I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 166 The Evolution of Mosquito Repellent Repellent

Qianye Feng called Mr. Mosquito Repellent, who was inspecting rare tree fruit seedlings, to him, and then directly handed it the King's Certificate, allowing it to feel the power of the King's Certificate.

Later, Qianye Feng told the mosquito-repellent frog king and the mosquito-repellent swimmer all the specific information, allowing him to choose his own future evolutionary form.

The mosquito-repellent incense gentleman caressed the certificate of king in his hand. He felt that this elf prop was of great help to him. After wearing it, it could stimulate a certain power in his body, allowing him to naturally command other mosquito-repellent incense gentlemen and tadpoles.

This kind of command is more like an instinct, unlike before where it just relied on its strong strength to make the mosquito-repellent incense king and mosquito-repellent tadpole recognize it and regard it as the leader of the group.

Mosquito-repellent incense enjoys this feeling very much. It can feel that since it wears the certificate of king, both the mosquito-repellent incense and the tadpole have some changes in the way they look at it, as if they are born to be their king.

However, after Mr. Mosquito-Repellent Repellent took down the certificate of kingship, the status of Mr. Mosquito-Repellent Repellent and the tadpoles returned to what they were before. Although they would obey its orders, they did not have that heartfelt sense of surrender.

After struggling for a while, the mosquito-repellent incense king knew what it wanted. It wanted to be crowned the emperor and become the emperor of all mosquito-repellent incense kings and mosquito-repellent tadpoles, instead of evolving into a powerful lone ranger like the mosquito-repellent incense swimmer.

Later, Mr. Mosquito-repellent Repellent told Qianye Feng his choice, it wanted to evolve into the King of Mosquito-Repellent Frog.

Qianye Feng is actually somewhat mentally prepared for the choice of Mr. Mosquito-repellent. After all, Mr. Mosquito-repellent is now the leader of a group and is not very suitable for evolving into a mosquito-repellent swimmer.

Of course, Qianye Feng still reserves his own opinion. In his heart, he actually prefers the Mosquito-repellent Swimmer. However, he will respect his own choice and let him evolve into the Mosquito-repellent Frog King.

If the Mosquito Repellent King wants to evolve into the Mosquito Repellent Frog King, in addition to wearing the King's Certificate, he also needs to go to the Elf Center for connection exchange.

The so-called connection exchange is actually two trainers exchanging Pokémon with each other through the exchange equipment in the Pokémon Center.

For example, Trainer A has conquered a Snake Bear, but he prefers Arm Strength, and Trainer B has conquered a Snake Bear, but he prefers Snake Bear. In this case, they can exchange through connection exchange. My favorite elf.

In the process of this connection exchange, people discovered that some elves will evolve after connection exchange, such as Haoli, Ghost Stone, Yongjira, etc.

Another situation is that the elves can evolve when they carry certain props for connection and exchange. For example, the mosquito-repellent incense king can evolve into the mosquito-repellent frog king by carrying the King's Certificate for connection and exchange, and the electric shock beast can evolve into electric shock by carrying a power amplifier for connection and exchange. Warcraft and Diamond Rhinoceros can evolve into Super Armored Rhinoceros and so on by carrying protective gear and connecting and exchanging.

Of course, this does not mean that you must perform connection exchange to evolve. In the wild, some elves often evolve without connection exchange.

Qianye Feng estimated that this kind of evolution requires certain conditions. The easiest way for him now is to conduct a connection exchange so that the mosquito-repellent incense king can evolve into the mosquito-repellent frog king.

As for why connection exchange can allow Mr. Mosquito Repellent to evolve, he is not an elf doctor, so there is no need to delve into the reasons why this happens.

The elf center in Chunhua Town has a machine for connection exchange. Now, Qianye Feng only needs to find another person to exchange elf with him, and then exchange them back to evolve Mr. Mosquito Repellent.

After thinking for a while, Chiba Kaede finally decided to contact Dr. Odamaki first. He believed that Dr. Odamaki, as an elf doctor, would be interested in this kind of thing.

His feeling was correct. After he mentioned his idea to Dr. Odamaki, Dr. Odamaki readily agreed and showed great interest.

Dr. Odamaki naturally also wants to explore the connection exchange, and wants to conduct an in-depth study of the reasons why elves can evolve in this case, because the elf research community has not been able to give a scientific and reasonable explanation for connection exchange so far.

In fact, the elves that Qianye Feng can now connect, exchange and evolve include Haoli and Ghoststone, but he feels that their current strength is still in a period of rapid growth and there is no need to evolve so quickly.

Dr. Odamaki needed to prepare something for this connection exchange to monitor the entire process, so it would take some time. Chiba Kaede was not very urgent, so he agreed.

By the time Dr. Odamaki contacted him again, three days had passed. Chiba Feng, who received the notification, did not delay and directly took Mr. Mosquito Repellent back into the Poké Ball, and then asked Wang Yan to drive him to Chunhua Town. Elf Center.

After arriving at the Elf Center, Qianye Feng communicated with Miss Joy about his desire to borrow the Elf Exchange Instrument, because he could only use the Elf Exchange Instrument after Miss Joy's approval was passed.

The Elf Alliance has relatively strict control over the exchange of elves, and does not just let people exchange elves casually. After all, it is easy to use low-value elves to defraud rare elves.

Therefore, generally before exchanging elves, Ms. Joy will confirm both parties exchanging elves to prevent anyone from being deceived.

However, Qianye Maple was only used for elf evolution, and it was also connected and exchanged with the famous Dr. Odamaki. After understanding it, Miss Joy readily agreed to his request.

After everything was ready, Qianye Feng placed the Poke Ball containing Mosquito Repellent on the instrument, then pressed the transmission button, and the instrument immediately started running.

Through the display screen of the instrument, Chiba Kaede could see that what Dr. Odamaki exchanged was a Yongjira. After the exchange was completed, the Yongjira had evolved into a Hudi.

However, Qianye Feng did not release Hu Di from the elf ball, but immediately started the second exchange, exchanging the mosquito repellent king that he had evolved into the mosquito repellent frog king.

Soon, Dr. Odamaki also agreed to the exchange, and then transferred the Mosquito Frog King from his elf ball back to Qianye Maple's elf ball.

"Come out, mosquito-repellent frog king!"

Qianye Feng took out the elf ball that had completed the second elf exchange from the instrument, and then released the mosquito-repellent frog king inside.

I saw that most of the body of one was cyan, with a curly hair growing on its head, its chin, abdomen, palms and three toes were all yellow, there was a cyan mosquito coil-like pattern on its abdomen, and its cheeks were pink. The mosquito-repellent frog king appeared in front of him.

The mosquito-repellent frog king seemed very happy after he came out, and jumped in front of Qianye Feng. Although he was the mosquito-repellent king and the king of the mosquito-repellent tadpole tribe, he gave Qianye Feng a very happy feeling. He was obviously an optimistic guy.

Qianye Feng took out the Elf Encyclopedia and scanned the mosquito-repellent frog king's data, and found that it had learned several new skills.

Bounce, Bluff, Earth Force, Loud Sound

Qianye Feng feels that these skills are very good, and can well supplement the skill pool of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King, giving it more diverse methods of fighting enemies. However, because it was learned after evolution, it still needs time to practice.

After completing this connection exchange, Qianye Feng said goodbye to Miss Joy, and then returned to the artificial lake.

When he released the mosquito-repellent frog emperor, all the mosquito-repellent incense kings and mosquito-repellent tadpoles in the artificial lake immediately jumped to the shore and lined up neatly, as if to welcome their emperor back.

Qianye Feng feels that the mental outlook of these mosquito-repellent incense gentlemen and mosquito-repellent incense tadpoles are completely different now, and they no longer have the laziness and procrastination before.

As if all this was natural, the Mosquito-repellent Frog Emperor slowly walked toward them, as if he were an emperor receiving homage.

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