng first came to the artificial lake. He wanted to see if Laplace could adapt to the environment of the artificial lake.

After arriving at the lake, Qianye Feng saw Lapras wandering leisurely in the center of the lake, and there were several mosquito-repellent tadpoles standing on its back, and from time to time, mosquito-repellent tadpoles jumped on its back. , there are also mosquito-repellent tadpoles squeezing into the water.

Carp King and Ugly Fish, the pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes, are still carrying out collision training as always. Especially after Qianye Feng used his ability to heal their injuries, they were particularly motivated to train.

After seeing such a harmonious scene, Qianye Feng finally felt relieved.

"Do you guys want to sit on Laplace's back and play for a while?"

Qianye Feng asked the two people around him.

"Can you, boss, of course I am willing!"

"me too!"

After hearing this, Ogata Akino and Iida Akiko responded with their eyes shining.

Later, Qianye Feng called Laplace to the shore, and then asked him to take the two of them to the lake for some fun.

Qianye Feng saw the two of them having fun with the mosquito tadpoles on Laplace's back, so he ignored them and went straight to the place where the rare tree fruits were planted.

At this time, Mr. Mosquito Repellent is patrolling these rare fruit tree saplings to ensure that no wild elves dare to break in and cause damage. He must conduct such patrols at least three times a day. Now he has developed a habit, just like a king patrolling his territory. Same.

Only when these fruits grow taller will it relax its vigilance slightly, because by that time, the elves will not damage these rare fruit trees at will, and their eyes will only focus on the fruits that are about to mature.

As long as they can eat these rare tree fruits, their strength will improve to a certain extent.

After Ogata Akino and Iida Akiko had enough fun on Laplace's back, Chiba Kaede continued to take them to the orchard, which is actually the root of Chiba Farm.

Without the group of proud swallows living in the orchard, Qianye Feng would not be able to take care of such a large farm. Even others need to be very careful when going out, for fear of encountering wild elves who accidentally break into the farm.

The fruits produced in the orchard are the guarantee for Qianye Maple to feed these elves. Without a stable source of fruits, he cannot support the daily consumption of these elves, let alone the excess fruits to sell to Guardian. Leah.

After arriving at the orchard, Chiba Kaede randomly picked up a few apples and handed them to Ogata Akino and Iida Akiko, and then picked up one himself and ate them.

Pingye fruit is a kind of tree fruit that has concentrated various flavors and rich taste. There is no astringency at all after entering the mouth, and it tastes very refreshing.

“The apple wild fruits here are so delicious!”

When Ogata Akino took the first bite, she felt that the taste was better than the apples she had eaten before. She had never eaten such delicious apples before!

Ogata Akino felt like she was in a dream today. Everything she experienced in Chiba Farm was so novel and beautiful. This also strengthened her determination to stay in Chiba Farm. .

"Yes, yes, I have only tasted such delicious tree fruits from my brother's place."

While gnawing on apples, Akiko Iida nodded in agreement.

Not long after walking, Qianye Feng discovered the Huhus who were leisurely basking in the sun on the rocks. However, he did not go over to disturb them. He just waved to them as a greeting.

The further you go, the more Arrogant Swallows are on the tree branches. Some of them are playing and playing, some are preening each other's feathers, and some are picking up a tree fruit and eating it.

Ogata Akino was actually a little scared when she saw so many Arrogant Swallows at once. After all, she knew that the elves in the wild were very difficult to mess with. Many new trainers were killed every year because they accidentally offended the elves.

Fortunately, with Qianye Feng as her backbone, she was able to hold back her uneasiness and continue to follow.

When he arrived at the King Swallow, Qianye Feng found that there were already 7 King Swallows surrounding his own King Swallow. It seemed that there were new Arrogant Swallows that had evolved during this period.

Qianye Feng is also very happy about this. After all, this means that the defense power of his farm has been improved to a certain extent. In the future, if there are dozens of King Swallows in Qianye Farm, after his unified training, I believe there is no one around here who is more powerful than his farm.

After seeing Qianye Feng, King Yan also flew down from the tree crown. Qianye Feng didn't say anything, just flapped its wings. Along the way, the bond between him and King Yan no longer needed words to express. .

"Akino, please choose one of these Arrogant Swallow's elf eggs. This is also one of the benefits of being an employee of Chiba Farm!"

Chiba Kaede took Ogata Akino to the place where the King Swallows stored the elf eggs, and then said to her.

Ogata Akino looked at the 7 or 8 Arrogant Swallow Elf Eggs in front of her, and she didn't know how to choose for a moment. After being stunned for a while, she picked out an Elf Egg with a more pleasing pattern.

At this point, Qianye Maple's inspection of Qianye Farm has been successfully concluded.

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