I'm a Farmer of the Pokémons

Chapter 175 Timely Rescue

"Xiao Quan Shi, I'm sorry!"

Shiomi Kizou looked at the dying little fist stone in front of him. He could no longer hold back the tears and kept dripping from his eyes.

Xiaoquanshi relied on his rounding and rolling attack method to be invincible and defeated 4 coyote dogs in succession.

However, Little Fist Stone's physical strength is limited after all. After so many consecutive rolling attacks, its physical strength has been exhausted. After the fifth coyote dog comes on the scene, it can't even use the rolling skill. .

Seeing that the small fist stone was about to lose, Yoshizou Shiomi gave the order to use the big explosion to the small fist stone with red eyes.

And Xiaoquanshi did not hesitate and resolutely used the big explosion skill, allowing himself and the coyote to perish together.

After the small fist stone uses the big explosion skill, it will fall into a dying state, and because the small fist stone has suffered a lot of damage before, after using the big explosion skill, it has fallen into a very dangerous situation. It can be said that If treatment cannot be obtained as soon as possible, there is a high possibility that Xiaoquanshi will lose his life.

It's just that now they are lost in the Orange Forest, and are even surrounded by the large wolfdog group. The chance of Xiaoquanshi receiving timely treatment can be said to be almost non-existent.

However, for the safety of his companions, Yoshizo Shiomi still ruthlessly asked the small fist stone to use the big explosion skill, because he knew that if he could not defeat these coyote dogs as much as possible, then none of them would be able to escape.

Just thinking that he was about to lose the small fist stone made Shiomi Kizou feel very painful.

Although he had only been with Xiao Quan Shi for a few months, the bond between him and Xiao Quan Shi was already very deep, which was why Xiao Quan Shi was willing to obey his orders and sacrifice himself.

Although the hearts of several people were very heavy, this battle concerning their life and death was not over yet. At this time, the opponent still had three coyote dogs that had not yet entered the field, and only Arisa Iwasawa's was left on their side. Mushrooms are ready to fight.

Now a few people can only hope that Mushroom can defeat the remaining coyote dogs and win them a chance to survive, otherwise Xiaoquanshi's sacrifice will become meaningless.

At this time, the pressure was completely on Arisa Iwasawa, and the two companions had tried their best to make the situation slightly better. As long as she could defeat the three coyote dogs, she could win a life for several people.

I don't know if it was because of the high pressure, but Momoguchi frequently made mistakes under the command of Iwasawa Arisa, and was suppressed by the first coyote for a while.

"Arisa, don't think about anything now and focus all your attention on the battle."

After Kazuma Shirakawa saw Arisa Iwasawa's performance, he reminded him.

After receiving Kazuma Shirakawa's reminder, Iwasawa Arisa finally came to her senses, and she began to focus on the battle.

After that, Mushroom, under the command of Arisa Iwasawa, won the victory by using paralysis powder, parasitic seeds, and draining the coyote dog's physical strength.

This is also the advantage of grass-type elves. As long as they cannot be killed with one hit, they can use their ability to absorb life force to consume their opponents alive.

Later, the same was true for the second coyote dog that came on the scene. After a long struggle, it was still drained of its strength by the parasitic seeds, causing it to lose its fighting ability.

Although there was only one coyote left, Mushroom still felt tired after two battles. Although its vitality was replenished through the absorption and parasitic seed skills, mental fatigue was still inevitable.

In order to get the trainer out of danger, Momomoguo worked hard to overcome his mental fatigue and fought a fierce battle with the last coyote dog.

Finally, after getting a lot of scratches on its body, it still defeated the coyote dog, but at this time, Mushroom was at the end of his strength.

However, before a few people could start celebrating their escape from death, another big wolf dog suddenly walked out from the opposite side. At this time, the eyes of the leader of the big wolf dog were full of teasing.

The leader of the big wolf dog never wanted to let these people go from the beginning. The reason why he asked the coyote dogs to challenge them was partly to train these cubs, and partly to tease them.

First, he gave Arisa Iwasawa hope and then dashed that hope. The leader of the big wolf dog enjoyed the desperate expression of his prey in this situation.

At this time, the three people were completely desperate. They did not expect that even if they defeated all the coyote dogs, these big wolf dogs would not want to let them go.

The only elf they can rely on now is Mushroom. But with Mushroom's current state, it is estimated that the Great Wolf Dog only needs one blow to make it lose its ability to fight.

Just as the big wolf dog rushed towards several people, a figure jumped down from the nearby tree, and then stood in front of the big wolf dog.

The sudden unfamiliar figure also caused the big wolf dog to give up the attack, and at the same time, it also opened some distance to prevent itself from being attacked.

At this time, both sides saw clearly that the figure that suddenly appeared was a powerful figure missing its right arm. However, the leader of the big wolf dog did not relax his vigilance because of this. Instead, he became nervous. This was the head of Arisa Iwasawa. This was the first time I saw the leader of the big wolfdog showing such a cautious attitude.

The leader of the big wolf dog can feel a powerful aura from Hao Li. This kind of momentum has only been felt by a few overlords in the forest, so he is ready to call other big wolf dogs to attack Hao Li in front of him. .

It turns out that Chiba Kaede had already arrived at the scene when Iwasawa Arisa's Momogu was fighting the last hyena dog.

However, after he saw that several people were not in danger for the time being, he did not show up immediately. He waited until the big wolf dog attacked several people before he sent out Haoli to rescue them.

Haoli has a deep entanglement with the large wolfdog group. Although the large wolfdog group in front of him is not the one he encountered before, he still hates this kind of elves in his heart.

"Are you guys okay?"

Qianye Feng walked up to a few people from behind the trees and asked.

"Thank you for saving us. We are fine. Only Xiao Quanshi was seriously injured. If he is not treated quickly, his life may be in danger."

After Iwasawa Arisa and others saw Qianye Kaede, they felt as if they had come from hell to heaven, but they couldn't help but feel sad when they thought of the dying little fist stone.

"Shuttlecock, use the grass field!"

After Qianye Feng took a look at the seriously injured Little Fist Stone, he directly released Shuttlecock Flower and let it use the grass field skill to treat the Little Fist Stone.

While Shuttlecock was treating Xiao Quan Shi, the battle between Hao Li and the five big wolf dogs also began.

These big wolf dogs cooperated very well, using the same method they usually used to hunt powerful prey. Through constant harassment, Haoli was unable to concentrate on attacking one of the big wolf dogs, and could only be slowly worn to death by them. .

This method may be useful if used to deal with other elves, but it is not very effective for Haoli. After all, Haoli has suffered too much during this period.

After Hao Li locked onto a big wolf dog, he immediately gave up defending against the attacks of other big wolf dogs and used his tile-splitting skills to hit it, directly beating the big wolf dog out of its ability to fight.

Of course, Haoli was also attacked by the other four big wolf dogs at this time, resulting in a few more scars on his body, but this damage was nothing to Haoli.

As for why Qianye Feng only allowed Haoli to fight, this was actually Haoli's own request. It wanted to rely on its own strength to defeat the nightmare hidden deep in its heart.

Immediately afterwards, Haoli repeated his old tricks. After adding a lot of damage to his body, he defeated all the other big wolf dogs except the leader.

Hao Li was even more disgusted with this cunning and insidious leader of the big wolf dog. Facing the leader of the big wolf dog that rushed towards him, Haoli did not dodge and allowed the leader of the big wolf dog to use his crushing skills to die. Biting his left leg.

Although he was bitten by the big wolf dog leader and his blood flowed, Haoli just focused his energy on his left hand with an expressionless face, and then smashed it hard at the big wolf dog leader.

Haoli had no control over this explosive punch with astonishing power, and used his most powerful explosive punch to hit the leader of the big wolf dog.

After the leader of the big wolf dog received such a heavy blow, he just howled miserably, and then fell down softly, completely losing his ability to fight.

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